
- Self enhancement program: familiarization ceremony, Al-Quran class and and guidance Fardhu Ain, Class and Religious Guidance Course.

- Skill : motivational talks and religion, health care and self-management, study skills courses

- Academic : Additional classes of all subjects, intensive classroom program excellence such as UPSR, PMR and SPM, remedial classes 3M

- Recreation program : Leisure and marching, field trips, tours and excursions as well as receive a cooperation program


Schooling, clothing, transportation, medical treatment, food, Help further their education and scholarship and money donation 'balik kampung'.


- Darul Aitam have provisions from MAIK and contributions from agencies organizations, corporations, individuals, etc.

- Darul Aitam also has a Charitable Fund where it received contributions from various quarters

- Provision and donations are used for expenses and needed of orphans

- Among the expenses for orphans are as follows : Foods,school fees, books and other school supplies, school uniform, field trips and activities of self esteem

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Last update 22th Dec 2016