The Wolf Pack

Welcome to the Wolf Pack, here you
can learn all about the life of wolves

A wolf pack is a social family, they are always in communication, and always watchful of eachother.
Wolves never travel far from eachother, for there is safety in numbers. But some wolves travel out on their own and never return, for they find a mate and start a family of there own.

In a pack young wolves by the age of two years old usually find a place in the pack rankings. The rankings start early in life for amoung wolf puppies there are ranks, the strongest one is the leader and usually the ranking of the puppies contunie into adult hood.
More Info about Rankings in the Wolf Pack: In the wolf pack the ranking change over amount of time. If the leader grows old or becomes injured a beta wolf will rise up and assume the role of the alpha wolf.

When a wolf challenges the alpha wolf it is usually a beta wolf. When this challege happens it is not a serious challenge and usually light(in the sense of rough or light). It is more of a test. As years go by, a time will come when the beta wolf will want a serious challenge for the role of alpha!
Even a serious challenge normally ends without harm to either wolf. If the beta wolf wins the "battle", the ex-alpha wolf may be allowed to stay in the pack for a little while. That depends on if the ex-alpha wolf ruled the pack.

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