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Radio Host Declares: Nothing Happened in 2001


M.O.T. News

January 18th -- As we begin 2002, many hope this year will be less traumatic than 2001.  Of course, you would have to acknowledge that 2001 was traumatic, considering the events of September 11th, to have that hope.

But, if you're nationally syndicated radio host Phil Hendrie, you might not think much of 2001.

Recently, Mr. Hendrie was discussing how certain milestone years, like 1984 and 2001, had come and gone without any significant scientific advancement.

"Where are the flying cars?" ranted Mr. Hendrie, a couple of days after the new year began. "All the old movies show flying cars by 2001 ... everyone living like the Jetsons ... with clouds outside your door when you leave for work in the morning."

Phil continued with what some have called offensive remarks. "Look, 1984 passed," he said. "George Orwell.  Poof!  Nothing happened.

"2001? Nothing."

There was an awkward pause, where Mr. Hendrie apparently realized he had slipped. "Well...." he began, and then immediately changed the subject.

"His comments are an outrage!" stated Margaret Gray, a freelance writer living in San Diego. "I can't believe I was subjected to this man's ignorance!  He should have the decency to apologize!"

Phil Hendrie's long-time attorney, Harvey Weirman, had this to say: "I know what he's trying to do -- get people to listen.  Unfortunately, it doesn't matter, cause people don't listen to his show.  His ratings have been in the tank for years.  I've tried to tell him ... but he just won't listen."

Dave Oliva, a Mexican-American entrepenuer and frequent Phil Hendrie guest, stated, "As a Latino, I am personally offended by Mr. Hendrie's comments.  A lot happened in 2001.  For one thing, my street business really took off.  I made $75,000 selling fruit off the highway.  My business innovation was significant, and it took place in 2001, yo."

Even law enforcement has increased it's scrutiny of the Phil Hendrie show. "We're watching Phil and his family very closely," stated Jay Santos from the Citizen Auxiliary Police. "If he slips up even once, we'll be on him like white on rice.

"In these days of tightened security due to possible terrorist attacks, every citizen should do their  part to relieve the burden on law enforcement.  We here at the Citizens Auxiliary are doing just that -- by monitoring Phil Hendrie."

We asked Dr. Damon Hoffman, frequent contributor to the DailySkew, to comment on the incident. "Obviously, Phil has chosen to disassociate from reality.  If he cannot accept that 2001 was a significant year in human history, then he needs immediate psychiatric care!"

Whether or not Phil Hendrie plans on apologizing to the public, or seeing a psychiatrist, is unknown at this present time.



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