Aimez-vous Bush?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written September 15, 2004
For the
Manila Standard
September 16 issue

It�s not going to make one iota of a difference at all when Americans vote for their next president in November.

But, for the record, a survey conducted last July-August by GlobeScan Inc. and the University of Maryland with 34,330 respondents in 35 countries around the world showed an overwhelming preference for Democratic challenger John Kerry over the incumbent Republican George W. Bush.

Except in four of those 35 countries: the Philippines, Nigeria, Thailand and Poland. Bush got the strongest support in the Philippines, 57% versus 32% for Kerry. In Thailand, it was only 33% for Bush and 30% for Kerry. In India, main beneficiary of outsourcing of US jobs in call centers, Bush got only 33% versus 34% for Kerry.

The AFP story in the
Philippine Daily Inquirer (Sept. 10) did not say what percentages were registered in Nigeria and Poland, nor did that story give a complete breakdown of results in all 35 countries covered, only in 17. For the complete results, you have to access the website, but your computer would need an Adobe External Window software, which my computer does not have.

Ironically, Bush got the lowest ratings among the US� old allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. Norway (74 for Kerry, 7 for Bush); Germany, site of the biggest US land and air bases in continental Europe, (74-10); France, perennial thorn on Uncle Sam�s side, (64-5); the Netherlands, whose 1,300 troops in Iraq will be withdrawn before the end of this year, (63-6); Italy, steadfast ally in Iraq despite strong public opinion against the war, (58-14); Spain, first ally to withdraw its Iraq contingent, (45-7).

Most painful of all to Bush and his PNAC neocon manipulators, the ever faithful British, the only allies who really matter in Iraq, voted 47-16 in favor of Kerry. And the un-neighborly Canadians, who did not send even one squad of military cooks to Iraq, added insult to insult by voting 61-16 for Kerry.

�Thank God for the stupid Filipinos (32-57),� I can almost hear Uncle Dick mutter under his breath, �there is still at least one nation on this planet whom we can fool all the time.�

Even Donald Rumsfeld�s New Europe � so called after Old Europe France and Germany refused to toe the Bush Line on Iraq � was niggardly with its support. In the Czech Republic, the vote was 42-18 in favor of Kerry, as it no doubt was similarly in Bulgaria, Romania, the Ukraine, etc.

But why did Bush �win� in Poland? Probably because the Polish president was a recent visitor � about the time the survey was being conducted - in Washington DC, where he was able to get an agreement with President Bush abolishing visa requirements for Polish citizens visiting the US. For that privilege, the Poles would vote for George W for Pope.

But the rest of the world voted overwhelmingly for Kerry: in neutral Sweden (58-10); in Japan (43-23); in China (52-12); in Indonesia (57-34); in Brazil (57-14); in the Dominican Republic (51-38), etc..

Why this almost universal antipathy towards, even hatred of, George W. Bush, who now holds the dubious distinction of being the most disliked, even the most hated, person in the world since Adolf Hitler? Only one word can explain it: Iraq.

The al-Qaida attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon saw a massive outpouring of sympathy for and solidarity with the Americans from practically every country in the world. And the military response of the US to this outrage � measured, well-thought out and after giving adequate notice to the Taliban government of Afghanistan, to arrest and hand over the presumed mastermind, Osama bin Laden, or else - was legitimate, reasonable, justified and fair. I applauded the US attack on Afghanistan and the overthrow of the Taliban.

But somewhere along the way, even before they could kill or capture Osama, Bush and his neocon manipulators were diverted into a much more massive military effort in Iraq, on the grounds that they were carrying the war on terrorism to its logical next step.

I am sure 99.9% of the 34,330 respondents in the GlobeScan survey � and perhaps 98% of the American public � have never heard of the Project for a New American Century  (PNAC) and its consuming focus on Iraq.

But their instinctive sense of justice and fair play has told them that Bush�s invasion and occupation of Iraq was fundamentally wrong, especially since the two rationales for the invasion turned out to be nothing but lies: no weapons of mass destruction were ever found even after months of diligent search by 1,000 UN and US weapons inspectors, and no evidence was ever found to indicate that Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11.

Well-informed observers know that the invasion and occupation of Iraq were a priority of the PNAC�s neocon intellectuals long before 9/11 occurred. Its statement of principles in June 1997 urged the US military �to shape circumstances before crises emerge and to meet threats before they become dire.� (See my article �
Uncle Dick and the PNAC�, Sept.7). This is the ideological underpinning for the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strike, of which Iraq was/is the prime victim in the 21st century. Iran would most likely be next, if Bush and the neocons were re-elected in November, as they most likely will be.

And Bush and Uncle Dick Cheney are likely to be re-elected in November because the challenger John Kerry just hasn�t caught fire and leaves unmoved the great mass of America�s conservative (and famously ignorant) voters, 43% of whom, according to a Newsweek survey last week, still believe that Saddam Hussein was the brains behind 9/11.

Most of the 34,330 respondents in the GlobeScan survey also do not know that George W�s biggest single support base are the 70-million strong Christian fundamentalists led by TV Evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. This 70-million constituency cannot be underestimated.

(In the 2000 presidential elections, some 104.7m Americans voted. Al Gore actually got more votes than George W. Bush, 51,003,894 versus 50,459,211, or a lead of 544,683 votes or half a percent.  But American presidents (and vice-presidents) are not elected by the popular vote, but by the electoral votes cast in the Electoral College. In 2000, the final results hinged on, and were delayed by, the disputed outcome of the popular vote in the state of Florida to determine which candidate would get Florida�s 25 electoral votes. More about that in a future article.)

In 2004, assuming 120m Americans vote, the 70-million Christian fundamentalists will carry the day for George W (and Uncle Dick), hands down, especially in the unenlightened South where Charles Darwin�s Theory of Evolution is not yet accepted as scientific truth, and where voters do not like candidates who, like Kerry, �look French.�

The Christian fundamentalists support Bush because his invasion and occupation of Iraq (and soon Iran) fulfills their biblical expectations of a Final Battle that will lead directly to the conversion to Christianity of 144,000 Jews and the Second Coming of Christ.  By a fortuitous turn of events, this coincides with the objective of the PNAC neocons (most of whom are Jewish), stated one year before 9/11, for the US to establish �
permanent military control of the Middle East, whether or not Saddam Hussein remains in power.� (See my earlier articles �Understanding Bush� [Oct. 15, 2003] and �War for Oil and Israel� [Jan. 30, 2003].)

And where do the fundamentalists get their parochial views of the world, aside from the Bible? Most likely from Fox News, which is owned by the Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who also publishes The
Weekly Standard, mouthpiece of the PNAC neo-conservatives.

So in George W, the ignorant and the intellectual converge to bring about what Uncle Dick himself predicts will be �endless war.� *****


Reactions to �Aimez-vous Bush?�

To: Antonio C. Abaya

Good morning, Tony,

It must be so exhilaratingly refreshing to be so ego-centrically all-knowing, though, remarkably, so sadly superficial in your world view.

In case you missed it, the avowed aim of the Islamist Fascists is the extermination of all non-Muslims. For those of you of the "liberal" persuasion, that includes most especially non-Christians and non-Jews as well.

North Korea has nuclear weapons today thanks directly to decisions made by Bill Clinton and Madam Albrecht a decade ago. John Kerry would take up where Carter and Clinton naivet� left off, assuming he could ever bring himself to being as "decisive" as they had wished they were.

Something that totally baffles me with Filipino intellectuals such as you is why you consistently denigrate Filipinos and regard "them" as "stupid" (your words). Outside of writers such as yourself and Teddy Boy Locsin (who allegedly vainly wanted American airpower to obliterate the anti-Aquino forces during one of the many coups during her administration), I've always held Filipino common sense in the highest esteem - which is validated by Filipinos overwhelmingly preferring George W. Bush to John F. Kerry.

You would do  yourself and your readers a favor by broadening your informational input matrix. You're apparently suffering from intellectual myopia. Fortunately, it's a treatable disorder, but requires an open mind, oftentimes lacking in pseudo-intellectuals.


Max Ricketts, [email protected]
September 17, 2004

MY REPLY. The 40% of the Philippine voters who voted for FPJ in May 2004, and the 43% of the American public who, according to a recent Newsweek poll, believe that Saddam Hussein was the brains behind the 9/11 that the Philippines and the US have approximately the same percentage in their populations who are stupid ignoramuses.

You say you have "always held Filipino common sense in high esteem - which is validated by Filipinos overwhelmingly preferring George W. Bush to John F. Kerry." Are you saying therefore that the Norwegians, the Germans, the French, the Dutch, the Italians, the Spaniards, the British, the Canadians, the Czechs, the Swedes, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Brazilians, etc do not, in your opinion, have any common sense for rejecting Bush in favor of Kerry? My, my, what a narrow mind you have.

May I also suggest that you "broaden your informational input matrix" by reading up on the Christian fundamentalists and the Project for the New American Century, about which you are apparently totally ignorant. Ignorance is also a treatable disorder. All it needs is an open mind and a computer: There are hundreds, even thousands, of articles on these topics on the Internet, if you care to look for them to educate yourself.



It is incredible indeed how the pinoy thinks that the war in Iraq is something that maybe Gov. Arnold will soon "Terminate" and that the average Filipino believes Bush is doing the right thing. We shall one day pay for this, pay for not condemning the death of women and children in the hands of American soldiers in Iraq (ironic, for Bush
is running on a pro-life ticket), how could we allow this? It is beyond me. I guess it is really our lack of recognizing who we really are as a nation so therefore our choice of America, our former masters. We still have not that love for country and respect for our
land among the majority that has made possible the amazing shortness of memory and lack of discipline. One thing is for sure, we are not getting any examples from our leaders for that. How could we expect a Bong Revilla, for example, to teach our children patriotism when he can't even spell the word?

I weep for our children and challenge this generation to wake up from their comfortable armchairs. Don't give the communists any more reasons to recruit. Shun the western music and love your own for a change. Did you know Tony that I attended a Music Conference in HK a decade ago and was embarassed to say that we are the only country in Asia that plays 90% western music and maybe 10% local? Everyone else in the region plays music from their own country. I cite this as a gauge of patriotism. Well, that was more than ten years ago and things haven't changed. Except our love for America. We are playing more of their music and loving thugs like Bush even more.

Best regards,
Gerry Kaimo, [email protected]
September 17, 2004


A stupid poll sir, no? How many electoral votes will Kerry get from the state of Europe? How about the Middle East? For a better view of where the race stands, check out

Afpmnl, [email protected]
September 17, 2004

MY REPLY. The polling group never said that their poll would get votes for either candidate. And the first sentence of my article specifically said �It�s not going to make one iota of a difference at all when Americans vote for their next president in November�..� To conclude otherwise would be stupid.


Bush may yet be reelected by his countrymen who continue to believe that he is the best  leader to lead America in these perilous times.  And being the world's super power, what the world thinks about Bush is the least of America's problems.  Conversely, half of the Filipino nation believed that an Erap clone (FPJ) would have made a good leader to resolve the country's financial crisis.  And what do you think the world thinks about us?

Cesar M. de los Reyes, [email protected]
September 17, 2004


Dear Tony:

Thanks for sending me your piece below. With all due respect, I guess you're one of those like many who paid no attention to the growing danger prior to WW II. History tells us that had the free world acted decisively against Hitler when he demilitarized the Rhineland or annexed Austria, things would've been different and millions of lives saved. This is, of course, water under the bridge.

I believe President Bush is constantly reflecting on history that unless he acts decisively against a growing danger and wait for a fait accompli or when disaster becomes the only alternative, he'd be remiss of his most important duty. That is to protect the American people against terrorism whose cruelty has no bounds as happened recently in Beslan, Russia.

Like many Americans with 20/20 hindsight, the majority of the 34,000 foreigners polled really don't like or may even hate President Bush for invading Iraq. That's a price a leader has to pay. They won't admit, though, their antiwar position can mean they don't care if Saddam Hussein and his two sadistic sons were still in power.

I find it incredible therefore that people with 20/20 hindsight don't have a little foresight that had Saddam remained in power, he or his sons wouldn't stop to bankroll terrorists. Only the most naive would think that hatred for Americans won't eventually bind Saddam and bin Laden to strike anywhere they can hurt the USA, which would include innocent victims like in Bali, Jakarta, Istanbul, Madrid and Beslan.

There's a report that many traditionally Democratic voters in New Jersey who earlier favored Sen. Kerry on the economy, healthcare and other domestic issues may have changed t heir minds. Their biggest concern is to feel safe while at work and when they come home at night. If Kerry's declining poll numbers from a lead of over 20% down to 4%, which means a statistical tie, is an indication, NJ Democrats are now inclined to vote for Bush.

There's also an aggravating reason against Kerry that at this late stage of the campaign, he hasn't firmed up a position for voters to be confident he'll be better than Bush on terrorism. In which case all other issues become secondary.

Best regards,

Frank Wenceslao, [email protected]
September 17, 2004


Hi, Tony

Just fyi, in that survey Poland scored 31% vs 26% in favor of Kerry while
Nigeria scored 33% vs 27% in favor of Kerry.

Also, the methodology showed that in the Phils, the survey was done on July
2004 and only 500 respondents were interviewed face to face. When was
Angelo de la Cruz released? I think an August survey may have shown
different results. I voted in another survey through internet, "How would
the rest of the world vote for the US President" and during that time,
Kerry was winning in the Philippines." Of course, internet voting may be
more biased than a random sampled survey.

As to why the Americans are voting differently, is really hard to understand.

Thanks and best regards.

Bobby Tordesillas, [email protected]
September 17, 2004


Sad and frustrating.

Lydia B. Echauz, [email protected]
President, Far Eastern University
September 17, 2004


        Tony - I agree with you only 99% this time because I just can't make myself that Bush will win.  It looks that way at the moment but surely the voters will come to realize that Bush and his gang have led us to disaster and are rushing us even further in that direction.   Kerry lacks the charisma but he's reasonable, calm and intelligent and would get rid of the gang of radical reactionaries who are now dominating the Republican party.  I'm still betting on Kerry.
Ken Wright, [email protected]
September 17, 2004


Stick it to them pardner:-)

Ding Roces, [email protected]
Australia, September 18, 2004


This is a good one. It informs more than it
articulates your opinion. The kind of article I like.

Ogie Reyes, [email protected]
September 18, 2004


         A long time ago, I took a serious look at why we are headed into the abyss as a people, with all these crises here and the crises there. The culprit is the blood that runs in each of us, I concluded. We are a a nation of mixed blood, that's why. It is like a punishment from the gods!.

         Figure it out.

         Take a swipe at the Japanese, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Malaysians: these people have their singular identifying blood and as a result, their culture permeates down to their daily activities in life.

         I rue the fact that the Spaniards and the Americans were our colonizers, instead of the Brits. That is considering the fact that we'd be colonized by the white men anyway, whether we liked it or not. This is the second misgiving I have.

         If you looked at the countries colonized by Great Britain, there are orderliness. It's an awwww, with the Spaniards, especially in South America, and even Mexico.

        The first things the Brits took into account were infrastructure like, waterworks, electricity, roads and bridges. Then a very, very strong civil service which spelled good governance.

        We could have been as stiff as the Brits but as it sorely turned out had to adopt to the free-wheeling and dealing Americanized way, aside from the manana habit of the Spaniards be absorbed.       

Ben S. Simpao, [email protected]  
San Francisco Bay Area, September 20, 2004

MY REPLY. You may be idealizing the Brits too much. While they did well with Hong Kong and Singapore and a few other places, they also left a mess in Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Sierra Leone, Ghana, etc. And it is not correct to say that the Malaysians are of �one blood.� The population of Malaysia is about 65% Malays, 30% Chinese and 5% Tamil Indian.
You probably mean the people support their government as they do not in the Philippines. That comes from good leadership and authoritarianism, probably in equal measure, not from DNA.


Subj: Aimez-vous Bush?
Date: 9/16/04 9:15:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:    [email protected] (Antonio C. Abaya)
To:    "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"

Aimez-vous Bush?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written September 15, 2004
For the Manila Standard
September 16 issue

It�s not going to make one iota of a difference at all when Americans vote for their next president in November.


But, for the record, a survey conducted last July-August by GlobeScan Inc. and the University of Maryland with 34,330 respondents in 35 countries around the world showed an overwhelming preference for Democratic challenger John Kerry over the incumbent Republican George W. Bush.

Except in four of those 35 countries: the Philippines, Nigeria, Thailand and Poland. Bush got the strongest support in the Philippines, 57% versus 32% for Kerry. In Thailand, it was only 33% for Bush and 30% for Kerry. In India, main beneficiary of outsourcing of US jobs in call centers, Bush got only 33% versus 34% for Kerry.

The AFP story in the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Sept. 10) did not say what percentages were registered in Nigeria and Poland, nor did that story give a complete breakdown of results in all 35 countries covered, only in 17. For the complete results, you have to access the website, but your computer would need an Adobe External Window software, which my computer does not have.

PEPETON CLARIFIES:  But you (perhaps for convenience; albeit a bit carelessly) failed to include in this self-serving summary of the "global survey" the qualifications and disqualifications - in a word, the disclaimers.  

Surely, there must be some. What are they?  Margin of error, for one?  Percentage of actual response to total  number of  surveys taken (of so many respondents polled, how many actually answered the key question as to their preference for a USA president); of those who responded, how many are from metropolitan areas, and how many are from non-metropolitan areas in their respective countries (in short the demographics, etc...).  

Ditto, you have no explanation as to how the survey was conducted, what questions were asked or the real purpose and intent of the survey, and who or how it was funded.

In short, you admitted not being able to access the whole survey results, yet you relied on the "summary" of another's "summary" to form your opinion?  At the very least, you are thrice removed from the source.

I would like to see OP-ED columnists, broadsheet journalists and  newsreporters, radio and TV broadcast journalists, and all those involved in "responsible professional media" to be a lot more thorough and authoritative than this, Tony.  Otherwise, your column for today qualifies only under the heading of "uninformed PROPAGANDA". We don't need you to contribute to that pile of junk.

Ironically, Bush got the lowest ratings among the US� old allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. Norway (74 for Kerry, 7 for Bush); Germany, site of the biggest US land and air bases in continental Europe, (74-10); France, perennial thorn on Uncle Sam�s side, (64-5); the Netherlands, whose 1,300 troops in Iraq will be withdrawn before the end of this year, (63-6); Italy, steadfast ally in Iraq despite strong public opinion against the war, (58-14); Spain, first ally to withdraw its Iraq contingent, (45-7).

Most painful of all to Bush and his PNAC neocon manipulators, the ever faithful British, the only ally who really matter in Iraq, voted 47-16 in favor of Kerry. And the un-neighborly Canadians, who did not send even one squad of military cooks to Iraq, added insult to insult by voting 61-16 for Kerry.


Pepeton seeks clarification:  Are any of these your OWN OPINIONS, or are these simply culled out from what summary you read, and are we, your readers right in concluding that these are your opinions too?????


�Thank God for the stupid Filipinos (32-57),� I can almost hear Uncle Dick mutter under his breath, �there is still at least one nation on this planet whom we can fool all the time.�


Pepeton surmises:   Aha. Finally, some indication that this is your opinion, too.
But your characterization is totally silly.  Stupid is, stupid does, Forrest Gump promised.  If you know what Longface Kerry promised to do about OUTSOURCING wouldn't be as smug about your characterizations.

Come to think of it. Do you know what Longface Kerry has been mouthing off in his campaign trails as to what he promises to do about OUTSOURCING OVERSEAS???

Just two days ago, he said it again:  "....and unlike Bush...who not only allows jobs in the USA to go overseas....but actuall ENCOURAGES THEIR OUTSOURCING OVERSEAS....when I get elected, I will make sure those jobs stay in the USA, instead of going to places like Malaysia...."

Do you understand what this means to the Philippines outsourcing operations????
Do you have any insights as to why Longface Kerry used Malaysia as an example?
Are you familiar at all with the economics of "outsourcing", in the Philippines?
Should you be concerned?


Even Donald Rumsfeld�s New Europe � so called after Old Europe France and Germany refused to toe the Bush Line on Iraq � was niggardly with its support. In the Czech Republic, the vote was 42-18 in favor of Kerry, as it no doubt was similarly in Bulgaria, Romania, the Ukraine, etc.

But why did Bush �win� in Poland? Probably because the Polish president was a recent visitor � about the time the survey was being conducted - in Washington DC, where he was able to get an agreement with President Bush abolishing visa requirements for Polish citizens visiting the US. For that privilege, the Poles would vote for George W for Pope.

But the rest of the world voted overwhelmingly for Kerry: in neutral Sweden (58-10); in Japan (43-23); in China (52-12); in Indonesia (57-34); in Brazil (57-14); in the Dominican Republic (51-38), etc..

Why this almost universal antipathy towards, even hatred of, George W. Bush, who now holds the dubious distinction of being the most disliked, even the most hated, person in the world since Adolf Hitler? Only one word can explain it: Iraq.

The al-Qaida attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon saw a massive outpouring of sympathy for and solidarity with the Americans from practically every country in the world. And the military response of the US to this outrage � measured, well-thought out and after giving adequate notice to the Taliban government of Afghanistan, to arrest and hand over the presumed mastermind, Osama bin Laden, or else, was legitimate, reasonable, justified and fair. I applauded the US attack on Afghanistan and the overthrow of the Taliban.

But somewhere along the line, even before they could kill or capture Osama, Bush and his neocon manipulators were diverted into a much more massive military effort in Iraq, on the grounds that they were carrying the war on terrorism to its logical next step.

I am sure 99.9% of the 34,330 respondents in the GlobeScan survey � and perhaps 98% of the American public � have never heard of the Project for a New American Century  (PNAC) and its consuming focus on Iraq.

Pepeton exposes:

You think so? How did you arrive at these CONCLUSIONs...WITH CERTAINTY???? Did you conduct a survey yourself to determine this?
But let us,  for the sake of saving your pompous assumption, grant that your "assumed certainty' is accurate.  What is your final conclusion, therefore?  That the 35 countries polled are UNINFORMED?  Or that the Americans are IGNORANT?  Of what?  Important facts?

And if this is your best-considered opinion, then the final question still needs to be asked...WHY...have the target of your disaffection (chosen) TO BE UNINFORMED or IGNORANT?

But their instinctive sense of justice and fair play has told them that Bush�s invasion and occupation of Iraq was fundamentally wrong, especially since the two rationales for the invasion turned out to be nothing but lies: no weapons of mass destruction were ever found even after months of diligent search by 1,000 UN and US weapons inspectors, and no evidence was ever found to indicate that Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11.

Well-informed observers know that the invasion and occupation of Iraq were a priority of the PNAC�s neocon intellectuals long before 9/11 occurred. Its statement of principles in June 1997 urged the US military �to shape circumstances before crises emerge and to meet threats before they become dire.� (See my article �Uncle Dick and the PNAC�, Sept.7). This is the ideological underpinning for the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strike, of which Iraq was/is the prime victim in the 21st century. Iran would most likely be next, if Bush and the neocons were re-elected in November, as they most likely will be.

And Bush and Uncle Dick Cheney are likely to be re-elected in November because the challenger John Kerry just hasn�t caught fire and leaves unmoved the great mass of America�s conservative (and famously ignorant) voters, 43% of whom, according to a Newsweek survey last week, still believe that Saddam Hussein was the brains behind 9/11.

Pepeton challenges Tony's analysis:  

"challenger Longface Kerry just hasn't caught fire?????"  More like KINAPOS NA.  You betrayed your total ignorance of the election goings on in the USA, Tony. You have been influenced by sheer PROPAGANDA from media on ONLY ONE SIDE of the aisle. And anytime you want to take up that challenge, we can go at it.

Tell me, what do you think of CNN and TNT reporting?  Tell me what do you think of Fox news reporting.  Why did you pick Newsweek Poll to cite as "an example"?

Do you know what ALL THE MAJOR ELECTION POLLS have been reporting as to the lead of Bush over Longface...and WHY?  Do you, in fact, know, who are the MAJOR ELECTION POLLS, in the USA?

Are you familiar with the TV show - Dick Cavett?  Have you ever seen his program?  Did you see the debate - or its transcript...between Longface Kerry and John O'neill, BACK IN JUNE 1971....on the same issues about Vietnam war...?  If you did, how do you compare Longface's answers to O'neill's interpelation then, to what he said before the Senate hearings on April 1971, to what he and his handlers are saying now?

What do you know about "neo-conservatism" in the USA?  Do you have any idea as to what those who openly admit such affiliation have accomplished for the USA?

Most of the 34,330 respondents in the GlobeScan survey also do not know that George W�s biggest single support base are the 70-million strong Christian fundamentalists led by TV Evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. This 70-million constituency cannot be underestimated.

PEPETON redirects:  Tony, "Christian Fundamentalists"?  What did they teach you and what did you learn from Ateneo about this so-called "Christian Fundamentalists"?  Same as "islamic fundamentalists"? Your suggestion? Please to explain, what you mean by these terms!!!

(In the 2000 presidential elections, some 104.7m Americans voted. Al Gore actually got more votes than George W. Bush, 51,003,894 versus 50,459,211, or a lead of 544,683 votes or half a percent.  But American presidents (and vice-presidents) are not elected by the popular vote, but by the electoral votes cast in the Electoral College. In 2000, the final results hinged on, and were delayed by, the disputed outcome of the popular vote in the state of Florida to determine which candidate would get Florida�s 25 electoral votes. More about that in a future article.)

PEPETON REDIRECTS AGAIN:  Tony, where have you been hanging around, lately?  A little information is a most dangerous thing.   You are obfuscating with your biased recycling of historical events.  All of these have been played out...printed, published, filed.  GIVE IT UP.  Next thing you are bound to write again is the GMA-Erap debacle.

Unless you are prepared to write and explain, AUTHORITATIVELY,  the philosophy behind the ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM, I suggest you refrain from messing around with it. Even among some Americans, hindi rin nila naiintindihan yan masyado.  Eh di lalo ka na. Sasabit ka lang ng sasabit sa mga analysis mo.

In 2004, assuming 120m Americans vote, the 70-million Christian fundamentalists will carry the day for George W (and Uncle Dick), hands down, especially in the unenlightened South where Charles Darwin�s Theory of Evolution is not yet accepted as scientific truth, and where voters do not like candidates who, like Kerry, �look French.�

PEPETON CHALLENGES: DESCRIBE WHAT FRENCH LOOKS LIKE, TONY.  Do you know the genealogy of Longface Kerry?  Let me give you a clue.  On the "Forbes" side, (maternal), yes, the grand/or greatgrandmother was born in Paris, France. But on the paternal side, what is Longface's ancestry?  Would you believe jewish? (Original Jewish surname is NOT KERRY, but KOHN, from Czechoslovakia).  Bleeding diehard liberal and left winging media alike in the USA, ASSUMED, that Longface Kerry was an "Orig Boston Brahmin"....until official records revealed that he was really of jewish origin.

So tell me...what does the French look like?

The Christian fundamentalists support Bush because his invasion and occupation of Iraq (and soon Iran) fulfills their biblical expectations of a Final Battle that will lead directly to the conversion to Christianity of 144,000 Jews and the Second Coming of Christ.  By a fortuitous turn of events, this coincides with the objective of the PNAC neocons (most of whom are Jewish), stated one year before 9/11, for the US to establish �permanent military control of the Middle East, whether or not Saddam Hussein remains in power.� (See my earlier articles �Understanding Bush� [Oct. 15, 2003] and �War for Oil and Israel� [Jan. 30, 2003].)


Pepeton advises:  Stick to local Pinoy politics, Tony.  You are overstretching your imagination with BORROWED PROPAGANDA. If I want to read a NON-BIASED, INTELLIGENT GLOBAL ANALYSIS of world situations...I WILL READ DR. GEORGE FRIEDMAN and his staff of qualified "world geopolitics experts" on STRATFOR...firsthand.
And where do the fundamentalists get their parochial views of the world, aside from the Bible? Most likely from Fox News, which is owned by the Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who also publishes The Weekly Standard, mouthpiece of the PNAC neo-conservatives.

So in George W, the ignorant and the intellectual meld to bring about what Uncle Dick himself predicts will be �endless war.�

Pepeton classifies Tony:  You have just entered the "endless spin" of  the bleeding, diehard, blind loyalists, left-winging, liberals.........and have accepted their bigoted views and silly PROPAGANDAS. I suppose you are suggesting that CNN and TNT and their global affiliates would be the more independent, and unbiased, media??? Do you know who owns CNN and TNT?  Can you spell TED TURNER?  Do you know who TED TURNER is???? What his politics are?  Can you say Hanoi Jane Fonda? Ted's EX?   Who is also TOM HAYDEN's EX?  all, a.k.a., "shit agitators"?

BTW, since you seem to enjoy trivial pursuits, here are some.  Longface Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 (do you know what state?).  Tom Hayden was born on December 11, 1939.  Hanoi Jane Fonda was born on December 21, 1937.  Do you know what their zodiac/astrological stars and signs are, and what their horoscopes say about their personality traits? Can you name memorable or earthshaking events that transpired during those dates?  Can you connect the dots to what these characters turned out to be and their "achievements in crusading"?  And speaking of your field of expertise: media (kuno) you know that Ted Turner was born under the SCORPIO...and that this sign represents sexuality?
Question is how many children does TED have? Final question from whom?

----------------------BACK TO THE REAL ISSUE_______________


And the answer is????????  Lies on the candidates position on OUTSOURCING, to begin with.  Longface Kerry says, he will stop jobs from going overseas.  Unlike Bush, who not only allows job to go overseas, but actually encourages it.  Longface stresses...during his term...he will make sure those jobs that have been outsourced overseas, come back and stay in America.... NOW, TONY, ANALYZE THAT.

Here is a hint.  Some say that since Longface is consistantly "flip-flopping", this could only mean that he will in fact support outsourcing. GO FOR IT, TONY.

You started your article with the grandiose declaration that the results of the USA election wouldn't make an "iota of difference".  You have not provided any reason or examples, throughout your article why you said this, or how you came to this conclusion.

This article today is  good for TRIVIAL PURSUITS.  I will send a copy to Jeopardy, make that DOBOL.

Oh well, two bad articles out of countless good ones is still better than a decent batting average. KEEP IT UP....Tony...HIGHER. Whew! Animo La Salle.

[email protected]
September 17, 2004

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