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            Designnet was established in 1989 in Hong Kong with the purpose to help small and medium size companies who do not have an in house designer for doing occasional design related businesses.  Our services includes all sorts of product designs and all sorts of graphic designs; and we could handle printing production as well.  Due to our worldwide honest frequent communications, we can introduce other design professionals to handle your offer if the job is beyond our capabilities.








Product Design Graphic Design Company Identity Clock Design Watch Design Package Design Catalogue Design Blister Design Label Design Instruction Design Academic Support Big Banner Webpage Design Art Gallery Companions Friends Cyber Cafe King's Park Jokes Vendors


  1. 網上商店 Designnet's own retail shop online  free gifts for primary schools and kindergarten...............

  2. 創業套餐 Beginner's package

  3. 產品設計 Product Design

  4. 平面設計 Graphic Design

  5. 公司形象 Company Identity

  6. 時鐘設計 Clock Design

  7. 腕錶設計 Watch Design

  8. 包裝設計 Package Design

  9. 產品目錄 Catalogue Design and Production

  10. 吸塑包裝 Blister Design

  11. 膠貼設計 Label Design

  12. 說明書設計 Instruction Design, writing and translating

  13. 支援學介 Academic Support

  14. 大型噴畫 Large Area Inkjets, design and produce

  15. 網頁設計 Webpage Design

  16. 樂悠揚名畫集 Art Gallery

  17. 商業伙伴 Honourable Companions

  18. 愛利華歷險記 Oliver's Travel

  19. 一場相識 Friends

  20. 網上咖啡店_Cyber Cafe

  21. 鬧市綠洲 King's Park

  22. 嘻嘻哈哈 Humour

  23. 鄙人履歷 Art Certs

  24. 公司陣容_About our company

  25. 生活雜錦 Miscellaneous

  26. 曲面三角 Area of a spherical triangle

  27. 重力磁場 Gravitational Magnetism

  28. 專業人仕 Professionals

  29. 職業訓練局 Vocational Training Council

  30. 免費贈品 Bonus Gifts

  31. 歡迎加盟 Join us





So, now, so much photos and drawings you have seen; if there is anything that I can help you, whether it is my favourite design jobs or you want to find a manufacturer or design related businessman, feel free to call me. I am Benji Chiu.

Designnet Contacts:

Telephone: 2873 0981

Fax: 2125 6075

Email Address: [email protected]

Skype coming soon. If you can't find me by phone, leave a message to me by email and I'll get to you soon.

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