Mission Statement
The People Behind TAPATT
Why No One Came
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on Dec. 05, 2007
For the
Standard Today,
December 06 issue

In my previous column,
Son of Oakwood, I had argued that the police and the military had chosen the correct tactical move when they sent an APC crashing through the front door of the Makati Peninsula Hotel to put an immediate end to the stand-off.

Allowing the �situation� to drag on to the next day, as Navy Lt. (now Senator) Antonio Trillanes and Brig. Gen.. Danilo Lim had apparently hoped to happen, would have allowed their civilian supporters � scheduled to mass in Liwasang Bonficaio in a protest rally organized by the Communist movement � to migrate to the Pen and the nearby Ninoy Aquino statue and present the authorities with a possible People Power crowd not seen since February 1986.

Tens of thousands of middle-class office workers, who have no love for President Arroyo, would have flocked to the center of gravity at the end of the workday that  afternoon, either out of sympathy for Trillanes et al. or just out of curiosity. It would have swelled the crowd to several tens of thousands, even to hundreds of thousands, against which military muscle would have been rendered useless, as it was in February 1986.

Imposing a curfew from midnight to 5 am was also a correct and logical tactical move since the rebels had bragged that they were expecting military units from Northern Luzon and Mindanao to arrive and join their ranks in the Pen. What were the police and the military supposed to do, just sit back and watch their problem literally grow larger and more intractable before their very eyes?

But the police erred in their handling of media, even granting that half of the journalists present were conceivably sympathetic to Trillanes and Lim, and that some Magdalo soldiers had indeed melted into the ranks of journalists to escape detection.

But by rounding up all the journalists present, tying their hands with plastic tie-wraps (the kind the Americans use for terrorist suspects in Iraq and Afghanistan), and bundling them off into police vans like common criminals, for interrogation in a police camp, the police made enemies of the entire media community and have created an unnecessary public relations disaster for themselves.  .  

If there was really a need to weed out the impostors among the journalists, the processing could easily have been done in the hotel itself, using the hotel restaurant � whose name I cannot recall - that exits into Makati Avenue, where credentials and IDs could easily have been checked and the few impostors detained, while everyone else was allowed to exit into Makati Avenue, without any fuss and without any humiliating tie-wraps.

The most important question that the Pen Revolt raised is: why, after winning the votes of 11 million Filipinos only six months ago, when Trillanes called on them to come out and support the revolt that he and Danny Lim had just launched, no one came?

This is not an isolated phenomenon. Only last month, the Black and White Movement, a solid middle-class anti-GMA group, launched an online petition asking President Arroyo to resign. In less than two weeks, more than 50,000 signed up.

But when BnW asked petitioners to line up at the Makati post office to mail an �eviction notice� postcard to the occupant of the �House of the Big Briber� � a play on the popular TV program �House of Big Brother� - only 200 to 300 did so. Actually, BnW drew more warm bodies from 50,000 online petitioners than Trillanes and Lim did from 11 million voters. Why?

Partly because of protest fatigue. Partly because most of the 11 million voters were willing to support him in an electoral contest for the Senate, but apparently not in an extra-constitutional grab for presidential power. And partly because he was not seen, even by the millions who had elected him to the Senate, as a moral alternative to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the way Cory Aquino was seen in February 1986 as a moral alternative to Ferdinand Marcos.

The Filipino electorate has matured substantially. In the 2007 senatorial elections, movie stars fared badly and candidates who spent lavishly were not necessarily elected. Voters no longer attended political rallies to get to know the candidates. Instead they listened to public affairs talk shows on television to see and hear what the candidates had to say about the issues of the day.

Trillanes was the exception that proved the rule. Despite his almost total absence from the talk shows � because he was in detention for the 2003 Oakwood Mutiny � he was elected because he was young, he was good-looking, and he had the credentials of a rebellious underdog, all of which connected him with the generally young electorate.

But after that, he settled into relative obscurity, once in a while issuing predictable statements against the corruption in the Arroyo government, without really emerging as an exciting new force in Philippine politics. Unlike his glib
kuya Gringo Honasan, Trillanes never mastered the art of public speaking and his oral statements, even during the stand-off, came out flat and uninspiring.

Together with two friends, I had the opportunity to talk to Trillanes for more than an hour in the Marine brig in Fort Bonifacio about five months ago. I tried to sense what it was in him that enticed 11 million Filipinos to vote for him last May, and frankly I am still not sure I know.

I did not expect the 35-year old rebel with a cause to be a deep political thinker or an economics whiz kid or a profound social philosopher�..and I was not disappointed: he wasn�t. He was and is no budding Che Guevara.

What he had and has is youthful idealism and a sincere abhorrence of the moral bankruptcy of the present order, but which, however, are fatally tarnished by his lead role in the Oakwood Mutiny of 2003, which was meant (didn�t he know?) to restore to power the then accused (now convicted) plunderer Joseph Estrada.. If he did not know that he was being used then, has he grown any wiser since? How does he reconcile this moral dichotomy?

Not having any original ideas of his own � other than generic ones about corruption and poverty and injustice � he would be totally dependent on his advisers in the highly unlikely event that he became head-of-state of this country. And who would these advisers be?

Judging from the civilian company that he chose to keep during his Moment of Truth, this would include lawyers J. V. Bautista and Argee Guveara, who are identified with Sanlakas, part of the rejectionist (meaning anti-Joma) faction of the Communist movement. The two were also active during the Fort Bonifacio stand-off in February 2006, trying, unsuccessfully, to choreograph a mini-EDSA people power uprising.

And there is Dodong Nemenzo, former president of UP and former associate member of the Politburo of the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. During the heady days of 2005, when the Hello Garci scandal fanned expectations of an insurrection, Nemenzo actually drafted a Blueprint for the Philippines and stitched together a revolutionary junta in the event of a successful power grab by his comrades. In a Trillanes revolutionary government, Nemenzo would likely be the chief ideologue.

But during the inquest on the Pen Revolt, Nemenzo denied involvement in rebellion, saying with a straight face that he was in the Pen merely to do academic research on military rebels. Did you hear the joke about the priest who was caught in a whorehouse during a police raid? He also said he was doing academic research. When asked how deep his research went, he replied, �About seven inches��

Not to be left behind, the Communist Party of the Philippines issued an unsigned statement in its website (www.philippinerevolution.net), supporting Trillanes� seizure of the Pen and warning that there will be more �coordinated� attacks and protest actions in the future. (
Standard Today, Dec. 01)

The bottom line is that playing at rebellion is a risky gamble, and any miscalculation can be fatal. Nothing succeeds like success. But nothing also fails like failure.

In my article
Fidel Castro Trillanes (June 11, 2007) I wrote: �For the next three years at least, Trillanes faces an uncertain future, to escape which the only way out seems to be a daring escape from prison, followed by a popular revolt led by him against a very unpopular lame-duck president, which might succeed this time.

�I am sure�Dodong Nemenzo�s Laban ng Masa are by this time working on how to package and project the New Fidel Castro or the New Hugo Chavez�..�

Well, he did escape from detention, momentarily, last week, but his popular revolt turned out to be not so popular after all. No one came. Perhaps some lessons in public speaking are in order. There would be ample time for that in the Muntinlupa (not Makati ) Pen. *****

Reactions to
[email protected]. Other articles in www.tapatt.org and in acabaya.blogspot.com.


Reactions to �Why No One Came�
More Reactions to �Son of Oakwood�

You are absolutely right when you said that the citizenry will support an electoral initiative but not an extra constitutional move. The risk to the country is just too great, particularly when the people who present themselves are as equally morally bankrupt as
those they want to replace.

Do not forget that when Trillanes was asked to explain why in his Statement of Assets and Liabilities he owned so many cars which he cannot afford based on his salary; he said that the cars were his mother's. He only put them under his name so that the financing companies would think twice when being strict on the repayments since he was in the military. You can get the exact response during the preliminary hearing after the Oakwood incident.

His statements reflect his own twisted view of his power as a military officer and his inclination to use that power for his personal purposes - in this case to acquire cars and quite a few of them. Tell me Mr. Abaya, is there integrity in this man?

Gus Cosio, (by email), Dec. 06, 2007

(As much integrity as in that now famous wig. ACA)


Hi, Tony.          I totally agree with your assessment of the way the police handled the situation. With regards the on-line petition, there was another one that called for the resignation and having a snap election.


I think a month or more have passed, but only about 3 to 4,000 have signed up. People are not only fed up with people power. But also, 2010 is already very near, so why not just wait.     Cheers!

Bobby Tordesillas, (by email), Dec. 06, 2007


Although I agree with many of your observations, I disagree on some.  It would not have swelled to "tens of thousands".  Nobody supports another "People Power" at this time.  Indeed you are right when you say there are no alternatives.

If media people are "processed" in the hotel (a neutral place) itself, it will be very hard to detain further those that the authorities felt are part of Magdalo.  How can an ordinary soldier in the field know which one to "process" and which one to detain?
(Simple: those who have no valid press IDs are detained. Those who have valid press IDs are released. Anyone who can read can do it. ACA). That would have put the authorities in a more difficult situation. In fact, the authorities who "recovered" the hotel used kid gloves in dealing with those inside the hotel, endangering everyone.  One stupid bystander could have acted in a wrong way and nobody could have imagined the result.  The authorities should have neutralized everyone upon entering the hotel which of course everyone knows could not be made with everyone standing.  If indeed that death or injuries happen while neutralizing everyone, it could rightfully be blamed on the Magdalo, and each death/injury will be part of their charges.

Meanwhile, I doubt that it was the young voters who gave Trillanes his 11M votes (we just do not have any data to support that guess).
(This is not a guess. It is supported by both Comelec and Namfrel data. ACA) I have my own guess though:  they could be those that watch shows such as Pinoy Big Brother, etc.

Serafin Dudeo, (by email), California , Dec. 06, 2007


Both Trillanes and Lim appeared as tragic figures who were stupid to boot. Stupidity has been defined as doing one thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This time around they had an even more ill-planned, ill-timed, ill-prepared, ill-equipped, ill-articulated misadventure than Oakwood.

I had hoped they'd at least tell us what they had in mind for us. Neither Trillanese nor Lim gave a clear idea of what they were at. The exercise was so obscure, confused and confusing, unknowable, and disturbingly without rhyme or reason I am at a loss what to make of it. What it was all about, really?

Vicente de Jesus, (by email), Dec. 06, 2007

(Nothing more than a power grab. He expected to be named head of Nemenzo�s proffered revolutionary junta. ACA)


Not having been home for sometime, I know little about Trillanes beyond the fact he managed to wangle a spot in the Senate in the last election a year ago. Now I know why, and it's quite clear he has become a dud. As Tony so aptly points out, Trillanes is no young Che Guevara, or Fidel Castro. He appears to be just an ambitious but bumbling pretender who conned his way through those 11 million voters. I bet those millions must be wishing they could take those votes back.

There is no contesting the point that Filipinos have a slew of grievances against the government, particularly the devious ways that President Arroyo has been guiding the ship of state. I also believe there were good reasons to impeach her, but politics being what it is back home - of the worst Machiavellian kind - none of those moves to oust her has succeeded. Into that vacuum Trillanes and his ilk stepped in, only to realize once again that they have no popular support.

I agree with Tony. Filipino voters have matured more than they used to be,
exemplified by their rejection of candidates whose only virtues were their good looks and their familiarity with the public (mostly because they happen to be sports or cinema celebrities.) They displayed that maturity once again in failing to rally behind this latest mini-military caper.

The lesson to be learned from this pathetic call to oust the government by a
a crew of false crusaders is that future putsch attempts will get nowhere. The alternative, if they ever succeed, is what should worry a lot of us. Trillanes and his minions, unfortunately including a few misguided bishops, have no concrete vision that Filipinos can rally or die for, nor any group of leaders more capable of taking the reins of government beyond "academic researchers" like Dodong Nemenzo (his reason for being in the Pen Hotel at the time must rank as one of the best jokes of the year.)

Yes, the Philippines managed to get through with another mini-coup. Those rascals got the publicity they wanted. But for what? I, like other Filipinos, am getting tired of reading about these banalities. As much as I have no love left for President Arroyo, I would feel better if she silences those plotters by putting them behind bars where they could stir no further trouble. But please, no pardon, Madame President. This is a time for her to show all of us she has the balls to protect the integrity of the government, or what is left of it.

Remigio G. Lacsamana, M.D, (by email), .Daytona Beach , Florida , Dec. 06, 2007


Without waiting for 2010, Mr. Abaya?

So the following is what you think of him?
I did not expect the 35-year old rebel with a cause to be a deep political thinker or an economics whiz kid or a profound social philosopher�..and I was not disappointed: he wasn�t. He was and is no budding Che Guevara.

In Oakwood, Trillanes and his group did not know that they were linked to the Icon for the Mahirap? I was wondering, did the United Front orbiting around the National Democratic Front support the episode in Peninsula Hotel?  Did they send their multitude to the gathering? Are you supporting Dr. Abueva's proposal for a two-phase plan for Charter Change?

Cesar Torres, (by email), San Francisco , CA , Dec. 06, 2007

(As mentioned in the article, the comrades of various shades of Red supported Trillanes. But by the time they gathered their multitudes, the show was over. ACA)


About the priest doing  DEEP academic research inside the whorehouse...
"...about seven inches "[oh, stop bragging, padre...more like four perhaps EVEN fully erect].

I love that TIMELY joke, Tony...so like us from that school we were trained to speak and think clearly...and cleverly timed wit. to boot.

And thanks for your lucid, logical, and hard-hitting commentary on the recent circus at Manila Pen...dissecting the stunts that led to a fiasco by that nino bonito newly elected senator...Oh how can we rid ourselves of these clowns...Let us get articulate, clear and forward thinking, and yes courageous revolutionaries, not just amateur media hyper grandstanding actors for satellite TV news sound bytes.

Tony Joaquin, (by email), Daly City , CA , Dec.06, 2007


All we need is one man who could encourage everyone to get together, and reconcile with each other by simply having a convention of all leaders -  comunnists, MNLF, rebel priests, rebel soldiers, businessmen, pro-administration politicians, opposition politicians, and citizenry. We don't need men who seize power by force. We need a man, who could lead us to unity without violence. 

Jess Guim, (by email),  New York City , Dec. 06, 2007


Dear Tony         The Trilanes- Lim instant rebellion failed becauswof  poor timing. HOwever, it exposed the fact that our policie and military willnlot play soft  and allow a People Power edition to gather . LIke the loyal guards, they  tactically sewalewd off all posssible  reinfircemdents and mass support from  coming to the  Pen. Next time, bothside will be fully armed to the teeth. There is no firepower from Trillanes and Lim to speak off. Next time vkiolence will explode and blood would spill as both sides would b prepared to arm themselves. 

I prAY that the Good LOrd would spare this country from the fires of revolution. Prayer should be the first and foremost  too of  change.

Vic del Fierro,  Jr., (by email), Dec. 06, 2007

(Reactors are expected to review their posts for typos, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc, before pressing the Send button. We will not correct your mistakes for you. ACA)


This country is highly politicized. If you read the Editorial Section  of the Philippine Daily Inquirer (today's issue) my sentiments go to the Australian Economist, who has harsh things to say about the Philippines . However I don�t like a foreigner who criticizes my country.

To your question why no one came with Trillanes.... my profound answer to you is... "WHY?"

Rafaella Alma Lozada, (by email), Dec. 06, 2007


Why no one came? Simply put it, THE PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED THEIR LESSON.
They try to analyze first who's behind the actions or who's calling the shots.
They try to check first if the reasons are worth sacrificing the economy.
They try to see first if there is no better time than now or there's no better option to consider.
They try to think of the foreseeable outcome of the events first, ... like who will take over. 
These are the things that the people have started to realize soon after EDSA 2.
To sum it up, they simply became a little smarter.

Flipzi, [email protected], Dec. 06, 2007


Dear Mr. Abaya,            I agree with you on almost everything in this issue except the part about the "arrest of the journalists". For the first time, I agree with everything that our authorities did. No one is above the law. And if the standard procedure for rounding off suspects mean they have to be tied with those plastic cuffs, then tough!!! Law is law!

We cannot change the fact that those journalist present were so hard-headed and even arrogant. If they were willing to risk their lives for the sake of "news"...then they should show us their willingness to "suffer any consequence" for their choice. They act as if anyone except the media deserve to be suspected of any wrongdoings when in fact, I saw in them either malice, grandstanding, or the act of protecting or coddling of criminals, or arrogance to the highest degree.

Utang na loob - We should begin to accept that in this country, HALF OF THE PROBLEM IS OUR SELF SERVING MEDIA! I just heard Luchi Cruz and Jessica Soho on radio - basta daw sila, may separate set of ethics, and that is what they will follow. HELLO! What about the law of the land? Does that mean, they are not covered by it?

I believe in press freedom. But I do not believe in the abuse of this freedom and in people hiding behind the excuse of exercising this freedom, when it already impinge on the "rule of law" which is supposed to benefit ALL!!! Mag isip isip kayo. Huwag kayong mayayabang. Sukang suka na ako sa inyo!!! Sana gamitin niyo ang talino niyo sa ikauunlad nang bayan, hindi yung nagpapa bobo pa kayo Lalo nang ating mga kababayan! Have some manners too! Thank you.

Con Santos , (by email), Dec. 06, 2007

P.S. Mr. Abaya, No one came because - anyone who does not even know how to read the weather forecast is not fit to be President of this Land!!!


Thanks a lot, Tony! Praying for your good health and long life because we need people like you who has the integrity in the field of journalism. God bless you!

Gerry Garay (by email), Clermont , Florida , Dec. 06, 2007


Your wrote:
"If he did not know that he was being used then, has he grown any wiser since? How does he reconcile this moral dichotomy?"

Apparently not and obviously  did not make good  use  of the time between Oakwood and Manila Pen to analyze the situation he was in then.

As you aptly observed  --
"I did not expect the 35-year old rebel with a cause to be a deep political thinker or an economics whiz kid or a profound social philosopher�..and I was not disappointed: he wasn�t. He was and is no budding Che Guevara."   BUT I suppose he is the type that exudes the aura of  Napoleonic grandiosity. The  type that belong more inside Mandaluyong Asylum than a military stockade --( or perhaps Malacanang?)

Alexander Po, (by email), Dec. 07, 2007


Love this article! You wrote:
"I did not expect the 35-year-old rebel with a cause to be a deep political thinker or an economics whiz kid or a profound social philosopher.
and I was not disappointed: He wasn't. He was and is no budding Che Guevara."

My answer: Some of the PMA became/become barons were/are not even honor rolls in elementary and high school. PMA produces Manchurian Candidates! And the trapo politicians are waiting for them to be used like toy soldiers with remote controls. Idealism? Idealism, my butt! If Erap, another national symbol of corruption also financed the previous coup attempts, where is Idealism there? These eggheads are Manchurian Candidates! All they do is to complain blah!blah!blah!) and NOT geniuses in passing laws and they are lame-duck in the economic arena that we mostly needed today.

You wrote:
"But during the inquest on the Pen Revolt, Nemenzo denied involvement in rebellion, saying he was in the Pen merely to do academic research on military rebels. Did you hear the joke about the priest who was caught in a whorehouse during a police raid? He also said he was doing academic research. When asked how deep his research went, he replied, "About seven inches." "

My answer: ha!ha!ha! Too funny! And so is Binay. Most of Binay's employees can hold City Hall functions at Pen Hotel already, deny pa rin ng deny. That's the problem in the Philippines because people can just deny involvement (like the Cojuancos, NPAs, Ayalas, Lolo Abat and even Mr. Clean) if coup is unsuccessful without even any charges or solid punishments.

LF, [email protected], Dec. 07, 2007


Dear Mr. Abaya,          I myself was not surprised for the lack of support precisely because people are tired of change that does not hold water anyway. Look at the 2001 People Power, maybe participants of EDSA II like me were scalded with the results.

We are in a difficult situation where no legitimate or even charismatic alternative leadership appears to be in sight. Maybe majority preferred to ride it out until the next election and not waste precious time of their lives with something that they could not possibly do anything about (i.e. corruption, incompetence etc).

We are the ones who chose to put the kind of leaders that we have, so why gripe? Next time, I hope we Filipinos take elections more seriously and consider the future.

Grace Santos, (by email), Dec. 07, 2007


Hi Tony:         My educated guess is the 11 million voters for Trillianes in the last May elections did not come out to physically and morally support him because: 1) they did not really the issues, sufficient for them to act, or, 2) the financial supporters did not dish out the cash for them to come out, or, 3) even if they have internalized the issues and fully appreciated them, they were not sure Trillianes will actually succeed in overthrowing the government. AND NOBODY WANTS TO ADMIT TO BE THE SIRE OF ANY POLITICAL BOOBOOS--SPECIALLY AMONG FILIPINOS. 4) none of them, including Trillanes and Lim were not really prepared to die for their cause.

If you watched ANC's Media in Focus last night (replay on Saturday, tomorrow afternoon) I said on the air that Trillianes could have won it, had he, during the military-police assault on the Manila Pen's front door, asked ALL the hotel employees, public, and the MEDIA PEOPLE covering the event, TO LEAVE THE HOTEL AS HE WAS WILLING TO BE SHOT DEAD ON THE SPOT FOR WHAT HE/THEY BELIEVE IN. 

But he was a total coward, and even (maybe unwittingly) used the media persons as human shields against any fire from the assaulting troops.  On the other hand, (and in fairness to them) the news people were not immediately prepared they were actually human shields. (Although some of them  really separated from the rebels at a certain point to save themselves�just in case the APC fired on the rebels.  This was according to Dana who was covering for Jiji Press).

In sum, this last week's failed try by the 5-star (hotel) rebels of Magdalao signals the end of any other try at People Power to oust President Arroyo. Obviously the masses suffer from peoplepower fatigue since the lessons of EDSA I has clearly been lost. We have not really moved forward as a nation! What more proof do we need? 

The taxi and jeepney drivers, the market vendors, the housewives and ordinary government employees I have talked to everyday since last Friday tell me  only line:  "Ganoon din nam silang lahat, mga kurakot na politiko din.  At itong si Trillianes ginulo lang nila ang mga hanap-buhay natin, mga p---ina nila."  In short, the

Magdalaos should now be know as Walang-Ng-Dadalo-Sa-Inyo (nobody will come tu
support you anymore, a.k.a. NAG-IISA KA NA).         Cheers

Gil Santos, (by email), Dec. 07, 2007


Mr. Abaya,          I would like to take this opportunity to commend our armed forces headed by Gen. Esperon, the PNP, Sec. Gilbert Teodoro, Sec. Ronnie Puno, for the way they handled the situation. It was masterfully crafted and of world class standards. We should be proud of how our armed forces and national defense have matured and improved immensely througout the years. With this awesome display of maneuvers, im sure no one would dare to attempt any more of these uncalled- for uprisings.

I also agree with how the media were handled. It was fair treatment because they were arrested as suspects like anyone else in a crime scene and they shouldn�t be given any special treatment which sometimes the media tend to abuse. We should remember that wrong-doers in this present age do not fit a stereotypical description anymore. They have no face, gender, age, occupation.

My respect also for the President has grown after the way she handled this situation. MAY PAGASA PA ANG PILIPINAS!     Mabuhay!

Miko Magsaysay, (by email), Dec. 07, 2007


Hi Tony,          Why no one came?  Either Trillanes misread or incorrectly analyzed that 11 million voters do not translate to 11 million people believing in extra-constitutional  means to bring about leadership change in government.  It is a given that these voters are believers in the peaceful  exercise of the right to choose their own leaders.  He also missed the point that most of the 11 million voters did not exclusively vote for him but for other senatorial candidates who they believed could represent them through legislation but not through a power grab.  I thought his motivation to run was based on a genuine desire to help bring about a change in the legislative culture that has spawned thievery and corruption in all levels of government- which I fully support.  Alas, it was not to be. 

Wasn't Gen. Lim involved in a similar rebellious adventure before? Do they think they can replicate what Gen. Ramos and company did in 1986? How naive or stupid can Trillanes and company get if they think they can?

The elderly bishop and a priest looked funny as they tried to propped up Trillanes generic charges against the government.  We all know the shortcomings of GMA's government, thanks to the media. When asked by Ms. Drilon who they'd want to take over, Gen. Lim said "lilitaw" din sila.  Malabo ang mga taong ito.

It now appears to me that Trillanes's crusade is motivated by personal vendetta against the government that deservedly jailed and continue to jail him. No matter what, let's adhere to the rule of law and give them their day in court just like ERAP, his benefactor. 

Shane V.Flores, (by email), Sacramento , CA , Dec. 07, 2007


Tony,           That ��no one came�
confirmed our doubt that Trillanes another media creation (like Erap) really won in the last elections. It now appears he does not really have that much vaunted 11 million (daw). I will agree there may be hundreds of thousands, nay millions even, of GMA haters who are willing to flush reason in the nearest toilet and swallow a stuttering, stammering �idealist� kuno to the polls. But not 11 million as counted by a COMELEC presided by an Abalos ( Aba , lost!). The glaring proof, ladies and gentlemen, save for a handful of bewildered perennial GMA haters, is that they were N O W H E R E to be found . . .  EREHWON  (no offense  meant, Tony). The NOW HERE became NOWHERE. Not even Rambotito and Mommy Jamby. El Duque y Duqueza de Nada.

Why? The numbers the surveys fed a wary, truth-starved public was simply NOT TRUE. As untrue as Pimentel, Biazon, JoeCon, Obet Pagdanganan, Heherson Alvarez, Ongpin, etc, losing the elections during Cory�s time. As untrue as Recto, etc losing in the last  Elections. There was black-magic somewhere, in Mindanao most likely, where the �dag-dag/bawas� brew first unfolded. Those who goaded Trillanes knows he really does not command a thinking horde. It was all media hype to fill a need for another central figure as a rallying point to create a critical mass that will lead to EDSA 3. No, Trillanes, minus the porma, does not fit the role. A blabber-mouth can easily connect all the platitudes and motherhood statements and even ride on the spirit of the heroes as in �Magdalo� to con an unwitting public. But the intelligentia can see through the sham. Poor hijo should wake up and realize that na-uto lang siya ni �kuya�  who played with his blind passion. Ok, he was delivered to the senate as he must have been promised in the same way that kuya also the way for other misfits at the expense of the deserving. Will �Kuya �now be a true hero by revealing everything?

Because the big-time political personalities, having in the bag what they wanted in the last elections, wisely shunned gambling their gains at the moment. They are just playing their cards well. �Wish you luck� they must have said then quietly adding, �wait and see lang kami todits, sige bro.� They then conveniently turned off their mobile phones when they saw from their wide LCDs the non-event turn into comedy aided by a bunch of starirays from a patronizing network.  

Why? Because JPE is now in his element as a statesman and knowing what�s good for the country, have reigned in Gringo to stop his decimated but enlightened wrecking crew from participating in destroying the country. This, in contrast to pining presidential wannabes who are pandering to the media for mileage that might lead them to Arlegui on 2010. 

Why? Finally, because, believe it or �NO�, Tony, there is Divine Intervention every time evil seems to get the upper-hand in this troubled land. Indeed, as He promised He will spare the land from his wrath for as long as there are Men of Goodwill praying and crying out His Holy Name! Praise the Lord! Shalom,

E. J. T.Tirona, (by email), Paranaque City , Dec. 07, 2007

(So did Divine Intervention also give us  Hello Garci, Joc Joc Bolante, ZTE and Abalos, Malacanang paper bags full of cash for congressmen and governors, missing billions of pesos in quarrying fees in Pampanga, and a long list of overpriced government contracts starting from here to Eternity? ACA)


Why no support came was not at all surprising.  Trillanes and Lim and the three bishops plus a group of communist sympathizers do not have what it takes to make heads turn.  What about the 11 million Trillanes voters?  Now I think is the right time for Garci to demand a recount. 

I am a kibitzer from across the seas and I still cannot believe Trillanes won as senator.   He neither had substance nor money.  And as you pointed out, he lacks eloquence and meaningful proposals to speak of.

I wish we have seen the last of Trillanes and Lim, for the sake of the country.

[email protected], Dec. 07, 2007


Dear Mr Abaya          I apologize for the length but this coup attempt really gets my ire.

I agree wholeheartedly with you - Filipinos are tired of supporting extra-constitutional moves to wrest power from the constitutionally elected head of the land, even if they think it was a suspicious win or that she is terribly corrupt. I for one do not even believe that anyone who has won an election in the Philippines is really free from this taint of suspicion. The only ones that I truly believe do not cheat or buy votes are the ones who have lost elections or who had not the financial means to buy votes.

Now I ask you - what will be the difference between the suspicious victory of Gloria in the polls(as the opposition claims) and the victory of Trillanes if he succeeded in his coup attempt? NOTHING - SAME DIFFERENCE!!! In fact a coup is a more despicable and abhorrent manner in getting to be head of state when you know that someone obtained  power over you just because he pointed his AK-47 at your head.

Mind you I do not endorse money for votes, but if Gloria really cheated in the polls as opposition claims, she obviously did not use force - she used monetary persuasion. I would vote for Gloria any time of day if I have to choose between an automatic rifle and a 500 peso note shoved in front of my face. And I will choose Gloria hands down and not these morons who think they are doing everyone in this country a favour because they believe their good looks and charisma are enough skills to run a country.

My take on these guys when I saw them on CNN is that they won�t even be able to run a choo-choo train, much less run a country. They can probably run it to the ground efficiently and effectively, but this Trillanes cannot even express himself, how is he going to persuade me if all he can say is one sentence and all of it mumbled and unintelligible.

tells us that the people who can rule the world have all been great speakers, writers and thinkers the likes of 20th century figures the likes of Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Fidel Castro.  They were able to persuade their people to follow them with their glib and forceful tongues.  Trillanes wont' be able to persuade me to join his revolution if he cannot tell me what exactly it is he wants to happen or what he wants from me. Does he also have any kind of plan at all or is this all just spur of the moment revolt with no direction except to get himself on international television while making a beeline for jail?

And who the hell in this country of ours is not corrupt and does not aid and abet corruption? Even those very people who keeps on accusing Gloria of being corrupt. Let us all look at ourselves deep down inside us if we can really truly say that we can cast that first boulder at anyone without a doubt. So are these guys really as clean as they purport to be?

Haven't our people learned a lesson yet from the Marcos dictatorship? Do they at all read the pains and heartaches of Myanmar , North Korea , Zimbabwe , Sudan ?

You want my frank opinion? These guys, beginning from my relative, Honasan, down to Trillanes, should have been given the harshest punishment after their coup attempts. If I was the president and they did this on my watch, I would have locked them all up until they behaved and paid up for all the material, financial and economic damage they had done to the commercial area and to the country as a whole rather than just given them a light spanking in their behinds and send them back to their barracks to plot again as Gloria did. I hope Gloria has learned her lesson that if you spare the rod you spoil the child. And with me, those good looks of Trillanes will not work on me, even if he promised me the best bedtime story in the world.
Lola Tina Peralta (by email), Dec. 08, 2007


Dear Tony,           You're right, the people are already getting tired of street parliamentarians. This "Grab-Political-Power-Quick" style needs backings not only of the masses, but rather the military, religous, the Makati Business Club, big amount of money, and backings from the US Embassy. Obviously, the recent Manila Pen takeover lacks many of the ingridients.

Most of all, you need courageous soldiers, participants and followers who are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the cause. It was a shame, a real shame, at the first outburst of gunfire, mutineers' advocay and principles melted like ice. Nobody stood firm with what they believe, except Senator Trillanes, Danny Lim and a few soldiers. All the rest have either took the back exits, scampered away, pretended like somebody else who does not know why they ae there. What is disgusting is that, even a veteran activist whom I personnaly know  retracted the reason why he was at Manila Pen. Those participants should have shouted, with firmness - RESIGN OR OUST GLORIA, WE ARE WILING TO DIE AND WILL FIGHT TO THE END!

One of them should have doused gasoline on himself and lit a fire like a Budhhist monk have done. Or a brave soldier, with one hand holding the flag of the Magdalo group have fought courageously the Police invading Manila Pen.  

No wonder, like the Hispanic Magdalo group, they are cowards, who grab power from real revolutionaries out of ambuscades.

Rodolfo Cada, (by email), Dec. 08, 2007


Trillanes is too Machiavellian to be supported. Too much delusion of grandeur. Not  smart enough to be effective and inspiring. Enough already. Let's groom somebody to take GMA's place in 2010. In the meantime gather all the evidences strong enough to find her guilty of all the corruption and illegal things she has done and which occurred during her term.

Pura Flor Isleta, (by email), Dec. 08, 2007


To Mr.Abaya,          You did a candid analysis of the reasons why the people didn't response to the Oakwood debacle. Please be reminded that the people are not all stupid..I live in California  but am abreast to the political iimpulse of the Pilipino psyche. Most of us were blinded by the succees of the Edsa revolt but stymied by the lack of concrete changes by the succeeding administratios of Cory Aquino, Fidel Ramos, Joseph Estrada and incumbent Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

In retrospect, freedom of the press have help expose corruption in all quarters of government, but lacking in substance in the conviction and imprisonment of accused individuals.This is hazardous to the life and limbs of individuals willing to sacrifice their lives for sake of truth.When Joseph was pardon for plunder, most of us knew political quid pro quo was at work. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours have not lost its luster inherited from our historical past.

The Arroyo administration despite lapses of decretion  will survive as long as the military establishment adheres to their oath of duty preserving and  protecting the integrity of established institution. And as long as that government is ruled by laws and check and balances are in place, I will support that government. The alternative of a Junta government does not apply since the will of the people had been preserved by the mandate of the people in a judicious electoral process.

What I would like to see is the emergence of a challenge re-visiting the term limit of President Arroyo, whether her term should exceed the 6 years mandated by the Constitution. What are the ramifications under present laws should a challenge in the Supreme Court emerged? Would such a challenge prosper within the scope of the letter of the Constitution. Should the president be a temporary transitionary undertaker under the present set up? I would rather look to this venue of challenge about president's Arroyo's legitimacy beyond six years incumbency.  Another impeachment proceeding or an Oak Wood copy cat of the EDSA revoltion  won't prosper under present circumstances. I am posing this thesis to all concern Pilipinos.     Mabuhay ang Pilipino

[email protected], California , Dec. 09, 2007

(President Arroyo�s presidential term expires in May 2010 and cannot be renewed or extended. The maneuvers in 2006 to change the Constitution to shift to parliamentary, and upcoming maneuvers in 2008 to do the same, are correctly seen as ploys to allow her to remain in power beyond 2010, as prime minister. ACA)


If the "Trillanes revolt" intended to attract a large crowd, it would not have been able to do so.  It was a case of shallow prognosis and poor planning on the part of the organizers.

Save for the uncalled-for treatment of the media, the police and the military had the better strategy and action.         P.S. - Filipinos hardly brave the rain.

Rolly Metin, (by email), Dec. 09, 2007


Good day, Tony!          Trillanes probably thought, like many rabid anti-GMAs, that people so hate Gloria that a throng will gather instantly if they call on them, what with the countless scandals that have rocked this administration.

Some people believe it�s "people power" fatigue.  I believe its rumor-fatigue.  Everything has been thrown GMA's way, including the whole stench of Payatas, many of them unfounded accusations either through her own evasiveness or her detractors' lack of solid evidence.  Only the media gets excited over another impeachment case against her.  The same media that cheered Trillanes at The Pen.

Look at the line-up of whistle-blowers:  Ping Lacson, Vidal Doble, Joey de Venecia, Dinky Soliman, Frank Drilon, Trillanes.  These are not the types that can cause the downfall of Gloria in the manner that Clarissa Ocampo caused Erap's.

I still believe that the people hate GMA but not enough as to see her fall and replaced by anyone listed above.  We'd rather have the devil that we know.

I am supportive of GMA because things are looking up.  There is only one thing that can make me change my mind about her:  once someone comes up to claim and prove that she pocketed even a peso of government money.     Merry Christmas!

Jojo Labayen, (by email), Dec. 10, 2007


Dear TOny,          If Senator Trillanes and his cohorts had succeeded in their latest
(mis)adventure, probably the Philippines is under communist rule by now. There is a much bigger picture behind this latest adventure. Do you think the leftist-as you would often say "the communists" ,will give an inch to him. If this Senator( elect) and the West-Pointer trained General Lim are really intelligent men, they should know by now that they are being used by the communists and other anti-Arroyo forces .Since the latest putsch did not succeed, they were left behind to fend for themselves.

You see how good the communist in infiltrating every facets of society. Even
the likes of these two great military men are within their sphere. Or, maybe they are already card bearing communist members in guise of societal change. Time and again majority of Filipinos will reject this ideological nonsense.

Angel Pangilinan, (by email), Canada , Dec. 15, 2007


More Reactions to �Son of Oakwood�
(Dec. 04, 2007)

To: Ms. Renata Lopez -  May I suggest that you read my reaction to Mr. Abaya's article more carefully before suggesting that I implied that Pinoys are a "stupid race . . ."   and that I have made a statement you perceive as "actually contradictory".

Ricardo I. de Leon, (by email), Dec. 15, 2007


Dear Mr. Abaya,          Just a quick straightforward comment on two RX' to "Son of Oakwood"

1. The mail from Kit Soriano: How (deleted) can a Filipina be to write (deleted) like this!! (I do assume she is a woman). After all what happened since Marcos' departure, there are still too many assholes running around the Philippines . Deport them into the boondocks, take their rights to vote away, confiscate their passports and investigate whether they have paid any income taxes at all. Unfortunately your country has adopted all kind of nonsense during the American occupation but one: the IRS

2. I want to congratulate Virgilio Gonzales on his RX to this matter. If 90% of all Filipinos would think like him, the country would be No. 1 in SE Asia .

By the way: I am married to Rica Cortes Rentzing (one of your recipients), we are living in and out of the Philippines since 1980.

Helmut Rentzing, (by email), Heidelberg , Germany , Dec. 15, 2007

Tony,          This "global forum" that you got started...allowing every individual interested in writing you to also read those of the others, and so on, can be the key to having every thinking Filipino [and non Filipino] participating.

In fact, these should be read by all government officials starting with Gloria M. Arroyo down the line, as well as top schools and military institutions of learning ...and in time lay the groundwork for sober and mature thinking among our people.  Ah, the wonders of the internet!          Merry Christmas, Tocayo.

Tony Joaquin, (by email), Daly City , Dec. 15, 2007


A Great Morning to You, Mr. Abaya......we formed a group called La Salle Ateneo At Lahat Na to support the call of the La Salle Brothers "oust GMA" and the Ateneo Jesuits who are still "SEEKING FOR THE TRUTH"...i personally spent 150 hours with Sonny Trillanes, the Magdalos, at lahat sila......all wat i can say is that WE SHOULD PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE and also our BELEAGURED COUNTRY, the PHILIPPINES......there has to be a DIVINE INTERVENTION & a TRUE CHANGE of HEART.....if not, let our COUNTRY BREAK some more.....i BELEIVE in SONNY TRILLANES at LAHAT SILA! Thank You.

Patrick Pantaleon, (by email), Dec. 16, 2007

(150 hours divided by 24 equals 6.25 whole days.  Assuming you follow an 8-hour working day, that translates into 18.75 working days of eight hours each that you say you spent with Trillanes, by your count, apparently everyday since the Nov. 29 Makati Pen Revolt. Didn�t your wife and children suspect anything? ACA)

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