Is McCain Senile?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on Sept. 01, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
September 02 issue

Probably not. But many American commentators are genuinely puzzled at his choice of vice-presidential running mate for the November presidential elections.

In the American system, vice-presidential nominees are not chosen by primaries or on the convention floor. He or she is the personal choice of the presidential nominee.

Thus Barack Obama, the winner in the Democratic primaries and caucuses, exercised his prerogative after due diligence and came up with Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware. By most accounts, it was an inspired choice.

Sen. Biden has long been prominent in Washington politics, with an established reputation as being knowledgeable in foreign affairs. He is perceived to fill a gap in Sen. Obama's political curriculum vitae, that in foreign policy. Thus the pair is seen as logically complementing each other..

The same cannot be said of Sen. John McCain and his choice of vice-presidential running mate. It is safe to assume that before Aug. 30, 99.5 percent of the population of the United States, outside of the state of Alaska, had never heard of Sarah Palin, incumbent governor since 2006 of, well, Alaska.

It did not help reassure puzzled pundits and voters that before she became governor of Alaska, Ms.Palin had been mayor of the town of Wasilla (pop. 8,741). Or that during high school days, she had played center guard in basketball and was known as Sarah Barracuda. Or that Sen. McCain had apparently met her only once (last February) in his entire life, though he had talked to her, by telephone, one other time since.

Even Republican apologists and strategists were at a loss to cite anything significant  to give a positive spin to the Great Puzzlement that this nomination has spawned. The GOP line is that Gov. Palin had fought against corruption in Alaska, had refused to support a Bridge to Nowhere, and something or other that she did or did not do. Someone in Fox News, the cable channel of the neo-cons, is said to have remarked that Gov. Palin has some experience in foreign relations because Alaska is right next to Russia. Amazing!

My reading is that Sen. McCain made this choice based on his personality flaws. He is known to have a short temper and does not get along easily with other people. During the early part of the primary season, he had candidly admitted that he knew absolutely nothing about economics, which one of his rivals, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, used to hit him on the head with. So he scratched Romney off his short VP list.

Perhaps for a similar, personality-based reason, he scratched New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani off the list, who has something of a star status from 9/11 and could outshine him on the campaign trail, aside from being too liberal by Republican standards.

McCain's constant beef against Obama has been that Obama was only a celebrity and did not have the executive experience to qualify for the presidency, a bias that was uncannily reinforced when Obama chose Biden as his running mate Two articulate and verbose lawyers, both without any executive experience in managing a state or a federal agency..

But what does McCain do? He scratched out Romney, and Giuliani and former Pennsylvania Governor and former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge from his VP short list  - each one with more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined, each one with more executive experience than McCain himself -  and chose instead an unknown woman whose executive experience has been limited to being mayor of a small town in Alaska for six years , then being governor of that state for less than two, whom McCain has met only once in his entire life.

Does this make any sense to anyone other than a die-hard Republican?

It makes some sense to social conservatives, whether Republican or independent. Ms. Palin is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and is against gun control. She is also against same-sex marriage, birth control and abortion. Her youngest child was diagnosed with Down's syndrome � a chromosomal deficiency - four months into her pregnancy, but she chose not to abort the foetus. She also rejects Darwin's Theory of Evolution and wants to have the Creationism of Christian Evangelicals taught in public schools.

The idea that McCain is trying to win Hillary Clinton's women supporters, who were disappointed when Obama did not choose her as his VP, is nonsense. Most of Hillary's women supporters would never support Palin's conservative agenda.

Here seems to be the key element in McCain's choice of Ms. Palin, and there is reason to believe that the Christian Evangelicals, who constitute 30 to 35 percent of the American electorate and continue to be the biggest single political bloc that still supports the disgraced George W. Bush, will rally around the McCain-Palin team.

With Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson gone to their heavenly rewards, the leading Christian Evangelical preacher now is John Hagee, head of a mega-church in Texas. As early as more than a year ago � and I mentioned it in a column of mine then -  the Rev. Hagee anointed McCain as the successor to George W, in a lavish ceremony in Texas attended by McCain, to which George W. sent a congratulatory message. This was long before Hagee's endorsement of McCain last April, which was criticized as being anti-Catholic and from which McCain has distanced himself...

Hagee is also national chairman of a Christian-Zionist organization called Christians United for Israel. Christian Evangelicals believe that war in the Middle East is biblically foretold and divinely ordained. They support Israel because they believe that, though Israel will be destroyed,144,000 Israeli Jews will be spared and they will convert to Christianity. And this will be the signal for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In this light, Barack Obama's 16-month withdrawal plan for US troops from Iraq has been pre-empted. The Bush government has been negotiating with the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Noor al-Maliki for a timetable under which US troops will withdraw from all Iraqi cities by June 2009, and withdraw from all of Iraq by end of 2011, "depending on the situation on the ground."

This is obviously meant to take the wind out of Obama's 16-month withdrawal sail.
Depending on the situation on the ground means full withdrawal from Iraq can be rescinded or reinterpreted after the November 2008 elections. McCain's 100 years in Iraq (and Afghanistan) � or how ever long it will take for the biblical prophecies to be fulfilled - is therefore more likely to become the conventional American wisdom.

It is significant that on Aug. 20, as I mentioned in a column last week, Obama was ahead of McCain by only one point in the CNN poll of that date. As I write this, the CNN poll of Sept 01 puts Obama still ahead by only one point, despite all the hoopla and hoohah at the Democratic convention in Denver last week. That means there was not much of a bounce for Obama and Biden, as had been expected from that coronation.

The Republican convention, scheduled for this week in St. Paul, Minnesota, has been scaled down considerably in deference to the deaths and devastation that Hurricane Gustav is expected to visit on New Orleans and neighboring towns and cities.

McCain is not senile. God is on his side. Ask the Rev. Hagee. *****

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Wikipedia on Sarah Palin
The Sarah Palin Chronicles
Who was Ninoy Aquino?

Are you rude? Please butt out of our politics. It's none of your business. Stay on your overcrowded, smelly, corrupt little island and take care of your own problems and never mind about ours.  In other words, Fuck you.

Brian Allison, [email protected], Sept. 02, 2008

(No need to ask you. You ARE rude. Red states for the rednecks? ACA)


This was a good article.  A couple points though, Pat Robertson is still alive.  Also, I doubt John Hagee will be the heir apparent of right-wing televangelists.  That probably will be James Dobson.    Anyway, good article and I agree with your points.

Jim Vermeulen, [email protected], Sept. 02, 2008


This was one of the funniest and most clearly written analyses of our presidential politics that I've come across.  Thank you.

Bruce Reynolds MD, [email protected], Sept. 02, 2008


No, but apparently you are. I just saw Pat Robertson speak yesterday. Better get your facts straight. No one can take anything you say seriously when you miss one that big.

Rob Wells, [email protected], Sept. 02, 2008


Tony,          Speaking of being senile, you may want to see a doctor yourself!

John Seeker, [email protected], Dallas, TX, Sept. 03, 2008

Turnstile Advertising

(The above five emails were received from readers who are not in our e-distribution list, who may have accessed the article in either Yahoo or Google, even before the article saw print.)


Dear Tony:
Either Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain is now suffering from an advanced case of senility, or he is desperately trying to recapture his old reputation as a "maverick" and a "straight shooter," when he personally picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Sarah Palin who?

The average American knows that the choice of a presidential running mate is governed strictly by one practical and sensible criterion: Will he/she be ready and able to take over as President--just in case? Not by any stretch of the imagination will Sarah Palin ever be ready and able to take over as President--just in case.

And it happens that exactly that contingency may arise if the American people make the mistake of giving the electoral victory to the McCain-Palin duo. John McCain is now 72 years old and is afflicted with cancer which fortunately is now in remission.

But imagine John McCain's cancer recurring and metastasizing six months after he takes his oath of office as President. The oncologists at Walter Reed honestly tell him he has six months left. Just four months after this verdict, Mr. McCain dies.

Sarah Palin is automatically sworn in as President!

Would she be ready and able to discharge the awesome duties and responsibilities of a President, as well as those of a leader of the Free World? That is the question.

Mariano Patalinjug, (by email), Yonkers, NY, Sept. 02, 2008


Ms Palin seems to fit McCain's basic requirements for VP. She doesn't believe in man-made global warming because her religious beliefs insist that all of the Earth's natural resources are at mankind's disposal to exploit as needed and without regard. i.e: ANWAR North slope oil and gas reserves. And is lobbying Canada's 'Trans Canada Pipeline company' to build a new pipeline down to the lower 48 states. i.e: $500 million of seed money for our dearest Canadian government lobbyists.

McCain still thinks that the majority of Americans are still pre-occupied with a quick fix solution for their gas-guzzling SUV's. This all must be irritating Al Gore!      Cheers!

Mitch Gingras, (by email), Ottawa, Canada,  Sept. 02, 2008


Your title for the essay about Sen. McCain's choice for VP was a cheap shot. While you did admit it unlikely he is senile, it will leave a lasting subjective impression that he is indeed senile on the part of to many unthinking folk who read your editorials.

Fortunately, most of those are not US voters or are already Democrats. As for his choice, like most I was surprised AND delighted. This is yet another manifestation of the Senators maverick style. He is a non-conformist and not easily intimidated by Communist thug prison guards or foreign editorial writers. As the Marines say, he has a pair that clang.

A quick check on his choice reveals another maverick, a woman who took on the entrenched power elite in Alaska with respect to corruption and did not back down. A woman who is not intimidated by the so called women's liberation movement, who, in my personal experience, are a bunch of fascists. A woman who believes that the right to possess firearms is a political statement as developed by the writers of the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. A woman who believes that extremism in the defence of personal, individual liberty, is no vice.

Perhaps she would make a role model for politicians in the Philippines. Oh, I forgot, I am an American and it is offensive for a foreigner to make comments on domestic politics in the Philippines. So sorry.

To do is to be. (Descartes)
To be is to do. (Voltaire)
Do be do be do. (Sinatra)

John Long, (by email), Seattle, Washington, Sept. 02, 2008

(No need to apologize for telling us what we already know, John. ACA)


Dear Tony,
That's a very incisive analysis and insight.  You make more sense than most columnists I read in newspapers and commentators I watch on US TV.

Frank Jimenez, (by email), West Orange, NJ, Sept. 02, 2008


Dear Mr. Abaya, You certainly have a point in that Ms. Palin has not been sufficiently vetted by McCain's staffers. As you may know by now, it has been announced that Ms. Palin's teenage unwed daughter is five months pregnant. Furthermore, Ms. Palin was arrested for drunk driving 22 years ago.
Mr. McCain may indeed be senile since he seems to be making desperate decision when he shouldn't need to. He still has a very good fighting chance since the polls show that he is  statistically dead even with Obama.     Regards,

Enrico D. Hidalgo, (by email), Sept. 02, 2008


McCain has chosen a woman to be his running mate -- Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. What a brilliant chess move! Now women of America, wake up!

McCain has the guts to pick a woman for his vice-president. Which should set Obama wondering: Why did I not think of that? Instead, he chose to snub Hillary.

Obama does not have that courage. He's just a calculating politician. If you want change, this is real change, not just blah, blah and blah. Sorry, Lieberman, you were not good enough for McCain. You are just his puppy.

Virgilio Gonzales, (by email), California, Sept. 02, 2008


Hi Tony,
The Gallup daily tracking poll has Obama ahead of McCain 49% to 43%.  It was 49-41 as of last Friday, August 29.

I agree that McCain is not senile - not yet, at least.  He is, however, mystifying in his first executive decision as the soon-to-be GOP standard-bearer.  Palin's eldest daughter, it turns out, is five months pregnant and is unmarried.  While there is nothing wrong with being pregnant, this fact alone bolsters Americans' impression that McCain did not fully vet his running mate prior to selecting her.

Which brings us to the question of how McCain arrives at his decisions.  Does he make decisions based on gut instinct?  Based on his first major decision of the campaign as the presumptive nominee, he is the gut-feel executive, not a particularly cerebral one.

From George Bush to "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"?  Pretty scary.

Cesar Lumba, (by email), San Francisco, CA, Sept. 02, 2008


Dear Tony,
Good day! Indeed an interesting choice for McCain. Given the relative inexperience of Palin, he cannot make that issue anymore versus Obama. What is intriguing is that Palin has many issue to answer herself. As I write this, the international media are feasting on the pregancy of Palin's 17 yr old daugther. (Obama though has categorically stated that he and his campaign will not touch it).

Now either McCain has not done his homework (which I doubt given the number of advisers that he has) or he took a well calculated risk  to minimize the negative impact of Bush administration in Mc Cains's campaign (which Obama's campaign is focusing on). The issues on  Palin will distract the voters and might sway some symphatetic votes.

By the way, you are right about Fox News. They are neo-cons' mouth piece. My cable provider assigned Fox and CNN on succeeding channels, so when I watch the news  it is easy to compare them both. CNN is more balance (but they do have a few anchors like
Cafferty is definitely anti Bush).      Regards,

Marvin Valido, (by email), Sept. 02, 2008


Notwithstanding Obama's magnificent acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention watched by awestruck audiences across the globe, it did not produce even a slight bounce to widen his one-point lead over McCain.   Obama has since become a political Obamania rock star in Germany since his speech at Berlin's Victory Column, where nearly an unprecedented quarter million excited people gathered to hear a black man not quite a president speak.  For an idol-worshipping people, the hype refused to work in the land of the free.  Why?  America is not ready yet to have a black President.

Cesar M. de los Reyes, (by email), Sept. 02, 2008)


The Democrats are crying for  CHANGE which is basically their strategy and that's probably the reason why Sen. John McCain chose a young neophyte in politics Republican for a running mate. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been described as an honest and dedicated public servant who won't hesitate to take on the establishment and her own party on issues contrary to her principle. This could negate the battle cry of the Democrats for Change, especially that Baruch Obama's choice of VP is a traditional politican and an old timer in the Capitol. Of course being a woman is another major factor and with many women Democrats still hurting from Hillary Clinton's failed bid they can be enticed to become turncoats.

Narciso Ner, (by email), Davao City, Sept. 02, 2008


Hi Tony,    Thanks for another excellent piece. 

Leo D. Venezuela, (by email), Makati City, Sept. 03, 2008
Senior Analyst, CLSA Phils Inc


Hahahaha! CNN's John King recently featured "McCain Revealed," including interviews with McCain himself, devoting a considerable portion of the interview on how McCain "cheated on his first wife several times" even before he met a "millionairess heiress 17 years his junior," and how McCain was cited in court for "applying for a new marriage license even as he was still legally married" to his first wife.

And now, Sarah Palin has a pregnant teen-aged daughter....

And eng-eng-eng....if Rudy Giuliani is the convention keynote speaker, he's none other than the thrice-married New York City mayor whose mistress and wife fought openly for who got to stay at the Mayor's Mansion, not too long ago.

Family Values? Give me Barack and Michelle's brood!!

Perla Manapol, (by email), Sept. 03, 2008


Hi Tony,
McBush's choice of Sarah Palin to be his running mate is a pathetic attempt to woo Hillary's supporters who are still not convinced about Barack Obama. How can any Republican explain about McBush's attack of Obama being inexperienced and yet he picked someone with less experience and national exposure. It's also to convince the religious rights movement that he is a true conservative.

Sarah Palin admitted that her 17-year old daughter, Bristol Palin, is pregnant and that she plans on having the baby. The evangelicals readily issued a statement that she should be forgiven her sins.  This hypocritical statement shows that the evangelicals will support anyone that the Republicans field, even a monkey.

As you mentioned in your column, these hypocrites make up 30-35% of the electorates. And they are a deciding factor in selecting who will be the president of the US. It's alright if what their president does only affects them but the sad thing is, it affects the whole world. A McBush presidency? God help us all.     Cheers.

Chito Salalac, (by email), Burlington, Ont., Canada, Sept. 03, 2008


Our common friend Fil sends me your columns from time to time.  I have not commented on any of them because they are usually spot on.   This one is, too.  I think McCain is desperate and, like any losing quarterback in American football with little time to spare, has thrown what is commonly known as a "Hail Mary" pass.  If he wins, which I don't think is likely, given his gaffes so far, he will probably give credit to his VP choice.  If he loses, what the hell.  But I did want to point out that the name is Tom Ridge, not Tom Rich, and that Pat Robertson, unlike Jerry Falwell, is still with us.     Keep it up.

Juan G. Collas, (by email), San Francisco, CA, Sept. 03, 2008


Tony:     Phalin may be just two years as governor of Alaska but she has done more executive decisions than Obama's three years in Congress where he just said "present" during roll call.

Rudy Hermosa, (by email), Boston, MA, Sept. 03, 2008


Hi Tony,
And to add to the reasons as to why McCain opted to select Palin as his running mate is to counter Obama's battle cry of change. How could Obama claim change when his running mate is this old politician who had stayed too long in DC.

Most Americans, not only the neo-cons, are scared of Obama. They said that they do not question his Christian faith as he has lots of that with his more than two decades with Rev. Wright. What they question, and the press do not say this, is his Muslim orientation. In fact, probably jokingly, this is the reason why he chooses Biden as it sounds more just like "Binladen". Just insert the three letters between.

Besides, experience cannot be invoked as Obama has no experience too and he is also new in the Senate. Even in popularity, one American remarked "Did we know Obama before he launched and was nominated as the Democratic nominee.

In an email I received, an American said, that McCain can put a "grasshopper" as his running-mate, still he/she is not going to vote for Obama as he is a misogynist.
Anyway, thanks and more power.

Bert Celera, (by email), Sept. 03, 2008


Mr Abaya,
What's worrisome is that McCain is way past his prime.  If ever anything happens to him--God forbid!--then Palin assumes the presidency.  This is, of course, assuming that they win.  If Obama wins...

Ethel, [email protected], Sept. 03, 2008


We are indeed fortunate that McCain has chosen Gov Palin as his potential vice pres. The conservative right will prevail, as well as the moderates and many democratic women who are not happy with the Obama-Biden team. I thank God that we have a pro-life, corruption fighting team that Catholics and conservatives can vote for with a clear conscience.

Gordon Hewitt, (by email), Sept. 03, 2008

Devout Catholic, Ardent Republican, Fiscal Conservative, Proud American


Dear Mr. Abaya,       Let me just say I enjoy reading your columns immensely though I may not comment on them often.

As an outsider of American politics, I may not have the grasp learned men such as yourself have of what U.S. politics is all about. It is puzzling,  I am faced with the reality that whatever the outcome, I'm sure will have an impact on the future of America 's so called "allies." 

Is McCain senile? I have to concur with you that he probably is not. For one thing, as you said, God is on his side. Tell that to all aspiring politicos in our Philippine Islands especially those who can be seen attending religious rallies as of late. Yes, war should end no matter which country the stage is set. But lest we forget, war is one of America 's biggest industries as evidenced by billions of dollars poured in for the development, deployment and sale of weapons and equipment. Ironically, we can even attribute our thanks to this effort for the development of computers and the Internet. The ENIAC I was the first computer funded by the U.S. military on May 31, 1943 intended for calculating and writing artillery tables. Thankfully, by the time it was finished, the war was over. It was used instead in doing calculations for the design of a hydrogen bomb, weather prediction, cosmic-ray studies, thermal ignition, random-number studies and wind-tunnel design.

But why did he pick Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate? Yes, she may be virtually unknown to 99.5% of Americans. Whatever reason he gave, we can only speculate of its veracity. Sen. McCain as rumored, is a hothead, so is our president although the latter is not a rumor. Looking at it from another angle, his choice may not be the best, but kind of enlightened in a way. He is offering the Americans someone fresh for the big leagues. Someone who can take away the negative spotlight focused on him.

As we may well know by now, Americans are curious as to who Gov. Sarah Palin is. This is evidenced by features made of her 17 year old pregnant teenage daughter. Crafty of Sen. McCain, if you ask me. With more and more American teenagers getting knocked-up recently, this will appeal to pro-life advocates in whatever religious denomination, especially that there have been announcements that her daughter will keep the baby. I maybe wrong in my assumption but it's a likely possibility.
With less than two months away, and at the rate everything is going, the whole world anticipates the outcome of this election and its impact on the free world. It won't be long before we say congratulations to a "brotha" or a "lolo" in the White House.Best regards,

Noi Ramirez, (by email), Makati City, Sept. 03, 2008


Dear Sir:
I would like to comment about this issue. If you are a journalist, I hope you do your own dilegence about exposing the true identity of Barack Obama. He is a Muslim- supporting a Muslim  community and all the money he uses for this election are from the Muslim community such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and many others. Americans will pay a big price when they  cast a vote for him.

I hope and pray that he will admit that he is a Muslim, but admitting it, will not make him the next President of the United States of America.

Osama and Obama same tone, they are both Muslim. His wife is very much anti-American and I believe that he is on a mission to do what he needs to do for the Muslim world.

We put our trust with the Lord and that will keep us safe no matter who is the President of the world as long as Jesus Christ is our Lord not the prophet that the Muslim want everyone to worship a force worship for Allah is wrong.

Grace, [email protected], Sept. 03, 2008


No sex education. No condom, no contraceptives. That's what Palin wants. No wonder her 17-year daughter was knocked off and was gotten pregnant by a guy who brags in MySpace he's a f*cking redneck and wouldn't want to have kids around. Now the high school drop-out gonna marry her kuno? Lets' see how long that marriage last.

And Palin talks about family values as if only Republicans have them? My point is as a fundamentalist evangelical, she wants her "values" imposed on everyone by legislation when she herself couldn't get her daughter to abstain! People in glass igloos!

Last night was a whole evening of lies written by brazen lying speechwriters. I like best their making a big deal about her being a mayor of a Podunk town of 7,000. Hell, towns like that have only one signal light, and if you pass through it and happen to blink, you'd miss the whole town! As one Chicagoan said, there are more riders on the trains on the Loop on any given hour! They also made a big deal about Alaska being the biggest state. What an insult to the intelligence! Bergen County has 900,000 population vs 700,000 for the whole state of Alaska, granted we don't have as many moose and polar bears.

Louis Fernandez, (by email), New Jersey, Sept. 05, 2008


Dear Tony,,
Aha! you spoke to soon...Sen John McCain chose an "unknown woman whose executive experience is limited to being mayor of small town in Alaska for 6 years"...etc. But then something happened when the "unknown woman" electrified not only the convention hall but the whole country with an acceptance speech worthy of any savvy and dignified experienced politician. The no nonsense "soccer mom" throw in an "in your face" a great speech against the Democrats and doubting thomases firing all cylinders elegantly, powerfully and solidified the Reagan Republicans and other diversified colors of the party base including the Evangelicals that are reluctantly supporting McCain.

The next day morning talks shows and cyber world buzzed approvingly of the unexpected. Here we have a VP woman candidate, the first for the Republican history standing tall, full of political promise and confident of herself. The headlines gushed... Collectively, everyone the observations: A star is born! A veteran pollster Frank Luntz, called it "the best vice presidential speech I have ever heard.""

I don't know a vice presidential candidate that had a more powerful impact, and I've been to every convention since 1988," Luntz said. Just google the memorable night and read the accolades that naturally flowed.. This will be a very lively presidential interesting campaign. Democrat  Obama the first bi-racial black candidate for president and the first Republican woman running for VP. Indeed for America another political STAR IS BORN!      Regards,

Mark Enriquez, (by email), Pomona, CA, Sept. 05, 2008


As to what Palin did as a mayor of a town of 6,000 which is probably less than that of a Manhattan city block population or a condo 5-building complex not too far from here, let me count the waste, er, ways. Well, she had Mrs. Inuitianuk's pothole finally fixed, raised $185.46 at the Mayor's Annual Potlatch for stray cats housing, and raised the town's only parking meter rate from a dime to quarter an hour over which her rabid constituents accused her of being a cosmopolitan-Giuilaini-like big government big spender. But since she said the money collected was going to the Pentacostal Church's faith-based Teenagers, Please Abstain From Sex Action Group that would buy out all the condoms at stores and restrooms all these social conservatives (here's an oxyidiot) they finally approved the ordinance.

(BTW Levi and Bristol are blaming mom Palin's ordinance for the pregnancy. ) In place of the condom machines in restrooms, she had a bookshelf installed full of bibles donated by the Gideon Society. Her campaign slogan was: 'A bible in every public restroom.' No, these are not all a waste, of course, but this is no damn executive experience her clever spinmeister have crack them up to be. HAHAHA!

Louis Fernandez, (by email), New Jersey, Sept. 06, 2008


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Sarah Palin


(Forwarded to Tapatt by Fil Juntereal)

Subject: The Sarah Palin Chronicles
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

THE SARAH PALIN CHRONICLES Little Known Facts about the Alaska governor, culled from the blog... * Sarah Palin is not affected by global warming, evolution or gravity. * Sarah Palin eats moose. Preferably live. * Sarah Palin is so HOT that God had to send a hurricane to cool America off. * Sarah Palin will give birth to the man who will lead humanity's war against the machines. * Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are. * Sarah Palin wears glasses lest her uncontrollable optic blasts slaughter everyone. * Queen Elizabeth II curtsied when she was introduced to Sarah Palin * Sarah Palin's enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List * Sarah Palin is what Willis was talkin bout * When Sarah Palin attends ritual blood orgies, she always brings the most delicious ambrosia salad * Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience * Sarah Palin can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves! * In the original version, He-Man had the power of Sarah Palin, but the writers felt this would make him way too powerful * Sarah Palin was not flown to Ohio in charter jet - she ran there as part of her morning workout. * Sarah Palin begins every day with a moment of silence for the political enemies buried in her yard. * Sarah Palin uses French Canadians as bait to catch giant king salmon. * Sarah Palin once bit the head off a live Osprey snatched from the air as it tried to fly off with a fish she caught. * When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered. * Sarah Palin's finishing move in the VP debate will be pulling Biden's still beating heart from his chest & taking a bite. * Sarah Palin isn't allowed to wield the gavel at the convention because they're afraid she'll use it to kill liberals. * Sarah Palin once won a competitive eating contest by devouring three live caribou. * Sarah Palin once carved a perfect likeness of the Mona Lisa in a block of ice using only her teeth. * Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers. * Sarah Palin doesn't need a gun to hunt. She has been known to throw a bullet through an adult bull elk. * Sarah Palin drives a Zamboni to work. * Sarah Palin can divide by zero. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE If you know someone who would like to receive Chuck's FREE "News & Views" e-briefing delivered directly to their email box, just sign up by clicking HERE

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Who was Ninoy Aquino?

Hi Mr. Abaya,
I always read your columns with great interest and admiration.
One of the most mind-boggling articles you wrote is about the assassination of Ninoy Aquino,
Who Killed Ninoy?.

I'm really curious about Benigno Aquino Jr. However, my knowledge of him is very much limited. I only knew him as a very brave opposition figure during the Marcos Regime and eventually was made a hero and martyr when he was assassinated, with still unidentified mastermind, in the airport tarmac. Being shot and killed does not automatically make one a hero, right? but on the concrete contributions he had done to his country and countrymen.

With this regard, can you also run an article featuring the life of Benigno Aquino Jr before his death? Let's say, his younger years, his stint as a mayor, as  a governor and senator etc.? Maybe in this light, the younger generation will be able to know and appreciate Ninoy more. Respectfully yours and more power!..

Steven T. Mendoza, (by email), Makati City, Aug. 26, 2008

(You would be better informed reading his full biography than an article by me. I suggest that you go to National Bookstore and see what they have on Ninoy. ACA)


Good day, Mr. Abaya,

I am Anna Paulina L. Favie, a 1st year student from Mater Ecclesiae School here in Laguna. I was very much delighted with your post. It answered all of my unbearable questions and it matched the facts that I have gathered. I know that I am too young to mingle with these issues but I really want this mystery to be solved.

I have theoretical plots in my mind and whenever I think about Mr. Aquino's killer, it always ends up on Mrs. Imelda Marcos. I know it is too judgmental but, she is the only person who could have enough power and source to pull a stunt like this. I have watched her interview with a certain TV. network and she's always denying and avoiding this issue. Is it because she is guilty? I know Sir that I am not worthy enough to be given a privilege to solve this mystery but I really want my own country to find a democracy that we deserve.

I want to make a change and be a part of my country's legacy. I know that you might think that this feedback of mine is nonsense but all I want to do is speak up. If none of us Filipinos wouldn't fight for our own country, who else will? Our country is a chaotic misery because none of us ever tried to understand what our government has to say. Like our president for example, Mrs. Arroyo is a very skillful and intelligent woman, but after that scandal, all we can see are negative things about her.

We never tried to understand. How can she lead us in the right path if we won't let her do so?  Our country needs help, and we can take part today. I'll pray for you and our countrymen, Sir. Thank you for your precious time.      God bless you, Sir,

Anna Paulina Favie, (by email), Laguna, Aug. 25, 2008.

(Ninoy was killed because he was a threat to the ambition of the mastermind to succeed the dying Ferdinand Marcos. There were and still are two suspects with this motivation: Imelda Marcos and Danding Cojuangco. ACA)


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