





A few words: I always wonder why kids like superman, batman, starwars, aliens...etc. Even grown ups like Robocop, Terminator...etc kind of epic comic. Well, because in reality, the Devil always wins.


A few words from Felix Tsang:

> Hi Benji,

Your assumption that most women avoid from men cannot apply to Sam Ho because he has got a wife who can quench his thirsty desire already. In fact, I believe that if we are rich, we can get a wife easily. You know, many women do not care how a man looks like, behaves or reputes. What they are comcerned is whether that man can financially support them. Does the man have enough money for them to spend? Can u c many famous and pretty movie stars and TV stars who are waiting for those "billionaire" to marry them, just like those fishermen waiting patiently for a fish to bite the bait and get onto the hook. Benji, once if u get rich, u will not worry when u will get married. They are looking for u. Somebody says many women are just a few feet above u.What u need is jump up and grasp them. Please don't remind me that I and all our old schoolmates are in our late forties.

Best Regards,

Felix Tsang


A Few Words for Felix Tsang from Benji: How disromantic !


** Mr. Felix Tsang is an qualified Electrical Engineer from Alberta, Canada and had worked in TVB for a few years.

** Mr. Sam Ho is an well qualified accountant who now has his own accounting company in Central.


