Gloria�s Best Strategy
By Antonio C. Abaya
August 27, 2003

Events are moving so fast we are all getting dizzy from the barrage of accusations and counter-accusations flying from all directions. How do we make sense of all this?

One way is to keep in mind that the dizzying merry-go-round is not about morality or good governance or fighting corruption; it is all about the presidential elections of 2004, . Either this runaway carousel will finally grind to a stop then and there, or it will careen out of control and wreck everything in its path until it, too, is reduced to a broken heap.

Gringo the Nation Wrecker, Ping the Designated Successor of Erap, and Saycon the Tireless  Political Meddler have one common objective, and that is to wreck the presidency of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo this early because they fear that she will run for re-election in May 2004 and win, and thus derail their own personal agendas then.

Honasan is a self-proclaimed presidential contender, yet he does not want to wait for the elections, which are only nine months away, because he knows his chances of winning are very low, especially if Gloria Arroyo were to decide to run for re-election. According to several eyewitnesses to his June 4 meeting with the Magdalo soldiers, which included a ritual blood compact, Honasan justified the use of violence and armed struggle to achieve the goals of his amateurish National Recovery Program. The main goal is to set up a 15-man military junta, with Gringo as head of junta or dictator, to run this country as a banana republic.

As early as June 2000, Lacson had been the designated successor of the criminally inclined ignoramus Joseph Estrada in 2004, designated so by the power brokers of the Erap imperial court such as Mark Jimenez, the Chinese Mafia and the Estrada-Ejercito extended families
cum concubines, who all need a friendly successor so that they can continue or resume their various rack�er� businesses. Derailed momentarily by the revelations of Chavit Singson, Lacson�s presidential train is back on track and seeks to reach its destination by ramming through an Incredible Hulk that, he thinks, is the most vulnerable appendage of the incumbent.

Saycon is not running for president in 2004 but, according to an email posting that is going around, he is a cousin and political mentor of another ambitious politician whose presidential, or alternatively, vice-presidential, hopes in 2004 would be dashed if President Arroyo were to decide to seek re-election then. So Saycon has merrily joined the demolition derby to advance the presidential/vice-presidential fortunes of his prot�g�, as well as his own power trip.

And underlying the machinations of both Honasan and Lacson, and possibly Saycon as well, is the desperate need of Joseph Estrada to be sprung from jail and restored to the presidency, even for only three days (as in the Magdalo plan), long enough to be declared
still president and thus immune from prosecution, so that the plunder case against him can be dismissed, after which he will hie off to his favorite tacky destinations abroad, there to resume his dissolute and sybaritic lifestyle.

Honasan�s connections to the Oakwood mutineers, as inspirational godfather, role model and kuya or older brother, have been amply demonstrated in the published testimonies of some participants in the mutiny. That he was also their chief strategist and over-all leader, the government will have to prove in court.

But that may not even be necessary. In the trial of the Muslim militants who conspired to blow up the United Nations building, the federal building in Manhattan, and the Lincoln Tunnel � all in New York City � several years before 9/11, the blind Egyptian cleric Sheik Omar Abdulrahman was convicted and jailed together with the actual conspirators, even though, being blind, he could not have taken part in the actual tactical operations.

His preachings in his mosque in Jersey City, where all the conspirators worshipped, were deemed sufficient proof of his complicity and guilt even though he was not even present when FBI agents rounded up the conspirators while they were mixing the chemicals for their lethal brews. Parallelisms with Honasan and the Oakwood mutineers are obvious.

Lacson�s bombshell against the Incredible Hulk has turned out to be a dud. Even assuming that all his accusations against Jose Miguel Arroyo are true, what crime can he possibly pin on him, considering that the subject P270 million campaign contributions are private funds, not government money, and are not covered by the anti-money laundering law?

And was Udong Mahusay abducted by Sec. Mike Defensor or by Ping Lacson? Defensor says he fetched Udong, on Udong�s request,  from a Tagaytay safe-house maintained by Lacson . Lacson himself admits he has been keeping Udong for TWO MONTHS; that�s practically time enough to train a chimpanzee to recite Shakespeare.

On or about Aug. 22, Saycon  grandly announced on TV that he had proof that �an amount� had been deposited into the account of Jose Pidal � said to be none other than Jose Miguel Arroyo � and that this proved that the alleged P500 million overprice on a road project had gone to Jose Miguel Arroyo. He said he had given the �proof� to Cebu Cardinal Vidal and was giving another copy to Manila Cardinal Sin. As of today, nothing further has been heard of this �bombshell.� Unless this �proof� is made public, and soon, it could turn out to be another dud.

President Arroyo should challenge all the mudslingers to bring all their �proofs� to court and to agree to a 45-day-max continuous trial for each case, each one to be carried live on TV. Lacson against Mike. Arroyo, Mike. Arroyo against Lacson; the government against Honasan; the mutineers against  Sec. Angelo Reyes and Brig. Gen. Victor Corpus, and they against the mutineers; the government against the mutineers; the Oakwood business establishments against the mutineers; the government against Laarni Enriquez, Ramon Cardenas, Loi Ejercito and Jude Estrada, and they against the government; Saycon against Mike Arroyo, Mike Arroyo against Saycon; Lacson against Mahusay, Mahusay against Lacson; etc.

President Arroyo should also order the cancellation of the passports of all principal accusers and accused, including her husband Mike Arroyo, Ignacio Arroyo, Lacson, Mrs. Alicia Lacson, Honasan, Saycon, Trillanes, Gambala, Laarni, Cardenas, Loi Ejercito, Jude Estrada, Udong Mahusay, Boy Morales���until all these accusations and counter-accusations are resolved by the courts, so that no one has the chance to flee the coop while still under a cloud of suspicion.

And while she�s at it, the President might as well also include Hernando Perez, Mrs. Rosario Perez, Ernest Escaler and Romeo Arceo, and all those millionaire bureaucrats who failed the lifestyle checks, in the Hold Departure list.

This, in my opinion, is the most effective way for President Arroyo to retain the moral high ground in the face of so much bad-mouthing  and allegations, all calculated to destabilize her presidency.

President Arroyo has said that she is �married to the country� in reply to serious doubts about her ability to stay neutral in the investigation of her husband (and, now, his brother Ignacio, as well). Not only her presidency, but her place in history, is at stake here, and there should be no hesitation on her part to stand scrupulously neutral while her husband is on the dock.  She must play the Stateswoman card to the hilt, or fall in disgrace. This would be her best, and only, winning strategy.


The bulk of this article appears in the September 07,2003 issue of the Philippines Free Press magazine.
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Reactions to �Gloria�s Best Strategy�

I do believe that the practice of political diplomacy has gone out the window.  Has anyone ever heard the line , " if you don;t have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."  

If Estrada is put back on the throne, it will be a disaster.  Gloria hopefully will take another run for "being married to the country" she will carry through with her foundation.  Yes, her rivals should be concerned.  However their affiliation with negative elements, will carry their toll in the future

Andra L. Stone, [email protected]
Texas, September 01, 2003



Pepeton J�Anton, [email protected]
September 01, 2003



some private thought

very good summary of events -ah the circus is in town and every one wants to be the lead clown.... the widest red lipped smile on the bright white face with the funny blue coloured nose.

however, while these clowns are at work the people in the country watch as their nation continues to fall into a state of  even greater poverty and, dare i say it, even hopelessness for the future - most ask me how to get of the country and we on the other hand seek to invest more in the country. Ironic, ain't it?

this is all leading up to the point that GMA will run and will win because the alternative/s is/are too horrible to contemplate...

Brett Taylor, [email protected]
September 01, 2003


Hello Mr. Abaya,

The complexities of world trade agreements and degrees of built-in
unfairness will, I doubt, ever be resolved to satisfy most nations.

I have one opinion:

Developed countries shipping subsidized agricultural products to
developing countries, should offset the differences of the myriad
subsidies and tariffs, by a balancing investment in manufacturing
development. This would result, I think, in economic progress for the
growth of home agricultural production and general overall benefit for
the countries without leverage; don't you think?

Something has to penetrate the morass of unfair practices in world trade.
And I don't think agricultural subsidies will shrink very quickly
considering complicating domestic politics in the developed countries.

Problem is, but maybe you can make an entry into the problem, how to
convince the negotiating powers that exist for undeveloped countries, to
take up and use a formidable weapon to move the situation, rightfully, to
get results regardless of the power dynamics stacked against them.


Ernest Saucier, [email protected]
September 01, 2003

MY REPLY. I am not sure which article of mine, if any, the above email is in reaction to. But I certainly agree with you that the current trade regime is unfair to poor nations. If rich nations violate their own avowed espousal of free trade, who are they to lecture the poorer countries on its supposed merits? Free Trade is like Communism: it is a theoretical ideal that does not exist in reality, only in the imaginations of those who blindly believe  in it. Before Free Trade, there should be Fair Trade. Just as before Communism, there should also be Socialism, in which the practicalities of daily survival, at both micro and macro levels, are worked out without preconceived ideas of what the Ideal World should look like.




ANTHONY DANGELO, [email protected]
September 01, 2003


You forgot to include Juan Ponce Enrile among the villains.

Ross Tipon, [email protected]
Baguio City, September 01, 2003

MY REPLY. Juan Ponce Enrile is a villain, true, but only of nuisance value.


Dear Tony,

I just want you to know that I enjoy your column, which I
get to read on the internet.  I chuckled through "Gloria's Best
Strategy", which was hilariously brutal.  You know, we're
related through the intertwining Roa-Chavez genealogy, but
with the sheer size of the clan, we hardly get to know all our
cousins.  Gigi and I know each other being in the same age
group, and I remember Tia Inday fondly.


Yett Montalvan Aguado

MY REPLY. Hello, Cousin.



Your "masang tanga" couldn't care less. But they look forward to the campaign period when goodies (morsels) from whatever source are thrown to them.

Gras Reyes, [email protected]
September 01, 2003


       May I use your article on the 2004 elections dated sept 1 on GLORIA�S BEST STRATEGY,  on my website? It is concise and  straight to the point.
very truly yours,
Gerry Kaimo, [email protected]
Mabuhay ang Pilipino. Pero hindi lahat.
September 01, 2003

MY REPLY. Yes, you may, as long as authorship is acknowledged and the website is mentioned as archive.


Dear Tony,

Someone asked me if you are the Tony Abaya involved with Malacanang as Consultant or Adviser doing Media Management work. My guess is that the fellow is the husband of Annabelle Abaya. Am i right or am i right?

Thanks once again for your columns. Makes a lot of sense. Too bad, this Government - and the ones before it - cannot see the light until they feel the heat first.

Rick B. Ramos, [email protected]
Bacolod City, September 01, 2003

MY REPLY. You are right and you are right. I have nothing to do with Malacanang. Annabelle and her Tony have the unique talent for inserting themselves into the corridors of power no matter who is president. I do not have that talent.


i guess the country right now is in one big mess bec
of the kind of politicians that we have.  our
educational institutions can now be considered a
failure since it failed to equip our leaders with the
right values that they need in leadership.  i will not
be surprised if one day we would wake up and find
ourselves in a civil war since our leaders care less
of our people.  i just pray that one day there would
be all in one building and a car bomb blows up so we
could all wipe them out of our system.

Gener Morada, [email protected]
September 05, 2003

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