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Quebec Branch

La section de Quebec a demande de changer son nom a la section de Montreal Metro vu qu'une deuxieme section est en voie d'etre formee dans la region de la ville de Quebec. Ceci auraait pu porter a confusion et donc leur changement d'appellation a ete approuve. La nouvelle section Montreal Metro est en pleine campagne de recrutement et on soe esperer que les effectifs vont augmenter.

Quebec Branch has requested a change of name to Metro Montreal Branch in view of a second branch to be formed in Quebec City. Because of the posible confusion with the new branch, the name change was approved. Metro Montreal Branch is undertaking a recruting drive that they hope will increase their numbers.


The Quebec Branch will be the main host for the DMA AGM & CSD 99 and participating host for OpMed 99.


Are you eligible for membership in DMA? If you answer any or all of the following questions "yes", then you may be eligible for active or associate membership.

  1. Are you a serving or retired member of the RCAMC or CFMS either Regular or Reserve?
  2. Are you a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces now engaged in a medical profession?
  3. Are you a retired or serving military member of the Medical Services of a country belonging to NATO, SEATO or ASEAN or the British Commonwealth?
  4. Are you a medical professional with a strong interest in aspects of military medicine or Canada's Armed Forces?

If you fulfill conditions for membership you may join at our Membership Page, you will then be contacted by the National Secretary with a request for fees, currently $55.00 per year, and also directed to your nearest Branch for affiliation. Branch fees vary but currently none exceed $15.00 per year, and are forwarded to the branch from the National. DMA is also registered as a Charitable Organization and is in a position to issue tax receipts for donations.

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