Mission Statement
The People Behind TAPATT
Obama and Israel
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on June 4, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
June 5 issue

As I write this piece, Hillary Clinton is speaking before a crowd in New York City , congratulating Barack Obama and his supporters for their protracted and, now, successful campaign to win the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.

But aside from congratulating Obama and thanking her own staff and supporters for their hard work during the campaign, Hillary spoke at length about her own advocacies, her own inherent strengths, her own accomplishments, giving notice that she remains a potent political force in American politics. And she did not concede defeat.

My sense is that Mrs. Clinton is strengthening her bargaining position just in case the time comes � and many observers think that time is inevitable � when Barack Obama sounds her off on a possible team-up, as his vice-presidential choice.

Obama himself has been very gallant, especially in the last two weeks, never crowing about his apparent victory, always dousing the enthusiasm of media speculators with �I do not want to get ahead of myself.�

Barack Obama has made political history by winning the nomination of a major party for the presidency of the US , despite his part-African lineage. As I write these lines, Obama is addressing a crowd in Minnesota , thanking his wife and children, his (white) grandmother, his campaign staff and supporters, and even Hillary Clinton, and �every American who stood by me in this campaign.�

His gracious references to Hillary � �when we finally win the battle for universal health care, Hillary will be acknowledged as one of the major champions of that advocacy,� or words to that effect  - seem calculated to soften the sting of defeat and make reconciliation possible. .

If Obama and Clinton were to team up, they would personify, to a degree that no two other personalities could, the Change that has been the winning mantra of Obama in this campaign. Imagine a Black man and a white Woman, both extraordinarily gifted, leading the most powerful country in the world, with �new ideas, new hopes, new commitments.�

Can they pull it off?

Both Obama and Hillary promised during the campaign that they would withdraw US troops from Iraq . Obama, in 16 months; Hillary, according to an unspecified timetable.

By contrast, their Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, talks of staying in Iraq, �up to 100 years� if need be. The neo-cons in Washington DC point to Germany, Japan and South Korea where US troops have been garrisoned in their hundreds of thousands for 63 years (and counting) since the end of World War II.

The difference, of course, is that there are no armed insurgents and no suicide bombers operating in Germany , South Korea or Japan and killing American soldiers whenever and wherever they can, as there are in Iraq (and Afghanistan ). 

Furthermore, the number of American soldiers killed in Iraq has been declining, May�s 19 KIAs being the lowest since 2004. My point is that if the present trend continues, Iraq may no longer be the emotional issue in November that it has been these past few months, and bringing the troops home may no longer resonate with many voters as Election Day approaches.

On the contrary, as I wrote in my article
Obama, Osama, O Mama on March 31, 2008, the trial of five Guantanamo detainees connected with the attacks of 9/11 � including the acknowledged mastermind, Khaled Sheik Mohammed � will soon start and is perhaps being timed by the neo-cons to reach its apex in the weeks leading to Election Day.

If my hunch is correct, 9/11 will be resurrected with  all the  anger, anguish, frustration and patriotic fervor that it generated in 2001, and in late 2008 the national sentiment may be one of exacting revenge on the perpetrators, rather than running away from Iraq , even if none of the culprits are Iraqis.

It is also possible that the neo-cons � the war party in Washington � will do something that could tie down Obama-Hillary in Iraq and the Middle East for a long time, even after George W. Bush has stepped down from the White House in January 2009.

Such as, for example, starting a war with Iran . Vice-President Dick Cheney has been itching to start this war according to a scenario that he was pushing about three years ago.

In this pre-Election Day scenario, Israel would bomb Iran �s nuclear facilities. Iran would retaliate by launching missile strikes against Israel . The US would defend Israel and would launch its own strikes against Iran . In this scenario, Obama�s 16-month troop withdrawal (from Iraq ) plan would become irrelevant.

Those who have been monitoring the Middle East are aware that this scenario was close to being launched during the first quarter of 2007. Two US Navy carrier battle groups were already on station in the Persian Gulf , and a third was on its way. But the commander of this attack force � Admiral William Fallon, formerly head of Pacific Command in Honolulu  � had second thoughts about starting a war with Iran , according to an article in a recent issue of
Esquire magazine..

(When Adm. Fallon was appointed in March 2007 to head Central Command, which has control of US forces in the Middle East, from Turkey to Afghanistan , the question was raised why an admiral was appointed to oversee a theatre of operation that was mostly desert and treeless mountains. But when three carrier battle groups were assigned to the Persian Gulf , it became obvious why: only Adm. Fallon had the command experience to coordinate carrier battle groups. The conclusion was that war with Iran was imminent and that aircraft carriers were the preferred platforms for attack.)

But apparently because of his reluctance to go to war against Iran , Adm. Fallon was forced to resign in March 2008 and was replaced by Gen. David Petraeus, former commander in Iraq, as head of Central Command The stage is now clear for the Cheney scenario to unfold - before Election Day, because the neo-cons know a President Obama would never initiate it..

Put in context a curious event that transpired in September 2007. The Israeli Air Force bombed a large building in the Syrian desert , and the Syrian government DID NOT publicly raise a ruckus over this clear violation of Syrian sovereignty. Neither did the Israelis publicly announce it. Only media leaks were let out.

Six months later, the US claimed that the Israelis had bombed a nuclear facility in Syria that was being built by the North Koreans, and released photos (no doubt supplied by the Israelis) taken inside the building showing Asian technicians working in what the US claimed was a replica of North Korea�s Yongbyon nuclear reactor.

It was only at this point that Syria publicly condemned the Israeli raid and claimed that the Israelis had bombed an empty warehouse (in the middle of the desert?) It will be recalled that the Israelis also bombed Saddam Hussein�s first and only nuclear reactor in Osirak in 1981. 

Israeli leaders have repeatedly warned that they will never allow Iran to become a nuclear power. Will they now bomb Iran �s nuclear facilities, as scenario-ed by Dick Cheney?

That seems to be a matter, not of �if,� but of �when � And as if to taunt Cheney and the Israelis, Iran�s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated
three days ago what he has been saying several times in the past two years, that Israel will soon be wiped out of geography textbooks.

June 5 Update: In a speech before the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the newly anointed Obama told the Jewish lobby group that the US, his US, considers the security of Israel as �sacrosanct and non-negotiable�as president I will never compromise when it comes to Israeli�s security�I will always keep the threat of  military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel�there is no greater threat to Israel than Iran which supports violent extremists and pursues nuclear capability that could spark a dangerous arms race�..�

Suddenly, Barack Obama�s �new ideas� sound like Dick Cheney�s old formulae, as far as Israel and the Middle East are concerned. Suddenly, 16 months look closer to 100 years. And Obama has not yet even been officially declared Democratic candidate, much less has he been elected president of the US.
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose. *****

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Thailand versus the Philippines
Will we ever change?

Thanks for the Obama article. Very enlightening.
I just sent you a picture of an Iranian (?) 8-year old boy (?) his arms being crushed by a car because he allegedly stole a bread (?).  I have a suspicion that this is in time wherein Israel is now in the war room planning to attack Iran 's nuclear reactors. It may be imminent.


AL Jose Leonidas, (by email), June 06, 2008


I view this scenario with the same awe I felt in Washington, DC attending
the second (or third) post-9/11 Anti-Terrorism Executive Forum sponsored by
the State Department ATAP (Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program) while GWB was
saber-rattling over Iraq in late 2002. He had been doing so for many months,
and I thought that he was merely destabilizing Saddam while an internal
effort was being conducted inside Iraq by US covert operatives together with
Iraqi dissidents. That would have been a most likely practical, less
expensive and more effective scenario, as we now know (as perhaps being done
in Iran ) with Iraq . I do think so.     Yet I might be wrong again.

Carlos L. Agustin, (by email), June 06, 2008

President, National Defense College of the Philippines


(Copy furnished of email sent a yahoogroup)

At the end of the day, it's the Israeli tail wagging the American dog. And we are supposed to be the greatest country in the world. But when it comes to that part of the world, there is no true American policy. Republicans or Democrats, they are all mere underlings, hat in hand, ever asking for the Zionist blessing. I can't recall anytime in history there has been such a case. I just laugh when I see these rednecks ever so macho grunting deeply on top of their voices AMERICUH NUMBER ONE as they smugly thrust their fists up into the air! Hell, we're not! Our own American interests are only Number 2, second only to Israel 's.

Louie Fernandez, (by email), New Jersey , June 06, 2008


Gen Petraeus srategy and tactic is succeeding. Iraqis are fed up of the Al-Qaeda killing fellow muslims and cannot tolerate Iran medling in their internal affairs hindering progress. I have doubts if Barack can handle a middle east problem. Democrats knows what to tell voters just to get to the post however worry later how to handle the issues. In fact until now Peolosi could not implemented most of what she had promise during her election. Bush still has a veto power. I see no difference with Barack. Democrats advocates lower military spending and higher taxes to stir economy so I dont know how he will gain respect from the military. US Military presence and hedgemony is vital to the american interest in the middle east to protect the US dollar dominance which is the currency used to trade oil.  A reason why France hated US because the Euro $ was push out.  Saudi, Jordan & Egypt (Sunnis) do not trust Iran (Shiates) increasing influence in the region.  Israel will never allow Iran to have nuclear bomb. Likewise Saudi has the same notion. Russia & China hinders any US move however  US is trying to justify the incorrigible attitude of Iran by offering security, trade & economic packages offered to Iran just to halt enrichment of Uranium which the later kept rejecting. At some point they will come back to Russia and China to say that US did their best but Iran wont buy any diplomatic resolve so the only solution is a military.  The Democrats wish Bush to bomb Iran during his term however it will affect McCains during the election campaign.  Israel can start the war before election otherwise US may do it just after 2008 US election.  Barack is very good oratorically but I have doubts if he has the backbone to handle big issues particularly foreign policies. Right now he is already flip-ploffing for things he said during the democratic primary reflecting his inexperience.

Nonoy Ramos, (by email), Pennsylvania , June 06, 2008


Hi Tony:
Now that official candidates for the American presidential race are officially, more or less, known, we Filipinos owe it to ourselves to closely monitor this U.S. election.  That's because the policy pronouncements, and personal characters of the two presidential hopefuls will definitely be indicative of the U.S. geopolitical moves in our region.  And these will definitely affect the Philippines . 

What is bothersome to me is that it took Sen. Barack Obama 20 years to get off his Trinity United Church of Christ -- after his former pastor's sermons, and the church's reported connections with American radical activists got his presidential campaign in deep trouble.  But even then,  Obama refused to denounce his  church for  that because "it is not worth denouncing."   This looks more like the politician who chose the exit door because it was personally convenient.  His ambition comes first before his country, probably?  . 

The American radical activists are a dedicated bunch and even produced home-grown terrorists.  Our own political leaderships must do better and analyze this American elections for our own people, because nobody else will look after our welfare! Cheers

Gil Santos, (by email), Makati City , June 06,2008


Dear Mr Abaya,      I just loved the French expression with which you closed this piece on Obama and Israel :

Plus ca change, plus la meme chose.

And I am amazed at how you so clearly juxtaposed the facts.  They are there for all the world to see, but it is not until you write about them that matters appear as crystal-clear as a limpid lake.
I'm one of the few--owing perhaps to my age--who can't anymore get excited about 'change', or candidates who promise it.  I've become so jaded about politicians and their promises, especially when it should turn out that promises are made only to win a coveted seat, only to be broken when harsh reality sets in.  

It isn't nice to be so pessimistic about matters, but they do save one from disappointments and, perhaps, heartbreak. :)

Ethel, [email protected], June 06, 2008


Hi ACA, 
For all Obama's rhetorics for change, one thing he cannot change is the political reality the US must face in the Middle East political landscape.  At least, not in this generation of culture of hate towards the US  that is gripping that part of the region.  More so now that Obama has shuffled the cards and let the enemies of Israel know where his sympathies lie, in that hawkish speech he made before the AIPAC.   Obama may withdraw the US troops from Iraq in 16 months and leave that God-forsaken country to its war-freak leaders to butcher each other, but that is not a panacea to end all troubles for the US in the Middle East for as long as Iran continues its nuclear aspiration and Syria is stoking the fires of discontent and pulling the rugs from under the US.  The US will continue to be in deep sh*t in its involvement in the region what with the price of oil going to the moon?

Recall how Russia spread communism through its surrogate countries and fought battles for them like China , North Korea , Vietnam , Cambodia , and Laos .  Russia was smart to let these countries fight Russia 's war against the US without spilling Russian blood.  How many precious American lives were sacrificed in that war that was never won?   Obama should take a leaf from this experience.  It's about time the well-meaning, peace-loving Arab states to take care of themselves against the Arab terrorists that are causing them more harm than good in the region.  The US will be better off this way and about time too they started digging up the vast oil resources they have instead of relying on the Arab oil.  I bet you once demand for Arab oil slackens the world price will come down.  The prices they're paying today are making the Arab states filthy richer than they deserve

Cesar M. de los Reyes, (by email), June 07, 2008


Hello Sir,
Thank you for a very enlightening article. There were some items that brought to light similar issues in the old days before JFK was assassinated in Texas regarding issues about Cuba , if my memory serves me right. Although I was still a toddler during those years, college studies have brought it into light that JFK wasn't just killed by a "nobody" and in fact had three bullet entries in his upper body coming from the "grassy knoll".

Fast-forward into current times, I am happy that Obama won the primaries and it signals not just a "change" in political culture but on 'race' issues as well because its an unspoken truth that "old school Americans" will never let a black man sit in the highest seat of their land.. Such rednecks, if you asked me... and now he's there. Obama is one step away from becoming the President of the USA . And if he does win - then we enter into a new era of global political history. If Clinton does run as his VP - then maybe the ever evasive peace we all crave for will happen faster with two magnificent brains leading their country.

My deepest fear for Obama is the same scenario the American "planners" did to JFK with regards to this Iran-Israel strife. It feels like another Cuba crisis. The US has always insisted to the UN Security Committee that Iran is developing nuclear armaments and not just "generators" to operate their basic services. The UN has sent more than one team over the past years to inspect Iran 's nuclear facilities to a point that even the head of the UN Security team on Iran lost his "credibility" over this Iran nuclear issue. If Cheney is itching like anything to wage war over Iran because of Israel 's safety - anyone who knows the history of the Middle East would know Cheney and GWB's intentions are as shallow as anything. It is oil that drives them, oil is their ultimate purpose and control over it because as of today - the US can't even get their hands on the oil in Iran ..

I don't understand the US 's need to appoint themselves police of this planet. I really don't. They meddle with almost every government in the world, they always have something to say about how other Presidents/Prime Ministers govern their own country and frankly, I'm not being militant about it - but in a micro scale of things - I already don't like in-laws meddling with my house, I surely will not welcome neighbors meddling in my house's governance as well. If they can help, thanks. But other than that - don't tell me what to do inside of my own home.

It�s like that on a global scale with the US and the rest of the countries in the world. But that's just my opinion about them as a government, not as a people. I know some Americans who don't totally agree with how GWB is running their country to the ground, meddling with everything on the outside of the US territory and yet they could not fix New Orleans after Katrina literally swept them off their feet bringing all their glorious "security and safety standards" to it's knees.

I just pray for Obama's safety, that he does not end up another JFK or Martin Luther King in the pages of American History. It would be the downfall of that country if they're not careful.        Best regards,

Jenifer Xavier, (by email), June 07, 2008


Sorry Tony      I feel compelled to correct your French:
"Plus �a change, plus c'est la m�me chose"
The cedila and the circumflex are very important to the French. For your further edification.  Keep on writing      Regards

Tony :Lee, (by email), June 07, 2008

(Sorry, too, but my Swiss friend who is a native speaker of French says my French line is an acceptable colloquialism. Only prissy grammarians demand the �c�est.� As for the cedila and the circumflex, my computer tutor is abroad until June 15. I did not know how to access the special accent marks. ACA)


Mr. Abaya, 
In reply to your very glaring loyalty, support, and following of Senator Barrack Hussein Obama, in his bid for the Presidency of the United States , I submit a simple email sent to me for fair inclusion in your column.
Pacifico Talens,  USN (Ret), Virginia Beach , Virginia , June 07, 2008

(�Very glaring loyalty, support and following�? I suggest you re-read my article without your anti-Obama eyeglasses. ACA)

J. Ellis says:
The English newspaper the Daily Mail had an article over a year ago Jan 27th 2007 which researched Barack Obama's life and especially the life of Barack's father and came to the conclusion that Barack's book is a fairy tale and Barack's father was in real life a bigamist, drunk, con man.

The UK Daily Mail 1/27/07 article stated that Barack's African father was married to an African woman at the time he went to Hawai and deceived Barack's Naive Liberal White mom and married her. After the couple got married/Barack's mom got knocked up, Barack's father abandoned the mom and son to go to Harvard where he hooked up with another White American woman, married her while still being married to Barack's White mom, took this White woman back to Kenya, had some mixed race children with her, but got divorced after he abused booze and beat her, then the father when back to his original Black African wife, the one he was married to when he married Barack's White mom, had some more children through this Black African woman - then the playboy father lost his cushy government job because of excessive drinking and drunk-driving crashes, the father ended up dying in a drunk driving crash. So this is the noble African father that Barack Obama dedicates his book and his life to.

Anyone else have information on the true facts of Barack's family life? I can supply the link to the UK Daily Mail news article if necessary.


   full of insight
              and bountiful of foresight
           your write-up this friday
              such incisive sunray

              for readers like us to imbibe
              so clear for us who subscribe
              to tony abaya's vibrant pens�es
                                                                  rose bulahan.


The term "hanky-panky" in the last paragraph in this column caught my eye because my father, who was born and raised 'til a teenager in the Philippines , used to use it.  I wonder if it is from one of the languages in the Philippines or is it something acquired from American slang?  Do you know?    I continue to read your columns as they give me a picture of the land of my birth.

Shelah Hockman, (by email), Owosso , Michigan , June 08

(According to my American Heritage Dictionary, Sheilah, �hanky-panky� was coined (in the US ?) as an analogy to �hocus-pocus.� One of my American Jesuit teachers in high school told us that �hocus-pocus� was American slang meant to mock Roman Catholics and the Latin Mass: Hic est Corpus meum. [This is my Body.] So �hanky-panky� is not of Philippine origin. ACA)


Kuya Tony,
Hereunder is an article from a German expert that supports your thesis that Israel will bomb to smithereens someday Iran 's nuclear facilities:
(Article taken from Newsmax)

Marcelo Ortigoza, (by email), Dagupan City , June 09, 2008

Former German Diplomat: Israel Readying Strike on Iran

A prominent political observer is predicting that Israel is likely to attack Iran 's nuclear facilities before President Bush leaves office.

"The threat of another military confrontation hangs like a dark cloud over the Middle East," declared Joschka Fischer, who was Germany 's foreign minister and vice chancellor from 1998 to 2005.

Writing in the Beirut-based English-language newspaper The Daily Star, Fischer notes that a nuclear-armed Iran would be " Israel 's worst security nightmare," and the Jewish state takes Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threat to annihilate Israel very seriously.

He points to several factors that indicate Israel could be readying a strike on Iran :
� When President Bush recently visited Israel as the country celebrated its 60th birthday, it was expected that Palestinian-Israeli relations would be the chief topic discussed. Instead, it was Iran .
It has been speculated that during his visit, Bush gave Israelthe green light for an attack on Iran .
� Political pressure is mounting in Israel for action to halt the Iranian threat.
� The outgoing commander of the Israeli Air Force has said that the air force is capable of any mission, no matter how difficult, to protect Israel's security.
� With the Bush presidency approaching its end and uncertainty about his successor's policy toward Israel and Iran , the "window of opportunity" for an Israeli attack is potentially closing, and that window "is now, during the last months of Bush's presidency."
Fischer observes: "Although it is acknowledged in Israel that an attack on Iran 's nuclear facilities would involve grave and hard-to-assess risks, the choice between acceptance of an Iranian bomb and an attempt at its military destruction, with all the attendant consequences, is clear. Israel won't stand by and wait for matters to take their course."

As Newsmax reported in December, Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official and senior adviser to three presidents, said after talks with Israeli officials that the Jewish state would launch an attack on Iran 's nuclear facilities on its own if the rest of the world does not take action.

Fischer concluded: " Iran must understand that without a diplomatic solution in the coming months, a dangerous military conflict is very likely to erupt. It is high time for serious negotiations to begin." *****


Tony, hi.           Another gem of a column.  And I offer the following in response to your logical presentation of things to come in the US November election.  I agree with you that Iraq 's war  may no longer be a major emotional issue, but Iran would definitely be a major campaign issue of both political parties.  Iran will always pose a problem to the Americans as it does not recognize or acknowledge the existence of Israel .  Given a chance, the present leaders of Iran  even avowed to annihilate the Israelites.  As expected, Obama had recently stated that he will  never abandon Israel and he will face the threat from Iran head-on. 

I would assume McCain of the Republican party and a Vietnam war hero has the same resolve and commitment as far as the welfare of Israel is concerned.  If this is the case, it would appear the Americans would have difficulty choosing the right candidate, or, they have a pleasant dilemna of a win-win situation come voting time as far as the Iranian problem is concerned. 

On the other hand, if they elect to be choosy, maybe they could choose the party who performed well during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1980s involving American diplomats and citizens.  I believe Jimmy Carter of the Democrat failed on both the diplomatic and military action he had chosen.  The military rescue attempt using helicopters which he authorized had failed miserably.  While, Iran released the hostages as soon as the Republican party candidate had been elected to succeed Carter. 

Of course, the release was made possible or expedited by the warning of candidate Ronald Reagan during the election campaign to bomb Iran if the hostages were still imprisoned  when he assumed office.  It was also Reagan who softened the belligerent posturing of Libya .  He let the US military solved the Libyan problem named Khadafi.  It was unfortunate, a child of Khadafi was killed during the military bombing authorized by the President.

Since we are at it,  it also worth mentioning that the Republican President had had a big role in the removal of the Berlin Wall dividing the East and West Germany . What made Ronald Reagan so successful in these kind of foreign exploit.  Easy.  If the art of diplomary fails he turns to his logical option where he listened to his Military Staff and advisers on matters calling for their expertise.  If MacArthur had a teamate like Ronald Reagan instead of a Truman during the Korean War.  I doubt if we have these division of countries like the North and South Korea .  But this is another story.  And I'm sorry if I was carried away by the military exploit of the Republican Party.

Arcy F. Sibal, (by email), Sta. Maria, Bulacan, June 09, 2008


I was saying that the polls here say Obama is ahead of McCain by 6 points.

That may not be enough because, as with Dukakis in 1988, Gore in 2000, Kerry in 2004, 6 points is nothing for the Republican machinery to overcome.

It is lamentable that the die hard democrats believe that simply saying "change" will make it happen. I am afraid when the mainstream voters go to the polls, they won't buy what Obama is selling because, however well meaning he might be, he does not yet have enough clout to push his agenda in Congress.

Washington politics is all about who you know, what you can offer, and if there are enough numbers to surmount the opposition which are usually vested interests represented by lobbyists. Hence we may be condemned to another 8 years of this party.

It was not so much about whether Hillary was better but that she and her husband know where all the bones are buried. They know who to call to collect past favors. Obama right now cannot tell his left from his right foot. He has to consult on everything which the Democratic hierarchy like because they can leverage their help for favors, whereas Hillary would not need most of them because she know who is worth what.

Lynn , [email protected], June 09, 2008


More Reactions to �Desperate Housewife� (June 03, 2008)

Of course, that's what you do in your columns.  Problem is, what percentage of the 80 million plus population read your column; and, of those who do, what percentage retain what they read?  I've been waiting for you to write something that will lead to what nice people call "defining moments" and what un-nice me think should shock them out of their wits.

I've been doing something about it too, but my target audience are the young and not-so-young, particularly those who don't read, write, or speak much english.  But then again, you can lead the horse to the water but cannot force the horse to drink.  Sometimes I think I should prod the horse with a firecracker up its butt.  LOL

Rosalinda Olsen, (by email), Norway , June 14, 2008

(So everything is for naught then, your efforts as well as mine Thank you for your words of encouragement. ACA)


Instead of a plain dole-out, why not just use the dole-out as salaries for job-creation programs like cleaning all the waterways, fixing the roads and other infrastructure projects that create long term benefits to the people. Remember the Hoover Dam which was a job creation program, etc..

Nonoy Yulo, (by email), June 14, 2008

(Probably because job-creation programs are harder to administer and manage. It is so much easier to just give away money for doing nothing, especially since the ulterior motive is really just to buy signatures in 2009 and votes in 2010. ACA)


No to dole out! Gloria should ask every municipality and city to submit livelihood project proposal which come from cooperatives who intends to implement them. She should grant loans on the basis of recommendations from mayors. Mayor's recommendation should be based on merit. Is it doable? Is it bankable?  The local treasurers should be the caretaker of the funds, with the mayor's signature as merely ministerial, for monitoring purposes. The LT will release the money on the basis of need. He shall also accept amortization, which shall augment the fund intended for re lending. After its loan is paid, any cooperative may be entitled to bigger loans. Priority should be given to municipalities with viable proposals. The APP funds will not be dissipated. It shall be recycled again and again.

This scheme is not just about productivity. It is more about local autonomy, and citizen participation in the pursuit of common goals. Project like this must also foster eternal vigilance from both the government and the private sector, something which is difficult or virtually impossible at the national level.

Eustaquio Joven, (by email), June 14, 2008


More Reactions to Federalism, etc

Dear Tony,
In answer to one of your readers about the progress of Spain you pointed out that:

If Spain had not joined the EU, it would not be the 9th biggest economy in the world that it claims to be. Unfortunately, the Philippines cannot join the EU. ACA.

I can't help but wonder if Imperial Japan's concept of the Asian "Co-Prosperity Sphere" during World War II would have been as successful as the EU now. The concept was good, but the implementation of ramming it down our throats left a bitter taste in the mouth.

Rome Farol, (by email) Highlands Ranch, Colorado, June 15, 2008

(There is no comparison. Japan �s Co-Prosperity Sphere was an involuntary union designed to a) provide raw materials for Japan �s industrial powerhouse, and b) build a security buffer for the Japanese homeland. The European Union is a voluntary union of sovereign European states with similar values, meant to provide, among other things, wider markets for the products of the individual members. ACA)


More Reaction to �Prelude to 2010� (May 13, 2008)

(Copy furnished of email sent  to PMA Cavaliers)

This was a very good article by Mr. Abaya. Good job in posting it in the internet. What we need is a really good president in 2010 who will be so good or even great that we will not limit him to one six-year term. sayang ang 10-year term ni pgma. her presidency is a failure. But there was no one to replace or displace her so she will be in power till 2010. But God is good. I don't think god will allow her to stay in power beyond 2010. Maybe our next president may not even be among the group of presidentiables like Puno et al that we know now. 

Jose Dado, (by email), May 27, 2008
Us Military Academy , �55


Thailand vs the Philippines

Mr Abaya -- FYI (in case you haven't read the letters in this week's
Economist), the following. is from a Neil Alexander of Vancouver , BC . Canada ::

To the Economist Editor:
� Thailand , you say, "risks becoming one of those perennially unstable, tragic-comic countries, such as the Philippines , which the outside world overlooks" ("Protests & coup rumours return," May 31st).
�Is this really a fair comparison?   The Philippines is a functioning democracy, despite the tragic-comic coup attempt by a few junior officers a few months ago.  Its population is educated and globalized.  Thailand has had 19 coups since 1932.  Thais remain relatively poorly educated and don't venture abroad very often.

�Joking about the king in Thailand can lead to jail;  in the Philippines , a joke about the president can become a popular ring tone."

Isabel Escoda, (by email), Hong Kong , June 14, 2008


Will we ever change?

Hi, Tony,
Here's an excerpt from:
'Reisen in den Philippinen' (Berlin, 1873)
'Travels in the Philippines' (London, 1875, English translation)
by Fedor Jagor, a German scientist traveling in the Philippines around the 1860's

'The average native priest, of those I saw, could hardly be called a credit to his profession. Generally ignorant, often dissipated, and only superficially acquainted with his duties, the greater part of his time was given over to gambling, drinking, and other objectionable amusements. Little care was taken to preserve a properly decorous behavior, except when officiating in the church, when they read with an absurd assumption of dignity, without understanding a single word. The conventos are often full of girls and children, all of whom help themselves with their fingers out of a common dish. The worthy padre of Batu introduced a couple of pretty girls to me as his two poor sisters, whom, in spite of his poverty, he supported; but the servants about the place openly spoke of these young ladies' babies as being the children of the priest.'

And about 150 years after Jagor's travels in the Philippines, we find this in the newspapers here:

'Retired Priest Sentenced for Bilking Two Churches
The New York Times
February 22, 2008

RICHMOND, Va. � A retired Roman Catholic priest was sentenced Thursday to more than five years in prison for bilking two churches out of hundreds of thousands of dollars while he led a double life as a husband and father. He was also ordered to pay back almost $600,000.
Standing barely five feet tall and leaning on a bamboo walking stick, the retired priest, Rodney L. Rodis, 51, apologized to the court, to the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, and to about a dozen former parishioners who had driven for an hour to reach the federal courthouse here.

�To the parishioners, I am really sorry for what I have done to you,� he said, turning to face the courtroom gallery. �You know what is in my heart. I know what I did was wrong.�

In a plea agreement last October, Mr. Rodis pleaded guilty to mail fraud and money laundering.

According to court documents, from September 2002 to August 2006, Mr. Rodis embezzled an estimated $600,000 to $700,000 from St. Jude Catholic Church and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, both in central Virginia , by instructing parishioners to mail contributions to a post office box that he controlled. He then transferred the money to a personal bank account.

He used the money, the authorities said, to support his wife and three daughters � with whom he lived about 50 miles from his churches � and to help relatives in his native Philippines and to buy property there.

Mr. Rodis has been incarcerated since his $10,000 bond was revoked in May 2007 after he tried to travel to Mexico .

Although he served both churches for 14 years, the activities that led to the charges occurred from 2002 to 2006, when he retired for health reasons. Mr. Rodis has diabetes and prostate cancer.

A letter to the court from Mr. Rodis�s wife, Joyce, offered some insight into what became of the embezzled money. In asking for mercy for her husband, Mrs. Rodis wrote that he provided for his parents and that he �had also been a surrogate parent to his nieces and nephews. He has sponsored their education through college.�

Funds were used, too, to pay for surgery for a niece who has cancer, according to the letter.

And as part of his restitution, Assistant United States Attorney Brian L. Whisler said in court, Mr. Rodis on Wednesday surrendered titles for eight properties bought with church funds in the Philippines .

Diocese officials said that they did not know Mr. Rodis was married when he came to Virginia , and that they had now cut off his retirement and health insurance benefits.
Mr. Rodis faced a maximum sentence of 20 years on each count. Although prosecutors recommended a sentence of 51 months, Judge Richard L. Williams of Federal District Court here set Mr. Rodis�s term at 63 months, saying the crimes happened over several years, during which he �developed a criminal mentality and kept doing it.�

And millions of Filipinos kneel and kiss the hands of these native priests! 

Bobby Manasan, (by email), Burke , Virginia , June 15, 2008


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