"Protection of the Young"

In a pack the beta, and lower ranked, wolves have to watch over the Wolf cubs, why'll others go hunting. Most of the pack is made up of family members, so why'll the parents of the cubs go hunt the aunt or the uncles will what over the cubs.

Once the pups leave the den, they are looked after by the entire pack. The pups bond with the other wolves in the pack. If a wolf is raised by people instead of wolves, it will bond to people at this point. The older pack members help by bringing food back for the young pups and watching for predators like eagles and hawks that might try to take the pups. After the wolf pups are nine weeks old, the pack moves from the den area to a site where the pups can safely play while the rest of the pack hunts.

At about the age of two months the pups emerge from their den. The adult wolves then move them to a meadow or an open area known as a "rendezvous site" that si near dense forest or other cover. The young are left there, sometimes with a subordinate adult, when adults go off togehter to hunt. All members of the pack cooperate in feeding, protecting, and training the pups.

When a wolf is hunting and the pups are in the meadow or in the den the wolves will communicate with eachother through the howl!


A wolf can't survive by her own self alone.
She must recognize the instincts of the wild.
She must flow with the wolf pack.
Wherever they may travel to which will take her into the
complex ecosystem look at me.
I am not a lone wolf.
I am the alpha female with my many pups
a very powerful wolf.
We howl with the pack not alone.
by: Joy Harto
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