Bertha Nahrhaft Family

Bertha Nahrhaft

born: 13 Apr 1891, Wiedowitz,Tachau District,Bohemia,Austria, at #6
died: 1975, Milwaukee,Milwaukee Co.,WI
spouse: Karl TITSCHER
marr: 29 Jun 1922, Vienna,Austria
born: 23 Jan 1880, Froellersdorf,Kreis Nikolsburg,Moravia,Austria
died: 14 May 1956, Milwaukee,Milwaukee Co.,WI
Pauline L. Titcher

Pedigree Chart

                      |--------Johann Josef NAHRHAFT (1790, Austria - 1837, Austria)
           |---------Franz Josef NAHRHAFT (1826, Austria - 1859, Austria)
           |          |
           |          |--------Anna Maria GEBERT (1787, Austria - 1827, Austria)
  |------Carl NAHRHAFT (1860, Austria - 1921, Czechoslovakia)
  |        |
  |        |          |--------Peter WARTHA (1791, Austria - )
  |        |          |
  |        |---------Katharina WARTHA (1827, Austria - Austria)
  |                   |
  |                   |--------Maria Anna RÖSCH (1790, Austria - )
Bertha NAHRHAFT (1891, Austria - 1975, WI)
  |                   |--------
  |                   |
  |        |---------Johann BEHR ( - )
  |        |          |
  |        |          |--------
  |        |
  |------Magdalena BEHR (1865, Austria - 1949, Germany)
           |          |--------
           |          |
           |---------Anna MAYER (Austria - )

Bertha lived in Vienna district XI from 1916-1922. She came to the USA in 1922.

Sources for this individual: @S50@ @S248@

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