Dark Horse?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on March 16, 2009
For the
Standard Today,
March 17 issue

Frankly, I do not know what the derivation of the term �dark horse� is in a political race. Presumably, all the other contenders in that hypothetical race are of white or fair-colored mane, and a challenger of a black or darker mane would stand out because he is different from the others.

It is therefore incorrect to say that Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, who has recently announced that he is seeking the presidency in 2010, is a dark horse challenger.

He is not a dark horse. He has more or less the same mane as all the others, meaning he comes from the same political elite as all the others. And he does not represent any point of view or program of governance different or distinct from all the others.

The fact that Teodoro graduated from the Harvard Law School does not make him a dark horse. Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile also graduated from the same school, but he never claimed to be a dark horse when he ran for the Senate x number of times. The late vice-president Doy Laurel was a graduate of the rival Yale Law School, but he did not project himself as a dark horse when he ran for president in 1992. Both Enrile and Laurel knew they came from the power elite and did not try to sell themselves as anything but.

And the fact that Teodoro is a favored nephew of Danding Cojuangco does not make him a dark horse either. On the contrary, it all the more makes him �one of the boys� in the fraternity of trapos jostling for positions of power in this accursed country.

What could possibly make Teodoro a dark horse is if he were to espouse positions contrary, even inimical, to the conventional wisdom of the trapo culture from which he comes.

Such as batting for the dismantling of political dynasties, as called for by the 1987 Constitution. But he is not likely to do that since he himself comes from a prominent political dynasty in his home province of Tarlac.

His own wife Nikki succeeded him in the Lower House after he was appointed secretary of national defense by President Arroyo in 2007. And he is surrounded by uncles, cousins and other direct relatives prominent in local and national politics. Dark horse? Of course not. He is just one of the boys (and girls).

And what exactly has Teodoro done as secretary of national defense to merit the presidency? I honestly do not know.

Did National Defense Secretary Teodoro manage to suppress, cripple or defeat the Communist insurgency? No way. President Arroyo is still talking of crushing the Communists by 2010. Why wasn�t she, through him, able to crush it in 2008 or 2009?

Did National Defense Secretary Teodoro snuff out the separatist rebellion of  the MILF and the Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao? Negative. The separatists almost conned the Arroyo government into giving them virtual independence last year, and were stopped only by local government officials who went to the Supreme Court to protest the sleight-of-hand. What was the role of Teodoro in all this drama? Innocent bystander? That is just not good enough for a presidential contender.

Did National Defense Secretary Teodoro do anything to expedite the trials for plunder or unexplained wealth of Maj. Gen. Carlos F. Garcia, Lt..Gen. Jacinto Ligot and Lt. Col. George Rabusa, all of whom stand accused before the Ombudsman since 2005 of accumulating wealth that cannot be explained by their modest salaries? Again, negative.
This is his area of jurisdiction. There is no excuse for not having done anything.

And what about the military officers accused of participating in the electoral fraud of 2004, or the military officers accused of violation of human rights before and during his watch? What has he done to resolve these issues?

Gilbert Teodoro suffers from comparison with Ramon Magsaysay who, as secretary of national defense under President Elpidio Quirino, crushed the Huk rebellion, convinced thousands of rebels to surrender and return to the mainstream, and restored people�s confidence in the government. And Magsaysay was justly rewarded with the presidency in 1953 when the opposition Nacionalista Party made him their candidate against the vastly unpopular incumbent Quirino.

Teodoro is no Magsaysay. He has not done anything to merit a reward like the presidency, and his role in 2010, if he persists in his ambition, would be to sing hosannas to the vastly unpopular Gloria Arroyo, his uncle�s new business partner in San Miguel.

(What people may remember of Teodoro as member of the Lower House is that he led a movement for the impeachment of then Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilarion Davide, a move seen as an effort to influence pending cases in the Supreme Court involving Danding or his corporations.)

Over and above having done nothing significant or momentous as secretary of national defense for two years, there is also the problem of not having said anything significant or momentous during his entire career as a public official..

Like his uncle Danding � my classmate in the Ateneo during freshman high school, until he moved to The Other School because he could not do Latin � Teodoro is not an inspired or inspiring public speaker. How does he expect to compete, toe to toe, with such seasoned orators as Manny Villar, Mar Roxas, Chiz Escudero, Ping Lacson, and Dick Gordon, and veteran TV anchors Noli de Castro and Loren Legarda?

(Danding at least proved that one does not need Latin to become a billionaire and a pre-eminent presidential crony.)

So aside from having nothing to say, he also does not know how to say it. An infirmity akin to that of FPJ. But FPJ in 2004 was already a household word and an established icon in millions of star-struck Filipino homes, which Teodoro is not in 2009. FPJ did not have to open his mouth � and he pointedly didn�t � to win over millions of masa voters who had absolutely no idea what he would do if he became president..

But Teodoro has to open his mouth. With Danding�s billions, Teodoro can employ the best elocution tutors, image-builders, PR strategists, media-for-hire, spin doctors, mercenary opinion-makers and  political technicians that money can buy. But there is only so much that they can do. Ultimately, it has to be Teodoro himself who has to sell himself on his own merits, on his own two feet. And the best that can be said for him at this stage is that it will be a hard slog.

The authentic dark horses in 2010, if they should decide to run, would be people like Tony Meloto, Jun Lozada, Gov. Among Ed Panlilio, Gov. Grace Padaca, Nandy Pacheco and Chief Justice Reynato Puno. But their chances of winning are low. That�s why I do not see any future for this country except through a revolutionary transition government. *****

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Reactions to �Dark Horse?�
�On Revolutionary Government�
�To a Filipino columnist who rocks the Free World�

What is your chance of de-railing the Teodoro-Cojuangco machine? It is not a juggernaut yet, or is it?

Ben Oteyza, (by email), March 18, 2009

(It is not my role to derail the Teodoro-Cojuangco machine. It is the role of the Filipino electorate, in pre-election surveys and in the election in 2010. Right now, it is not yet a juggernaut. But if enough media-persons, PR practitioners, marketing bright boys and girls, image builders, mercenary columnists and political technicians are recruited and bought, it can be. ACA)


Dear Tony:

You wrote:
"The authentic dark horses in 2010, if they should decide to run, would be people like Tony Meloto, Jun Lozada, Gov. Among Ed Panlilio, Gov. Grace Padaca, Nandy Pacheco and Chief Justice Reynato Puno. But their chances of winning are low. That�s why I do not see any future for this country except through a revolutionary transition government. ****"

Suggestion:  How about publicizing and recommending to reform justice by adopting the Grand Jury and Trial Jury systems so that the elite non-dark horses TRAPOS who will surely get elected with their moneys,  the people with their juries can also SURELY continue sending all these "non-dark" horses to jail untill all of them will serve time in prison FOR the people, FOR the people, and FOR the people and not suck the people.

As of today, we cannot send those TRAPOS to jail because they practically own the justice system for their own welfare and protection.  Let us award the justice system to the people.  After all, the people are the sovereign authority in this country according to Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution.

A "Revolutionary Transitition Government" will never work either because after a while it will further transition as just another group of grafters once its members shall have tested power.  The question then is:  Who will send them to jail for their "honest mistakes"  in governing, when they still own the justice system?

Was Gloria Government supposed to be a "transition" government and unfortunately became a permanent ultra corrupt government?  History repeats itself. REALLY.

Marlowe Camello, (by email), Homeland, CA, March 18, 2009


Nothing to do with colour.
See this link:

D. John Adams, (by email), United Kingdom, March 18, 2009



AL Jose Leonidas, (by email), March 18, 2009


Dear Tony:
If Gilbert Teodoro is picked by the all-powerful politico-economic elite its presidential candidate, then it goes without saying that he will be the next President of the Philippines.

That is the only qualification he needs (other than the minimal qualifications for the office in the Constitution) to be a candidate--and to win the office.

He need not be good in Latin,  English or even Pilipino. He need not even be a college graduate. He need not have any experience at all in any position in the private or public sector. He can be a complete unknown. The fact that as Secretary of Defense his tenure has been distinguished by having accomplished nothing of any substance at all is no problem for him as a presidential candidate either.

It is enough that he belongs to the politico-economic elite that has held the country in its vise-like grip all of the past sixty years or so. It�s super-arching agenda is to continue to aggrandize wealth and power, by hook or by crook--but mostly by the latter--and perpetuate itself in power, probably "till hell freezes over!"

On the campaign trail, however, if he is the "ni�o bonito" of the politico-economic elite, in all likelihood he will peremptorily identify himself with the masses, especially those in the rural areas who are caught in a quagmire of poverty, and promise them a better life if they but vote for him. He will not be beyond promising them the moon and the stars--and they will of course believe what he says, hook, line and sinker! In addition to his promises, however, those poor masses expect something tangible from him in return for their votes--as usual. And Mr. Teodoro willingly obliges!

That's just the way the democratic political ball bounces in the Philippines. Nothing surprising here.

Mariano Patalinjug, (by email), March 18, 2009


Hi Tony,
The dark horse image portrayed by Teodoro are the makings of media and political technicians.

I do not think he can convince the intellectuals as his political baggage is not only connected to Marcos and GMA but most important is his connection to his uncle. Just with his family name alone, the coconut farmers would not forget what his uncle did to them.

The only qualification that I can see from him is his or their wealth. With his wife taking his place in Congress when he was appointed to the post of Defense Secretary, he is not only a trapo through and through, but a leader with no values and principles, if he can be called a leader. Education is not enough. We have the best educated President right now, with a Ph.D. in Economics from a university in the US and look what happens.
Thanks and more power.

Bert Celera, (by email), March 18, 2009


Dear Tony:
A revolutionary transition government is the sole Philippine future.  GMA's rule has made this inevitable and her continuing plunder and  subsequent cover-ups can only make this future more bloody.

That, and capers like those of her allies (like financial swindler and jueteng lord Boy de los Angeles and the entire SEC and BSP leadership) is GMA's Legacy.
Obviously, GMA revels in such a reputation as she does nothing to correct it.  But what is sad is that this will haunt her innocent grandchildren and great grandchildren in ways she cannot even begin to fathom.

So the die is cast.  There is now little to do but wait for the tsunami.  And pray that we will survive it.

Tito Osias, (by email), March 18, 2009


Dear Tony,

Another brilliant article you have and am blessed to be one of the readers.

I hope and pray that one of the dark horses you mentioned does run and that it creates ala US President Barrack OBAMA  fever. I am personally praying for Among Ed Panlilio to take the challenge and if he does I would volunteer and help the cause in any way I could.

May God continue to bless you, Tony, with wisdom and keep the fire of nationalism burning in your heart. It is contagious. Baleg a Salamat.

Rolando E. Cusi, (by email), Dagupan City, March 18, 2009


Hi ,Tony (ACA)
Amen, amen, I say to you. Bring out all 'our' sentiments and feelings . . . we, the millions who share your ideals and cognizance need your pen and vast knowledge to break the concierge of evil that devastates our land and people. We must not let this group get away with their shenanigans. Just remember- every word, every dot, every phrase, you conceive to drive your point is a "Mace" that will dent their armor of evil. We can not afford to stop now.

Yesterday I received some very derogatory information against this corrupt family that delude us with lies upon lies and who in the process keep dipping their dirty fingers into every government portfolio. And we were told this time it's the "manipulation of LOTTO DRAWS". I suspected this long ago, but didn't really know how they do it! It's no wonder the MNLF and the ABU SAYYAF keep 'doing their thing' to the detriment and sufferings of their victims. They are just following 'some examples' out there! We can't go on like this without breaking the camel's back.

Jose Regino, (by email), Zamboanga City, March 18, 2009


Dear Mr. Abaya,
Originally a horse racing expression, �dark horse� indicates a relatively unknown horse. In politics, it refers to a relatively unknown or unlikely candidate who goes on to a surprising win in an electoral contest. The term is applied to Sec. Teodoro perhaps because he has a relatively low profile due to his many under-achievements that you so ably enumerated.

I myself think that Sec. Teodoro is actually a stalking horse. That is, one who is set up as a smokescreen, decoy or diversion. If so, then he is very ably fulfilling his function since we still do not know for whom, by whom, and for what purpose he is being thrust upon the political scene.
Some say he could be a Trojan Horse. However, it would take some moxie to be such, and as you so indicated in your article, Sec. Teodoro is remarkable only by what he has not accomplished.
In the end, we will probably find out that Sec. Teodoro is only a rocking horse � a wooden inanimate plaything that will only move upon the initiation of unseen hands. Regards,

Enrico D. Hidalgo, (by email), South Korea, March 18,  2009


Hi, Mang Tony,
Looks to me that Danding will be playing all the cards again, his own NPC is toying between contenders Cheeze and Lo�wren.  If Lakas is picking Teodoro, Danding will be most benefited as always.  Looks to me that the Philippines will be his as long as he lives.

However, I didn�t know that the Philippines Secretary of National Defense is named Gilbert Teodoro.  I always see his face on TV but I see him just like an innocent observer in GMA�s activities.  I thought he is one of those PSG�s.  I didn�t know that he was Gilbert Teodoro until I saw his face in Inquirer this week with his name in the caption under the pic.

I think he will not win, and Sen, Trillanes has better chances than him, if we are only to choose between the two.  I haven�t read a single statement from him after all the mess involving the generals.  But I also think he can win even if he is to contend against Erap if GMA brings back Garcillano and Bedol to Comelec. I think the administration congressmen will have to pass a bill to change the face on the 500 and 1000 peso bills with Teodoro�s face and make them campaign leaflets to be distributed to all poor Filipinos.  That is easy considering the millions of controversies surrounding our government officials. Best regards,

Edelberto Anit, (by email), March 18, 2009


That article on Dark Horse Teodoro is devastating to his presidential aspirations. Please do the same incisive analysis on the other white manes.  How about one on Dick Gordon, a true white mane? Unlike Danding Cojuangco, he survived four years of Latin classes.  Unlike Gilbert Teodoro, he always has something to say - even about nothing - and knows how to say it.

Oscar Lagman, (by email), March 18, 2009


Dear Mr. Abaya.
He is maybe a phony horse. Let's not talk further about him. Summarized: waste of time and free undue publicity for him. Perhaps he will be good if he is on the other side of the stable.

Ernie Dellosa, (by email), Sto. Tomas, Batangas, March 18, 2009


Dear Mr. Tony Abaya,
First of all, I wish to thank you for your very interesting, thought-provoking and brilliant columns.

I wish to comment on your "Dark Horse" column. I believe his drumbeaters and some in media describe Defense Secretary Gilbert Cojuangco Teodoro as a "dark horse" not because he's a non-traditional politico and not because he's a social reformer, etc. because all that he isn't. I believe it describes his current status as a long-shot, or a totally new player in the traditional short list of popular and expected presidentiables like Noli, Chiz, Loren, Villar, Mar, Ping BF Gordon etc. He is a "dark horse", maybe because he is a fresh new face in the horse-race or presidential derby, one with still not big chances or not yet seriously considered as a major contender.

By the way, for those politicos whose English is not as great as yours Mr. Tony Abaya, I just wish to clarify "dark horse" isn't an insult comparing them to a "kabayo" and it doesn't refer to their "maitim" skin complexion. 

Thanks for your idealism, your uncommon common sense, and your fealty to truth!
Warmest best regards

Wilson Lee Flores, (by email), March 18, 2009
Columnist, Philippine Star
Editor-in-chief, S magazine


Rransition revolutionary government, yes. The only way out of our situation and current mess. There are good candidates and alternatives to replace those who are in power. But not through the same way as elections because the good guys will not win. No chance.

General Teodoro ? He may end up signing  some new MOAs that will cede out more territory to any Tom,  Dick and Harry. Better he just retires and builds a mansion by a mountainside with a helipad or by the sea with waves that invite for surfing. Others like him may have done that already, and are at peace.

Victor Ma�alac, (by email), March 18, 2009


Tony Meloto, Jun Lozada, Gov. Among Ed Panlilio, Gov. Grace Padaca, Nandy Pacheco and Chief Justice Reynato Puno, all of them must come together.

Albert Banico, (by email), March 18, 2009


Bull's eye!   Regards,
Cesar Sarino, (by email), March 18, 2009


Mabuhay! An excellent piece.
Jose Bayani Baylon, (by email), March 18, 2009


O, here is your dark horse:
Willie Villarama, (by email), March 18, 2009

Panlilio open to run for higher post
PHILIPPINE STAR , March 18,  2009
By Dennis Carcamo  

MANILA, Philippines -- Pampanga Governor Ed Panlilio said today he is open to run for a higher government position in the 2010 elections.

In an interview over the Church-run Radio Veritas, Panlilio, a Catholic priest on leave, said if the people want it and if God wills it, he will run for higher office.

He said those from the opposition block have already approached and tried to convince him to run for vice president and senator in next year's polls.

Panlilio is also not discounting the possibility to run for the presidency, with Isabela Governor Grace Padaca as his running mate.

"If people say that I can do it, if they will say I can make it, then yes, it will be me and Gov. Grace Padaca. We�re not afraid to lose. In fact, we�re even afraid to win because it will be a big responsibility (to be president and vice president, respectively),� Panlilio said.

But for now, Panlilio said he will go back to his flock in the Church after his first term as Pampanga governor.


Dear Mr. Abaya,

Firstly, the last words of your article below:
a revolutionary transition government

My question: to be LEAD by ???
We would still need a leader/and next question:
"revolutionary"? (second point)

Thirdly, transition?
My comment: if there is a leader that is alive now, we should ferret him out now. Can't this be done? Transition/why a period of transition?

Hope I'm not bothering you much with my queries on your concept.  Best,

Genevieve Huang, MD, (by email), March 18, 2009

(Most revolutions are lead by someone. His or her identity is sometimes not known until the revolution is underway. Transition because a revolution is usually a temporary situation that must lead to normalcy and stability. A revolution does not have to be bloody and violent. It can be peaceful and relatively bloodless. Examples: Edsa in 1986, the collapse of Communist rule in Eastern Europe in 1989-90, the return of capitalism in China after 1979. ACA)


Dear Mr.Abaya------I agree with you that what this country needs a revolutionary transition government.....

Joe Diaz III. (by email),  Cagayan de Oro City, March 18, 2009


Another good one, but I can't believe you don't know that a dark horse is
a little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, and is adopted from the term used in racing circles to denote a horse that the gamblers know little about and won't bet on which then wins the race.  In that sense, Teodoro may well fit the bill.

Juan Collas, (by email), San Francisco, CA, March 18, 2009


Unfortunate and pessimistic as it may sound, I agree with you that the only hope for the Philippines is a revolutionary government.

The Philippines as a nation, has not really experienced how it is to bleed as a people as the French and Americans (or Chinese) did before they saw what it means to be united.

Arnel Serrano, (by email), Southern California, March 19, 2009


Mr. Abaya, I believe that anybody that is still serving in a high and sensitive position under this immoral president does not deserve to be the next president of the Philippines.  Why would the Filipino people elect Defense Sec. Gilbert Teodoro who tolerates the kind of governance of this hypocrite and master of deceit?

Narciso Ner, (by email), Davao City, March 19, 2009


Not that I am or ever was a racing enthusiast, but a "dark horse" refers to an unexpected entry in racing lingo, as "coming in from the dark."

It's amazing how political families hang on to each other�s shirt tails unashamedly, and not on their own merits even get elected back into office simply by bannering their name!   

R. Stager, (by email), Quezon City, March 19, 2009


Secretary Teodoro is one "gift horse" who's only dark in the sense his background can only tell us his intentions are as malevolent as the class he represents.

Vicente C. de Jesus, (by email), March 19, 2009


The candidacy of Gilbert Teodoro is doomed from the start. First, he is the favorite nephew of Danding Cojuangco. Second, if he is endorsed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, that would be even be worse.

You mentioned about his wife Nikki Prieto who has succeeded him in the House of Representatives. His wife may also be a liability because she has been quoted in one of those glossy magazines that she hardly speaks Tagalog and had spent most of her life overseas, as if they were a batch of honor.

Anytime, I would go for Manny Villar who worked his way up to become a successful entrepreneur and then become a Congressman and Speaker of the House and then Senator and Senate President. Truly, SIPAG at TIAGA!!!

Gilbert Teodoro belongs to the Philippine aristocracy and even his appointment as Defense Secretary is the result of entitlements, being the nephew of Danding Cojuangco? The question is what has he really achieved in life other than being born to the sister of Danding Cojuangco and having been a bar top-notcher and studied at Harvard Law School. At the House of Representatives, what were his accomplishments, if any?

Rick Ramos, (by email), Santa Rosa, Laguna, March 19, 2009


Hi, Mr. Abaya,
Indeed , I really do not know why both the opposition and the ruling party were positively excited when he was named the DND chief . That got me thinking that maybe he is ok . I was then expectantly hoping that maybe now , we have someone who can make a difference in the AFP . But now you are stating the obvious ... whereas I am still waiting / hoping for something big that he will accomplish , like even just one of those things you mentioned ... I really hope it will come and prove you are wrong ...not because I think you are not accurate in your observation  (I'm afraid you are ) but because I am continually hoping that the depressing situation (economic and political) will turn around. He belongs more to the younger generation and didn't someone famous said there is hope for this country  in the youth...

Thanks .  We may have met in V. Luna Medical Center before . I was one of the attending physicians of a good general whom you visited . I thought you were a very decent , kind gentleman :) I don't know if you are the same Mr. Abaya. I always try to read your articles if I can.   Regards.

Silva, [email protected], March 19, 2009

(Sorry, that must have been another Tony Abaya. I have never been inside the Luna Medical Center. ACA)


Mr. Abaya
If there is to be a "dark horse" in the 2010 elections, it should be Binay. Both literally and figuratively.

Robbie Tan, (by email), March 20, 2009


Hi Tony ,
Your last paragraph vision , "That's why  I do not see any future for this country  except through a revolutionary transition government" , is not only terrific ,but  absolutely correct and highly applicable for the modern-day Filipino who has been effectively transformed into a full-fledged lazy coward , as a result of the constant abuse and exploitation suffered at the hands of both foreign and domestic oppressors that the poor Filipino has now learned to accept .

A Filipino who will no longer dare move a finger or even tokenly complain without another  " Jaime Cardinal Sin" who will  lead ,  guide and support him (or her) in the struggle for justice . And the likes of  Jose Rizal and courageous new heroes like Ninoy Aquino who will bravely face the ultimate price   to enlighten and awaken the Filipino whom he recommended before the whole world as "worth dying for" .

The Filipino who , even to this day seems to be in  deep slumber . . Believe me Tony , there are not that many Pinoys or Pinays nowadays who will willingly lay down their precious lives for the sake of these lazy and uncaring bums who would rather gossip , dance,  wiggle , gyrate their hips sensuously , sing and yell at the top of their lungs EVERYDAY in such international shows like Wowowee , than  do something positive and productive   to alleviate the sad state of the nation and the  sorrowful plight of  MILLIONS of impoverished and abused countrymen , particularly women and children .

Don't get me wrong here , sir .  A "revolutionary transition government" as a cleansing tool to wash away and cure the social , economic and political ills of the country , is something worth considering , especially if the revolutionary transition government  is composed of young , morally upright , indebted-to-no-one leaders of proven integrity and patriotism . Brave , energetic leaders who will lead from a position of honesty and no-compromise .  UNLIKE THOSE SAME CROOKS AND CRIMINALS  WHO CONTINUE TO TREAT PUBLIC SERVICE AS  A FOR-PROFIT-BUSINESS . 
A revolution as a cleansing tool and as an overhauling mechanism for a rotten society and government like that of the Philippines , , has been used successfully before in such countries like America , Cuba , China , Russia and other countries .

If handled correctly and led by the right people , could lead the country out of the quagmire that it is in right now.

Bayani Sentillo, (by email), May 20, 2009


*Somewhere out there, among the millions of Pinoys, is a Ramon Magsaysay.  But finding him in the haystack that is the Philippines is the greatest challenge of the hour. One day he will emerge from the ashes of the Filipinos' folly, and the like the proverbial Phoenix rise and make his presence known.

I can only hope and pray that he is not of the genre and temperament of former Philippine Navy Lieutenant Antonio Trillanes.  He and his ilk will only drive the Philippines deeper into the ground.

Hope springs eternal, as the old saying goes, so the Filipino leader who will emulate the virtues of Ramon Magsaysay will one day walk among our people.

Romy Monteyro, (by email), March 20, 2009


You wrote:
"That�s why I do not see any future for this country except through a revolutionary transition government. ***** ". 

Ah, Tony, and there's the rub.  Who is going start it, to tie the bell to the cat's ears, as the revolutionary mice asked each other?  The NPA is not the answer.  The Muslim separatists neither.  The cowed, or bewildered, or struggling-to-survive middle class are too timid, or cowed, or harassed, or too busy surviving to start a revolution.

Crane Brinton's classic study of the anatomy of revolutions pointed to a core group of idealistic and enlightened individuals from the existing ruling elite (like you, idealistic journalists, for instance)  as the revolutionary nucleus.  Well?

This won't happen, Tony.  Because of the dismal situation of the country, the ongoing brain drain of the best and brightest Filipinos for better job opportunities abroad has deprived us of our future revolutionary leaders. 

I do hope I am wrong, and I hope your wish materializes.  Count me as one of the mice waiting for someone to tie the bell.

Fred Montenegro, (by email), March 20, 2009


Dear Tony,
I do not believe in any of the names mentioned in this article, until they prove their worth.

Secretary Teodoro has been failing to do his job. From the people who have worked under him, they say he is a weak leader na nagpapogi-pogi lang. He is of the same mold as the traditional politicians we have now.

I am proposing to my small group of businessmen friends to form "Heal Our Land Movement" or HOLM.

First, we must restore decency in our society, so that from it will come respectable, honest, and trusted leaders and followers;

Second, we must elect authentic leaders whose word will be followed by the Filipino people.

Third, we must stop killing each other and clear our land of insurgency and criminal elements;.

Fourth, we must have a competitive short- and long-term strategy to lift our economy from its present state;

Fifth, we can do all of the above if we go back to the basic Christian beliefs which we have neglected and, to some who claim to be Christian, abandoned
Christianity commands us not to steal, cheat, kill, etc.

Only then, will we see our country and people become truly free from the bondage of graft and corruption, and other ills of our society.

Unfortunately, not a few of our bishops, priests, nuns, pastors, and religious leaders are busy with many things except teaching their flocks to be true followers of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, some of them coddle the communist insurgents. I wonder where they learned their theology. I wonder if they know their theology at all.

If we are a failure as a Christian nation (being one of the most corrupt), it is mainly because most of our religious leaders have failed to do their duty to shepherd us.

Col.(Ret.) Hector (Tarzan) Tarrazona, (by email), March 24, 2009


Tony,  I am trying to follow the some what convoluted political scene of the Philippines, especially the upcoming elections in 2010( hopefully unless Her Royal Highness Gloria manages to get her way).  Upon seeing the name Roxas I began to recall the name.  I remembered his Grandfather Manuel Roxas as being probably  the one person who is most responsible for an independent Philippines and its first though short lived President and his father Gerry who was probably one of the best Senators ever in the Philippines.

Am I missing something or am I naive?  Should there be any question as to who should be the next President of the Philippines.  Based on blood line alone I would think it is an easy choice. Do you see this happening, Tony  or is the country to suffer  more corruption?

Jay Brundage, (by email), Ridgefield, Connecticut, March 30, 2009

(Mar Roxas is in the mid-level in presidential surveys and was recently noted to have upped his standing by a hefty five points. So he may be one of the top five  when the actual campaign heats up in December 2009. ACA)


To a Filipino Columnist who rocks the Free World

Tony, a quick note from your Colombian audience.

As I read you from the other side of the planet, usually minutes after reading our local newspapers,  I have come to the conclusion that as far as corruption, impunity and worst of all, a society�s willingness to tolerate it instead of severely punishing it,  the Philippines is Asia�s Colombia, and Colombia is South America�s Philippines.

It is apparent to me that our two countries may have the dubious honor of being the rotten apples of our hemisphere. paradoxically and ironically,  with so much in common we do not have official diplomatic relations---only two inefficient and self serving "honorable " council ( a bona fide  oxymoron ) types--mini maggots in rotten apples, in my opinion.

I propose our two countries find some Pacific island midway --- right between our two beautiful  but pilfered and fleeced countries --- buy it, and convert it into a 21st century Alcatraz. A joint venture to purge instead of to gain.  We could ship all of our corrupt officials and those that line their pockets there  and together in their rat-infested island---where i am sure they would feel quite at home-- they can all rip each other off into oblivion.

I beg to be appointed your correspondent there---there would never cease to be ongoing news and I would have a lifetime of employment......if I don�t get silenced with a bullet first....

Un fuerte abrazo, amigo Tony, eres un ejemplo de periodismo con alma y fibra,

de tu fiel lector colombo-filipino,

Manuel Teodoro, (by email), Bogot�, Colombia, March 30, 2009

(Que buena idea, amigo Manolo. Pero tenemos que hacerlo antes de nuestra eleccion de Mayo 2010, para podemos poner los hijas y las hijas de la gran chingada � y La Gran Puta misma - en su preso insular en seguida. De accuerdo? Antonio)


(Copy furnished of email to [email protected])

On Revolutionary Government

1. If the election for 2010(whether it is going to be held or not) will not produce the right kind of leaders the people need, why wait? The time to take action is now.
First, organize. The NGO's, cause oriented groups and other stakeholders must form united fronts(UF's) in all major cities. Without these UF's none will happen. There should also be a National Umbrella Organization(NUO) to coordinate efforts, to unify and to lead. It is a must that these UF's and the NUO will be led by non-politicians, non-military and non-communists. And since organization is from the grassroots level, funding will be minimal, even dispensable. The leadership of the NUO will come from the local UF's through a National Convention.

2. College students in their summer break will be utilized to educate the people of what they can do to reverse the country's direction and be the impetus to organization. UF's and the NUO must be set in place by mid May 2009.
Courses of action as decided upon by the NUO leadership must be ready to go by the 1st of June 2009.

II. Courses of Action

1. A massive all out non-violent people's action takes place in all major cities on June 12th, 2009, INDEPENDENCE DAY! The demands will be:
    a. The AFP/PNP take over the reins of government with   the CSAFP as the caretaker Chief Executive.
    b. A Constitutional Convention to be held in 6 months.
    c. National and local Elections 6 months after the ratification of the new Charter.
    d. The AFP and PNP revert back to their roles with the inauguration of the new government.

2. The people's action will be non-stop until the demands are met and set in paper.

3. PMA Classes from class '76 to 2009, seeing the massive outpouring of  people's sentiment for change and good governance issue a statement of support to these aims and urge the AFP hierarchy to follow the true Commander-in-Chief, the Filipino people.

4. Major service commanders and other senior officers meet and decide to follow the people's command and assume care taker government with transparency as its number 1 priority. They must pledge with their life and honor to "go back to barracks" as soon as the new government has been formed.

1. It is perceived that with the people asking the AFP/PNP to take over, the Coup de et'at label will be justified if not totally disregarded.

2. It is also envisioned that with a united AFP/PNP, bloodshed will be minimized if not totally avoided.

3. International observers must be invited to increase transparency and trust.

4. The constitutional convention delegates  must exclude traditional politicians and the like. Term limits must be set for all elected officials.

5. COMELEC must be revamped and peopled by men of proven integrity.

6. Candidates must never spend their own money in running for an office.

7. Political dynasties must never be tolerated again.

8. Graft and corruption should merit a mandatory death sentence.


Political maturity happens when the people decide the ways and means of governance. As long as a small percentage of malevolent politicians hold sway the fortunes of the nation, the country will remain in its dire state. As for the AFP and the PNP, their roles as guardian of the people must come forth and not as protector of pretenders and cheats. BUT the people must take the lead and be the real source of the power of governance. The challenge is for each Filipino. Each man, woman and child.

Dan Jimenez, (by email), March 18, 2009
"The greatest failure is that never attempted."


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