Empire of Deloraine-Cavers
Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter
Welcome to the Empire of Deloraine-Cavers website.  The Delo-Cavers Empire is a micronation co-ruled by two Kaisers, an Imperail Council, and an Imperial Assembly.  More information about the Empire may be found below.
NB. All Persons who applied for citizenship in the past months must re-apply for citizenship. We had some difficulties, and we were unable to collect the application forms. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. - Signed Kaiser Sinister and Dexter.
-Kaiser Joshua II, Kaiser Sinsiter of the Delo-Cavers Empire and Prince of the Imperial Principality of Marume
-Kaiser Zachary I, Kaiser Dexter of the Delo-Cavers Empire and Prince of the Imperial Principality of Urume
-Imperial Council
     -Kaiser Joshua II
     -Kaiser Zachary I
     -Lady Taylor, Duchess of the Duchy-Principality of Herume
Become a Citizen
Imperial Symbols
Imperial Anthem
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Department of Territorial Expantion
Department of Nobility
Department of Justice
Department of Defence
Department of International Affairs
Imperial Bank
Contact: [email protected]
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