Nezuji's Stuff


Hiya! This is a page of semi-random stuff produced by me; Nezuji. 'Course, that isn't my real name, but the odds are good that any time you see someone going by that name somewhere on the IntarWeb, it'll be me.

This site is hella plain; There are two reasons for this. The first is that I'm pressed for time, being as all my web access takes place at work these days (no computer at home). The second reason is that I've found that making coherent and navigable websites depends mostly upon what you're trying to do and how much content you've got to push (something many sites have yet to learn). The upshot of all of that is that I'm just trying to make something clean and simple that gets the job done until I have the time to sit down and work something pretty up, and I have enough material to make spending that time worthwhile.

What's available:

Enjoy! :D

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