
Kagome is a very up bear girl, who's pure heart takes effect on the whole group and those around her. (Kouga) She trys to do everything in everyone else's best interests before thinking of herself.   
   Kagome is the reincarnation of the great priestess, Kikyo. On Kagome's 15th birthday, when she was helping her little brother find their cat, she was pulled through the Bone Eater's Well at her home shrine, and traveled back about 500 years into the past. There she found Inuyasha pinned to the tree that Kikyo had left him to 50 years ago. She later travels and meets Keada. When the village is attached. Kagome takes of running, screaming for help. With her scream Inuyasha awoke at the tree. Mistaking her for Kikyo, the two start arguing. Kagome is attached and Inuyasha tells her to pull the arrow out. With one touch from Kagome, the spell broke, unleashing Inuaysha. Inuyasha was now free to continue his search and possession of the scared Shikon Jewel, but Kagome was the one that held the jewel. Trying to kill her, he gets a rosary put around his neck. No one can remove it except Kagome, and at her command of 'SIT' Inuyasha quickly goes plummiting to the ground.

   Kagome had accidently shattered it in a battle with a giant bird demon, so Inuyasha had no choice but to stay on with Kagome given that she was the only person who could sense the jewel shards when they were nearby.
    Kagome and Inuyasha travel all over the countyside collecting jewel shards and slaying demons. They spend every waking moment with each other, so it's no surpise when Kagome starts experiencing confusing feelings for Inuyasha. She tries to convince herself that it's nothing, and that these feelings will soon flush out of her system in no time. But these feelings were not the type you could just forget; these feelings were the stepping stones of love.
    Kagome starts spending days at a time, even weeks, in the past, almost forgetting her place in the future. She starts missing a lot of school and her grandfather has to make up a lot of excuese and illnesses for her. Every now and then she remebers her responsibilties at home or misses her family, so she travels back only to find that it's not as great as she remebered. Back in the feudal times, though, it's always an adventure, as Inuyasha and Kagome fight off demons, and join up with Shippo, Miroku, and Sango. Inuyasha come through the well to retreave Kagome when ever he gets the chance.
    Kagome is has a very friendly and admirable attitude, but she's not all fun and games. If you make her mad enough, she has the power to blow you away with one of her arrows straight through your heart, just ask Naraku! She knows when games are over with. She keeps the group up in spirits with her great attuide. The whole group feels that they have a responsibility to watch over Kagome. She is the true heart of the group, and they all feel it when Kagome is hurt or when she is away. Inuyasha with no excepetion.
    In Kagome's personal life, she and Inuyasha rough through a very shaky relationship that's almost non-existent. Kikyo and Kouga are to blame for it's lack in progress. Kikyo being in between Kagome and Inuyasha. Kouga being Inuyasha's. Inuyasha true feelings are almost never shown to Kagome, until she is ill, in danger, away, or when Kouga comes to hit on Kagome.His claim of Kagome as 'His women' only rages Inuyasha more. Kagome gets a kick out of it sometimes. And when they fight she only goes home to rub it in.
All the same, she and Inuyasha will eventually break through their barrier of shyness, and come clean with a love that will last for ages.
Kagome's story starts with Inuyasha.
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