
Russian icons began as a form of Christian art.  However, they are now recognized as beautiful folk art.  Fine icons are shown in museums and purchased by art collectors.  They also are reproduced as souvenirs for tourists.  Even so, some Christians still use icons spiritually in their churches and homes.

The word “icon” means image.  It comes from the Greek word “eikon” because the first painters of icons were Greeks living in Byzantium.  Icons can be several different kinds of artwork.  The first icons were painted on wood.  Later icons were painted on walls and were made of glass tiles into mosaics.  The also could be carved in stone, metal, or ivory.  Or some of these elements could be combined, as in painted or enameled mosaics covered in precious metals to protect them from handling.  Still, when people refer to icons, they usually mean painted icons.

Icon of the Old Testament Trinity by Rublev

The Angels at Mamre illustrates the Old Testament story where Abraham meets with two angels.  This icon is also referred to as The Old Testament Trinity because the three angels in that story because some Christians think they are a reference to the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Click here for a brief article on the historical and cultural significance of icons.

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