The Romanian Royal Army

The Maritime Infantry Battalion

Batalion Infanterie Marină.

Batalion 15 Infanterie Marină (formed 1.5.1941* as part of Regiment Infanterie Marină).

5-9.41Subdetasament Chilia VecheChilia Veche
10.41-2.44Detasament Maritim OdesaOdessa

*between 3.1942-4.1944 it was reorganized as Batalion Observare (Observation Battalion), with the mission to survey and defend the Bessarabian seashore between Cardon and the Nistru river.

Batalion 16 Infanterie Marină (formed 1.5.1941 as part of Regiment Infanterie Marină).

5.41-1.43Subdetasament SulinaSulina

Batalion 17 Infanterie Marină (formed 1.5.1941 as part of Regiment Infanterie Marină).

5.41Subdetasament PeripravaPeriprava
9.41-2.44Detasament Maritim LimanNicolaeni*

*with 1st Company in Nicolaeni, 2nd Company in Bugaz, 3rd Company in Zolocari.

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