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Church silence on RP population a setback

By Cher Jimenez, Reporter

May 5, 2002,

An official of the Catholic Bishops� Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has admitted that the Church�s silence on the country�s growing population and its strong opposition to any artificial contraceptive method has stained its credibility as an institution concerned with social matters.

�The earlier negative attitude of the local Church toward government programs on birth regulation, including keeping a blind eye to the population issue, may have only dented the Church�s credibility, particularly if no significant efforts are made to provide Catholic couples with a viable alternative,� said Bishop Antonio Ledesma of Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur in a pastoral letter.

The letter, issued last month in Zamboanga�s various parishes, ordered priests in Ledesma�s see to pilot-test the government�s Standard Days Method (SDM) or the necklace method where a woman would know her fertility days.

Aware of the unpopularity of the government�s 30-year family planning program, the Health Department launched the SDM last year to court the Church�s approval because the scheme promotes natural birth control���.

Ledesma noted that a natural method toward family planning does not hurt the teachings of the Catholic Church despite its officials being vocal on any system of birth control.

�Contraception is not the same as abortion. In this case, there is not conception, hence no life is involved. In abortion, an innocent life is taken away and represents a serious violation of the fifth commandment,� he explained.

Ledesma said Catholic couples who plan their family using artificial birth (control) medicines should not be publicly judged because they should be given the choice to opt for whatever is comfortable for them.

�In the net balance of what is evil or less than ideal in the world today, it seems that there are many social sins that need to be denounced publicly (from drug pushing to corruption in public office) rather than stigmatizing the private feelings of married couples,� he said.

This free choice of couples, whether �Catholic or non-Catholic,� according to Ledesma should be respected by the Church.

Surveys showed that 50 percent of all mothers aged 15 to 49 are using contraceptives.

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