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through in every aspect of every track, and even in the brilliant cover artwork. In fact, the back cover is perhaps the best, albeit most subtle, encapsulation of an album in Summer’s entire career - the star in rags, barefoot on a rainy street, the surrounding world reduced to an artificial set, the eye of God aimed right at her…essays could be written about this album and its cuts. It cannot be overrated.

Scott is an attorney in New York City. He has extensively reviewed Donna's catalogue on the Endless Summer Forum http://www.delphi.com/endless_summer/start/


The Wanderer

A Review

by Scott

The Wanderer is without a doubt Donna Summer’s career masterpiece. The glossy-yet-hard production perfectly matches the album’s cynical, darkly urban themes. The songs almost all achieve a subtly disquieting effect by matching festive dance/rock beats with stormily moody synthesizers and angry guitar work. Summer’s voice, carefully restrained, has an unearthly, often desolate, quality that effectively heightens the album’s already intense neo-noir aesthetic. The disk’s over-arching theme - exploration of the soul’s journey through the dark underside of city life, from the gutters to the highrises - is followed

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