Mission Statement
The People Behind TAPATT
Life on Mars
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on May 28, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
May 29 issue

After a journey that took almost ten months, NASA�s Phoenix Lander landed in the north pole region of the Planet Mars last Sunday, May 25, to begin a three-month search for signs of life beneath the permafrost surface.

No other planet in our solar system has excited the human imagination as Mars, for the most part because of apparent �canals� that crisscrossed the Martian surface, which suggested the existence of a superior civilization that constructed them, but which were later found to be mere optical illusions.

The first landing on Mars� surface was made by the Viking 2 space craft in 1976 � almost ancient history in the annals of space � which sampled the Martian soil. It found no signs of life, no microbial organism, certainly no superior civilization.

Phoenix Lander�s main mission is to analyze the sub-surface, up to a depth of less than a meter, for signs of organic life, to see if life as we know it on Earth could have existed on Mars in the past, or is existing in the present, or could exist in the future.

All life forms on earth � animal or vegetable � is made up of four key elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, joined together in myriad combinations or compounds, the most basic of which � for animal life � is amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which in turn are the building blocks of all living organisms.

Past missions to Mars, since the first flyby by Mariner 4 in 1965, have determined that the Martian atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide, 3 percent nitrogen, 1.6 percent argon (an inert gas) plus traces of oxygen and water. The red color of the Martian soil is said to be due to the heavy presence of iron oxide or rust.

So the key elements for life as we know it on Earth are present in Mars. By digging below the Martian surface and analyzing the soil below the permafrost,  the Phoenix Lander hopes to provide definitive answers: was there life on Mars in the past, is there life there at present?

Any organisms from the past would be embedded in the ice, the way insects from tens of millions of years ago are embedded in amber resin here on Earth. Discovery of such organisms would constitute the most Earth-shaking news in the 21st century, even if that organism were only a one-celled paramecium.

It would provide empirical evidence for the logical assumption that, given that there are billions of galaxies in the cosmos, and there are in turn billions of planets in these billions of galaxies, it would be reasonable to assume that on some of these planets, where conditions were hospitable for the evolution of organisms, there would be life as we know it on Earth, including even sentient beings who have self-consciousness, memory and the ability to communicate, some of whom would be more highly developed than us earthlings..

Even if Phoenix Lander were to come up empty-handed in Mars, the statistical chances of life on other planets � even life forms more evolved than us - in other galaxies would still be high.

The terra-centric universe that was the conventional wisdom of Christianity for 1,500 years would not be able to adequately explain evolved life on other planets in other galaxies.

This terra-centric universe was based on the flawed cosmology of Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Ptolemy (second century AD)  who taught that Earth was the center of the universe around which revolved the moon and the Sun (which moved the fastest), the planets (which moved more slowly), and the stars (which moved the least.).

Beyond the stars was a region where nothing moved, nothing changed, where resided the Unmoved Mover, the Uncaused Cause, which Christian theology borrowed from Aristotle and concluded was God in Heaven.

The notion that Heaven was up there, somewhere, and conversely that Hell was down here, somewhere, is fixed in the Christian imagination,for most Christians, up to this day, even though astronomers Nicolaj Kopernik or Copernicus (1473-1543) of Poland and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) of Italy had disproved this cosmology, and taught, instead, that the Earth revolved around the Sun, not the other way around.

But the Medieval Church resisted this �heresy� vigorously. After all, the Resurrected Jesus is said in the New Testament to have �ascended� (up) to Heaven, and so did the Virgin Mary. In Dante Alighieri�s (1263-1321) 
Divine Comedy �  an allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife -  the author visited Paradiso or Heaven by first climbing (up) the highest mountain. Conversely, Dante visited Inferno or Hell by descending (down) into the bowels of the Earth. There are thousands, tens of thousands, of Christian art over the past 2,000 years that depicted Heaven as somewhere up there.

.The idea that Earth was not the center of the universe was so subversive of Christian orthodoxy that Galileo was summoned by the Inquisition, forced to recant his �heresy�, was ordered imprisoned (later commuted to house arrest), and his books banned. It was not until the year 2000, that the Church � through Pope John Paul II - apologized for its �errors in the last 2000 years, including the trial of Galileo..�

So, if Heaven is not �somewhere up there� beyond the stars, as the Early Fathers had inferred from Aristotle and Ptolemy and had taught for 16 centuries, where is it?
We were taught in Theology class at the Ateneo that Heaven was not a physical place that saints and deities ascended to but was a state of consciousness called a Beatific Vision that one attained through faith and good works, much like the nirvana that Buddhists � who do not subscribe to a personal God - believe in.

So, OK, since God and Heaven are not �up there,� what is? Nothing but more stars and more galaxies than were known in Aristotle�s time, in some of which other life forms most probably exist, including some that may be more highly developed than we earthlings are.

A Jesuit priest, Fr. Jose Gabriel Funes, who is head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI, has recently expressed his opinion that life in other planets is a distinct possibility, but that this is not in conflict with faith in God. Such extra-terrestrial (ET) creatures would still be part of God�s Creation. (Reuters, May 16).

But Islam, which has a view of Creation similar to the Judeo-Christian tradition, would also claim that those ETs are part of Allah�s Creation. So if we should establish contact with ETs in the near future and it turns out, as is likely, that they have never heard of Jesus or Allah, who would have the franchise to �convert� them? Will it throw us earthlings back to the genocidal Crusades of the 11th -13th centuries? Just asking. *****

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[email protected]. More articles in www.tapatt.org and in acabaya.blogspot.com. .

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More Reactions to �Combating Smuggling�
Federalism Model: Spain
Instead of Federalism
Decentralization 10

TONY ON TV. Tony Abaya will be interviewed by Gil Santos on Ch. 3 Destiny Cable on Monday, June 16, at 9 pm Manila time. The topic will be hydrogen fuel cells and other energy/environmental issues. Those who cannot access Destiny Cable on their TV can watch the program on their computers: Open media player; open File; type the following URL: mns//


Tony,          The possibility of life in other galaxies can be intriguing, and scary as well.  We can't help being curious about people who are different from us earthlings, but they may appear hideous-looking by human standards.  Even "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" dwells on this subject.  If they do exist (not a far-fetched possibility as documented in personal experiences, such as the landing in Roswell , Mexico ), I don't believe these aliens would care about being Christian or Muslim.   Best,
Yett Montalvan, (by email), May 30, 2008


Tony,         Even if an alien race landed in the Pope's front yard and clearly explained to us that they were responsible for planting modern humans on Earth, nothing would change. People would still go to church on Sunday and still fight for their beliefs, because mankind is a mostly irrational 'creature of habit'.

Mitch Gingras, (by email), May 30, 2008


Dear Tony,
I doubt another "genocidal crusade" will ever transpire on conversations of ETs when the Muslims themselves are unable to see eye to eye on the subject of Creation, Evolution and creation through evolution (which I personally believe in). Our Muslim brothers themselves are in such disagreement and dilemma on creation and/or evolution that it may take a few more centuries if ever, before it got settled, then they can merrily proselytize and convert the "infidels".

The Muslim scholars seems to hold three contending beliefs on the theory of creation, evolution and creation through evolution:

1. One view is that evolution is totally contradictory and incompatible with the Islamic teachings. The proponents of this view believe literally in the  Quran and  Hadith. No different from the Old Testament's literal hand-made clay molded that were to become Adam and Eve.

2. The second thought prevailing among a group of Muslim scholars wrote comprehensive books that totally accept evolutionary theory and endorsed Darwin �s idea. One such popular book is, �The Phenomena of Nature in the Quran and Sunnah� in which the authors
named Ghulam Ahmad Pervez and his student Dr. Abdul Wadood  completely derives the evolutionary stages from different verses of the Holy Quran

3. The third category of Muslims response can be called as a moderate response trying to relate some of the features of the theory to the teachings of Islam (especially the Quran). Generally the proponents makes efforts to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Quranic teachings. They seems to defend Darwinian Theory and quotes elsewhere the Quranic verse �We made every living thing from water, will they not believe?� (21:30) and then agrees with the theory of evolution. �There is no evidence in the Quran�, �to suggest whether all species, each of which exists by the grace of God, were created all at once or gradually.�

I have to apologize to include a long response by attaching the "modern" thought that I feel deserve a presentation if only to show that Christians and other religious beliefs have an alternative "thought" to consider:  The Anthropic Principle

"The Anthropic Principle was first suggested in a 1973 paper, by the astrophysicist and cosmologist Brandon Carter from Cambridge University , at a conference held in Poland to celebrate the 500th birthday of the father of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus. The Anthropic Principle is an attempt to explain the observed fact that the fundamental constants of physics and chemistry are just right or fine-tuned to allow the universe and life at we know it to exist.  The Anthropic Principle says that the seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics have one strange thing in common--these are precisely the values you need if you want to have a universe capable of producing life. The universe gives the appearance that it was designed to support life on earth."

Consider the following proven phenomena:

1. "Gravity is roughly 1039 times weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity had been 1033 times weaker than electromagnetism, "stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster."

2. "The nuclear weak force is 1028 times the strength of gravity. Had the weak force been slightly weaker, all the hydrogen in the universe would have been turned to helium (making water impossible, for example)."

3. "A stronger nuclear strong force (by as little as 2 percent) would have prevented the formation of protons--yielding a universe without atoms.  Decreasing it by 5 percent would have given us a universe without stars.

If the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron were not exactly as it is--roughly twice the mass of an electron--then all neutrons would have become protons or vice versa. Say good-bye to chemistry as we know it--and to life.

The very nature of water--so vital to life--is something of a mystery (a point noticed by one of the forerunners of anthropic reasoning in the nineteenth century, Harvard biologist Lawrence Henderson ). Unique amongst the molecules, water is lighter in its solid than liquid form: Ice floats. If it did not, the oceans would freeze from the bottom up and earth would now be covered with solid ice. This property in turn is traceable to the unique properties of the hydrogen atom. The synthesis of carbon--the vital core of all organic molecules--on a significant scale involves what scientists view as an astonishing coincidence in the ratio of the strong force to electromagnetism. This ratio makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state of exactly 7.65 MeV at the temperature typical of the centre of stars, which creates a resonance involving helium-4, beryllium-8, and carbon-12--allowing the necessary binding to take place during a tiny window of opportunity 10-17 seconds long.

The Anthropic Principle shows that the creator bides His time and everything there "IS" was created by Intelligent Design. To quote Shakespeare: "there are more things in heaven and earth , Horatio, that are not dreamt of in your philosophy"        Sincerely,

Mark Enriquez, (by email), Los Angeles , CA , May 31, 2008


Do you believe in the Holy Bible?
Do you believe in God? 
What do you believe in? Yourself alone?
Just asking. ***

Jun Manzano, (by email), May 31, 2008

(Do you believe that the Sun, the planets, the galaxies all revolve around the Earth? Of course, you don�t. That�s because men like Copernicus and Galileo questioned the allegedly infallible teachings of the shamans, and proved them to be spectacularly wrong. Do you understand that? Just asking. ACA)


Hi, Tony:
You are out of this world. Ii agree with your assumption.  Not only is it possible but it is statistically probable that there is extra-terrestrial intelligent life in the cosmos..

You wrote::

"Given that there are billions of galaxies in the cosmos, and there are in turn billions of planets in these billions of galaxies, it would be reasonable to assume that on some of these planets, where conditions were hospitable for the evolution of organisms, there would be life as we know it on Earth, including even sentient beings who have self-consciousness, memory and the ability to communicate, some of whom would be more highly developed than us earthlings.."
(Would this statement not be consistent with the Drake Equation, which limits itself only to our galaxy?)

Hmmm.  stimulates rethinking our paradigms - including our religious paradigms. But as you have very well pointed out, we shouldn't worry too much about a paradigm shift since most Judeo-Christian and Muslim literature (Scriptures?) and even "pagan" traditions have suggested ET's existence. Your mention of the opinion of Jesuit Jose Gabriel Funes of the Vatican Observatory should allay fears of Catholics re the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials.  Most Christian and non-Christian traditions have taught the existence of intelligent, spiritual beings - like angels and demons.  so why not intra or extra galactic corporeal, intelligent beings? If one is a theist, why limit god's creativity?  Would it not be pure arrogance to think that we earthlings are alone in the universe?

A long time ago, I read a monograph of a speculative theologian, who was also a scientist, theorizing that if there were corporeal intelligent life forms created by god in the universe, it is possible that they would fall under a different dispensation from those of us on earth. Like earthlings, these intelligent creatures may have been placed under a trial period, like Adam and Eve, but unlike Adam and Eve, remained obedient and passed the trial - hence no corporeal punishment like illnesses and death. And no need for redemption.  He speculates that these creatures may be superior to earthlings.  Other corporeal creatures may have, like Adam and Eve, failed the test . . .  and may or may not have been redeemed.  Interesting speculation.

Ricardo I. de Leon, (by email), May 31, 2008

(I would like to speculate on what the corporeal punishment would be for consistently not using capital letters. ACA)


Dear Mr. Abaya,           The Phoenix landing on the Planet Mars last May 25, 2008 is indeed another exciting milestone for us, homo sapiens who sent it there to probe for the existence of water and life. I have provided hyperlinks for easy reference.

However, I�m a bit puzzled regarding the conflicted views being given by our brilliant astronomers and scientists as of late. Most however agree that water is essential for the existence of any form of life. Even before the Phoenix landing, scientists at Harvard University in Massachusetts and Stony Brook University in New York analyzed salt deposits in a four-billion-year-old rock that was explored by the U.S. space agency's Mars exploration rover, Opportunity. They concluded that water once existed on Mars.  However, in a recent issue of the journal Science, researchers conclude that the water that existed billions of years ago may have been too salty to sustain life as reported by.

One interesting personal notion is that, man, once again, is placing himself in the center of the evolutionary ladder citing earth as an example how �carbon based� life forms exist in our blue orb. Now that scientist have found the evidence of what might be ice, now what? As early as 2002, NASA already concluded through various instruments that Mars indeed has water in ice form in its South Pole. Why then did NASA venture North? Well they say that Mars� Northern Polar cap contains water ice while the southern cap contains carbon dioxide ice. If this is so then the0 Phoenix mission has already concluded a small part of its two-fold mission.

For the most part, scientific discoveries are fascinating, to say the least. But gauging what might be the existence of life as we know it is inadequate. Not with all the violations on life we do here on our very own planet. Cutting down trees unabashedly and disturbing the natural order of things for the �life forms� that live there and pushing them to the brink of extinction to cite an example. Ironic that we try to find life on another planet when we disregard it on our own.

Wouldn�t it be a treat if one of these days, something jumps in front of one those Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity and now Phoenix ) on Mars. That would be a field day.

However, given the vast expanse of our universe, it is inconceivable to think that ours is the only planet with known life. The earth and our solar system for that matter is but a tiny speck on one of the outer spokes of the Milky Way measuring 100,000 light years across. Life here on our planet are carbon based. What then of other planets or in our galaxy or any other galaxies for that matter? They might be silicon based, or whatever form the ecology of their planet supports. They might be breathing methane as opposed to us taking in oxygen from air or plants taking in carbon dioxide. We will never know, for now at least.

To top it all off, any form of organized religion, if indeed life is found (or we are found first) somewhere else and who will have exclusive franchise is ludicrous. What if these beings are more evolved than us and their race has existed far longer than us and their physical constitution is far more adaptable than ours? What if they already have established their own form of organized religion? What if they have set aside religion and instead focus on life, period. What if they find John Lennon�s Imagine, will they consider him a prophet of sorts? In whatever denomination, organized religion has set limits and boundaries which we all operate on others devoutly bordering on fanaticism others, so-so.

Violate one of these man-made codes and you are labeled as a heretic. Answer me this, what religious denomination will claim that Jurassic or even pre-Jurassic people belonged to their fold? Don�t get me wrong, I am a Catholic myself, although not so devout as one might expect. And as long as people in general does not respect each others beliefs, then all form of life here on this planet or otherwise will be at peril since one will always outdo each other professing their superiority or purity as the one and only true religion.

So whatever the outcome of this latest adventure of man, let us not forget, life do exist, HERE. Measuring in galactic terms, we are a very young race albeit all the technology and knowledge we now have. We are mere infants. And unless we realize this, our global troubles will continue to escalate at an alarming rate. Forget about global warming and political woes. If we don�t stop and think now, it�s a possibility that we will be the fossils that other life forms from other planets will be digging up.

Noi Ramirez, (by email), May 31, 2008


Dear Tony,
You are so very correct that I fear the Church could hit at you, too. It should be clear to any normal minded and educated people that the bible story is nothing than a story. Anyway if considering that it has been finished hundreds of years after Christ, and not by people who lived at the same time.

When the then Pope visited CERN at Geneva and was confronted with minerals from the moon which have been millions of years old, very contrary to the schedule of the bible, he said that the bible is a mere vision, not a book of facts.

As child, I have been told by catechists that stars are like holes in heaven�s flooring through which we could see the brightness of heaven. A nice story to small kids, but at that time it was known well already what stars are really.

Aside of numerous other questions to the bible, why Jesus, as part of the Trinity and therefore part of the Creator, did not know anything about earth outside the Roman and Egyptian lands? Why Noah built a ship whose measurement is exactly mentioned in the bible, hundred times too small for all the existing animals plus Noah family plus all their foods? Because they did not know what really has been "created". The same to the depth of water at sintflood, hundred times lower than Mount Ararat where the arc has landed. And they did not know that Mount Ararat is covered with ice and snow, really not a place from where that animals would have gone down to the lowlands again.

The same with the crucifixion. Romans did not nail people to the cross and those who crucified Jesus did not have iron nails anyway.

It would be very helpful if the Catholic Church would clearly explain how and why such discrepancies are still in the bible, a book which has been edited and rewritten more than fifty times. Maybe then the different religions would not be like enemies anymore. Muslims, for example, through Mohammed,  are recognizing Jesus as a prophet, Isa ben Mariam, but not as the superior God. And India , China , Tibet , the Inkas etc., of whom Jesus did not know anything, had a high culture and science thousands of years before Christ already. The existing bible has not more proof of facts than "Back to the future" of the Swiss fantasy writer Erich von Daeniken, who also claims to tell facts.

Kurt Setschen, (by email), Switzerland , June 01, 2008


Hi Mang Tony,
I'd rather stick to my own Christian belief than spend tons of money that maybe, may take the value of the whole resources on earth before it can finally be found that there is indeed, life somewhere out there in other physical world, as yes, it is highly probable, through the mathetical sciences known as statistics.  I have studied a lot of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics but as you go more advanced, they looked more abstract to me than studying Christianity.  They, or shall I say we, are merely playing with numbers.  After all science is all but empirical knowledge.

If they found out that there existed life other than here on Earth, then, what will be it's relevance?  So that they can invalidate the Christian faith?  For what will be its use as it will be very impractical to immigrate to Mars as what NASA scientists maybe dreaming of ( I can't think of no other reason for them)?  Let's assume that they found a biosphere in Mars where human can leave, how much will it cost per gram of matter to move there?  Anyway, I thank NASA and these space workers for the space satellites as we can easily track typhoons, hurricanes and cyclones today just by clicking my browser, I thank science for the computers and all these scientific evolutions.

But I ask science, the men of science, to help us preserve this dearly planet.  While gaining advanced scientific knowledge turned those clever and smart people into cynics and skeptics, ignoring the call for environmentalism, my Christian faith is at least helping me learn how to respect, love and preserve this little world.  Maybe those people are thinking that once they found life possibility on Mars, then they can continue to waste the planet Earth as what seems to be happening now.  Those scientist should use the Lander to view Earth from Mars and realized how small and finite Earth is and at the rate we are consuming our resources, like gathering all the energy to send a metal assembly to another planet, may God help us.

Edel Anit, (by email), June 01, 2008

(I am glad that Copernicus, Galileo, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and tens of thousands of other scientists around the world in the past 500 years were not discouraged, as you say you were, from going deeper into Science because �it becomes more abstract than studying Christianity.� Thinking in the abstract is one of the qualities that differentiate human beings from beasts. ACA)


Dear Tony:
Any human being who deserves to be characterized as Homo sapiens and is in full possession of his/her cognitive powers must know beyond any reasonable doubt that there is no such place as "heaven," or "hell," or "purgatory," as the Roman Catholic Church has for centuries stoutly held.

As a matter of fact, starting with Copernicus and Galileo and those men of science who followed them, it will be difficult if not impossible for the whole edifice of Christianity to continue to stand; it has to fall and come crushing down.

But it happens that a good part of the so-called Christian community refuses to accept the evidence clearly laid out for them by reason and science. They choose instead to continue to hold on desperately to beliefs that have long been proven to be false if not fraudulent.

And as Franz Werfel long ago declared, "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."

Mariano Patalinjug, (by email), Yonkers , NY , June 09, 2008


More Reactions to �Combating Smuggling� (May 28, 2008)

Yes Tony, I have long been wanting to come back to the Philippines and help them " the patriotic civilians, men and women in uniform" as my last act of patriotism to banish them" this crooks in Malacanang for a better Philippines.

The truth is, so many of my friends sugggested  to me a year back that if I am agreeable they are willing to go back to our homeland (the Philippines) to join me in a fight to help unseat PGMA in Malacanang just like what  I did to a sitting Philippine president before I move to the U.S. with my family and finally to Canada. 

I feel I have been taken by Gloria Arroyo when she said she has got what it take to put  the Philippine economy back to her feet again when she first run for the Presidency after unseating Erap Estrada as President of the Philippines. At that time I even helped finance the "Run GMA Run Movement." She failed me and majority of Filipinos still living in the Philippines and as many  who are in a foreign land working day in and day out to send funds to their family there to save them from hunger and as well help keep the Philippine economy afloat. Tony, today our Filipino foreign workers spread worldwide are remitting 15 billion dollars a year. We consider them as our modern day heroes not modern day slaves as PGMA think they are.

Don't be surprise if one of this day you will see us there in the best of our fighting mood to help unseat the cheater, liar and the thief in Malacanang Palace .

Mike M. Moreno, (by email), Richmond , B.C. Canada
Chair- Fil-Am  Fil-Can Alliance


While working for the Bureau of Customs sometime in 1969 at the Manila International Airport , I apprehended what was then the biggest drug shipment that led to the dramatic shooting by firing squad of the alleged owner, the infamous Lim Seng, by then President Marcos at the advent of martial law. Like my friend, Tony Villar, I was also offered a very very big amount just to close my eyes on future shipments, but it didnt work out for me. (I was officially awarded P1M pesos by the Dept. of Finance)

A firing squad is too good for drug smugglers. We should device a more painful way of giving back to them what they have inflicted on their hapless victims.

Antonio Evangelista, (by email), June 10, 2008


Dear Tony,          Smuggling and all BIG Crimes in this country are being committed by those in power or those connected to "Power". These are done in the open with impunity as they are reported in media everyday. But these Bozos and Baboons are not afraid because they protect each other and our justice system can't touch them. Why don't we listen to the recommendation/proposal of Atty. Marlowe Camello to implement the "Jury System" in this country. But how to push this is the problem since our politicians are scared of its effect. This is the real People's Power! Let's help support this move. We can talk and talk to kingdom come but those in power are laughing their way to the bank. I think time is running out on us. I am really worried.

Jose I. Regino, (by email), Zamboanga City , June 10, 2008


Federalism Model: Spain

Dear Mr. Abaya,
It has taken some time for me to respond to you because of  various commitments and the chores of daily life.

Looks like I will be responding to you in installments. Let me begin with Spain . One of the poorest countries in Europe in the 1950s, during the last years of the Franco government, there was uneven expansion, followed by a period of reform and restructuring. As of 2007, Spain is the ninth largest economy in the world.

With your indulgence, the article below by Rudolph Ryser is a good one. Spain is also a
role model for the Philippines , as the article itself says. As the article shows, Spain was
also a role model for the devolutions in the United Kingdom . Spain 's system is based on
the principles of subsidiarity.

I will discuss South Africa next time.     Best Regards,

Manuel Lino G. Faelnar, (by email), May 29, 2008

(But this article below about Spain does not prove the central thesis of Sen. Pimentel and his confederates like you and Philip Ortiz, namely that federalism will �spur economic growth� in the Philippines. I toured Spain (and the rest of Europe by Vespa motor scooter) in 1961 when it was still dirt poor. I visited Spain again in 1987 when it was becoming prosperous.

(The key events in Spain�s history from 1950 to 2000 were a) the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975; b) the holding of free elections in 1977; and c) membership in the European Union in 1986.  Wikipedia�s graph of Spain �s GDP during this period shows an up-tick after 1977, and an accelerated climb up after 1986, which proves my point that membership in the EU was/is the main ingredient in Spain �s prosperity. If Spain had not joined the EU, it would not be the 9th biggest economy in the world that it claims to be. Unfortunately, the Philippines cannot join the EU. ACA)

A Country in Spain

September 4, 2007, by Rudolph Ryser.

Spain is redefining the modern state in a way that may be instructive for the resolution of instability and violence in failed states. Fictive states like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Burma, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, DR Congo, Nigeria, ; and bankrupt or shaky states like Nicaragua, Kenya, and Algeria are populated by many different nations that either contend with each other, conflict with the state idea and-or seek independence from the state.

Spain is a multi-nation state formerly held under ridged control by Generalismo Francisco Franco's regime from 1936 until his death in November 1975. A constitutional monarchy Spain is  governed as a parliamentary democracy.  It is the ninth largest economy in the world. In the Spanish Constitution of 1978 political parties organizing post Franco Spain decided to transform what had been a highly centralized dictatorship into what would become a decentralized state�thereby addressing tensions over dictatorship, nationalism and separatism.  All of these forces powerfully arose as in Spain after 1975.
Under Article II of the new Spanish Constitution self-government and autonomy of nationalities is expressed in this way:

The Constitution�recognizes and guarantees the right to self-government of the nationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all. (Spanish Constitution 1975, Article II)

Each of the autonomous communities exercise broad executive and legislative authority through their own regional government and their own parliaments.  Power distribution differs from one autonomous community an another as defined through the "autonomy statute" ( estatuto de autonomia).
While there are tensions between the different polities, there are institutions created to resolve differences.  Seventeen distinct autonomous communities comprise the distinctive political identities making up the Spanish political system:

Catalonia , Aragon , Navarre , Basque Country, Catabria , Asturias , Galicia , Andalusia , Valencia , Estramadura , Castile -Leon, La Rioja, Murcia , Castile-La Mancha, Canary Islands and Balearic Islands comprise the seventeen autonomous communities.

Spain demonstrates the most substantial example of the principle of subsidiarity (The principle states that matters ought to be handled by the smallest competent authority in a system of polities.) Fairly and thoughtfully negotiated between different political and cultural interests in Spain , a system of evolving subsidiarity has strengthened Spain 's social and economic structure while providing a political system that realistically reflects the cultural and political realities of a multi-national state.

Most all of the autonomous communities in Spain are Fourth World nations.  In particular I point to Catalunya , Galicia Navarre , the Balearics, Canaries and Basque Country.

The different political and cultural interests in Spain are evolving a successful political model for a 21st century state that should inform similar circumstances in failed and shaky states. Iraq 's Kurds may forgo their long term commitment to independence (thus reducing potential tensions with Turkey and Iran ) if the principle of subsidiarity becomes fully instituted as the present Iraqi constitutions seems to suggest.  Most importantly, the United States , as the occupying power, should move to facilitate and broker the autonomous status of distinct tribal and other national groups.  This is not simply "federalism." This is a recognition of the self-governing authority of nations in Iraq .

Nigeria is a state slowly spinning out of control. Not much different than Spain in structure and history, Nigeria would benefit from the principal of subsidiarity where all parties enter into equal party negotiations to define the structure of autonomous regions.  Biafra and Yaruba already appear ready to assume regionally defined autonomous powers.  The principle of subsidiarity would naturally continue to be applied all the way to the very most local of communities.

A weak central government is not a formulae for collapse, but as Spain demonstrates, maintaining powers of defense, foreign affairs, international trade and inter-nation economic regulation and public safety are powers sufficient to maintain central authority and a sustained and growing economy.
England was not fearful of the Spanish example when negotiations were undertaken to promote self-government in Wales and Scotland .  The lesson learned has now been applied to Northern Ireland as well.
As the Catalans describe themselves (the first time in 1992 when they hosted the Olympic Games), "Catalunya is a country in Spain ."  Biafra could be a country in Nigeria . Kurdistan could be a country in Iraq . Miskito Yapti Tasba could be a country in Nicaragua . Canada, United States, the Philippines, Peoples Republic of China, Russian Federation and so many other states could learn the lessons of Spain and give us all a more productive, creative and peaceful world. It seems the idea of the "state" that originated in 1648 Europe is now finally maturing into an idea that the rest of the world can really use. A country in Spain ?  Hmmm, a good idea for 21st century states.

(c) 2007 Center for World Indigenous Studies

(There is no such thing as a Fourth World. During the Cold War when these terminologies were used, the First World was the industrialized capitalist democracies of North America, Western Europe , Japan and Australia-New Zealand . The Second World was the Communist countries led by the Soviet Union and Maoist China . The Third World was the rest of the world. ACA)


Instead of Federalism

I agree that federalism is not the form of government for us. Our clannish tayo tayo/kanya kanya culture, our multi-lingual society, our perforated geography, among other factors could balkanize our country. There was already a move by the Mindanao Independence Movement that communicated with the UN Secretary General to conduct a referendum for the Mindanaoans to choose  between independence or remain with the Republic of the Philippines . In that letter to the UNSG was included the replica of the flag of an independent Mindanao .

I was reminded of a similar referendum held in Sabah by the UN sometime ago where the Sabahans chose to remain with Malaysia instead of be with the Philippines . Again, when I was and still am advocating for a revolutionary transition to a new constitutional order after a timeline of three years cleansing of our decrepit political system,

Duterte and Juan Ponce Enrile  reacted that they would establish their own states in Davao and thre Cagayan Valley . I also remember when then Speaker de Venecia called by phone that he agreed with me that Congress be abolished and instead a Parliament would be established. I reiterated to him my idea of a cleansing period beforre transiting to a parliamentary system and not the same people sitting immediately as MPs
There is a need to change GMA's governance. For a change, I am thinking of a corporation-style government with a board of directors constituted a representative from each of the 12 regions, ARMM, and the Cordiller,a with Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno as Chairman/CEO and a rejuvenated Cabinet as corporations headed by a non-political person as President/COO. This revolutionary transition government shall institute the necessary reforms to arrest the downtrend of the national situation; create an independent court of inquiry to facilitate the inquiries to unravel the truth about GMA's legitimacy, her manner of governance, and the other issues imputed against her; suspend government personnel involved in the issues until cleared; create a constitutional commissioin with Philconsa providing the core of constitutionalists; suspend the Offices of the President,  Vice President, and Congress until the ratification and establishment of the new constitutional order where they can submit themselves again to the people.

To insure that the major actors of the revolutionary government will not perpetuate themselves in office, a transitory provision in the new constitution shall provide for their inhibition from running in the first national election of the new constitutional government to be held in 2010.

Fortunato U. Abat, (by email), May 20, 2008

Former Defense Secretary, former Philippine Ambassador to China  


Decentralization, 10

You wrote:
�Electoral reforms, since they concern mostly procedures, can be implemented and take effect at once. Economic reforms would take years before they solve the problems of poverty and hunger.� I disagree. Your exams and qualification standards for candidates require a cha-cha. Economic reforms, unless specified or spelled out, means nothing.

(Of course, qualifying exams for all candidates would require a constitutional amendment. So would electing senators by region, instead of by nationwide vote. But any ChaCha should be after 2010, so that it is not used by GMA to stay in power when her presidential term ends on June 30, 2010.

(I was reacting to a reader who said economic reforms � he did not specify what reforms � should precede electoral reforms because �mahirap bumoto pag gutom.� ACA)

I am deeply touched by Jennifer�s sharp perception of the ills of our country. I particularly like her statement about the opposition being so enamored with �elections�. Indeed, elections offer the opposition an opportunity to wrest power, nothing more except, perhaps, false hopes. Of what good are electoral reforms when the choice is invariably between a bad candidate and an evil one?

You can argue you heart out that certain good materials do come up from time to time but unless they belong to the category of Among Ed, they eventually end up as trash as did Cory who as Jennifer observed let go a golden opportunity. What we need is a more manageable unit of government where a dynamic and vigilant citizenry will have a say.  Well, at least comparatively, civil society would have more impact in barangays, towns, cities and provinces than at the national level.

I am not saying that I am satisfied with the performance of our LGU�s, though I�m quite sure that we shall not be in want of role models. I just believe the fine suggestions and motherhood statements of ACA�s readers may more easily find some application or fulfillment in smaller and more compact communities that constitute our LGU�s. 

A political system is not just about communism and democracy. Each one has its own distinct ramifications. By and large though, a political system shapes its economic policies. Anyway, what I�m trying to say is that certain projects like poverty alleviation and food security are best done at the local levels than by the President. Even if the only reason is that the President can police local officials, not vice versa!

I filed a request for Senator Pimentel�s power point on federalism. I hope he gives me one. Who knows that it might make me turn around? Ironically enough, he himself brought to light the importance of local autonomy. I don�t think I could come up with my decentralization materials had it not been for his new advocacy.

I am writing in a series because my subject is not easy to sell. I think most people cannot associate it with the present ills of our country. Why not? Many local officials themselves are not aware of it too! Otherwise, they would have done their part, instead licking the heels of evil.  We need to educate our people. It is slow process, and the effort itself may be its only reward. Anyway, Tony, thanks for starting it all.

Eustaquio Joven, (by email), June 02, 2008


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