Puzzles Page
Hey!  Check out these riddles and other things!  If you think you've got it figured out, e-mail me the answer to it!  Whoever gets it right will be in the Hall of Fame!  It will change every week and the answer will be posted with it!  If you wanna send me a riddle, just e-mail it to me!
Riddle of the Week!
If a hen that has no owner lays an egg on the border of the USA and Canada, who owns the egg?
Riddle Answer & Winner!
The answer was "the hen"! The winner is Kim Trang!
Check out my Charmed site!
Check out my church site!
Check out my Harry Potter site!
Check out my Old Polls site!
Click here to e-mail me your answer and other riddles!
Check out my fast facts site!
Paint me up and I am pretty.
File me down and I am healthy.
But cut too much and pain I bring.
What is this mysterious thing?
Check out the Hall of Fame!
Check out the Book of Shadows!
I try to put easy ones on here so more people can answer!  If you want harder ones, just let me know!
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