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The People Behind TAPATT
Go, Beijing, Go!
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on Aug. 11, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
August 12

It would be hard to imagine a more troubled Olympics than the Beijing 2008 Games. Not even the Munich 1972 Games, in which Arab terrorists (or freedom fighters, depending on your point of view) kidnapped Israeli athletes and killed some of them. (The others died from friendly fire from would-be rescuers)..

Not even the Moscow 1980 Games, which the US and its satellites boycotted, in protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, a country which the US in turn invaded in 2001. Or the Los Angeles 1984 Games, which the Soviet Union and its satellites boycotted in retaliation for the US boycott of Moscow in 1980.

If political correctness and liberal hearts bleeding for poor downtrodden peoples had been in vogue in 1896, there would have been no Modern Olympics, then and now.

I do not know what people the Greeks oppressed in 1896, when the Modern Olympics began, but since Greece was occupied by the Ottoman Turks for four centuries, there must have been recorded instances of Greeks beheading Muslim Turks, no more, no less than instances of Turks beheading Orthodox Greeks.

There would have been no Paris 1900 Games, given the French record of governance in Africa and Indo-China, as well as their infamous prison facilities on Devil's Island off the coast of French Guiana in South America.

There would have been no Antwerp 1920 Games if bleeding heart liberals had dug up what were then still fresh memories of human rights abuses in the Belgian Congo, which was known even for decades later as King Leopold II's private shooting gallery, where he used live (and soon dead) Black African natives for target practice .

And no Amsterdam 1928 Games if the world had been made aware of Dutch violations of political rights in the Dutch East Indies, later to be known as Indonesia, whose political leaders began their fight for independence from Holland at around that time.

And where were the bleeding heart liberals when Adolf Hitler hosted the Berlin 1936 Games, while his Nazi extermination machine was preparing for the Final Solution against Jews, gypsies, Slavs and other

No bleeding heart liberals apparently took the British Empire, on which the Sun never set, to task for its share of human rights abuses, in the runs-up to the London 1906 and the London 1948 Games.

Did any bleeding heart  liberals protest against Japanese atrocities in China and Southeast Asia during the Pacific War, less than 30 years before Japan hosted the Tokyo 1964 Games?

But before and during the Barcelona 1992 Games, which coincided with the 500th anniversary of Columbus' accidental discovery of the Americas, politically correct liberals demanded an apology from Spain for its exploitation and policies of exterm- ination against the indigenous peoples of Latin America.. But no one complained about the human sacrifice practiced ritually by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans when Mexico hosted the Mexico City 1968 Games.

Australia hosted the Melbourne 1956 Games and the Sydney 2000 Games, but it was only in 2008 that the Australian government, under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, apologized for the Anglos' racist treatment of the Aborigines in the past 200 years..

My point is that it should be in this historical context that the campaign of western liberals against the Beijing 2008 Games should be taken. All the crocodile tears for the poor Tibetans and the starving Sudanese have some basis in fact, but so what? Which host country was ever without genocidal sin? Perhaps only Sweden (1912) and Finland (1952) ...

The US still had fresh Filipino blood on its hands when it hosted the St. Louis 1904 Games, and Vietnamese and Latin American blood when it hosted the Los Angeles 1984 Games and the Atlanta 2004 Games. And the USSR had the bloodiest hands of them all when it hosted the Moscow 1980 Games. 

And western liberals are notoriously selective. They shed copious crocodile tears for the docile Tibetans and acrimoniously disrupted the passage of the Olympic torch on its way to Beijing, in a campaign that bore all the hallmarks of a well-funded, well-orchestrated public relations demolition job, complete with Hollywood icons like Richard Gere and Mia Farrow weeping all over the place.

But, significantly, not a single word on behalf of the Turkic Uyhgurs in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, which is right next to Tibet, who have been fighting for a similar cause: independence from Han Chinese rule.

Why so? Because the Uyghurs are Muslims. With whom western liberals find it hard to make common cause because of Islam's medieval attitude towards women and Islam's preference for a theocratic state under Sharia law. Which is probably no different from the theocratic state under the Tibetan Buddhist lamas.. (See my articles
Free Tibet�later of April 07, 2008 and Manipulating Tibet of April 21, 2008)..     
And since no western liberals wept crocodile tears for them, the separatist Uyghurs took matters into their own hands. Two or three days before Beijing 2008 began, they attacked with bombs and knives a platoon of Chinese policemen doing their morning jog in the capital city of Kashgar, killing 16 of them, and promising more terrorist attacks in the coming days.

Human mischief is not all that the Chinese have had to suffer in the run-up to 8/08/08.
First there was unusually heavy snowfall last February that stranded 5.2 million passengers in airports and train stations as they vainly tried to go home in time for the Chinese New Year.

Then there was the catastrophic 7.9 magnitude earthquake last May that devastated towns and cities in Sichuan Province, killed more than 70,000 people and destroyed millions of homes. Followed by heavy floods in central China the next month that made another million people homeless.

And, as if that was not enough, the coastal waters off Tsingdao, site of the Olympic yachting events, was suddenly covered last July by a mantle of algae bloom that took more than two weeks to remove by hand.

The sky is indeed falling, some Chinese Chicken Little may understandably feel. Not just falling, but actually blanketing Beijing itself with a pall of environmental doom that would not go away despite all the best efforts to shut down factories and reduce the motor vehicles on the road during the Games.

But the show must go on. And it did, with all the spectacular panache that $43 billion could buy, from glittering new buildings of daring architecture, to a massive display of precision extravaganza highlighting the contributions of China to world civilization, to a humongous fireworks orgasm which, of course, merely added to the pollution already in the air.

But never mind. It is the coming-out party of China and they have earned every minute of it. Go, Beijing, go! *****

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[email protected]. More articles in www.tapatt.org and in acabaya.blogspot.com. .

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Reactions to "Go, Beijing, Go!"
'Pre-empting another Coup'
More Reactions to "Artificial Methods of Debate"
More Reactions to "The Lesser Evils"
On Readers' Comments

I think we are all old enough to know that we do not live in a perfect world. While we do not encourage wrongdoing, I think we should go back and remember the Biblical line:  He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.

Remedios Marmoleno, (by email), Aug. 12, 2008


Dear Mr. Abaya,
Thanks for emailing me this interesting, fair and eloquent column!    Regards

Wilson Lee Flores, (by email), Aug. 12, 2008

P.S. My paternal ancestors migrated to the Philippines two centuries ago when the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and tottering towards endless crises, and also the era when the Westerners and later the Japanese imposed unequal treaties on China, fought the immoral Opium Wars, etc., so it's inspiring to witness the Beijing Olympics 2008, and to read your eloquent and fair column. Best wishes!


Dear Tony - Thanks much for this email.  I will also send another email to subscribe.
I enjoyed very much your talk this morning (before the Management Association of the Philippines ABCDF) and look forward to attending another of your talks.      Take care.

Mike Zosa, (by email), Aug. 12, 2008


Greetings Mr. Abaya,
The Beijing Olympics was absolutely awesome! (borrowing from Kung Fu Panda's Po). Well thought and very creative. I thought the production had shades of "Hero." and "House of Flying Daggers" echoing throughout only to find out later the event was directed by Zhang Yimou no less!

The world should give political issues a rest even for a couple of weeks so they could live up to the principles behind the Olympic games and we could enjoy the games.    Regards,

Grace Santos, (by email), Aug. 12, 2008


You wrote
"Which host country was ever without genocidal sin? Perhaps only Sweden (1912) and Finland (1952) ..."

Tony, would you consider the Viking plunder and pillage all over the European and North American continents as "genocidal sin"?:

"A monk shouted. His fellow monks looked his way, their eyes following his finger that pointed out to sea. Ships!

On the little island of Lindisfarne, off the coast of Northumbria, England, the monks must have felt fear as the ships came closer. Their rowers were armed and warlike. As the men leaped from their ships with terrifying yells, there could be no doubt. This was a raid!
Etc, etc etc.

Bob Manasan, (by email), Burke, Virginia, Aug. 12, 2008

(I understand your point. But, strictly speaking, you're off the mark. The Vikings who pillaged what became known as the British Isles, Northern France, Sicily, etc came from what became known as Norway and Denmark. The Vikings from what became known as Sweden migrated southward and hired themselves off as samurai guards to Slavic settlements [precursors of Muscovy and Russia] along the rivers Don, Volga, Dnieper, etc, all the way to Byzantium [later known as Turkey]. Finland was not Viking territory. It was settled by tribes from Central Asia which had migrated westward to what became known as Hungary, Estonia and Finland. The Finnish language is not related to Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic or Faroese. It is related to Estonian and Hungarian. ACA)


I beg to differ this time, Tony. It is not the "bleeding heart liberals" to blame but the bellicose imperialistic and paranoid conservatives at FoxNews and other rightwing media, and their kindred souls in the U.S. Congress and elsewhere who are behind most of the hypocritical machinations against the Beijing Olympics. In fact, so-called bleeding hearts liberals would rather live and let live, join the games, and play ball. And most of all, we'd rather lock waving hands up high in the air with pretty Chinese lasses as we all sappily sing Kumbaya (Come By Here, My Lord), and perhaps later in the evening, score! Hahaha! Now, di ba masaya which is what life and games should be all about?

On the other hand, tight-assed conservatives (read jingoists) and other white supremacists now green with envy over China's ascendancy and coming of age (again) would rather sabotage, boycott or score propaganda points instead against their perceived rival by using their own manufactured oppressed group, or other oppressed de jour as prop to make trouble. Di ba gulo lang 'yan?

But I agree with you on all the rest, especially on Go, Beijing, Go!     Mabuhay ka!

Louie Fernandez, (by email), New Jersey, Aug. 12, 2008


Hi Mang Tony,
I have to stop my work, the opening is awesome, perfect! Thanks for the history lesson.

Jintu E.P. Montego, (by email), Aug. 13, 2008.


Dear Tony,
How wonderful and refreshing it is (for a change) to hear that a country has spent $43 billion showcasing its culture and building its infrastructures in a gesture of national pride and goodwill.  It is money well spent and will give the Chinese tremendous national pride for many years to come because they have put on a spectacular "coming out" show unlike any others the world has seen.  China has set a high bar for any would-be future Olympic hosts!

I was touched watching the following YouTube video entitled "Beijing Welcome(s) You to the 2008 Olympic Games."  It may be in Chinese but its earnestness and attempt at goodwill is so heart-warming that it comes through even if you don't understand the language.  Music, after all, is a universal language!  


Imagine if the amount of money spent on bailing out the financial institutions (which deserve to fail to begin with) in the United States were used instead in building and showcasing the story of America!!  How about the hundreds of billions spent in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq?  What a total waste!!!

As to the criticisms heaped on China for its rights abuses and various restrictive policies, China, just like any country with its sovereign prerogative, will determine its own destiny in its own time.  Granted it is not as free by any Western standard (it's a controlled economy and a communist country for crying out loud!) but it has come a long way from its iron curtain days and should only be encouraged to become a responsible member of the world community.  It has shown its willingness to be a responsible participant on the world stage and has relatively been responsive to world opinion (although not to the degree many so-called bleeding heart liberals would like). 

China has learned many lessons from its past and the West should welcome and encourage it for its human rights progress and achievements so far instead of harping on its missteps and shortcomings.

Peter S., [email protected], Aug. 13, 2008


Hi Tony,
Oh yes, the games must go on. Not for the sportt, that is only unavoidable matter. But for business, political grandstanding, for the joy of the countless but most of them unneeded, accompanying delegates, officials, politicians, incl. their friends and relatives etc., etc.

Anyway all the original concepts, and rules, of Olymia have been eroded and erased already. Where is there the sole "amateur" participant, which has been the crucial requirement for being allowed to participate? Funny to imagine if the rule would be enforced again that all participants have to be nude, no accessories with advertising the sponsors, and the only prize to win is a crown of laurel twigs? Even poor countries could afford to host the games, but for sure there would be no participants and no delegates around. Poor, expensive Olympia....

Kurt Setschen, (by email), Tagbilaran, Bohol, Aug. 13, 2008


Dear Tony:
How beautifully you have stitched together this narrative of the blatant hypocrisy of all those bleeding-heart liberals in the West when they excoriate China for its alleged human-rights violations in Tibet and its alleged continued support of--again--human-rights violations in the Sudan.

You have quite succeeded in pointing out those Western bleeding-heart liberals--to use a well-worn metaphor--as akin to "the kettle calling the pot black."

The Olympiad is or should purely be athletics. If politics is allowed to intrude into it, then the spirit of sportsmanship which has characterized the Olympiad since it started in Greece, will inevitably be destroyed.

And that explains why the Rules of the International Olympic Committee strictly forbid the intrusion of politics, in whatever shape or form, into the Olympiad, wherever it is held.

Mariano Patalinjug, (by email), Aug. 13, 2008


(Forwarded to Tapatt by Auggie Sutrida)

I agree...also humans have very short memories. That is why we keep making the same mistakes over and over and over...again.

Rebecca Thompson,. (by email), New Zealand, Aug. 13, 2008


Beijing is all dressed up, but no one is going

Amusingly sad. Sadly amusing.


E. J. Tirona, (by email), Paranaque City, Aug. 14, 2008

(You seem to derive some fiendish delight, from the attached article, that the Beijing Olympics are some kind of a flop. attendance-wise. Note that said article is dated Aug. 13. That means the reporter was making a judgment based on what he saw during the first four days (out of 16) of competition. At this stage, most events are merely heats, trials and prelims. Having watched four to five hours a day of Olympic action, from Day One to Day 15, I can personally attest to sell-out (or near sell-out) crowds in most of the events that I watched, with the possible exception of tennis. The judgment that "no one is going" is therefore both premature and a gross exaggeration. ACA)


Mr Abaya,

Very well written, and very informative, as usual.   Congratulations!

Ethel, [email protected], Aug. 14, 2008


Never learned so many interesting things in one article.  Thanks for sharing this - will be forwarding it to my children and friends.

Hope your baby sitting is going smoothly. I have been taking care of my 3 grandsons this summer too so welcome to the club.

Charito Lara, (by email), Bethesda, Maryland, Aug. 14, 2008

(My baby-sitting chores ended mid-July. ACA)


Pre-empting another Coup

Dear Tony,
The prevailing situation is not unlike that of 1985 and 1986. President GMA is as unpopular now as Marcos was.

While many in the AFP have learned the painful lessons from the kicking out of Marcos and Estrada that did not solve our main problems, still most in the active and in the retired group of AFP officers want GMA out.

It is ripe to have one now, but another coup attempt will not solve our problems. I say this because our main problem is moral bankruptcy that cannot be solved by simply changing our presidents through coup attempts.. That was the first lesson I learned immediately after the 1986 EDSA Revolution.

What we need is the cleansing of our hearts and minds. What we need is for all those who claim to be Christian to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments so that graft and corruption, stealing, cheating, lying, and killing in our society would stop.

As it has been written, righteousness exalts a nation.

The more classy and more effective way, and the least costly to the economy and the morale of the Filipino nation is, for all concerned churches, corporations, associations, groups; rich and poor; young and old; and educated and uneducated, to ask President GMA to step down and let Vice President Noli de Castro take over until 2010.

How? Let us daily flood President GMA with emails, letters, radio announcements, TV ads, press releases in tri-media, etc. Then let all the religious leaders, business leaders, and leaders of other sectors jointly seek an audience with President GMA to ask her to step down for her own good and safety, for the good and safety of her family, and for the best interest of the country. If possible, let us exclude disruptive demonstrations that are usually identified with the destructive communists and Marxist labor unions.

Let us do it in style this time.

I could be wrong but the next coup attempt could be very bloody. President GMA and her family could possibly be the recipients of all the accumulated anger and frustration of the Filipino people since the time of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Their pent-up ire against the Marcoses, who have remained unpunished, would be likely poured on the Arroyo family.

President GMA has done this country a lot of damage already. Her blunders left and right will bring us down to further economic bankruptcy, more insurgency, more troubles, and more sufferings.

VP De Castro may not be the best for us but he is a new face that could give hope to the Filipino people until 2010.

What I am suggesting is preempting another coup attempt. If you do not feel it now, I do. It will just take a small spark to launch it, especially with the encouragement and support of the political opposition who are salivating for power. They did it before and they will do it again.

Let us stop another coup attempt by asking President GMA to step down for the good of the country and for her and her family's good and safety. At the same time, let us pray for a miracle so that President GMA would become a true follower of Jesus Christ and a true Christian.
Col. (Ret.) Hector "Tarzan" Tarrazona, (by email), Aug. 20, 2008

Member of the 11-man Ad Hoc Steering Committee of the original RAM (Reform the AFP Movement) in 1985-1986 when RAM was still a sweet-smelling, idealistic group


More Reactions to "Artificial Methods of Debate"
(July 31, 2008)

Tony,        In reference to readers' reactions/feedback to your ""Artificial Methods of Debate" article; please forward the below articles to Mr. Jose Maria P. Alcasid.

While it is not my intention to turn your brilliant article to a debate on religious dogma, it is clear that Mr. Alcasid is not well informed about the history of his church's erroneous doctrinal claim of Papal Infallibility.  Mr. Alcasid was so naive to reply,
"What the Church established in 1870 was to formalize and categorically proclaim the doctrine of infallibility.  Therefore, whatever doctrinal truths and dogmas declared by various pontiffs in the past remain and continue to be infallible and free from error." (Such as what?  Promoting the sale of indulgence for the forgiveness of sins?)

I'd like to recommend the following articles to Mr. Alcasid:

� Primacy and the "Infallibility" of the Roman Pope:

� The Primacy and Infallibility of the Pope: 

� Peter and the Keys to the Kingdom: 

Your article brilliantly pointed out how the opinion of a minority of theologians prevailed during the Vatican's deliberation of reversing its position on artificial methods of birth control.  It is evident that the Papist church, under Paul VI, would not change its position on birth control, because doing so would contradict, if not invalidate, the heretical claims of papal infallibility.

Anyway, this issue is important to me, a former Roman Catholic and one who strongly advocates the use of artificial methods of birth control.  I also fully support your endeavor in enlightening Filipinos on the importance of curtailing the nation's high population growth.         Respectfully,

Misael Balayan, (by email), Mililani, Hawaii, Aug. 12, 2008


Sea Lion to a Condom

"Official announcement: The Philippine government announced today that it was changing its emblem from a sea lion to a condom, because the latter more accurately reflects the government's political and economic stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while being screwed."

[email protected], Aug. 13, 2008


Dear Tony,
Reading some of the comments, I really wonder if the opponents of artificial birth control know what they are writing. Or if they just want to press other people to believe in their stupid thinking.

Saying such birth control is a mass murder is, to name it politely, a sign of brain malfunktion. If you prevent the forming of a fertile female egg, then there can never be any kind of life created and therefore not "murdered". If you immobilize the male sperm so that it cannot reach a female egg, no life can be created and murdered. And if you use condoms, no sperm can even enter the female body and create life since life, even in the most critical view, starts after a sperm has successfully entered the female egg and cells begin to multiply. But even then, is that already human life? No, it is just a growing ball of cells which has no own personality yet, no brain to start thinking, which is the real sign of human life. At the moment, this ball of cells is not much different from a ball of cancer cells, it is multiplying and nothing else.

This is very different from aborting a fetus which has already reached first stages of humanity. If killing cells or preventing sperms of reaching the egg is murder, then any surgery is also murder because it removes and kills millions of cells with the same genetic code than sperms and eggs.

And about reaching 100 billion people, probably it really will never reach this number . But the reason will not be sexual abstinence, sexual education etc., the reason will be that people have to kill other people for food and space to live, wars and epidemies like hundreds of years ago when "pestilence" killed scores of people in Europe (and Inquisition other scores). If this is more favorable than birth control to these opponents, then send them for a psychiatric checkup.         Best regards

Kurt Setschen,(by email), Tagbilaran, Bohol, Aug. 19, 2008


More Reactions to "The Lesser Evils" (Aug. 05, 2008)

If the MILF demands are not met, it will create trouble, as it did after the signing of MOA-AD was stopped by the SC. If the government give in to its demand, there will be war. How will it govern the lands ceded to it. Do you think the MNLF, the Christians and other groups will allow it to do so? Why should we even consider resuming talks with such a group? The problem is not about transparency but stupidity. Or hidden agenda.

Eustaquio Joven, (by email), Aug. 17, 2008


Dear Mr. Abaya,
When I think of our condition, I am always reminded of Plato's Parable of the Cave.  The reason why we behave this way is because we are still caved in the never-never-land of a democratic subculture that is hopelessly dysfunctional.  Only people outside the cave can see objectively about their conditions.

I may sound elitist, but I think Plato is in the right track when he talks about the Philosopher King.  Unfortunately, no current politician in the Philippines has a mental horizon and pragmatic plan that would propel the country into an economic take-off designed to increase let's say our GDP per capita from $3,400 (2007 Estimate) to $10,000 in 5 years.  Instead what we are hearing are not about that economic wherewithal but puny legalese from puny politicians-federalism, ancestral domain, parliamentarism, etc.   And what is this noise all about?  If not, naked power-grab and the perpetuation of themselves, children, and relatives in the corridors of power!  Will our general condition change before or after 2010? Of course, not!  The current political democratic tradition not only won't allow it but is mismatched to handle dramatic economic changes.

Unless the country is transitioned out of the cave by an authoritarian, educated, imaginative, and no-nonsense leaders into a world governed by law and order, we have no chance.  We have to do this (at least, for 5 years) in order to punish the corrupt, eliminate banditry, redress the aggrieved, and to pursue without hesitation and distraction the necessary infrastructural and economic changes needed to lift the living standard of our people.  Then and only then, we can say that our people will truly be free and thereafter ready to pursue our democratic ideals.

Efren Padilla, (by email), Hayward, CA, (Aug. 18, 2008


Tony,           I cannot agree with you more that the administration has a devious plan up its sleeve and it is about to be played out.  I think the peace talks were designed to self-destruct to push the MILF to unleash the dogs of war.  Then it will exploit the chaos for its own advantage resulting in emergency rule.  These are dangerous times. - Best,

Raffy Alunan, (by email), Aug. 18, 2008


On Readers' Comments

Hi, Tony.  It's not the readers' comments, but your reactions, that fascinate me!

Fr. Rannie Aquino, (by email), Aug. 19, 2008
Manila Standard Today


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