The Weapons

Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel was the first to invent and consequently patent dynamite in 1867. While the rest of the world was using Nobel�s invention to clear quarries for construction or to mine for gold, Darkwatch scientists began a careful process of reverse engineering. They found that Nobel had created an explosive paste by mixing Nitroglycerin with the natural absorbent silica. They also discovered that a higher yield explosion would result from replacing the silica with an iron-clay hybrid -- cured in combustion chambers to remove any trace of moisture. This new combination was also more stable than Nobel�s product and thus less likely to unintentionally accidentally explode. It could be safely carried on horseback across rocky terrain or strapped to a Darkwatch Regulator�s body.

Almost immediately, Darkwatch agents began to utilize the dynamite in combat. An agent not wishing to enter a Nightmare catacomb could now simply demolish the structure. Though extremely difficult in the field of battle, it was a favorite trick of some Regulators to throw the dynamite, and then pull their pistols and blow it out of the air once it reached an enemy�s eye level. In one rare instance, an agent strapped numerous sticks of dynamite to a pack mule, positioned it in front of an undead nest, lit the dynamite fuse, and then slapped the mule hard on its rear. It is hypothesized that he intended the mule to charge into the nest before exploding, but unfortunately, the mule turned around and pursued the fleeing Regulator until detonation.

In 1874, rope and hemp fuses were replaced by polymer fibers specifically designed to avoid snuffing out at moments of deepest consequence.

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