Mission Statement
The People Behind TAPATT
Why Only Now?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written Feb. 06, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
February 07 issue

These three words will hound my classmate Jose de Venecia from here to eternity as concerned Filipinos discuss his ungraceful exit from the speakership of the House of Representatives.

If he knew, as he claimed he did in his impassioned valedictory address to the House, about attempts to cheat in the 2004 presidential elections, why speak out only now?

If he knew, as he claimed he did, about corruption, double-cross and triple cross (or words to that effect) in the Arroyo administration, why speak out only now that he has been unceremoniously kicked out of the corridors of power?

JdV went on to remind everyone, as he did on the floor of the House, how he had helped Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in her rise to power, naming her his vice-presidential partner in 2004 under his and Fidel Ramos� Lakas party; how he had saved her from the two (or was it three?) attempts to impeach her over the �Hello Garci� tapes, etc. Only to be rewarded by being discarded like an old shoe.

In an interview on ANC, one or two days before Super Monday, JdV was asked by Ricky Carandang what he would do if the then threat to oust him did materialize the following Monday. JdV replied with ill-disguised hints of dire consequences for his tormentors that he would do what needs to be done (or words to that effect).

The painful truth, however, is that he may not have any cards against Mrs. Arroyo and/or her family that they cannot match with their own cards against him.

The alliance of JdV and GMA, with FVR as the interested broker, was hatched in the  smoked-filled rooms of Philippine trapo politics and was based on considerations of mutually beneficial self-interests. When the self-interest of one party was no longer served, the alliance was no longer useful to that party and was consequently and unilaterally junked. Woe to the loser, in this case, JdV.

After his stunning defeat by Joseph Estrada in the 1998 presidential elections � Erap won 38 percent of the votes, compared to his 17 percent -  De Venecia came to the realization that he would never achieve his life-long ambition to become president of this country. He also came to the realization that the only way he could become head-of-government would be as prime minister under a parliamentary form of government.

JdV thus became the prime mover of a shift to parliamentary, knowing fully well that his network of trapos in Congress and in the local governments � a
sine qua non in parliamentary politics - was more extensive than anything Erap had at that time.

But a funny thing happened on the way to parliamentary. In January 2001, Erap was overthrown by a military coup disguised as people power, and Gloria Arroyo was catapulted to the presidency, leaving the ambitious JdV behind and without owing him anything for her sudden good fortune. It was the military generals, not JdV, who conspired with her, or whom she conspired with, that won her the Malacanang plum.

But the ever resilient JdV saw a chance to re-ingratiate himself  to Gloria and revive his ambition to become head-of-government when the �Hello Garci� scandal broke out in mid-2005 over allegations of cheating in the 2004 elections, that threatened to collapse the Arroyo government with the mass resignation of the Hyatt 10..

It was former President Ramos who threw a life-saver to the drowning Gloria in the form of a programmed shift to parliamentary, under which, starting in February 2006, after a pro forma debate on the merits of parliamentary, elections for seats in an interim parliament would be held and this interim parliament would have been in place by July 2007, until a full-term parliament is elected in May 2010.

(A JdV version of the Ramos Plan would have had the incumbent Congress sit for another three years without need for re-election in 2007, headed by an interim prime minister [who else but JdV] while the president - and vice-president - continued in their positions until 2010, a variation of the French model.)

Ramos and President Arroyo were apparently convinced that the best person to implement the Ramos Plan would be the ebullient Jose de Venecia, Sunshine Joe, the acknowledged master of transactional politics,
il trapo di tutti trapi.

Not surprisingly, under the FVR Plan, the interim parliament would be made up mostly of incumbent congressmen � mostly loyal to JdV � who would have backed the Plan out of their own self-interests: they would have had three additional years in the legislature without too much effort and expense. And JdV would have been the interim PM until 2010, when a full-term parliament is elected and Gloria Arroyo is chosen prime minister.

But things did not turn out as planned. A people�s initiative in March 2006, led by one of JdV�s henchmen � the Sigaw ng Bangaw - to gather the requisite six million signatures in support of parliamentary, was declared fatally flawed by the Supreme Court because of a technicality.

A subsequent shameless post-midnight maneuver by JdV�s House to turn itself into a constituent assembly � to amend the Constitution towards parliamentary - without the participation of the oppositionist Senate, was hooted down by public opinion..

It may have been at this point that President Arroyo decided that JdV was no longer useful to her ambitions to remain in power beyond 2010, as prime minister.  Joey de Venecia�s bombshell revelations in September 2007 about the alleged involvement of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo in the sordid ZTE contract merely affirmed that decision and, in the context of our personalistic politics, sealed the political demise of JdV.

(I agree with Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago that the quarrel between Benjamin Abalos and Joey de Venecia was nothing but a squabble over kickbacks.)

What is the consequence of all this? In his
Inquirer column of Feb. 06, my esteemed colleague Amando Doronila examined the affiliation of the 174 congressmen who voted to oust De Venecia: 56 were from JdV�s and FVR�s own Lakas party; 42 were from President Arroyo�s Kampi party; 19 were from Sen. Mar Roxas�/Lito Atienza�s Liberal Party, three were from Sen. Angara�s LDP; seven from Sen. Manny Villar�s Nacionalista Party; and 24 were from Danding Cojuangco�s Nationalist People�s Coalition (NPC)..

Of the 35 who voted to keep De Venecia, 21 were from Lakas, two from the LP, one from the NP, eight from party list groups, and two from the Pwet�oops, Pwersa� ng Masa of Joseph Estrada..

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that most, if not all, of the 56 Lakas members who voted to oust their own party leader from the speakership will soon be sworn in as new members of Kampi. That will make Kampi the biggest party in Congress with more than 90 members who, together with the 24 members of the NPC of Danding � who will always side with whoever will protect his business and financial empire � will control Congress without any more by-your-leave to Jose de Venecia and Fidel Ramos.

(The announced plan to merge Lakas and Kampi, after JdV has resigned from Lakas, and  to retain the name Lakas for the surviving entity is just a sham to hide the obvious fact that Kampi is the real survivor and winner in this charade.) 

This achieves, only a few months past the target date, the ambitious strategic goal of the then miniscule Kampi party, which was openly stated by then party president Ronaldo Puno during their party congress in February 2005, that they intend to become the largest political party in the Philippines by 2007.

Why would President Arroyo�s tiny party aim to become the largest by the year 2007, only three years before her non-extendable presidential term ends? I could see only one logical reason: to amass enough political muscle so as to force a shift to parliamentary so that she can remain in power beyond 2010 as prime minister . (See my article
Prime Minister Gloria?, dated May 17, 2005: 

http://www.geocities.com/dapat_tapatt/primeministergloria.html.     .

Jose de Venecia willingly and eagerly played along with this game plan because he thought he could grab something for himself: such as becoming interim prime minister from 2007 to 2010. But when he outlived his usefulness to Gloria Arroyo, he was discarded like a soiled sanitary napkin. S
ic transit Gloriae alalay. *****

Reactions to
[email protected]. Other articles in www.tapatt.org and in acabaya.blogspot.com.


Reactions to �Why Only Now?�
Reaction to �Rizal: Undeserved Adjectives�
Reaction to �Bonifacio Revisited�
Reaction to Gemma Araneta�s �February 1899�
More Reaction to �GMA�s Successes�

Initial step of JdV�s Moral Revolution crusade? No, just the sour-graping of a loser.              Best regards,
Javier Ailes, (by email), Republic of Kazakhstan, Feb. 07, 2008
P.S. Your �Weep like a Woman� article is a nice piece of literature.


Indeed, if ex-Speaker Jose de Venecia knew about all those shenanigans going on with her tocayo, President Arroyo, what impelled him to remain silent all these years? Even assuming he is now telling the truth, then he must be charged with being an accessory to those acts of corruption. Adding to his problems is that whatever he will be saying in the future against the president, some of which may even have merit, he will always be haunted by the question of why he did nothing when it mattered most.

The ex-Speaker has lost his credibility, and any pretense that he will now be going on a war against the administration is too late. He just needs to bow out gracefully.

The lesson here is that loyalty in politics, at least in the Philippines , is never a virtue. Your friend today may be your worst enemy tomorrow.

Remigio G. Lacsamana, M.D, (by email), .Daytona Beach , Florida , Feb. 08, 2008


You may mostly be right, but you may also be imagining too much when you say that PGMA is plotting her way to be President (or PM) beyond 2010.

Sef Dudeo, (by email), California , Feb. 08, 2008

(How do you explain the programmed growth of Kampi from the smallest party in 2005 to the largest in 2008? How do you explain the choreographed calls � since 2005 - for charter change, the most recent being the ChaCha road show by local government officials, which was inaugurated with much fanfare last February 12? ACA)


Brilliant, Tony!!! - and witty, informative, incisive and hilarious to the end!!!

Jo (Hilado-Guevara), (by email, Pasig City ,  Feb. 08, 2008)


Dear Tony:         My take is that House Speaker Jose de Venecia was outmaneuvered, Machiavellian-style, by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

But that cannot be the end of Jose de Venecia as a power player in Philippine politics. Even now he and his supporters must be plotting what they need to do next.

On the other hand, GMA and her supporters could be assumed to be ready with any countermove Jose de Venecia may make.   The political pot is boiling.

Mariano Patalinjug, (by email), Yonkers , NY , Feb. 08, 2008


Dear Tony,         Why are we are not shocked anymore  with the current quarrel among traditional politicians (JDV vs GMA) ? Can we now see how  a godless character can impact on our country and our people. Where is leadership service  and purpose ? Why are they just enlarging incomes and power? But what does God teach us about purpose driven politics? (2 Chronicles 22: 1 - 9 )

HUMAN  POLITICS                                                GODS POLITICS

Pursue power and fame                                        Pursue love and service
Get richer and get to a higher status                     Improve the welfare of people
All others are enemies and competitors                All are brothers who complement
Kill or remove enemies                                         Pursue common good
The leader is glorified                                           God is glorified

The Ang Kapatiran Party is more affirmed and determined in its  pursuit of a Principled and Platform based Politics of Virtue.

As God has commanded us all to become leaders ( Gen 1:26-31 ) we should reflect how we, by choice or indifference, have been just watching on the sidelines and committing a sin of omission. When do we speak out and act? When it is too late?

We revisit what our Beloved CBCP bishops said in a paragraph in its pastoral letter dated Jan 27,2008 ... "Reform Yourselves and Believe in the Gospel! (Mark 1:15)"

..."And so we exhort you, our beloved people: As a special project for this year's Lenten observance and in the spirit of penance, let us come together in little groups of reflection and discernment. In these groups we look seriously at our part in the many evils of our day�as individuals, as families, as communities�and discern what action we can do together."... In these groups we look seriously at our part in the many evils of our day�as individuals, as families, as communities�and discern what action we can do together."...

Jesus teaches us  that the first person you lead  is yourself. (Luke 4:3-10 )

God bless our country with New and Renewed Leaders FEARFULL OF THE LORD God bless our country!!

Eric Manalang, (by email), Feb. 08, 2008
Ang Kapatiran Party


Dear sir,          Thank you for sending me a copy of your article. I would love to read more of your bright  political analyses. but I wonder if you might have mis-sent that mail to me. I don't think you know who I am and what my email address really is.
Mabuhay kayo,  sir!

Hermilando D. Aberia, (by email), Tacloban City , Feb. 08, 2008,


Manong Tony,          Why Only Now? This is more often than not the question raised in cases when the end game is near, when no amount of verbiage and action would turn the tide.

At the height of the presidency of Cory Aquino, when she was basking in the glory of people power, which I was happy to be part of because it brought down a dictator because of our unity as a people, only to fizzle out in the end due to greed and avarice, a somewhat similar thing happened when the supposedly 'kingmaker' was given the pink slip because he became irrelevant. The act though was made directly by Tita Cory, while what happened to JdV was the act of surrogates.

And I thought that JdV is a master.  What happened to him and former COMELEC Chair Benjamin Abalos and the others before them should remind all of us that there is only one master. GOD is the Master of the universe, Therefore, let us be at Peace with God, whoever we conceive Him to be.  When will we ever learn?

Jerry A. Quibilan, (by email), Feb. 08, 2008
Crusaders for Peace, Prosperity, Unity, and Love.


Jesus forgave the sinner hanging on the cross beside him. HE didn't say "Why only now?"

Amadeo Cabaero, (by email), Feb. 08, 2008

(You may have gotten your analogy all mixed up. Crucifixion was the Roman punishment for political crimes. The Romans crucified thousands of Jewish men, both before and after Jesus, for perceived sedition/rebellion against the Roman Empire . The �thief� next to Jesus was likely executed for disturbing the Roman peace, as Jesus was. So neither the �thief� nor Jesus had reason to forgive each other since they were both being executed by the Romans, not by each other or by each other�s followers.  ACA)


Very true. JdV is a very ambitious trapo who wants no less than the No. 1 post in the land.  Even before, I have always thought and said he realized he could not be a president because the voters would not entrust that position to him.  The only way for him to rule the land is through a parliamentary system where he has minions (fellow kangkongressmen) who will willingly hand him that post... in a silver platter.  That is the only true reason why he has always preached a change in the system of government to the tune of Cha-Cha. 

Now that he has fallen from power, I wonder if he will still advocate Cha-Cha.  He listed a litany of corruption by the Arroyo presidency.  Perhaps he did not realize that the people know of his own role in that corruption, and that goes even before the present administration.  FVR wanted to broker reconciliation between JdV and PGMA, also for his own interest.  But after what's been said and done, I don't think that is ever
possible, nor even probable. 

Yes, the Arroyos may have a ZTE-gate, but has he cleared himself already of the Northrail project?  It has just been hidden under the rugs.  It is funny that a couple of days after his ouster from Speakership and lambasting the administration, Erap, Binay, and other oppositionists went to pay him a visit, as if the people are ignorant of their own hatchets against each other.  The opposition are willing to welcome him into their fold because he is still the leader of the biggest party, the Lakas-NUCD although only nominally. 

Just a warning to them, JdV may even be their own downfall!  All this rigodon only shows these trapos willingness to do anything to hold on to power.  Yes there may only be pro- or anti-administration... but where does JdV stand?  Has Erap et al forgot JdV's role in their grievances, from government corruption, to election manipulation, to the impeachment process, etc?  They immediately forgot all about these but they cannot forget Sen. Pangilinan's "noted" episode which caused him to be dropped from their list in the last election?  They are just a buch of CLOWNS.  Don't make us laugh!!!

Even JdV III has his own ghosts to haunt him, maybe not now because the heat is on ZTE.  Lozada came out with his own revelations, but why only now?  If what he said was true, as Abalos noted, why is he still alive after one year of death threats?  I am not a PGMA fan, but I don't think it was proper that Lozada was fed by Sen. Madrigal and slept in the office of Sen. P. Cayetano.  Both senators are hot on the administration's trail, and we could only wonder if he had already been coached on what and what not to say.

When will this circus ever end?

Felipe Rommel Martinez, (by email), Feb. 08, 2008


Dear Tony:          That's an excellent presentation of the tragedy in the
political life of Jose de Venecia.     Warm regards..

Noli Santos, (by email), Makati City , Feb. 11, 2008


JDV�s almost theatrical 59-minute rhetoric, served public notice that he stood trial � and pleaded guilty as charged, matter-of-factly.  Keen observers of trends know where the man is coming from � trying even a last-ditch effort � to free his head off the noose.  Blackmail, call it that, for the first and final act, against the president of this damned republic.  It was time for the man that left a legacy only best known to him � to go.  Or ask anyone in the know what monstrous scenario he has created in an institution called the House of Representatives as its supposed-to-be mere agency head.  JDV projected himself as bigger than the institution he represents when in truth and in fact, no part ought to be bigger than the whole.  Thus, he probably overdid the state of affairs of what ought to be a sacred institution in so far as the officials and employees are concerned and more so in so far as the historic role of a Legislature is taken into account.

The vote configuration betrayed the man who thought he has all the Batasan for himself � as new set of congressmen and women mixed with the old set in what Pichay always referred to as the �Old Boys Club�.  Now, there must be any given number of his colleagues � old or new � who rebelled against JDV�s own self-fulfilling prophecy not to mention antics that have already lost their spell or hypnotic effect.  Ironically how many editors, political analysts, and even scholars ever thought of JDV as the consummate statesman � as such perception rests on a mistake.  It is not just Malacanang that benefited more with his ouster � the Filipino people in general.  The anomaly that is JDV is soon a thing of the past or how indeed can he seat as speaker for three consecutive terms when each time a new Congress opens, every member is deemed on equal footing � no such thing as primus inter pares.  In other words, he is the author of a grand historical blunder and good thing this Gorgian knot is finally cut that no more tradition as bad as that JDV authored be repeated in history.

Public perception of JDV is limited to what we read in newspapers, hear over radio, watch on TV, view on the net.  All these were created to be false by the man himself who writes his own press release, his own oratory, his own place in history.  History should be objective but when he came, he made it purely subjective as though everything that happens in the country, every issue that burns in the day, every hope left for the entire people � gravitates around his well-designed image as a great political leader of the times.  Not anymore as his long oratory or rhetoric gave the man away � JDV � in real than in reel, has become more of himself.  Now that he has to subordinate himself to the new leadership he himself apparently anointed � good or bad � not much shall be heard of him.  He shall resigned himself to oblivion � the sooner the better � that no more of him is heard, not his idea � if it ever was a bright one anyway.  His chronic reference to all his accomplishments � spoken from the first point of view, that is � really is an insult to intelligence.  Now he fall in his own snake pit.

JDV�s successor, albeit his prot�g�, does not have to test the waters any longer.  Problem is, our fate and future might still be more of the same as they both came from the same breed of what Salonga conveniently calls �traditional politicians� and its negative slant.  Spin doctors, damage control experts, media handlers need not do a lot of dishing in or dishing out.  The same menu will be served to the public at large with no perceptible change in flavor detected from any distance from the frying pan.  As a people or as a country, Nograles doesn�t have to reinvent the wheel.  Creeping patronage politics as that discussed by Brillantes of UP will be the norm than the exception.  If we go by B.F. Skinner�s psychoanalysis, we shall find out in no time at all, that anybody driven by the same set of stimuli will respond in the same particular way as that demonstrated by the old occupant for three punishing terms or the man called JDV.  Thus, it is not as if �payolas� will be a thing of the past.  It is not as if �lobby money� will no longer circulate within the Big League.  It is not as if, the Congress will cease to be a Malacanang rubber-stamp.

PGMA is probably the luckiest president we ever had.  And she better has to finish all of her term in office till she really has to go herself � with all the music and trimmings of a well-served term, if we can call it that.  Nothing has been proven of all the charges slapped against her to the satisfaction of the High Court.  On whether or not the High Court is beholden to her is another story by itself.  If the AFP and PNP and even the bureaucracy itself continue to patronize her leadership, so be it � nothing is the matter with that.  If coup plotters, destabilizers, or other extremists group cannot inflict the political blow they want to deliver, then so be it.  The president is the president under all the harsh conditions that have visited her � past, present, future. 

It would seem that no promising group ever holds promise.  No such group can keep up a good fight � not even the so-called �bully from the school yard�.  Definitely, not Lacson, not Cayetano, not Escudero, not Magdalo.  Nobody as no group can boot PGMA out of office except by the tinkerable processes of law. Malacanang knows what buttons to press, its survival kit complete, its lieutenants and sub-alterns trained in politics as it should be better done under existing culture and sub-cultures. PGMA�s core group of advisers are a force to reckon with and they understand their political calculus more than other presidents combined.  Who said it was hard for PGMA to boot out JDV from his speakership?  It is a walk in the park � so far as PGMA is concerned � no fuss, no fibs. The daughter of the former president knows how to run the affairs of state, albeit � one step forward, two steps backward, if you follow my drift. Fact is, the more she is �harassed�, the stronger her stay in power becomes.

What is in store for the Filipino people? 

Primer C. Pagunuran, (by email), UP Diliman, Quezon City , Feb. 09, 2008


"Better late than never.'" At least, Joe the Bee was able to realize his mistake, unlike Nograles et. al. who remain lapdogs of the discredited Arroyo administration.  By the way, Sir Tony, do you have the names of the congressmen and women who went against the wishes of Kampi and voted to keep de Venecia as House Speaker?

(As far as I know, all the Kampi members voted to oust JdV. ACA)

Whatever their motives, I just admire their guts. I'm  opposition at heart, although I detest Erap as much as Gloria.

David Tabaniag, (by email), Feb. 09, 2008


I guess it has been established long ago that Gloria and Mike Arroyo are corrupt to the bone and are surrounded by many more who just sucks the blood of the nation.

So what are we going to do about it? Talk some more?
The table is now open for suggestions.

But please let us not go into more manifestoes and signup sheets. Let us have something more deliberate and fatally terminal to their evil.

Adolfo Paglinawan, (by email), Feb. 09, 2008

(What do you suggest? What are you prepared to do? ACA)


The title says it all....why only now? When JdV could have redeemed himself a long time ago when the nation needed him most. But, JdV chose to reveal what he knew only when he was being yanked out from his seat as Speaker. Re his son, Joey de Venecia�s expose, one should ask the question, what if Joey won the NBN contract and not ZTE? Is that ok?

Iin the first place, as the Speaker's son, he has no business dealing with/ government., and the Speaker should have the delicadeza to know that,. like one columnist in another newspaper who wrote about this also, JdV acted too late, I was more interested in knowing who was winning in that Super Tuesday's primaries between Clinton and Obama, rather than stay up late to listen to JdV's diatribe. I do not like GMA, FG and their cohorts, but I am not about to be JdV's admirer, who has already wined and dined with Erap:-(

We all know too well that the word "trapo" was coined by the media
(by me, actually, in September 1989. ACA) to aptly describe JdV.    Thanks for the well-written article.

Evelina Galang de la Pe�a, (by email),   Manila , Feb. 12, 2008



Michael de Grano, (by email), Feb. 13, 2008


NOTE: Because of limited space, this post may be truncated in acabay.blogspot.com. It appears or will appear complete in www.tapatt.org.


More Reactions to �Rizal: Undeserved Adjectives�

Dear Tony,          I wonder if you could publish this article in your column since I read
that you gave the privilege to Eng. Balacanao to guest in your column. I included Joe Luzadas' comment and I welcome other peoples' comment.

This article is in praise of our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal in contrast to some not too flattering or derogatory articles in your column lately
.(Actually, by reactors to my column, not by me. ACA) This essay applies to all places where there are Filipino organizations or associations, specially when there is a governance/unity problem.      Mabuhay ang Pilipinas.  Thanks

Ven Del Pilar Faundo

Sir Ven,          Thank you for sharing your thoughts and commentaries to point out
convincingly what a gulf of  difference that we, the  present-day Filipinos in Canada do not observe a "cultured" attitude, treatment and friendly rivalry exercise and practiced by the men of the past, Rizal, del Pilar, the Lunas and Lopez Jaena when they were in Europe during the Propaganda Movement.

Rizal did not take advantage of the image the respect and perception as the "giant" among his exiled compatriots. He displayed a remarkable and admirable attitude in his conduct to confront your great great great Grand Lolo, Plaridel. The quote "I will not interfere,  go ahead since you're the chief; use your authority to achieve success  in your undertaking. My resignation does not mean war" showed .

Rizal was after UNITY or a show or semblance that the Filipinos are one solid bloc
asking for reforms. Rizal has a valid reason to confront or mad at the editor of La Solidaridad for allowing the article penned by Lete personally attacking Rizal  get printed in the paper. It's pure psychological ground. How will  their enemies, the Friars interpret when even their leader Rizal is perceived to be of bad character.   But Rizal used civilized words, walang hamunan sa buntalan.

I appreciate  your time making research on topics like this that can be useful to members of the Knights of Rizal. As I indicated in my last email, I won't mind returning to Toronto for special symposium sponsored by a concerned chapter with or without the prodding of the Canada Region Executive Council about the "malaise" of our Filipino culture so
severely  damaged.

Jose Sison Luzadas Delray Beach, Florida

There is a hidden agenda why I wrote this Sanaysay in Filipino.  Not
only because I have read "Rizal, "Bayani at Makabayan " in Pilipino and
I want excerpts from the translated version of the  biography not to
lose any  nuance or punch from the original., but also because I was a
little apprehensive of what foreigners will think of our "MALAISE". As
I've said before it might not being confined to Filipinos only, but as
observed personally, we have too much of it.

But what are we to do? As Filipinos in general and as
Rizalista in particular we can only do our own small part of the
solution. To benefit foreigners and the non- Tagalog readers, I am
translating this "Sanaysay" to English to the best of my ability.

Anyway, some of the foreigners have come to some understanding of the
Filipino psyche like Ferdinand Blumentritt of old. We Filipinos with their help and
understanding are trying to find ways to lessen if not eradicate our
malaise. We can not solve this problem unless we come to know it and
admit it to ourselves.

Remember, even Rizal as you will find in my article,
entertained thoughts of butting into an organization at the insistence
of others, but he followed his better judgment. Some people, who
understood the Pilipino version, commented that the sanaysay issuitable
for publication on Filipino journals for wider dissemination, so that we
can help eradicate or lessen our Filipino Malaise.  Others suggested a
Fraternally yours in Rizal.. Long Live Rizal and the Philippines ...
Mabuhay ang ating Lahing Kayumangi
Sir Venancio del Pilar Faundo, KCR. Lifetime Member H350      

If Dr. Jose Rizal were here in Canada
Orgaanizations and associations are adversely affected due
to ongoing problem- selfishness or individualism that is out of order, so
much so that a member of the group harbors ill-feelings as to why he
has not been elected president. Each one wants his/her ideas implemented.

The end result is the whole group is splintered up due to factions
scheming against each other. This unsavory trait of Filipinos is a
barrier to the accomplishment of unified action and force so that
loftier deeds are achieved.

At first glance, this unfortunate events will be
construed to be prevalent only today among Filipinos here in Canada ,
Europe, Philippines . This is a big mistaken notion. All of these
events were witnessed and experienced by Rizal in Madrid in May of 1882. The
above paragraph was extracted from page 110 of the book "Rizal, Martyr
and Patriot" authored by Austin Coates, translated into Filipino by
Lino  Ocampo
In his trials and tribulations in regards to his dealing
towards organizations. He showed extraordinarily remarkable
attitude. He wrote to my great grandfather Marcelo H. del Pilar, the editor of
one of the famous newspapers of that age, called "La Solidaridad" "I deem
it very necessary that there must be unity and since you are the head
although I have my own ideas, it is better for you to enforce the
rules and regulations according to your understanding. I will not interfere,
go ahead since you're the chief; use your authority to achieve success
in your undertaking. My resignation does not mean war"

Rizal did not force himself on the organization, instead he
whole heartedly helped the association in their work and plan. He
continued to attend meeting seated at the rear as long as possible.
For him, governance without unity and democratic consensus was
impractical.  The attitude exhibited by Rizal showed his understanding personality
and deep insight.

He was not only a genius in literature, medicine, science
and language but also in people skill- a genius in acquiescence. He
related in a letter to Mariano Ponce, that was a great pleasure for him
if he overshadowed by a pleiade who was a compatriot. He mentioned in
December of 1888, it was too bad there were no one hundred other men
like Plaridel. He also intimated that he was not immune to temptation of
accepting his countrymen's invitation to lead the organization. He
personal belief was that self aggrandizement had no place in the service
for patriotic achievement. However, in spite of all there sentiments,
if it could be considered a fault, he was condescending, forgiving but
not too easy to forget a wrong. For him, the scratch from a friend was far
worse than a wound inflicted by an enemy.

His genius lasted until the end of his life.  He composed " Mi Ultimo Adios "  ( My Last Farewell), originally titled " Mi Ultimo Pensamiento " in the span of five hours or
less. He hid it under an alcohol stove which he gave to Narcisa. This is
a poem containing 14 stanzas with a total of 578 words with perfect
rhyme and metre, replete with scorching truths and far-reaching comparatives.
This essay is written for Canada , Europe, Philippines and
wherever there is a Filipino organization.  We Filipinos should be
thankful because we have a great hero in Dr. Jose Rizal, whom we can be
proud of.  He gave us lofty ideals and example on unity for various
association, organization or group.  If there is someone proven worthy
and capable and willing to lead, let us give way for the benefit of all.

The second in command should bide his/her time and gather more
experience and learn from examples.  The leaders should face the truth
that upholds the natural progression, right of succession and smooth
transition.  Winners should be magnanimous and losers should be

For your information, especially for true Rizalista, the two books
Rizal brought with inside the prison were the Bible and the Imitation
of Christ by Thomas a' Kempis.  The first book he bequeathed to his
mother, Teodora Alonzo, and the second one to his sister Narcisa.

Rizal tried hard to imitate the life of Christ, at the end he
sacrificed his own life for the sake of his country by writing and
publishing "Noli Me Tangere" (Social Cancer) and "El Filibusterismo"
(The Remedy or Revolution). He followed Christ up to the end of his
when he uttered "Consummatum est" (It is accomplished) on the isolated
field of Luneta, also the exact words spoken by Christ on the cross.

We cannot truly imitate the life of Rizal. It is enough if we try to learn his
examples and ideas concerning unity inside an organization for the
eradication of the malaise of Filipinos. The first step for a Rizalista
is to read his biography so that we can render homage to him as a real
hero to be emulated without reservation, not only because Rizal was
foisted on us by Americans, according to Renato Constanino's essay
"Veneration without understanding". In the present, Dr. Jose Rizal is
recognized as a hero in Germany , Belgium , China , Japan and other parts
of the world.

Rizal visited Canada at Niagara Falls on May 12, 1888. A
plaque was erected in Niagara Falls commemorating his visits.
Unfortunately, the location was lost in time and forgotten by people.
However in the near future, an organization will install a larger
plaque to more recognition to our national hero.

If we could roll back time when Rizal was here in Canada and
he hears about our problem concerning governance and unity of
organizations, especially the Knights of Rizal, I am sure Dr. Jose
Rizal will not hesitate to come and visits us and offer his advice and

More Reactions to �Bonifacio Revisited�
(Feb. 01, 2008)

One of your reactors, Jun Abaya, wrote:
Athough we have the same last names, I happen to be a direct descendant of Gen. Aguinaldo.  He is my great grandfather, my grandfather being Emilio Aguinaldo Jr, the son of the general. My dad is the genuine Ilocano.  He is former Rep Plaridel Madarang Abaya of the 1st district of Cavite.  He was born and grew up in Candon, Ilocos Sur.  If you have Ilocano blood, then we are most likely relatives.

Manong Tony,  I know that former Rep. Plaridel Abaya is from Candon. and like me, Jun Abaya thinks that if you have Ilocano blood, you are relatives. I asked you a year ago if  you are from Candon and that Archbsihop Osmundo "Apo Munding" Abaya and Gen. Anotnio "Tony" Abaya (AFP. Ret.) and the President of Fortune Tobacco are your relatives. You informed me then that you are not and that you were born in Pagsanjan, Laguna.

When you mentioned Pagsanjan, I commented that Manong Ernesto "Ernie" M. Maceda is your townmate. Manong Ernie speaks Ilocano fluently. He learned the dialect from her mother, a Madarang from  San Esteban, Ilocos Sur. I happen to be related to the Madarang's from Santa Maria .  - Incidentally, several close friends and I were in Vigan last January 15. After an enlightening discussion over coffee at Cafe Leona with Vice Governor Jeremias "Jerry" Singson and Councilor Loreto "Loring" Quibilan, I wanted to visit Apo Munding but in deference to my friends I did not pursue it. Last  February 7,  I had a chance meeting with Gen. Tony at Christ the King Parish at Greenmeadows.  I informed him of my trip to Vigan and asked him if you are his distant relative. His answer is affirmative. May I have your comments under this new information. Thank you and God bless.

Jerry Quibilan, (by email), Feb. 18, 2008

(Once more with feeling. My father and his family were/are from Pagsanjan, Laguna. We his children were born and grew up in Metro Manila . We do not know how to speak Ilocano. But we understand that all the Abayas originally came from Candon, Ilocos Sur.  However, none of us have ever been there. ACA)


Reaction to Gemma�s �February 1899�

Dear Tony,          I would like to thank you for forwarding the article to this blog group.  Indeed, Gemma Cruz-Araneta is correct in reminding us of this date.  The main points
of the article strengthens my belief of Rizal's and Aguinaldo's importance in our history.  It is their profound conviction about this nation that truly shaped the concept of who the Filipino was at the beginning of its modern history.

Gus Cosio, (by email), Feb. 18, 2008


More Reaction to �Roosevelt or Hitler� (Feb. 06, 2008)

Tony -----You wrote:
Former Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno claims the actual GDP growth rate in 2007 was only between 6.0 and 6.5 percent but offers no counter-statistics to back his claim �

Maybe this paragraph in Ciel Habito's column today would explain Ben Diokno's point more clearly:

"It may be overstated by one or two percentage points�that is, it would be more like 5.3 to 6.3 percent rather than the reported 7.3 percent if measured in a way that would make recent data comparable to the pre-2004 data. (It is a fact that pre-2004 economic growth data are not comparable with post-2004 data, as the government had changed the methodology of measurement�and the National Statistical Coordination Board makes no secret of this.) Still, this does not change the fact that GDP growth has accelerated in recent years."

Boo Chanco, (by email), Feb. 18, 2008
Philippine Star


(Forwarded to Tapatt by Louie Fernandez)

Fil-Am Banker critiques Peso Policy

A paper by a Filipino-American investment banker and equity capitalist concludes that "despite what government officials say, OFWs and those who depend on them are the big losers" in the movement of the Philippine peso rate in relation to the U.S. dollar. The paper further notes that the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas' (BSP's) "attempt to sugarcoat the peso's strength is not credible".

The author of the paper is Raymond F. Barrios, who is attending the Harvard Business School . Barrios is a Filipino-American dual-citizen and a Convenor of the Global Filipino Nation, an unincorporated association of leading organizations and leaders onshore and offshore, including those in academe, think tanks, peasant groups, labor, media, grassroots organizers, business, banking and investments, consulting, OFW/migrant rights advocacy, youth, indigenous peoples, foundations and law.

The paper expressed surprise that the BSP commissioned a study to invalidate the general impression that the rapid change in the exchange rate has hurt many Filipinos. The incongruity is that the BSP's role is to promote economic stability, not to condition the mind of the people.

BSP Deputy Governor Diwa Gunigundo is quoted to have asserted "that what comes out is perception. We need to educate people. Some of them feel they're not getting the positive impact of a firm peso."  The paper retorts that such a statement from a government official is deeply troubling � the Philippine government appears to be ignoring its citizens' concerns (as well as common sense)," contrary to the results of a Social Weather Survey.

Referring to the Mexican experience in the early 1990s, while admittedly different in relevant circumstances, the paper notes that "the BSP's trumpeting of the positives of a 'firm' Philippine peso is reminiscent of the Mexican authorities' simple and ignorant view that a strong peso is a good thing." A separate HBS case study revealed that shortly before the Mexican peso crisis in 1994, the Mexican "peso's exchange rate against the dollar demonstrated remarkable stability, evidence in the authorities' eyes of the success of reform and foreign confidence".

The Barrios-authored paper points out inconsistencies in the data of BSP which asserts that the share of the U.S. in total overseas Filipino remittances is overstated since a large portion is coursed through U.S. remittance centers. The paper observes that the proportions of remittances from top country locations match the Filipino population distribution in those countries.

Furthermore, the paper states that "the BSP's claim that U.S.-sourced remittances are overstated is irrelevant. All the currencies� [analyzed] have moved in the same general direction�In other words, the values of these remittances increased in peso terms regardless of where they came from. This relationship still applies with today's strong peso." The paper notes that "the BSP's attempt to sugarcoat the peso' strength is not credible."

Who are the "winners" and who are the "losers" in the peso movement? The paper claims that "those who are short the U.S dollar and long the Philippine peso are the winners� The losers, on the other hand, are long the U.S dollar and short the Philippine peso." The paper cites the position taken by the Global Filipinos Coalition to the effect that "the big winners are a small number of beneficiaries: the government, the ruling elite, oil companies, utilities and importers (including smugglers). A strong peso also rewards jetsetters and those with insatiable taste for imported goods."

The paper concludes with the observation that "the strong peso has swayed more Filipinos to stay home instead of looking for higher payer jobs overseas. Remittances, correspondingly, will likely decrease as well. The Philippines must position itself to transition the economy." *****

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