Divulgando o Sapateado Por Aí !
Informativo enviado periodicamente para sapateadores, academias e companhias 
com muita informação sobre o que acontece com o SAPATEADO pelo Brasil.

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Este site está indicado em algumas das mais importantes páginas de sapateado e de dança do mundo, com a TapDance Homepage, além de ter sido matéria em importantes veículos de divulgação da dança, como a revista da International Tap Association e do boletim TapWorld, entre muitos outros.


No Exterior:

Tap Dance Homepage (TAPDANCE.ORG)
A mais tradicional página de sapateado,
referência mundial

"A free newsletter (in Portuguese), managed since 1998 by Brazilian tap dance enthusiast Marcelo Batalha from Rio De Janeiro. Each week, Marcelo talks about events, shows, web sites, TV programs, workshops and other important information about tap dance in Brazil. Marcelo organizes all the information (sent by tap dancers or searched at internet and written publications) and sends it by email to tappers worldwide."


  Academias pelo Brasil
  TapWeb Cintia Martin
  Bill "Bojangles" Robinson
  Gene Kelly
  Gregory Hines
  Sapateado na Mídia
  Links na Internet
  Citações dos Boletins
Em maio de 2002, a homepage do Divulgando
passou a ser indicada também pelo site

Em setembro de 2001, passou a ser indicado também pelo site
Washington DCDanceNet


Em junho de 2001, passou a ser indicado também pelo site do
Chicago Human Rhythm Project

"CoolNet", Portugal

Suite101 - Real People Helping Real People

National Tap Ensemble - Links

Jazz Tap Center Homepage
Avi Miller e Ofer Ben, Israel

Swift Rhythm Hoofers
Australia's Home of Rhythm Tap on the Internet - Links

No Brasil:

Zoom.com.br - Site de buscas da Globo.com

"Barão em Revista"
(Reportagem especial sobre o Divulgando)

"Dica do Dia" - Seleção Diária de Sites

"Links & Sites" - Seleção dos Melhores Sites do Brasil

iDance - Matérias e Links

Star's Dance



Página de Links do "Crazy to Dance"

Petite Danse - Links


O informativo Divulgando o Sapateado Por Aí foi matéria da coluna de Luiz Antônio Gravatá, do jornal "O Globo", considerada a "coluna social da Informática", no dia 25 de setembro de 2000 :

No jornal impresso :

Na internet :

Caderno "Internet" - Jornal "O Dia", RJ
Coluna "On-Line", de Alessandra Carneiro, de 06 de dezembro de 2000

(A mesma matéria, na página de "O Dia" na internet)


O informativo Divulgando o Sapateado Por Aí foi matéria de dois dos mais importantes veículos de divulgação do sapateado pelo mundo, a "On Tap - ITA Newsletter" (edição Julho/Agosto de 2000) e o "TapWorld Bulletin" (de 19 de maio de 2000). Também no TapWorld Bulletin, em 17 de julho de 2000, saiu matéria minha sobre o Tap Encontro 2000.

Textos publicado no
TapWorld Bulletin...

... em 19 de maio de 2000 :

"- 'Divulgando o Sapateado Por Ai'

If you understood this, then you speak Portuguese. And if you speak Portuguese, you may want to check out this free newsletter managed since 1998 by Brazilian tap dance enthusiast Marcelo Batalha from Rio De Janeiro. Each week, Marcelo talks about events, shows, web sites, TV programs, workshops and other important information about tap dance in Brazil. Marcelo organizes all the information (sent by tap dancers or searched at internet and written publications) and sends it by email to almost 500 tappers from Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Namibia, France and USA.

'Spreading Tap Dance Everywhere' is the motto, and we like it! Você fala o português? Then visit http://www.geocities.com/divulgando and participate!" "

... em 17 de julho de 2000 :

"Brazil celebrated Tap Dance Day with many events all around the country. Once again, Rio de Janeiro's "Tap Encontro/Tap Workshop" was a great sucess. Claudio Figueira organized a big event with many companies from Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Campinas, Piracicaba, Blumenau, Florianopolis, Curitiba and many other cities, including Vienna, Austria. Van "The Man" Porter and Baakari Wilder were the teachers of this workshop and the guest stars of these days full of tap dancing and joy, from 25 to 28 of May, at "Academia do Tap", the Flavio Salles' tap studio at Rio. On May 25, Van and Baakari were the guest stars of a famous TV program at Globo Television, "Jo Soares": they gave an interview and danced during many amazing minutes. Other TVs and newspapers also divulgate the event too.

On May 26, after the classes, there were a great and informal meeting of tap dancers at "Bastidores", Stella Antunes' bar where happens a lot of different events every day. This was the night of a jam session, and again Van and Baakari showed their swing, precision and criativity. Many great Brazilian tap dancers participated, as Claudio Figueira, Christiane Matallo, Steven Harper, Cintia Martin and many others. Van Porter called Stella Antunes and Cintia Martin to improvise with him, and Baakari Wilder presented ininterrupted minutes of a improvised simphony to the embeved people. It was a great night.

May 27 was the day of the show. "Tap Encontro 2000 Show" had hundreds of enthusiasted people expecting a lot of different and criative choreographies. The show began with the amateur groups, with a big surprise: a lot of children, new dancers showing that tap dance has a great future in Brazil. Professional groups presented great routines, as Luizz Tap Company, Claquettes Company, Patibiribia, La Danse, Banana Broadway Sapateado, Totally Tap, Academia do Tap and many others. One of the great moments of the night was the performance of Cintia Martin, with her 7-months pregnancy, in a electrical improvisation with Bruce Henry's bass. Claudio Figueira's "So De Sapato Tap Company" remembered parts of the show "Brazil De Sapatos" presented at Cacilda Becker Theater, in Rio this month. Finally, Van Porter and Baakari Wilder presented the gran finale of the night, precious minutes of virtuosity and rhythm. After Baakari's great performance, both of them called Claudio, Cintia and all the tap dancers presented at Teatro Odylo Costa to go to stage and perform happy routines. A great party, celebrating Tap Dance Day.

At Sunday's afternoon, May 28, some of the companies presented their choreographies at Recreio Shopping, ending in a great and happy way Rio's tap meeting.

Many cities organized other important tap events in order to celebrate Tap Dance Day: Sao Paulo, Franca, Araraquara, Sorocaba and many others. In Uberlandia there were a workshop with Cintia Martin, in Piracicaba with Steven Harper and in Fortaleza with Valeria Pinheiro. Campinas had a great celebration, workshops with Andreas Danel e Luizz Baldijao and many parties at many places and many nights of performance. Brazilian Tap Dance is really growing at Brazil.

Report submitted by : Marcelo Batalha, Rio de Janeiro

... outra matéria, também em
19 de maio de 2000 :

Classes with Van Porter and Baakari Wilder (USA) who will also guest star in the show "Tap Encontro 2000" on May 27. "Tap Encontro 2000" is a big meeting of tap dancers and companies from many many cities of Brazil, including amateurs, professionals, and the great names of Brazilian Tap Dance, like Cintia Martin, Claudio Figueira, Bia Mattar, Christiane Matallo, Steven Harper, Luizz Baldijao and many others. There will be many other events in other cities, like Campinas, Fortaleza (with Valeria Pinheiro), Florianopolis, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto and many other places where tap dance is really becoming famous and with many new tap students. Tap Dance in Brazil is growing up very quickly every year.

Submitted by: Marcelo Batalha, Rio de Janeiro

Matérias na ITA Newsletter
Revista "OnTap", enviada para associados da
International Tap Association

A "OnTap" é uma publicação da International Tap Association,
uma revista enviada a seus associados espalhados por todo o mundo
contendo matérias sobre o que aconteceu e o que vai acontecer
com sapateado nos mais diferentes países - eventos, cursos, etc.
Algumas notícias enviadas por mim foram publicadas na revista,
e para nossa alegria o Divulgando foi motivo de matéria na edição
de Jul/Ago de 2000, e outros textos enviados por mim aparecerem em
inúmeras outras edições desta importante revista de sapateado :

Edição de Jul/Ago 2000 :

Edição de Jan/Fev 2001 :

Outra matéria na mesma
edição de Jan/Fev 2001 :

Edição de Jan/Fev 2000 :

Edição de Set/Out 1999 :

Edição de Mai/Jul 1999 :

Divulgando o Sapateado Por Aí Copyright© 2000-2002 - Marcelo Batalha - Todos os direitos reservados
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws