
fnord alien

-- I cannot find Gurps Humanx !!! --

I have to admit that GURPS Humanx is probably permanently out-of-print but I think it's still possible to run a Gurps Humanx campaign. Basically there are four options:
  1.  BE BOLD: buy a copy of Gurps Humanx in an auction web site or anywhere.
  2.  BE SIMPLE : use the Basic Set ( or Gurps Lite if you are a beginner ), Gurps Space and a few Humanx novels.
  3.  BE PROFESSIONAL : Other than the Basic Set and Gurps Space  use also Compendium I ( especially the Faz advantage   and the Neurophon skill , both derived from Gurps Humanx ), Compendium II ( I've successfully adopted the Space Opera Combat System in my campaign ) and other supplements: Gurps Ultratech 1 and 2 ( all LT 8 and LT 9 equipment can be used, at GM discretion ) , Gurps Aliens, Gurps Alien Bestiary. And, of course, all Humanx novels and other background sources ( see my Links chapter ).
  4.  BE CREATIVE So you wanna be remembered as a creative GM , uh? O.K.  you are ready for the
"quick-'nd-dirty" Gurps Traveller/Gurps Humanx conversion :

I love Gurps Traveller ( I'm a Gurps fan and also a proud owner of a copy of Megatraveller ) because it's now easy  to play a Gurps campaign in the wonderful universe of the Imperium.  I've found Gurps Traveller a good sourcebook to improve and update the Gurps Humanx  rulebook.
These are my suggestions:

    • Tech Levels: Equipment and skills are generally TL 9 in my campaign.

    • Probably LT8 is a better choice in a Humanx Commonwealth campaign based on pre-Amalgamation novels (e.g. "Nor Crystal Tears" ). Some colonial worlds might be lower.
    • All Gurps Traveller character templates are full compatible with the Humanx Universe.
    • Use the races templates by Tracy Ratcliff.
    •  If you don't want to build KK-starships using Gurps Vehicles and you cannot find a copy of the "Holy Grail" (Gurps Humanx) , try  this absolutely "cosmetic" conversion of Gurps Traveller starships:
      • KKstarship are LT10 for an easy compatibility with Gurps Traveller and the Modualr Starship Design but ship weapons and equipment are LT 9 or LT 8.
      • Jump Drive rules are not used, ( use Warp Drive rules, from Gurps Space ) but it's not strictly necessary to change its mass and performance.
      • Substitute the starship images with the typical KK-starship appearance.
      • This is a rough conversion between Jump Drive and KK Drive speed: ( you can build LT10 KK-Drive based on LT12 jump Drive 3+ too )
      25 or less

      • Ignore every landing starship capabilities ( only shuttlecrafts can safely land on a planet without destroying a continent ). The only known exception is the Teacher, the unique kk-ship owned by Flinx, but it was built by a strange alien races ( the Ulru-Ujurrians ) and probably it is equipped ( at least) with  a LT 13+ KK-Drive.
      • Space Combat: Space battles aren't the the major element of the Humanx Commonwealth novels. But sometimes a merchant KK-starship is attacked by Aann Destroyers or a  new alien races destroys an entire humanx colony...a creative GM like you needs a space combat system, and if you are not able to use the Gurps Humanx Spacecraft Combat try this:
          • be professional and read my suggestion about Space Opera Combat System ( you need a copy of Compendium II ).
          • ...or be always creative and use Gurps Traveller Space Combat plus my table about a SCCAM missile damage, use it when a stingship U.C. fighter launch this kind of missile, the ultimate weapon and the one of the best guarded secrets by the United Church :
SCCAM Damage Table
roll 1 dice
damage of the unlucky target:
The SCCAM missile explodes too soon, the target KK-ship is only shackled .
The SCCAM missile misses the target due to gravitational anomalies.
The SCCAM missile collides with the gravitational field of the target and explodes. The target KK-ship suffers 5 major damages or explodes (GM's option ).
The target KK-ship succeeds in turn off its KK-Drive almost in time to avoid the attack....but the SCCAM thermonuclear shell explodes.Only heavy armored KK-ships can survive suffering 5 major damages.
The intersecting drive fields of the SCCAM and the target instantly destroy the target KK-ship. Both are reduced in particles.
The intersecting drive fields of the SCCAM and the target instantly destroy the target KK-ship. Both are reduced in particles..
N.B. SCCAM missiles are absolutely deadly. so use at least a  -4 to hit.
A SCCAM missile is so effective only against a KK-ship, otherwise it's considered a standard heavy nuclear missile.
  • Psionics : In the Traveller Universe, disapproval of psionics exists at both the popular and official levels but in the Humanx Commonwealth a human psi users is VERY unusual , though possible ( Flinx isn't the only human psier in ADF's Humanx novels) and thranx psiers are unknown. For a starting character to posses psionic training (skills) requires a +10 point unusual background at least and psi max power level is 10 in my campaign .Use the catalyst creatures rule ( Gurps Psionics ). Sorry, no  Psionic Institute here.
  • Background and maps: Use all the good adds available on line ( I hope this site could be in this category :-) , for details about other online sources see my links page , and all Humanx novels you can obtain, of course.
    last updated september  2000
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    © 2000 Riccardo Fregi.
    GURPS is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games  and GURPS Humanx , Gurps Traveller, Gurps Basic Set,Gurps Psionics,Gurps Compendium I and II and all other Gurps supplements cited in this article are copyright by Steve Jackson Games, Humanx  is a trademark of Alan Dean Foster. Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises.  No infringement of rights is intended. This web site is for entertainment purposes only. If you own a copyright to something presented on this web site, please email me and I will gladly remove it at your insistence.
    The material presented here is my original creation , intended for use with the GURPS
    system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by
    Steve Jackson Games.
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