Pueblo Bonito was the largest communal dwelling in pre-Columbian North America.  There were over
600 rooms and over 36 Kivas (ceremonial meeting places).  Pueblo Bonito was constructed in stages starting around 900 A.D. with the most extensive construction between 1075 A.D. to 1115 A.D. Thirty thousand tons
of stone and thousands of timbers spread out over 3 acres.  If you would compare this to an apartment complex, you would not see anything of this size in North America until the end of the 1800s.  At it's height, 1100 A.D., Chaco Canyon had a population of 2,000 to 6,000 people scattered over many
communities, of which
Pueblo Bonito was the central and single largest community. 
Chaco Canyon poses many questions.  The question I ask is why live there?  Building materials such as
timbers sometimes had to come from 30 miles away.  Agriculture can be practiced but the arid climate makes
it a gamble.  Despite their efforts at irrigation, it appears that local agriculture could only support about
2,000 people under optimum conditions.  There is the argument that Chaco Canyon sustained itself by trade 
with different cultures such as the Toltecs.  The trade with the Toltecs centered around luxury goods such as turquoise exchanged for copper bells and Macaw feathers, but most experts believe that their economy could not have been sustained by such trade. Then there is the question of why so many rooms were built that do not appear to have been used.  Most of the rooms have no hearths and many of the lower rooms were filled in to suport the rooms above.  Also, analysis of their trash dumps gives evidence that Pueblo Bonito never had full occupancy, with perhaps only 100 people calling it a permanent home.
What Pueblo Bonito looks like   today.  
For more
What Pueblo Bonito may have looked like in 1100 A.D.
The Great Kiva, and a petroglyph on nearby Fajada Butte that appears to refer to Pueblo Bonito.
Pueblo Bonito was a great accomplishment of the Chaco Phenomenon.  From about 900 A.D. to 1100 A.D. there was a climate change resulting in regular summer rains.  There was an explosion in agriculture productivity and the population of the Anasazi people.  There were huge construction projects on "Great Houses" and road networks.  BUT, in 1130 A.D. a fifty year drought began that started the end of Chaco Canyon.  By 1200 A.D., Chaco Canyon was mostly abandoned. There is much debate about Chaco Canyon and new speculations are quite shocking.  What I have concluded about Pueblo Bonito is that it was a magnificent structure constructed with great planning and effort over at least 10 generations.