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GMA raps rich nations over trade practices
By Carlito Pablo
July 6, 2002,
Philippine Daily Inquirer

WEALTHY countries have failed to practice what they preach to developing countries like the Philippines in the area of free trade, President Macapagal-Arroyo lamented yesterday.

In a speech before the 59th Asean Chamber of Commerce and Industry council meeting in Malacanang, the President lashed out at developed countries that blocked exports from poor countries while �lecturing� them on the need to open their markets.

Developed countries should make it easier for poorer ones to trade with them, said the President. She warned that unless developing countries benefit from trade liberalization, the system could lose credibility.

It did not help, Ms. Macapagal said, that developed countries insisted on maintaining �protectionist� barriers against products of interest to the Asean countries � Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Sanitary requirements and technical standards seem to be the protectionists� �weapons of choice,� the President said. She cited the example of Philippine mangoes, bananas and pineapples, which had to undergo extensive data collection and certification requirements for a year or more in some markets.

She said the �onerous and excessive� barriers also covered textiles and garments, and tropical agricultural and fisheries products.

�Developed countries take every opportunity to lecture us on the virtues of a market-driven economy,� President Macapagal pointed out, �while hundreds of billions of dollars subsidize their farm production.�

She said that these practices prejudiced the climate for free trade, and weakened global commitment to it���.
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