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Rev. Dale Begley

World wide Evangelist Rev. Dale Begley, has traveled all over the globe to such places as, Jamaica, The Phillipines, and Africa, holding revivals and healing crusades with over 10,000 souls added to the Kingdom of God as well as thousands healed and delivered by the power of God.
   He is a very godly man full of integrity. His character is impeccable. His heart is consumed with the heart of the Father...bringing God's prodigal sons and daughters home. He preaches the straightforward, uncompromised Word of God, that truly pierces the heart. You can never leave one of his services unchanged. He is used mightily in the gifts, and moves under a heavy intense anointing and God always works with him confirming His Word with signs and wonders following.
    He is truly a man of God above reproach with a passion to win the lost to his Lord Jesus Christ. When you look at his life, his character, or his preaching you can tell he has been with Jesus.
Dale Begley was a child of eight years old when tragedy struck: the thief stole his life as he was struck down by a speeding car. It mangled his body and all looked hopeless.
on December 16, 1961. Dale was ran over by a speeding car. A highway divided thier farm. Those present, including his father, decided to turn the car over for Dale was fastened underneath it.  At the scene of the accident, a passing motorist(a registered nurse) took Dale's pulse. There was none. There was no heart beat. Her reply, "He's dead."......
Having arrived at Atoka County  Hospital, doctors scurried around the burned lifeless childs body. After examination, their conclusion was, "Sorry Mrs. Begley. Your son is dead. There is nothing we can do." Left to lay on the examination table, he looked hopelessly burned: leg, arm, face. Parts of him looked like charcoaled meat.
    But his mother wouldn't give up. She said, "He will live and not die." But the medical team said, " But he is already dead. We can't do anything for him. Would you like for us to send him to a larger hospital like  Oklahome City?"
   His mother paused a moment and said, "Yes". Approximately 3 hours later, another examination brought the same report.....
    Then the angel's went to work and escorted Dale's spirit back to Dale's body, approximately 12 hours from the time of the accident back in Atoka.
     One of the doctors, before he left the hospital to go home, felt an urge to look into the room. When he did, he saw life. He spoke to Ronald Dale and said, " Little Ronnie, is that you?"
   "Yes, this is me," he answered. They immediately went to work to do what they could medically.
   Dale believes  with all his heart that God spared him for one reason....

This is a condensed version of Dale's testimony..some parts have been omitted because of space. If you would like a copy of his full testimony of all the events surrounding this miracle, please e-mail us at  [email protected]
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