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Alberta Branch

Update on Southern Alberta Branch

Establishing a Branch for Southern Alberta centered on Calgary have not be successful todate. Total membership for Alberta hs dropped off, and locating executive officers in the south has not occured. Any intrested, please speek up!

Alberta Branch
of the
Defence Medical Association of Canada
in association with
15 (Edmonton) Medical Company
held the
Annual Burns Supper
at the
Faculty Club, University of Alberta.

agm & csd 98
Burns Supper
22 January 2000
Faculty Club
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

1900 for 1930hrs
tariff, $60 per person
Dress, Mess Kit, Highalnd Regalia, Black Tie, Business Suit

Refelections of 2000

It was not as cold as '99, but the Immortal Memory was jsut as spirited. Col. Angus Munn provided not only a jovial presentation but also one of education. His booming voice would not need to be miked normally; however with the raucous croud, the true scholar of Burns would have had to listen closely! It was a sellout croud, and Mr. Vice did not need to secure any wine nor whisky despite the designated drivers and limo's.

Refelections of '99

It was one of the coldest nights of the year, reaching minus 33 degrees C. The Faculty Club great front glass windows which normally provided a vast panorama vista of the Edmonton skyline and river valley now produced the frosted cool backdrop against the backsides of the head table. Additional penance!

The uncompromising Bob Devine provided the spirited rendition of the Immortal Memory. This, no doubt, helped greatly in the return to balmy near zero tempatures of the next day!

A great time was had. The "Athol Brose" was smoother and the Hagus tasted delightful. Those new to exploring their Scottish heritage debunked the adage that the Hagus tastes better with a little Scotch dribbled on it.

The Defence Medical Association is an all ranks organization which hold various functions through the year. The Alberta Branch holds a Burns Supper, that combines the traditional Burns activities within the structure of a military mess dinner, producing an Alberta varriation for the Burns Supper.The evening fare includes not only the expected Haggis and Black Pudding but also the main entree of a Prime Rib of Beef , for Rabbie's father did raised cattle.

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Links to Information on Burns, and the Burns Supper!

Burns Supper
Burns Suppers have been part of Scottish culture for about 200 years as a means of commemorating our best loved bard. And when Burns immortalised haggis in verse he created a central link that is maintained to this day.

Rabbie Burns
Robert Burns is Scotland's best-loved bard and Burns Suppers have been held in his honour for over 200 years. This site gives you the complete guide to Robert Burns the man, his poems, haggis and much more.

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  1. Are you a serving or retired member of the RCAMC or CFMS either Regular or Reserve?
  2. Are you a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces now engaged in a medical profession?
  3. Are you a retired or serving military member of the Medical Services of a country belonging to NATO, SEATO or ASEAN or the British Commonwealth?
  4. Are you a medical professional with a strong interest in aspects of military medicine or Canada's Armed Forces?

If you fulfill conditions for membership you may join at our Membership Page. Once your membership fees, currently $55.00 per year, are received as outlined on that page, you will be contacted by the Branch, National Treasurer or National Secretary, and also directed to your nearest Branch for affiliation. DMA is also registered as a Charitable Organization and is in a position to issue tax receipts for donations.

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