World Of Wolves

Welcome to the World of Wolves, Enjoy!

Welcome to the World Of Wolves, to the World Of Wonders!
Here you can learn most of all there is to know about Wolves! All I know will soon be all you know, about these amazing creature's known as the Wolves. Many people believe wolves to be dangerous, but many people are wrong for wolves are afraid of humans more then we care to notice.

On this page I will tell you about Acclimating Wolves and a section titled: From Gray Wolves to Red Wolves, then fell free to continue looking at the rest of my site. All information has been looked up over internet or library, so you know that all the info is correct.

From Gray Wolves to Red Wolves

Some gray wolves were caught in the wild in Canada and flown to Yellowstone National Park and released. The release is actually not a reintroduction. When the wolves are captured and release into a new area it is called "translocation" (trans-low-CAY-shun)

Red wolves are released at Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, in North Carolina. In 1987 the wolves were successfully "reintroduced" to the wild. The first group of red wolves to be released into the wild were born in captivity. Prior to their release they had never set foot outside their pens and had never killed a prey animal. Despite their lack of wild experience ,the first red wolves did quite well. They learned to hunt and to kill prey, how to find their way in the woods, and perhaps most importantly, how to stay away from people.

Some may ask why release wolves into the wild?
Well here is why:
* Without a top predator, sick animals can linger and spread the disease they are carrying to other animals.
* Wolves and other predators keep the number of prey animals to a manageable level. For instance, if there are too many deer or elk in a snall area they might overbrowse the area and destroy the habitat. When a habitat is destroyed, this hurts all of the animals living in it.

As a top predator the wolf's job is to weed out sick and injured animals, and to keep the animal population under control. Wolves were once found in almost every kind of habitat in the USA. When we killed the wolves, some prey populations became too big and this damaged the habitat. Releasing wolves back into the wild helps to restore a "natural" balance to the ecosystem.

Another good reason for reintroducing wolves is economic. It has been proven that wild wolves bring in millions of dollars from tourists traveling to parks and refuges, and wilderness areas that have wolves. These "tourist dollars" provide jobs for people living in cities and towns near the wild places where wolves live.

Click Here for info on Acclimating Wolves
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