Descendants of Charles DIETZEL

Generations: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

First Generation

1. Charles DIETZEL

The parents of Charles are unknown.

Charles married Myra SELLS . The parents of Myra are unknown.

They had the following children:

  1. (M) - 2 William Wallace DIETZEL
    William Wallace was born 1 APR 1888.
  2. (M) - 3 Bryan DIETZEL
  3. (M) - 4 Charles DIETZEL
    Charles married Elsie MARTIN . Elsie is the daughter of Cabel MARTIN and Emaline SINK.
  4. (M) - 5 Ethan DIETZEL
  5. (F) - 6 Ida DIETZEL
  6. (F) - 7 Carrie DIETZEL
  7. (F) - 8 Adeline DIETZEL
  8. (F) - 9 Jen DIETZEL

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