Dale Begley Ministries
Impacting the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
NEWSLETTER  September 2004

Dear Covenant Partners,

Greeting in the Powerful name of JesusChrist our Lord and Savior.

I would like to share this month about the faithfulness of God. In life there are times when it seems like spiritual things are not working. Things like faith and the love of God and being consistent or being faithful, but just as God is working behind the scene your faith and love and faithfulness is working even though it doesn't seems like it. That's why Paul wrote to the church at Corinth and said we walk by faith and not by sight!!! You can't gauge what's happening in the spirit realm by natural sensual perception. That's where the word of God comes in; it gives us a connection to God beyond feelings, plus we have been given the Holy Ghost which helps us live in the Spirit realm as we spend time praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude states that it builds us up above the sense ruled realm.(verse 20)

So I encourage you to be like God by being faithful and being consistent, in street talk keep on keeping on. Keep on doing what you are doing for God the harvest will come. Don't let anything stop you for we will reap if we faint not.

Until next month may God 's richest and best be yours.

                                                                                        Love Never Faileth
                                                                                  Evangelist Missionary Dale Begley



2002 Dale Begley Ministries
Dale Begley
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