The Book of Shadows
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This is a book of spells that the Charmed ones used to help them defeat demons and warlocks.  It's like their best friend.
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Episode 1-Something Wicca This Way Comes Episode 2-I've Got You Under My Skin
Javna-A demon that feeds once a week out of every year by stealing the life force from the young, by invoking the black magic power of the evil eye.
Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night.  The oldest of gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought.  In this night and in this hour, we call upon the ancient power.  Bring your powers to we sisters three.  We want the power.  Give us the power.
          ~To receive powers
The Hand of Fatima-The Prophet Mohammad invoked this centuries ago to banish Javna back to the underworld.
The power of three will set us free.
     ~To vanquish a warlock
Evil eyes look onto thee.
May they soon extinguish thee.
Bend they will to the Power of Three.
Eye of earth, evil and a curse.
          ~To invoke the Hand of
             Fatima to banish Javna
Episode 3-Thank You For Not Morphing
Episode 4-Dead Man Dating
Yama-The gatekeeper of hell.  If he captures your soul before your body has been properly buried, he will take you to hell with him.  He does not care if you were good or bad during you life.
Crysalite-A stone that Egyptians believed would protect you from spells and enchantments.
When in the circle that is home
Evil's gone and safety roams
Rid all beings from these walls
Save sisters three, now heed our call.
     ~To rid an evil being from home
Have a proper burial before Yama finds your soul.
     ~To defeat Yama, just banishes
Episode 6-Wedding From Hell
Episode 5-Dream Sorcerer
Hacati-She is the Queen of the Underworld that comes to earth every 200 years, but never ages.  She needs a man to empregnate her so her demon child will look normal on the outside, but be evil on the inside.
Dream Sorcerer-He comes to you in your dreams after you reject him.  He kills you in your dream, making you die in real life.
Either wake up from your dream and have him come back in your next dream, or kill him in your dream, causing him to die in real life.
          ~To kill the Dream Sorcerer
Hacati's spell on the man that is to empregnate her can be broken by a declaration of love sealed with a kiss.
     ~To break Hacati's spell
I conjure thee, I conjure thee.
I am the queen, you are the bee.
As I desire, so shall it be.
     ~To attract a lover
        Reversable at any time
By Asertia and Persees,
Open the sky and do your worst!
     ~To cause bad weather
Episode 8-The Truth Is Out There And It Hurts
Episode 7-The Fourth Sister
Future Demon-Sucks the life out of people to stop the creation of a vaccine that will kill all warlocks.
Cali-An evil sorceress cursed into her own demention, she appears in reflections and can possess innocents then uses them to steal witches powers.
Pierce his third eye on his forehead.
     ~To kill the Future Demon
Shatter her reflection.
     ~To kill Cali
For those who want the truth revealed, opened hearts and secrets unsealed from now until it's now again, after which the memory ends.  Those who now are in this house will hear the truth from others mouths.
     ~Truth Spell
Come to me Cali,
I conjure thee Cali.
Come to me Cali,
I conjure thee Cali.
     ~To call Cali's relection
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