
Naraku has quite a story on him. I should first start off with his human side Onigumo.
Onigumo literal term: Spider Org
Onigumo was a plundering thief.  Who watched other bandits at work and then took advantage of them. Till one day his decided to move in on this group of bandits. He told them about The Shikon no Tama, and said that some miko was guarding it.

He got the leader to go after this miko and try to kill her for the jewel. While he took off with the leaders followers, he took them to a *whore* house. They all celebrated their freedom from their boss. Meanwhile, their boss tried to kill Kikyo but he was caught off guard by a youkai that was protecting her, Inu Yasha. He knew he was tricked and he went to hunt down Onigumo. Finding Onigumo with his fellow bandits, he started the whore house on fire, leaving Onigumo in there. The place burnt down but Onigumo still lived. As a final attempt to kill Onigumo, the leader had him thrown into a Naraku (Literal Term: Canyon of Hell)

Later on Onigumo washed ashore. He was found by a little girl of a village not to far off. Upon finding him, the little girl ran to find her sister. They worked together moving him into a cave where he could lay and rest. Kikyo told her younger sister Kaede, that he must remain there. No one can know about him. Kaede swore. On night while helping the bandit Onigumo Kaede heard Onigumo talking about Kikyo. He strange twisted thoughts about Kikyo and the jewel. Kaede scared on his twisted mind, she ran to the aid of her sister. Her sister reassured Kaede that the man could do no such thing. �He will never be able to move from that spot again.� His burns around his body prevent Onigumo from moving. But while Kaede told her sister this Onigumo was planning his escape. His wicked soul was summoning youkai near and far. They came to feed on this wicked soul and his evil aura (Jaki.)  At that moment Naraku was born. Being made up of all sorts of youkai combined together, Onigumo was now a youkai. Onigumo�s twisted heart created Naraku, but the little love for Kikyo that Onigumo did have, Naraku (The demons) had no use for it. So they pushed it deep down inside, and they went after Kikyo. They wanted their revenge and they wanted it now.

Hearing of Kikyo�s love for a hanyou was going to be the perfect card to play to get Kikyo and the jewel. Meeting with Kikyo first, disguised as Inu Yasha, he told her to meet her the next day at noon with the jewel where he would use the jewel to become human. Then Naraku moved on to Inu Yasha telling him the same thing, excepted disguised as Kikyo.

The next day, Naraku first went after Kikyo. Attacking her, disguised as Inu Yasha, he took the jewel from her. �I never wanted to become human, but I�ll take the jewel any way.� Naraku took the jewel and went after Inu Yasha. Attacking Inu Yasha, disguised as Kikyo, he attacked Inu Yasha, but only to an extent of making Inu Yasha mad. �Die! Inu Yasha� Screamed Kikyo as she fired two arrows at Inu Yasha, one right after another. Inu Yasha felt betrayed and decided to get the jewel while he still can. He made off for the village. Where Naraku replanted the jewel, Inu Yasha approached the village where the jewel was. Kikyo made her way towards the village, also injured and barely alive she saw the village explode as Inu Yasha escaped a building with the jewel.  From this point on we know what happened to those too, but Naraku�s plan went terribly wrong. He hoped Kikyo would use the jewel and keep herself alive. Using it for a greedy purpose would taint the jewel and it and Kikyo�s heart would become evil. But she didn�t, she took it with her into the next world, where Kagome was born with the jewel inside of her.

For fifty years Naraku amused himself with human torment. A very powerful hoshi went after Naraku to kill him. But he ended up getting a hole punched through his hand. Kazaana. Naraku told him that this curse will follow him down his family line and not stop until Naraku was dead. The old the hoshi got the bigger the void got. Until one day it swallowed him up. His son fell to the same fate, but the third generation son would hunt down Naraku until he was dead. Miroku, and we know where his story picks up.

Well after the jewel reappeared. Naraku was in a race to get all the jewel shards.
He attacked a village of demon exterminators to receive the jewel shards. Only leaving one alive and another, an inch from death. Tricking Sango, Naraku used her to attack Inu Yasha and the crew.
Later on, he came across the reincarnation of Kikyo, only to later to meet Kikyo herself. Kikyo was the walking dead. Made up of dirt and ashes, Naraku received the partially completed jewel that Kikyo took from Kagome. �Youkia Naraku, or should I said Hanyou Naraku.� Naraku wanted the jewel because he was only hanyou. But unlike Inu Yasha and the new moon, Naraku can choose his day when he loses all his strength. �You can have the jewel. And once you have all of it Naraku I will destroy you and the jewel,� Kikyo.

Naraku makes sure he has a hand to play against everyone in the crew.
Against Miroku it the poisonous bees, the poisonous bees affect Miroku�s Kazaana, give Naraku the chance of defense with that. To Sango, it�s her little brother Kohaku. Sango�s love for her brother enables her to kill or harm him. Kagome it�s hard to find out what it is, but if you look closely Naraku uses the jewel to his defense, he also uses others in the group, and once he used Inu Yasha and Kikyo relationship.  Against Inu Yasha, Naraku keeps several things at hand to defend himself. Inu Yasha�s older brother is pulled in against Inu Yasha later on by Naraku. Naraku also uses Inu Yasha�s heart to attack Inu Yasha. Whenever Naraku doesn�t have a chance to use Kikyo, because of Kikyo power and effect on Onigumo�s heart, Naraku is incapable of killing Kikyo. Kagome is used several times to Naraku�s benefit against Inu Yasha. She is Inu Yasha true weakness, and Naraku is very aware of it.
With the jewel being almost complete and in Naraku�s hands it enables him to create detachments of himself. Kagura and Kanna are his to most successful detachments.

Kagura is one of Naraku's detachments. She can control the wind, which makes it hard for Inu-Yasha to use the Kaze no Kizu on her. She�s pretty powerful, but when she is badly injured, she usually takes a feather and transforms it into a huge, flying version of it. She hates Naraku, and wants to be free of his grasp, but alas, she can't destroy him herself, since Naraku has his hold on her. Instead, Kagura goes to other people, asking them to take care of Naraku for her, giving them a reward if they succeed.
Although she is one of Inu-Yasha's enemies, she helps them out once and a while when she thinks that Naraku will be beaten. She has tried various things to get rid of him, but none have worked. Kagura also doesn't always listen to Naraku unless his poisonous bees are watching her. You see her throughout the anime, thinking about how to kill Naraku, even though she seems to know that she doesn't have a chance unless she gets help from someone powerful.
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Believe it or not, Kanna is older than Kagura. To me, she is more powerful. Kanna can see things in her mirror, and is able to deflect attacks and/or contain souls in it. Being able to do this, Kanna is a very useful character to Naraku. At a time though, you see that Kanna can't deflect Kagome's purity arrow or contain her soul in it, since Kagome's soul takes up too much space.
Her voice is kind of like a child calm, quiet, and no tone.  She doesn�t seem like a bad girl, but she's being controlled by Naraku, so Kanna would be under his influence. Kanna has no smell or Jaki presences, therefore, Inu Yasha nor another demon can smell her or sense her.
Kanna wears white clothing, a small dress. Her facial expression shows nothing, and even when if she�s surprised or scared (if ever) she doesn't show it. A powerful youkai, nonetheless.
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Goshinki is Naraku's third detachment. Goshinki could read minds, move very quickly, and was super-strong with extremely powerful teeth. He was short-lived, though, because Inuyasha shredded him after being forced to turn into a full demon when Goshinki broke Tessaiga. It seems that after Kanna and Kagura, Naraku's detachments never did live long.


Juuromumaru is technically the fourth and fifth detachment from Naraku. His body houses another detachment named Kageroumaru, who controls him. He first battles Kouga, who had come to pick a fight with Naraku, but proved to be too fast for Kouga by himself. When the Yasha gang showed up to pick a fight with Naraku as well, Juuroumaru and Kageroumaru immediately sliced off the head of Naraku's Kugutsu [puppet]! Though it took a little while and some smart moves by Sango, Kouga, and Inu Yasha, Kouga and the Yasha gang defeated them.


Kageroumaru is technically the fourth and fifth detachment from Naraku. He lives within the belly of another detachment named Juuroumaru, whom he controls. He first battles Kouga, who had come to pick a fight with Naraku, but proved to be too fast for Kouga by himself. When the Yasha gang showed up to pick a fight with Naraku as well, Juuroumaru and Kageroumaru immediately sliced off the head of Naraku's Kugutsu [puppet]! Though it took a little while and some smart moves by Sango, Kouga, and Inuyasha, Kouga and the Yasha gang defeated them.


Only eleven-years-old, Kohaku is Sango's younger brother. Sango is the best taijiya [youkai exterminator] in their village. One night when Sango, their father, and other taijiya went out to do a job for a nearby mansion (killing a spider demon), Kohaku was brought along for his first night as an exterminator. The spider demon had actually possessed the mansion's lord, and though the taijiya did kill a humongous spider, they were caught off guard when the mansion lord used a spider thread to possess Kohaku and make him kill everyone (*grimace*). Sango managed to live through the ordeal with Kohaku and the mansion guards. Naraku, the guy behind it all, still controls Kohaku's mind (since the poor kid doesn't want to remember what he was forced to do that night). Sango now fights Naraku for revenge, and to save the life of her brother, if she can.
From what we see of the normal Kohaku, he's actually very kind, even shy, and loves his sister very much. His ordeal that night traumatized him, so his mind is still very vulnerable to Naraku's tricks, but hopefully his sister's love (and the help of the Yasha gang) will get him through his pain.
Kohaku uses a weapon called a kusarikama [chained sickle]. He's pretty good with it, but his sister can defeat him any day (he's just too young). As a boy training to be a taijiya, he's just plain good at normal fighting techniques, too.

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