The End Days
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on Sept. 17, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
September 18 issue

The world seems to be falling apart. A financial tsunami has been gathering momentum since the sub-prime mortgage industry in the US unraveled in July 2007, and now that tsunami threatens to devastate the entire banking and financial sectors of the capitalist system..

At the same time, natural disasters in the natural world seem to be increasing in both frequency and ferocity as earthquakes come one after another � Japan, Indonesia, China,  the Philippines, Iran in recent weeks - and hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones � different names for the same phenomena � cut swaths of death and destruction across Cuba, Haiti, the US, Taiwan, China, India and the Philippines.

And looming in the horizon is the threat of a wider war in the Middle East, especially if the Republican team, Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin, were to win in the Nov. 4 US presidential elections.

Even at his lowest approval rating (28 percent), President George W. Bush has always enjoyed the support of the Christian Evangelicals, who see him as God's agent in the evolving drama in the Middle East.

The choice of Sarah Palin � who is a Christian Evangelical � as the running mate of John McCain has energized the Christian Evangelical base of the Republican Party and there is a distinct possibility that the Republicans will win in November, bolstered by the Evangelicals' belief that war in Iraq and the Middle East is, as Palin puts it, "part of God's plan.".

The other part of God's plan, according to Christian Evangelicals, is the resulting destruction of Israel, biblically foretold in the Book of Revelations and therefore divinely ordained, from which 144,000 male Jews will be spared, who will convert to Christianity. This will be the signal for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as I have mentioned several times in this space.

Click Christian Evangelicals the End Days Armageddon John Hagee on Yahoo or Google search engines and you will access thousands of articles such the following excerpts:: "Christian Zionists continue their agitation for attacking Iran as a way to hasten Armageddon, the end times. And the most prominent Jewish organizations continue to embrace Christian Zionists as supporters of Israel, which Christian Zionists believe will herald the end-times return of Jesus�" "While only 36 percent of all Americans believe that the Bible is God's Word and should be taken literally, 59 percent say they believe that events predicted in the Book of Revelations will come to pass. Almost one of four Americans believes that 9/11 was predicted in the Bible, and nearly one in five believes that he or she will live long enough to see the end of the world. Millions of Americans believe that the Bible predicts the future of the world and that we are living in the last days�."" John Hagee and his minions have forged ties with the Bush White House and members of Congress, from Sen. Joseph Lieberman to Sen. John McCain. In its call for a unilateral attack on Iran and the expansion of Israeli territory�..the Christians United for Israel has an ulterior agenda: its support for Israel derives from the belief of Hagee and his flock that Jesus will return to Jerusalem after the battle of Armageddon and cleanse the earth of evil. In the end, all non-believers � Jews, Muslims, Hindus, mainstream Christians, etc � must convert or suffer the torture of eternal damnation�."

John Hagee: When 50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel, it is a match made in heaven�."

New York Times, Nov. 14, 2006: "For Evangelicals, supporting Israel is God's foreign policy�."

Grace Haskill in her book Christian Zionism: "What Israel wants is what God wants�"

Gary North: "Supporting war and chaos in the Middle East is God's will so that good Christians (and Jews who convert to Christianity) can go to Heaven without dying�"

Tens of millions of voting-age Americans really believe this, as do tens of millions of non-Americans around the world, including the Philippines, who subscribe to the ideology of the End Days and the blissful deliverance of Rapture.

The neo-cons led by VP Dick Cheney do not necessarily believe in what the Christian Evangelicals believe in � they are actually advised by think tanks made up largely of Jewish intellectuals - but they share a common goal: US military control of the Middle East (and its oil) and benefit from the intense beliefs and political clout of their allies. 

On the other hand, Barack Obama may be the darling of the liberals, but he has no counter-argument to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Since we in the Philippines are half a world away from Jerusalem and the Middle East, how do we participate in the End Days and how do we witness the Second Coming? Will it be on CNN or the BBC or al-Jazeera?

Does it mean that Armageddon, the final battle between Good and Evil, will also be fought in the Liguasan Marsh, perhaps between rogue Kumanders Kato and Bravo of the MILF and the very last C-130 Hercules of the Philippine Air Force?

As the only Christian and Catholic country in Asia, don't we Filipinos get some kind of special End Days dispensation, especially since our very own leader assures us that she was put in the presidency by no less than the Lord Himself?

And especially since, as one parochial Filipino writer recently assured us, we Filipinos are God's Chosen People? Never mind the Jews. They will be wiped out anyway.

As for the promise that the world will be cleansed of evil, does it mean that Malacanang, the Batasan, the Senate, the Court of Appeals, the Office of the Ombudsman, the LTA Building, the GSIS, the Pagcor, the ATO,  the Bureau of Customs, Port Irene, the BIR, the Immigration Bureau, the PNP, the AFP Logistics Command, Sulpicio Lines, the DOTC, the DPWH, the DILG, the MMDA, the Post Office, the Department of Agriculture, Philhealth, the pre-Melo Comelec, Neri's NEDA, a certain resthouse in Tanay, Ben's Hamborjer joint in Wacky Wacky and Imelda's hideaway�..will all be reduced to ashes soon?

If the answer is yes, I say, "Let the End begin!"
Gloria in excelsis Deo. May she stay there forever, in saecula saeculorum, with or without a constitutional amendment.. *****

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Reactions to "The End Days"
On the Rapture
More Reactions to "Is McCain Senile"
The Original Mrs. McCain
Reaction to 'A Nation in Hunger'
On Ancestral Domain

Dear Tony,
This just might top the just recently concluded Beijing Olympic.  Where do I buy a ticket?  I can't wait to watch this not-to-be-missed spectacle.

Let the show begin!  Popcorn and peanuts for everyone!!!  And yes, the fireworks will definitely be spectacular!

Peter S., [email protected], Sept. 18, 2008


Dear Sir Tony,
Hahahaha!!! I really loved the ending of this one! I suddenly lost my migraine after reading this. Thanks so much for making me laugh.     Best regards,

Jenifer Aquino-Xavier, (by email), Sept. 18, 2008


I believe that we are living in the end times.  That is why the Bible
does not only record of what happened before but what will happen in
the world.

Come to think of it, a small country like Israel, surrounded by oil
rich countries in the Middle East,  has always defended itself from
whatever attacks by the Arabs.

The setting up of a United Nations  and the European Union has also
taken place. These have been mentioned by the Bible.

Madami pa sinasabi sa Bible about the present.

I just dont think with other corny Christian groups in their belief
that there has to be war.  That I don't believe and I will never

The conflicts in the Middle East has been documented for a long long
time and is written in educational books and will result talaga in
war. No need to wage a war.

I really like your columns, Tony. It makes me rounded and informed.  I
may not agree with some of your writings as I am not the type that
believes agad.     Keep sending...

Mike Delgado, (by email), Sept. 18, 2008


Good always! :)

Aurora Pijuan, (by email), Sept. 18, 2008


Dear Tony:
I already had read Peter St. John's short email suggesting that we get out that bottle of Dom Perignon and the caviar--because the "end days" are finally here--before I got to read your essay, "The End Days."

But here, anyway, is my reply to Peter regarding those "end days."

Mar Patalinjug, (by email), Yonkers, NY, Sept. 18, 2008.

Dear Peter:

Hold it! Save that Dom Perignon and the caviar for another day.

Although humanity is now going through what Arnold Toynbyee dubbed "a time of troubles"--what with such mega-disasters as the housing meltdown, the financial meltdown in Wall Street which is soon bound to spread to Main Street, the eye-popping devastation wrought by Gustav, Hannah and Ike in the South, the endless "war on terror" in Afghanistan and Iraq,

the continuing gargantuan annual U.S. Federal budget deficits ranging from a low of $200 billion to a high of $500 billion this year which a profligate George W. Bush and his administration have been incurring year after spendthrift year for the last 7 years,

the huge trade deficits which the U.S. has likewise been saddled with during the last 7 years of Bush,  the continuing plunge of the US dollar's value against the other major currencies of the world,  the U.S. National Debt which has now ballooned to the stratospheric level of around $10 trillion (that's a "t"), and  the havoc created by the Mexican drug cartel--

plus the possibility of Cold War II rearing its ugly head on the horizon with a revanchist Russia suddenly flexing its military muscle--I do not think that we are into what you call "the end days."

As our friend Nel so level-headedly put it, the world will eventually make the needed adjustments for it to achieve equilibrium once more. For some of these problems that adjustment will be sooner than expected, but  other problems which appear intractable from our vantage point now will just take a little more time. But humanity will survive.

Those "end days" are far, far off into the future. Probably 5 billion years out. And, as I have recently cautioned, there is no reason to be concerned about those days now because long before their arrival, we will all have been reduced to cosmic dust.

So, take it easy, Peter. Sit back and try to enjoy it.



A very timely analysis! Regards

Erick San Juan, (by email, Sept. 18, 2008


Dear Mr Abaya,
I have never enjoyed a column of yours as much as I have enjoyed this.  While I, innocent as I am (and therefore destitute) , might be swept away as collateral damage along with the evil, the thought of all that evil being cleansed away is just too delightful for words.

Ethel, [email protected], Sept. 18, 2008

P.S.  And who knows?  I just might be spared. :)


You have said much but your two last paragraph are more relevant to us Filipinos. The world will not end for couple of hundreds even thousand year yet, but we should be more concern for the world ending with out personal deaths. What have we done while still living counts more than the scare of end of the world. 

As to the coming back of Jesus Christ, in truth and in fact, He never left us. He is always with us in our hearts and mind. Do not be deceived by the Christian Evangelical Politicians in the USA. They are not God"s people. They just use God for their ends and purposes in Politics. God will surely punish them.

Instead of uniting Christians, Jews and Muslims, they use these religions to bring war and kill more people. The Devil is in them, using Religion. May God have mercy and enlighten us all His creatures and children.

Rex Rivera, (by email), Gen. Santos City, Sept. 18, 2008


Dear Kuya Tony C. Abaya,

The End of Days...who created 'good and evil?'...God is good...Good for us may be evil for God or vice sure are we that when the End of Days comes it will be good? or evil?...My choice is: let it hang...until we are dam sure it will be a good ending. But can it be also a mixture of good and evil?  When Jesus comes over in the End of Days there is no such thing as good and is just Jesus the Almighty. Take it and you cannot leave it.

Leona Guera, (by email), Australia, Sept. 18, 2008


Filipinos are indeed the "chosen people", chosen to suffer the best
of mis-governance from time immemorial.

Nonoy Yulo, (by email), Sept. 19, 2008

Dear Mr. Abaya,
These are for those believers in the Bible.  The end days" alluded to in the Bible will not come until the Jew nation come to recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah.  The Bible itself says this.

The Jews are still waiting for the Messiah. So until then no one should even opine about it. All who bring the subject up only do so to bolster their agenda.

Lionel Tierra, (by  email), Sacramento, CA, Sept. 19, 2008


Hi Tony,
Thanks once more for the article. The message is clear.

If some say ours is a God-forsaken country, they could be correct because the Philippines is not a true Christian nation. We are Christians in label only but by the way we walk, talk, and act, many of us, especially our present leaders, are unchristian.

Righteousness will surely exalt us and deliver us from the mess we are in.

Hector (Tarzan) Tarrazona, (by email), Sept. 19, 2008


For all you know, the last sentence of this piece will be taken as your endorsement of the President and then where will your reputation be? :)

Remy Marmole�o, (by email), Sept. 19, 2008


I have high hope that the US will be able to pull out from the current financial mess. What I am not sure is when my homeland Philippines will be able to pull out from corruptions, political dynasty and deteriorations.  One difference - US can implement regulations while Philippines can write regulations but implement another.

Nonoy Ramos, (by email), Pennsylvania, Sept. 19, 2008


Dear Tony,
What will be, will be.  The important thing is to be prepared for any eventuality, be it divine, natural or man-made.  The Mayan prophecies do not go beyond 2012.  It's probably connected, so we might as well straighten up, do only good things and obtain a term loan for $1-Billion with a 5-year grace period.  Cheers!

Raffy Alunan, (by email), Sept. 19, 2008


Dear Tony,
End of the days? Or end of human clear thinking? Because all these statements, foreseeings and predictions show only one thing: Those people have been very right who said "Religion is the Opium of the Poor". It can prevent people from thinking real, like opium and other drugs do, just much cheaper.

Nothing against people who really believe in a God, how ever is its name, Lord, Allah, Manitou etc. And those who then also live like their God requests. No God really requests violence and killing, only humans do it "in the name of God".

It is hard to understand when people, often millions, blindly follow somebody who tells that he or she has been selected by their God to mission on earth. No matter that every one of them has another, different message from the Lord. If it is Bin Laden, killing in the name of Allah and the Koran, which in reality teaches peace. Or Bro. Mike, not preaching violence but requesting donations from his usually poor followers and at the same time, as reported now, enjoying a billion deal of one of his companies, out of the controversial C-5 road project. Hard to imagine that God told his messemger to engage in wordly big business.

All of them receive their "teachings" direct from heaven and the bible, even mostly it is very different from the bible. Not to mention that the bible itself has not much to do with Jesus since it has been  written by Vatican priests hundreds of years after Christ, not by eye witnesses. And the bible has been  changed later and rewritten dozens of times, to how the Vatican found it matching best to its policies and its benefits. Usually, facts can not be changed. The more all of those "evangelists" who wrote or preached their own versions of God's messages to them.

It is very sad that so many people, especially. in times of crises, resort to religion and praying, instead of trying to change the situation. Of course, it is easier and maybe less dangerous just to ask heaven to do something for them. Unfortunately, the other side is maybe also praying to the same God for their own winning, even their plans are rather sinister.

How was it at the world war? Every participating country ordered his soldiers to kill its enemies in the name of the Lord, everywhere priests and bishops blessed guns and bombs, completely neglecting the commandment "you shall not kill".

If people who are extremely involved in those "evangeliums" come to real power, Armageddon and end of days could become reality, but really not because God ordered it.

Kurt Setschen, (by email), Tagbilaran City/Switzerland, Sept. 22, 2008


You're a genius!
I knew Mon in Cagayan de Oro,
but you're superior---

joemacmang, [email protected], New York City, Sept. 22, 2008

(But don't let Mon hear you say that. ACA)


(Forwarded to Tapatt by Doug Adam)

On the Rapture

In Christian eschatology, the
Rapture is the name given to the future event in which it is believed that Jesus Christ will descend from Heaven, accompanied by the spirits of all the saints of God, both from the pre-incarnation period and after, who have passed on prior to the rapture, and then the bodies of the saints are joined with their spirits in a resurrection - the First Resurrection - to meet the Lord. Immediately after this, all true Christians alive on the earth are simultaneously transported to meet the Lord and those who have preceded them in the air as well, all, having been transformed into immortal bodies like Jesus' body, often referred to as the "resurrection body". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thessalonians 4:17 
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The following bible prophesies that did not come true are in the following  chapters and verses and are relevant to "The Rapture" .

Jesus mistakenly tells his followers that he will return and establish his kingdom within their lifetime. 16:28 
"I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." KJV

Jesus predicts the end of the world within the lifetime of his listeners. 23:36
"Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation" KJV


Jesus falsely prophesies that the end of the world will come within his listeners' lifetimes. 9:1 And he said to them,
"I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power." KJV

Jesus shows that he is a false prophet by predicting his return and the end of the world within the lifetime of his listeners. 13:30
"I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." KJV


Jesus falsely predicts that some of his listeners would live to see him return and establish the kingdom of God. 9:27 
"But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.." KJV

Jesus says that all that he describes (his return, signs in the sun, moon, and stars, etc.) will occur within the within the lifetime of his listeners. 21:32
"I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.


Paul thought he would live to see the rapture. 4:17  
"According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep."KJV .    4:;15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.        '

"The Lord is at hand." Paul thought that the end was near and that Jesus would return soon after he wrote these words. 4:5  "5Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." KJV
James thought that Jesus would return soon. 5:8
"You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." KJV  

Hoping this will be helpful to your research. Cheers

Doug Adam, (by email),  Sept.11, 2008

Source: the skeptics annotated bible. 
Those italicized in red and marked KJV  I double checked in Christian bible  web site <>


More Reactions to "Is McCain Senile?" (Sept. 02, 2008)

Somebody commented Sarah Palin has stolen the thunder from Obama because McCain pulled a master stroke by choosing Palin to be his VP.  He suggests it looks like the Palin factor will lead the two to victory. 

I guess that's how it looked in the beginning but the scenario has dramatically changed because Obama has begun to regain his lead today.   It's obvious too much media exposure and interviews revealed Palin is too raw and very much unprepared to hold the post which to the cautious and intelligent voters is seriously a heartbeat away from the presidency.  That to me is the Palin's risky factor.  

Also, the expected exodus of some 18,000 Hillary supporters did not happen after the girls realized Sarah is no Hillary.   No doubt Palin would be elected if she were in the Philippines.  In this country of whiners, pretty faces and movie icons are preferred by idiots for the Senate, and then complain the Senate is in a mess.  One even became president by mistake.  If McCain loses, he can only blame Palin for allowing herself too much media exposure.   He should have worked out a deal with media not to ask her tough questions. 

Cesar M. de los Reyes, (by email), Sept. 20, 2008


Maybe senile and also a loose canon. He is a reincarnation of the late
Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, a nuclear weapon warmonger, who ran for
US President sometimes in the sixties.

When he said he is willing to stay in Iraq for another 100 years, he did
not realized that over that time a conservative 50,000 young American lives will perished not counting those million dead Iraqis. Americans never learn the lessons from Vietnam War.

Now who has the sign of Anti-Christ, someone who will cause these many
deaths? McCain Evangelist supporters are trying to fit Obama as possible
Anti-Christ. If Hillary Clinton got the democratic nomination McCain
Evangelist supporters will also fit her as the possible Anti-Christ
because the Bible did not say he/she  is a man.

McCain also made a statement that 30 million Iranians are smoking
American made cigarettes. "That one way we will killing them."
Does he realized that there are also 30 million-plus Americans smoking
American made cigarettes. That is also one way killing our fellow
Americans. It is up to the American people if they want to vote for a war

Fred L. Azares, (by email), San Diego, CA, Sept. 22, 2008


(Forwarded to Tapatt by Erick San Juan)

The Original Mrs. McCain

Would say this is fair comment or just gossip? It does say something
about the guy if true. Carol McCain speaks out on her former husband

On the 'Christian Forum' we saw a few weeks ago, McCain mentioned that
his greatest failure in life was the ending of his first marriage. I
guess he had to admit some remorse because his wife was going public
with the story.

First wife out of sight, how shallow can one man be?

McCain likes to illustrate his moral fiber by referring to his five
years  as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam. And to demonstrate his
commitment to family values, the 71-year- old former US Navy pilot
pays warm tribute to his beautiful blonde wife, Cindy, with whom he
has four children. But there is another Mrs. McCain who casts a
ghostly shadow over the Senator's presidential campaign. She is
seldom seen and rarely written about, despite being mother to McCain's
three eldest children.

She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and
torture in Vietnam's infamous 'Hanoi Hilton' prison and the woman who
faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting
anxiously for news. But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a
fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his
wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had
skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.

Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered
massive internal injuries.

When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of
life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her
legs, surgeons had been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered
bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a
wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter. Today, she stands at just
5' 4' in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp. Her body
is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is
worn by wrinkles that speak of decades of silent suffering.

For nearly 30 years, Carol has maintained a dignified silence about
the accident, McCain and their divorce. But last week at the bungalow
where she now lives at Virginia Beach, a faded seaside resort 200
miles south of Washington, she told The Mail on Sunday how McCain
divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the
heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.

"My marriage ended because John McCain didn't want to be 40, he wanted
to be 25. You know that just does."

In 1979 - while still married to Carol - he met Cindy at a cocktail
party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying
around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his
marriage. Some of McCain's acquaintances are less forgiving, however.
They portray the politician as a self-centered womanizer who
effectively abandoned his crippled wife to 'play the field'. They
accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen,
for financial reasons.

Ted Sampley, who fought with US Special Forces in Vietnam and is now a
leading campaigner for veterans' rights, said: 'I have been following
John McCain's career for nearly 20 years. I know him personally. There
is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is -deceit.'

When he came home and saw that Carol was not the beauty he left
behind, he started running around on her almost right away. Everybody
around him knew it. Eventually he met Cindy and she was young and
beautiful and very wealthy. At that point McCain just dumped Carol for
something he thought was better.'

McCain is the classic opportunist. He's always reaching for attention
and glory,' he said. After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So
he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona . And
the rest is history.'

Ross Perot, a billionaire Texas businessman, and a former presidential
candidate, who paid her medical bills all those years ago, now
believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been
taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel - even by the
standards of modern politics. *****


Reaction to "A Nation In Hunger"

The editorial regarding hunger and food production in the Philippines is most interesting. This issue has been on my mind a good deal of late, and has had an impact on the research my asawa and I have been doing with respect to the tenability of the Philippines for our children and grandchildren. What I have not been able to find is quality information on the relationship of the amount of agricultural land and the population growth, Assuming that policies are implemented that bring the Philippines nearer world standards for agri-business, is there, in fact, enough land to meet the food needs of the people now and for the foreseeable future?

John Long, (by email), Seattle, Washington/ Manila, Sept. 22, 2008


On Ancestral Domain

The MILF and other Muslim groups are talking about ancestral domains. We might as well look also for Lapu-Lapu's heirs, and give them back their "ancestral domains"...Mactan Island! And as far as I am concerned, the MILF and Muslim groups clamoring for the "ancestral domains" is a lot of baloney!

And one more thing. The Philippine Army should keep up the onslaught on the MILF terrorists, Bravo, his cohorts and followers. We the civilians should whole-heartedly support the Army in kind and money. BUT we would want the donations/supports given directly to the soldiers fighting in Mindanao, and not to the politicians who could pocket the money, and paste their names on packages sent to the soldiers.... or to the politicians' constituents?

An angry Filipino!

Juan Manuel C. Del Prado, Sr., (by email), Sept. 16, 2008


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