Dolphingyrl38's Page
Hey everyone!  This is my new and improved page!  I hope you like it!  Don't forget to sign my guestbook while you're here!  Send me stuff and check out my other pages!  It's a way better site than before, so I hope you like it!
Weekly Poll!
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Click here and e-mail me your answer!  Check back next week to see the results!
Weekly Poll Results!
Do you like the layout?
     A. Yes     100%
     B. No       0%
Thanks for sending your answers!  Check back later for next weeks answers!
Fast Facts!
A pack of howling wolves can be heard from 10 miles (16 km) away!
Stuff to E-mail Me!
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     Your favorite animal
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     Suggestions for website
     A poll question
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I hope you liked my website!  Come back and visit sometime!
Magical Things
This is the Charmed one's symbol!
These are the Charmed one's, Piper, Paige, and Phoebe!
Hey!  If you liked any of these things, I have a place where you can get them too!  There are Harry Potter things above and Charmed things above.  Just visit the sites I made for them to find out more!
For old polls.....
To visit my Harry Potter site, click the arrow!  Take the poll!
To visit my Charmed site, click the arrow!  Take the poll!
Other Sites
Visit a site about my church! There's lots to learn!
Visit my puzzles site!  Get your name in the Hall of Fame!
Visit my fast facts site!
Visit the Hall of Fame!
Visit the Book of Shadows from Charmed!
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