Inu Yasha's half (and insanely cute) older brother ;) Sesshoumaru. Unlike Inu Yasha Sesshoumaru is a full demon. Sesshoumaru has the ability to transform into a massive dog. (Sounds funny, but if you saw him, you would see that he is a serious pooch thats not to be messed with.) Sesshoumaru is able to attack with his poisenous claws, and his hand whip. Sesshoumaru seems to be very mysterious at the beginning of Inu Yasha's story, only coming to Inu Yasha for the Tetsusaiga. You learn that Sesshoumaru hates Inu Yasha for being part human, and he considers Inu Yasha as his father's true mistake. Later on though you find out that Sesshoumaru's driven anger towards Inu Yasha mainly comes from the fact that Inu Yasha was not able to fight with him against the Fire Cats when they first attacked. Inu Yasha was sealed to a tree by Kikyo, and Sesshoumaru knew that it was because Inu Yasha was weak against his human feelings.

Sesshoumaru later looses his arm when fighting Inu yasha for the Tetsusiaga. Sesshoumaru was left with the Tenseiga from his father. The Tenseiga has an ability to save a 100 lives back in one swing. The Tetsusiaga is capable of wiping out a 100 demon's in one swing. The tetsusaiga ability is more suited to Sesshoumaru's liking, but the sword can only be handled by someone who has human blood in them. And it can only be transformed by a demon, with the intentsion to save humans. The sword was litterly made for a hanyou (Half Demon/Human.)
Sesshoumaru battels Inu Yasha for the Tetsusiaga many times always failing of course, but later on, Inu Yasha uses the power of the Tetsusaiga, Kaze No Kizu (Wound of the Wind/Wind Scar),and almost killing Sesshoumaru. But their father made it so the can not fight. The Tenseiga could no hurt Inu Yasha. And Tetsusaiga used against Sesshoumaru would be useless because the Tenseiga would protect him, against any attack the Tetsusaiga would give.
Sesshoumaru lives through the Kaze No Kizu, only to have his wounds treated by a little girl, Rin. His hate for humans seems to have disappeared at this point, he does turn away any help the little girl offers, but he still questions her bruises she shows up with one day. Sesshoumaru later on finds the girl dead, from wolves, and to further prove the weakness of his sword, and maybe try and find out what his father was doing when he gave the sword to Sesshoumaru, he tests it on the little girl. Low and behold it brings the girl back to life. From this point on Rin follows Sesshoumaru around. he never asks her to come, but she's always there. Even though Sesshoumaru would never admit it, he has concern for the little girl, when she is in danger, hungry, or missing. His strange kindness towards Rin, preplexes him, and Jaken sometimes too. Though he doesn't like his kindness to her be brought up at all.

The only on that really notices the little girl following Sesshoumaru is Kagome. But later on when Naraku has Rin kidnapped, and Sesshoumaru goes after Naraku, to let Naraku know that he cares nothing for the girl, and hates the idea that Naraku could make Sesshoumaru heel by doing such a thing, Sesshoumaru shows up and kicks his ass.. Wooo :D Of course saving Rin in the process. Inu Yasha and Kagome witness Sesshoumaru leaving, and without a word to Rin, the girl follows, cheerfully at that.

Sesshoumaru is believed to be about 70 years of age. With apperence of 25, (since full demons age slower or its just dog years????)

Sesshoumaru is a very interesting villain. Not a creature of passion, he logically tries to discover how things work. He seems to be very cold, and yet he acts with 'almost' kindness to his brother. He does not kill Inuyasha, even when Sesshoumaru does have the power. At times it almost seems that Sesshoumaru likes Inu Yasha childish reaction. His younger brother, Inuyasha is an enigma to Sesshoumaru. Why does he live with humans? Why does protect humans? Why does he love humans? Sesshoumaru sees no logic in it. And yet, love of humans was a large part of what made their father who he was. Could it be that the love of humans imparts some power? Is this the way to become a Great Youkai? Sesshoumaru cannot control his curiosity over his brother or father. His father's love towards humans, and his love towards his sons. Though both very different he loved them so greatly. Leaving them what he felt would help them down the right path. He gave to the weakest son a sword to protect himself and those he loved from other Youkai, and he gave to his other son a sword of compassion to enlarge his heart.

Sesshoumaru seems to be as cold as ice. It is hard to believe that he will ever learn compassion. It is difficult to believe that he will ever learn love, and somewhere along the way, when he meets the human child, and brings her back to life, it seems he is totally different. Although he seems to stay the same, the presence of Rin at his heels is proof of Sesshoumaru's growing compassion. He not only tolerates the girl, but he orders Jaken to protect her from harm. Perhaps he does not know himself why he does this, but he appears to have started along the path that his father chose for him.
Now I'm going to try to explain this guy, but I tell you what, he is very perplexing to even me. Jaken was once incontrol a hundreds of minions, and very powerful.. (well the incontrol part at least is true) If you look throughout the episode you will see minions of his appear. Well, one day Jaken was fighting a massive demon, and wasn't winning with any luck. Until Sesshoumaru appeared and orered the demon to get out of his way. The demon refused, and untimately paid the price. Jaken praised Sesshoumaru for saving his life, and ot giving any thought to his minions he left them, and followed Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru at the time was in search of the Tetusiaga, unknowing that his half brother had it all along. Sesshoumaru gives the Staff Of Heads to Jaken, in small hopes that he can control it. Jaken follows Sesshoumaru around and helps lead him to where the Tetusaiga might be.

After some time passes, Jaken is more of Sesshoumaru's minion. He does many things trying to impress Sesshoumaru, and get on Sesshoumaru's good graces, but its all in vain. Sesshoumaru sends Jaken out on many tasks and when he fails he either steps on him, through rocks at him, or beats him, and when the suceeds he gives him no praise.

Wheater Jaken is useful to Sesshoumaru you don't really know. He's just kinda there, but later when a little girl joins the group Jaken's roll as Sesshoumaru's minion dies, and he become Sesshoumaru's babysitter. Jaken only puts up with Rin for Sesshoumaru's sake. He hopes that it will put him in higher favor of Sesshoumaru.

Jaken has a tendency to speak without thinking, and in the end pays an ulitimate price. Even Rin has the upper hand to Jaken. She knows her own power, and uses it against Jaken. But when Jaken injured or in need of help, she forgets everything and goes to help him.
Rin is believed to by only 7 years of age. She is a very quiet little girl to begin with. When she was five, Rin's family was murder before her eyes. Her brother and her parents were killed by bandits, and from that moment on Rin was silent. She was mute for two years. Not having anyone, she lived by herself in this little shack next to a river.  While out looking for food she came across a demon that was wounded from a battle. She brought him fish everyday. He refused her help, but she still came. She got caught for stealing fish from the creek, and was punished for it. She was beaten. Well the next day she brought only wheat grains to the demon. Sesshoumaru saw the bruises that were on her face, and questioned her about them, she didn't reply. She only smiled. That fact that someone was concerned about her, made her realize that someone actually cared, but one day a pack of demon wolves attacked (Kouga) and chased after Rin. She ran into the forest, and was trying to run towards what she saw was Sesshoumaru, but she was tracked down and killed. Well, Sesshoumaru shows up and he see's this little girl that was taking care of him dead, and he decides to test his sword for the first time on someone that was dead. Tensaiga brought Rin back to life. Sesshoumaru questions his father motives for leaving him the tensaiga. And from that point on Rin follows Sesshoumaru around. She begins to talk again because she feels welcome in the group. She befriends Sesshoumaru's two headed dragon, Au-Un. She always gets along with Jaken. Jaken doesn't take to Rin right away, because she is human, but later they become like brother and sister. Rin has a very gentle heart, and looks at Sesshoumaru as kinda a father figure. He saves her life on more than one occasion. In a way 'she' is the only sign on Sesshoumaru's kindness.Rin follows him everywhere, and she is completely loyal and obedient to him.Though Sesshoumaru doesn't warm up to Rin's presents. He doesn't really ask her to leave, and she is always there.
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