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Java Applets Problems

  1. Each applet is appropriatly named and can be downloaded at each example. The file is either a self extracting file or a zip file.
  2. Copy the files into your web (sub-)directory.
  3. The text in the white box needs to be copied and pasted into your web page. Preferably pasted at the point you'd like the visiters to view it.
  4. For the applet to work you must make sure it is surrounded by <applet> & </applet> tags.
  5. Also code="the applet file.class" must be entered.
  6. If file is stored in a sub-directory then add codebase="dir name/".
  7. You may wish to specify the height and width dimensions in pixels.
  8. There are some additional commands you can use but the examples given do not necassitate it.
  9. All files include hints and advice on how to improve the applet, with <param> tags. Try them no damage will occur.
  10. If problems still persist contact me by e-mail.


JavaScript Problems

Having problems with Javascript?

  1. Is the text in the box? If not then let me now to ASAP and i'll get right on it.
  2. Copy and Paste the text into your web page
  3. Remember to read the instructions carefully as some of them need you to cut and paste into more than one stage of your web site.
  4. Try saving it again after the alterations.
  5. If you are still having trouble please e-mail m

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Copyright 2001 by Dave Jones
Last Updated: 12th March 2001

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