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Europe's Mosque Hysteria
by Martin Walker
Spring 2006,
Wilson Quarterly

For the first time since the Ottoman Turks were hurled back at the
siege of Vienna in 1683, Europe has been gripped by dark, even
apocalyptic visions of a Muslim invasion. The Italian journalist
Oriana Fallaci has sold more than a million copies of her 2004 book
The Force of Reason, in which she passionately argues that "Europe is
no longer Europe, it is 'Eurabia,' a colony of Islam, where the
Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense but also in
a mental and cultural sense. Servility to the invaders has poisoned
democracy, with obvious consequences for the freedom of thought and
for the concept itself of liberty."

Renowned scholars in the United States have sounded similar notes of
warning. Princeton professor emeritus Bernard Lewis, a leading
authority on Islamic history, suggested in 2004 that the combination
of low European birthrates and increasing Muslim immigration means
that by this century's end, Europe will be "part of the Arabic west,
the Maghreb ." If non-Muslims then flee Europe , as Middle East
specialist Daniel Pipes predicted in The New York Sun, "grand
cathedrals will appear as vestiges of a prior civilizationat least
until a Saudi-style regime transforms them into mosques or a
Taliban-like regime blows them up." And political scientist Francis
Fukuyama argued in the inaugural issue of The American Interest that
liberal democracies face their greatest challenges not from abroad but
at home, as they attempt to integrate "culturally diverse populations"
into one national community. "In this respect," he wrote, "I am much
more optimistic about America 's long-term prospects than those of
Europe ."

These views flourish in the heated context of recent headlines. The
crisis earlier this year over Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet
Muhammad, with repercussions felt more in the Middle East than Europe,
was preceded in October by the eruption of riots in France, in which
the children of mainly North African immigrants torched some 10,000
cars and burned schools and community centers in some 300 towns and
cities. A terrorist attack by four suicide bombers killed 52 in the
London subway in July, and was swiftly followed by a second, abortive
attack. In famously tolerant Holland , the gruesome murder by a young
Islamist fanatic of the radical filmmaker Theo van Gogh in November
2004 was followed by the petrol bombings of mosques and Islamic
schools. In Madrid , 191 people were killed on the city's trains on
March 11, 2004 , in a coordinated bombing attack by Al Qaeda
sympathizers, an event that was as traumatic for Europe as the
September 11 attacks were for the United States .

Less noticed in the United States was the shock that ran through
Germany a year ago after the "honor killings" of eight young Turkish
women by their own families in the space of four months. The women's
crimes were that they refused the husbands their families had chosen
for them or had sought sexual partners outside their religion and
close-knit communities. This became a national scandal when a school
headmaster, outraged when his Turkish pupils insisted of one of the
victims that "the whore got what she deserved," wrote to press outlets
and to other headmasters across Germany denouncing this "wave of
hidden violence" beneath the placid surface of German life. His
warning was reinforced by the German government's first detailed
survey of the lives of Turkish women, in which 49 percent of them said
they had experienced physical or sexual violence in their marriage.
One in four of those married to Turkish husbands said they had met
their grooms on their wedding day. Their curiosity at last roused,
Germans were shocked to find that the homepage of Berlin 's Imam Reza
Mosque (until quickly revised) praised the attacks of September 11,
described women as second-class human beings who must defer to men,
and denounced gays and lesbians as "animals."

While these events are disturbing, it is dangerous to merge them into
a single, alarmist vision of a Europe doomed to religious division,
mass terrorism, white backlash, and civil war. Most immigrants
continue to come to Europe to better themselves and to secure a
brighter future for their children, not to promote an Osama Bin Laden
fantasy of re-establishing the Caliphate and converting the Notre Dame
and St. Paul cathedrals into mosques. Most Muslims in France did not
riot or burn cars. Muslim clergy and civic leaders in Britain
overwhelmingly denounced the London bombings.

The Islamic immigration of some 15 million to 18 million people is not
exactly swamping Europe 's population of more than 500 million. Nor is
religious violence altogether new for a continent that spawned the
Crusades, the 16th- and 17th-century wars between Catholics and
Protestants, and the Holocaust. Furthermore, a Europe that within
living memory produced Italy 's Red Brigades, Germany 's Red Army
Faktion , France 's OAS, Spain 's ETA, and the IRA in Northern Ireland is
hardly innocent of terrorism.

Despite political scientist Samuel Huntington's warning of "a clash of
civilizations," the Arab world is not so very alien to Europe .
Judeo-Christian civilization has been shaped by the Mediterranean Sea .
Its waters constituted a common communications system from which
flowed a shared history. North Africa was a Roman province, and
Egypt 's Queen Cleopatra was a Greek. Southern Spain was a Muslim
province for seven centuries, and the Balkans were dominated by Islam
until the 19th century. The Crusades were a kind of civil war between
two monotheist belief systems that originated in the deserts of the
Middle East . More than just a war, the Crusades were also a prolonged
cultural exchange from which Europe 's Christians emerged enriched by
"Arabic" numerals and medicine, the lateen sail, and the table fork.
The Arabs, having already benefited from the wisdom of Greece and Rome
mislaid by Europe in its Dark Ages, returned it to Europe while Venice
and Genoa grew rich on the Levant trade and spurred the growth that
fueled Europe 's great surge of oceanic exploration.

At that point the European and Arabian�Islamic histories began to
diverge, only to converge again in the 19th century in the poisoned
relationship of colonial rule. The British, in India and the Persian
Gulf and along the Nile, and the French and Italians, in North Africa,
imposed notions of racial and cultural superiority that deeply
complicate the assimilation of today's immigrants into the homelands
of the old colonial masters. Those complexities have been sharpened by
the urgencies of policing and domestic intelligence-gathering against
the evident threat of terrorist attack. In this unhappy context,
several alarmist myths are defining the debate about the impact of
mass Islamic immigration into Europe . It is important to examine each
one with some care.

The first myth is that there is any such phenomenon as European Islam.
This misapprehension may be the most pervasive, and the most easily
exploded, for, once examined, the various waves and origins of the
Islamic immigration reveal themselves as remarkably diverse. In
Germany , although the immigrants are usually described as "Turkish,"
they include not only ethnic Turks, but Kurds, who speak a different
language and come from a significantly different culture. Neither
Kurds nor Turks can communicate with the newest wave of mainly
Moroccan immigrants in any language but German. In France , the
immigrants are usually described as being "of North African descent,"
but this is misleading. At least a quarter of the estimated six
million such immigrants and their descendants in France are Berber,
primarily Kabyle and Rif . They are mainly Sunni in their religion, but
few of them speak the Arabic of Algeria or Morocco . Many more, from
Mali and Niger , countries separated from the Maghreb by the Sahara ,
identified themselves to me during the French riots of last autumn as
"blacks" rather than "beurs" (the French slang term for young Arabs).

The rich variety of Muslim immigration is most evident in Britain,
where the ethnic and linguistic divisions among British Muslims mean
that they form several distinct communities whose only common language
and culture (outside the mosque and the Qur'an) is English. According
to the 2001 census, 69 percent of Britain 's 1.6 million Muslims come
from the Indian subcontinent, and just more than half of them were
born there. The rest were born in Britain . Recent research at the
University of Essex by Lucinda Platt suggests that the British melting
pot is working rather well, and producing considerable social
mobility. She found that some 56 percent of children from Indian
working-class families go on to professional or managerial jobs in
adulthood, compared with just 43 percent of those from white,
nonimmigrant families.

The largest group of Britain's Muslims, more than half a million, are
of Pakistani birth or descent, and of them almost half come from the
poor district around Mirpur where the building of the Mangla dam in
the late 1950s and early 1960s created a vast pool of homeless,
landless, and barely literate peasants, who were then recruited to
low-wage jobs in the textile industry of northern England. They
clubbed together to bring over imams from home to run mosques and
teach the Qur'an, imported wives from Mirpur through arranged
marriages, and created urban versions of their traditional Mirpuri
villages under the gray English skies. When the British textile
industry declined, this community of poor and ill-educated people was
locked into a grim cycle of unemployment, welfare, female illiteracy,
and low expectations. The rust belt that stretches across Lancashire
and Yorkshire is the region where the anti-immigration British
National Party, a thuggish group with neo-Nazi links, gets up to 20
percent of the vote from an almost equally ill-educated and hopeless
white working class. This is also the area that produces most of the
dozen or so honor killings carried out each year by angry fathers or
brothers, when a Pakistani girl falls in love with a British boy.

The next largest cohort, nearly 400,000, comes from Bangladesh , mostly
from the Sylhet region. These people are very different: They speak
Bengali rather than Urdu, eat rice rather than roti, apply less rigid
dress codes to women, follow a notably more relaxed form of Islam, and
are concentrated in East London rather than northern England . They
tend also to be more entrepreneurial and open to educational
opportunities for their children, who have a far better record of
university attendance than the Pakistanis.

The third major group is the Muslims of Indian origin, many of whom
came to Britain in the early 1970s as refugees from East Africa after
being expelled by Uganda 's dictator, Idi Amin. Along with the
16th-century Huguenots from France and the 19th-century Jews from
Russia , they have become one of the most desirable and successful
immigrant groups that Britain ever welcomed. They have produced more
millionaires and college graduates than any other ethnic groupthe
British included. One in 20 is a doctor.

The 31 percent of British Muslims from outside South Asia are mainly
from Somalia and Turkey , each cohort totaling about 60,000. Another
100,000 come from Nigeria , Malaysia , and Iran . The students, refugees,
political exiles, and Arab intellectuals who have come from all over
the Islamic world and given the city the nickname "Londonistan" make
up most of the rest.

So the reality behind the monolithic term "British Muslim" is a
potpourri: the wealthy London surgeon, the unemployed and barely
literate textile worker in Oldham, the Malaysian accounting student
intent on attending business school, the fiery newspaper columnist who
dares not return to Saudi Arabia, the government clerk living with her
English boyfriend and estranged from her outraged Iraqi family, the
prosperous Bengali restaurant owner in East London.

These are the individuals that Prime Minister Tony Blair hopes to
rallyafter the cultural and political shock of the London bombingsto
the common identity of Britishness, by which he means a full-hearted
commitment to democracy, and the freedom of speech and religion and
lifestyles that it involves. And in these days of Al Qaeda, Blair has
sought to convince such individuals that being British may include
detention of terrorist suspects without trial for up to 90 days,
closed-circuit television cameras in their mosques, and government
licenses for their imams. An estimated 1,800 of Britain's 3,000
full-time imams come from overseas, mainly from Pakistan, and many
arrive with Saudi funds and sponsorship and after some study in Saudi
Arabia, which usually means a commitment to that country's puritanical
and dominant Wahhabi creed.

Many of the moderate elders of Britain 's Muslim community go along
with Blair's plans, which also have the backing of the Muslim members
of Parliament. The mainstream of Muslim opinion is now prepared to
admit that the four British-born bombers of the London transport
system were influenced by extremists at their mosques in Britain and
during visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan , and that this
radicalization of some young Muslims is a community problem.

"The Muslim communities are not reaching those people who they need to
engage with and win their hearts and minds," says Sadiq Khan, the
Muslim Labor MP for the London suburb of Tooting. "What leads someone
to do this? The rewards they are told they will get in the
hereafterit is incumbent on Muslims to tell them that nowhere in
Islam does it say this, and in fact what you will get is hellfire."

It is ironic that in the wake of the London bombings, the British
political establishment and media, and even many Muslim groups in
Britain , are now speaking of the Muslim community as a single entity.
This may yet emerge, especially if others persist in viewing all
Muslims as one mass, although so far various Muslim groupings seem to
compete for the title of spokesman, and to criticize one another for
being more or less radical or devout or co-opted by the British
government (a phenomenon that is also evident in France, as it was in
the 1960s civil rights movement in the United States). The fact is
that the various Muslim associations in Britain , speaking Urdu or
Pashtun or Bengali at home, have little in common except the sense of
alarm that somehow they will share in the blame, or suffer the
backlash, for the bombings.

But some of the things they do have in common are striking. Around 15
percent of Muslims, both male and female, are registered as
unemployed, compared with four percent of the rest of the population.
The British government's Labor Force Survey found that Muslims are
more likely than any other group to be in long-term unemployment or
not even seeking workin either case, not reflected in unemployment
data. In the same survey, 31 percent of employed Muslims had no
qualifications and, therefore, little prospect of advancement from
menial work. Muslims are five times more likely to marry by age 24
than other Britons. Muslims have the youngest age profile of all
religious groups: 34 percent are under the age of 16, compared with 18
percent of Christians. Muslims tend to live together; nearly
two-thirds of the 600,000 Muslims who live in London reside in the two
East End boroughs of Newham and Tower Hamlets. And Muslims are more
likely to reside in rented public housing than any other ethnic or
religious group.

Figures such as these have seeded a number of misleading submyths, of
which the most common is that the "Pakis" live in ghettos and are
beginning to dominate in a significant number of parliamentary
constituencies. A by-election in the northwest London suburb of Brent
East shortly after Blair's government invaded Iraq alongside U.S.
forces became the prime exhibit of this argument. Traditionally a safe
Labor constituency, Brent East fell to the Liberal Democrats when many
Muslims voted against Labor in protest of the war. In the general
election of last year, a former Labor MP, George Galloway, who had
been expelled from the party after his outspoken attacks on the war
and on "Tony Blair's lie machine," narrowly won reelection in East
London as an independent MP, unseating the only MP who was both black
and Jewish, the Labor Party's pro-war Oona King. In his first two
election victories, Blair carried more than 70 percent of the Muslim
vote, but in the 2005 election, exit polls suggest that he got just 32
percent. This seems to have been a direct result of the Iraq war and
draws a sharp limit on previous assumptions of common ground between
Islam and Blair's Labor Party.

But the fact is that there are only 17 electoral constituencies in
Britain , out of 646, where a complete shift of the immigrant vote
would be sufficient to unseat the incumbent MP. Although television
images depict whole districts where most shop signs are printed in
Urdu or where Sikhs and other immigrants predominate, there are few
places that fit the classic definition of a ghetto. In some detailed
research at the University of Manchester , Ludi Simpson analyzed the
1991 and 2001 census data for 8,850 electoral wards in England and
Wales . A ward is a subdistrict of a constituency, containing roughly
10,000 voters. Simpson found that the number of "mixed" wards (defined
as wards where at least 10 percent of residents are from an ethnic
minority) increased from 964 to 1,070 over the decade. In only 14
wards did one minority account for more than half the population, and
there was not one ward where white people made up less than 10 percent
of the inhabitants.

The reality is that as immigrant families become established and their
children get education and jobs, they tend to move out to more
prosperous districts with better schools and housing. In short, just
as Britain learned with its West Indian immigrants in the 1960s and
1970s that what was defined as a problem of race was just as much one
of social and economic class, so it is finding with its Muslims that
race and class and religion all play into a context of social and
economic mobility. Britain has been fortunatethis mobility has been
possible because the country has enjoyed a booming economy over the
past decade, with much lower levels of unemployment than France or
Germany .

Despite all this, a small number of educated and apparently
well-assimilated young Muslims, mainly but not exclusively of
Pakistani origin, have been drawn to the extreme militancy of Al
Qaeda. Sources in MI5, Britain 's security service, cite a formula
devised by their French equivalent, the Renseignements G�n�raux, to
calculate the number of fundamentalists in a given population. Based
on an extensive analysis of the French scene, the formula says that in
a given Muslim population in Europe , an average of five percent are
fundamentalists, and up to three percent of those fundamentalists
should be considered dangerous. By that calculation, in France 's
Muslim population of six million, there are 300,000 fundamentalists,
of whom 9,000 are potentially dangerous. Applying the formula to
Britain 's 1.6 million Muslims produces 80,000 fundamentalists, of whom
some 2,400 may be dangerousa figure very close to the number of MI5

Assessing the scale of the problem brings into focus the second great
myth that confuses the issue of Islam in Europe , which is that native
Europeans have been so sapped of their reproductive vigor that Muslim
immigrants' higher birthrates threaten to replace traditionally
Christian Europe with an Islamic majority within this century. The
birthrate of native Europeans has fallen sharply since the baby boom
of the 1960s. The usual measure is total fertility rate (TFR), the
number of children an average woman will bear in her lifetime. A TFR
of 2.1 is required to maintain population stability; the current
average level in the 25-nation European Union is just under 1.5, and
as low as 1.2 in Italy and Latvia . A study for the European Parliament
suggests that the EU will need an average of 1.6 million immigrants
every year until 2050 to keep its population at the current level. To
maintain the current ratio of working-age population to pensioners,
more than 10 million immigrants a year would be required. Omer
Taspinar, director of the Brookings Institution's program on Turkey,
suggests that the Muslim birthrate in Europe is three times higher
than that of non-Muslim Europeans, and that since about one million
new Islamic immigrants arrive in Western Europe each year, by 2050 one
in five Europeans likely will be Muslim.

But this is to ignore the clear evidence that immigrant birthrates
fall relatively quickly toward the local norm. A recent survey by
Justin Vaisse of the French Foreign Ministry, who is also an adjunct
professor at the Institut d'�tudes Politiques in Paris , suggests that,
on the basis of French statistics, this change can occur within a
single generation. In Britain, Muslims of Indian origin now have a TFR
of less than 2.0, and while there are striking regional differences in
the birthrates of young women of Pakistani origin who have been born
in Britain and educated in British schools, the overall trend is
toward fewer children.

Moreover, in Sweden , France , and Britain , the native birthrate has
started to rise again, with a marked surge among women who start
having children in their early thirties. In Britain , the TFR climbed
from a record low of 1.63 in 2001 to 1.77 in 2004, when the number of
babies born rose by almost three percent from the previous year. There
is no doubt that immigrants tend to have higher birthrates; one in
five of those new babies was born to a mother from outside Britain , a
significant rise from the one in eight of a decade earlier. But the
disparity of birthrates across Europe is so widefrom TFRs of 1.98 in
Ireland and 1.89 in France to 1.18 in the Czech Republicthat it is
not meaningful to speak of a single European phenomenon.

Furthermore, public policy is not helpless in the face of demographic
challenges. Scandinavia has higher birthrates than the rest of Europe ,
despite relatively low immigration rates, thanks in part to government
policies that provide generous maternity leave, family allowances, and
good child care for working mothers. Parenting in these days of easy
contraception is an essentially voluntary matter. And if a society
chooses to have fewer children, it does not have to resort to mass
immigration to maintain a high proportion of workers to consumers.
Other accommodations can be made, from delaying the age of retirement
to accepting lower growth rates and less intensive patterns of

And thus we arrive at the final myth about Islam in Europe : that a
shrinking and aging population of native-born Europeans and a large
and growing Islamic population can only be alarming. It certainly
looked that way last fall in France during the riots, which seemed to
demonstrate, in the ugliest possible way, that something fundamental
in the French social system, and thus in its broader European
counterpart, is in deep trouble. There are, in fact, two different
crises of the European social model, and they collided in the riots.
The first is the familiar problem of economic sluggishness that has
stuck France , Germany , and Italy with double-digit unemployment for a
decade. One cause is the power of the labor unions and the longtime
understanding that workers and management are "social partners" in an
agreement under which those with jobs are protected, paid well, and
given generous pensions and social security. In return, managers get
high productivity rates and very few strikes in the private sector.
But as a consequence, it is extremely hard to get a secure job, since
managers find it almost impossible to lay off surplus employees. The
low-wage entry-level jobs that have brought so many of the unskilled
British and American dropouts into the workforce barely exist in
France , where the minimum wage and employer-paid social insurance
costs are very high.

This first crisis has now intersected with the second: that of the
largely immigrant underclass, whose young dropouts find it difficult
to get any work at all. The problem is most acute in France , where
immigrants constitute more than 10 percent of the population, compared
with five percent in Britain . They live in what the French now admit
are so many ghettos of high-rise public housing blocks with few
whites, poor schools, sparse social amenities, harsh policing, and
little evidence that they can ever partake of the broad prosperity of
mainstream Europe. "They are the lost lands of France ," says
Jacqueline Costa-Lascoux, a professor at the prestigious school of
public administration at the Institut d'�tudes Politiques. And yet
these grim urban nightmares contain, in demographic terms, much of the
country's future, even though their precise numbers are not counted
under that other French mythdating back to the revolution of 1789
with its Rights of Manthat there are no ethnic subgroups, only
citizens. No affirmative action is necessary, the line goes, because
La R�publique has abolished racism.

" France is not a country like others," intoned the prime minister,
Dominique de Villepin, in November. "It will never accept that
citizens live separately, with different opportunities and with
unequal futures. For more than two centuries, the Republic has found a
place for everyone by elevating the principles of liberty, equality,
and fraternity. We must remain faithful to this promise and to
Republican demands."

The best estimates suggest there are now more than five million
Muslims and two million blacks in France , and their birthrates are
more than twice as high as that of French whites. So while the brown
and black inhabitants of France account for one-eighth of the total
population, they account for almost a quarter of those under the age
of 25. They also account for more than half of the prison population,
and close to half of the unemployed. France 's future therefore depends
on a sullen and ill-educated underclass of future workers and
consumers whose taxes are supposed to finance the welfare state and
the pensions of French whites, who at age 60 retire after a lifetime
of leisurely 35-hour workweeks. After the scenes that disfigured
France last fall, this does not seem to be a promising proposition.

And this problem of France is the problem of Europe on a slightly less
urgent scale. Alarmists say that without mass immigration, the
European social system cannot be funded; but with mass immigration,
the European social fabric is visibly and violently tearing apart. And
with Jean-Marie Le Pen, the right-wing extremist who leads the Front
National, winning almost five million votes in the last presidential
election, France has less room for political maneuvering than most
countries. If the myth of de Villepin's Republic is gently retired,
and France tries some of the detested Anglo-Saxon remedies of
affirmative action to produce a black and Muslim middle class, and
puts black and brown faces onto its television screens as announcers,
into the higher ranks of the police and civil service and armed
forces, and into the National Assembly and the Senate and the
prefectures and the corporate boardrooms, then it risks strengthening
the white backlash that has already given the demagogue Le Pen some 18
percent of the presidential vote.

It is, nonetheless, a risk that will have to be taken because no other
course is practicable. Modern democracies cannot realistically, or
legally, impose ethnic cleansing by mass deportations of Muslim
minorities or their permanent subjugation by some odious incarnation
of a discriminatory police state. The policy alternatives therefore
are assimilation or apartheid. The former will be difficult, since it
will require fundamental economic reform to tackle the problems of
unemployment, education (of both Muslims and those poor whites most
likely to resort to backlash), reform of immigration rules and border
policing to control illegal immigration, and profound religious reform
by the Muslims themselves. European societies should not be expected
to tolerate subgroups that seek to impose sharia within their
communities, nor imams who preach anti-Semitism or demand the death
penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity or for writers such as
Salman Rushdie. But equally, European societies will have to accept
the political implications of a significant and growing electoral vote
that will agitate strongly for respect of Islam as well as jobs,
opportunities, and affirmative action, and that will demand influence
over foreign policy.

The challenge is serious but not hopeless. To suggest that European
civilization is too feeble and insecure to survive an Islamic
population that is currently less than five percent of the total is a
counsel of cultural despair. It ignores the example of the United
States , which seems to be successfully assimilating its own Muslim
minority, just as the vibrant and open American economy assimilated so
many previous waves of immigrants. It also ignores the degree to which
European Muslims increasingly think and live like the populations they
have joined. An opinion poll conducted in Britain for the BBC after
the London bombings found that almost nine in 10 of the more than
1,000 Muslims surveyed said they would and should help the police
tackle extremists in Britain 's Muslim communities. More than half
wanted foreign Muslim clerics barred or expelled from Britain .
Fifty-six percent said they were optimistic about their children's
future in Britain . And only one in five said that Muslim communities
had already integrated too much with British society, while 40 percent
wanted more integration.

Muslims are being changed by Europe just as much as they are changing
their adopted countries. The honor killings of young Turkish women in
Germany are appalling, but the actions of the women also demonstrate
that many Muslim women are no longer content to abide by their
parents' wishes. They want the same freedoms and opportunities enjoyed
by the German girls with whom they went to school. The French-born
children of immigrants who rioted in the Paris suburbs were demanding
to be treated as French by the police, potential employers, and
society in general. The riots, as French scholar Olivier Roy has
noted, were "more about Marx than Muhammad."

Across Europe , there are significant numbers of potential terrorist
cells, radical Islamist activists and organizations, and mosques and
imams that cleave to an extreme and puritanical form of Islam. Many of
these reject the idea that Muslim immigrants can or should assimilate
into their host societies, and also reject Western democracy or any
separation of church and state. One such group is the well-organized
Hizb-ut-Tahir, which seeks to reestablish the Caliphate as a
pan-Islamic system of government based on the Qur'an. Hizb-ut-Tahir is
outlawed in Germany , where it has been described as "a conveyor belt
for terrorism," and Blair threatened to ban it in Britain after the
London bombings.

But there are other, more promising currents of modern and reformist
Islamic thought in Europe that seek assimilation not only with
European societies but also with Western values of individual human
and political rights. The best known of these currents is associated
with Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood
and author of To Be a European Muslim (1999). Ramadan believes that an
independent and liberal Islam is emerging in Europe among young,
educated Muslims who have been profoundly and positively influenced by
modern liberal democracy with its free press and separation of church
and state. He moved from Geneva to Oxford , where he currently teaches,
after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security barred him in 2004 from
taking a teaching post at Notre Dame University . (He was also banned
in Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , and Egypt after calling for a moratorium on
sharia's corporal punishment, stoning, and beheading.) Ramadan
identifies himself as a European born and bred, with Muslim roots,
whose modernized Islamic faith needs to uproot Islamic principles from
their cultures of origin and plant them in the cultural soil of
Western Europe . "We've got to get away from the idea that scholars in
the Islamic world can do our thinking for us. We need to start
thinking for ourselves," Ramadan insists.

Some Muslims see Ramadan as an apostate, while many Christian and
Jewish activists regard him as an Islamic Trojan horse. But he seems
to represent a significant current in Islam that seeks reform in the
Arab world and accommodation with the West. There are traces of this
same current in the speeches of Dyab Abou Jahjah, the Belgium-based
trade unionist who founded the Arab European League (though he is
denounced by the Belgian government). It is also evident in the
extraordinary appeal of the Arab world's first Muslim televangelist,
Amr Khaled, who was in Britain during the London bombings and
repudiated them as un-Islamic.

There is nothing ineluctable about any clash of civilizations between
Islam and the West. Current demographic trends are not immutable, and
it would be foolish to extrapolate from them a spurious forecast about
Muslim majorities in Europe . That the renewed encounter between Europe
and its Islamic minorities will result in terrorism or sectarian and
ethnic tensions is not foreordained, and a white backlash is by no
means inevitable. But the clear prospect that these poisonous
predictions could be realized may itself become the antidote. The
countries of Europe and their Islamic minorities have had a series of
awful warnings, similar to those in the United States in the 1960s.
The American response to the civil rights movement is an example to
Europe of how open, liberal democracies may address the problems of
Islamic immigration and mobilize public opinion and public policy to
resolve them. It will not be easy, and the task will endure for
generations, at constant risk of being derailed by spasmodic riots and
terrorist outrages. But the alternatives are worse.

Martin Walker, the editor of United Press International, covered the
London bombings and the French riots last year. He is a senior scholar
at the Wilson Center and the author of many books, most recently the
novel The Caves of P�rigord (2002).

Reprinted from Spring 2006 Wilson Quarterly
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