In most inner-city communities, we see this new "Hip-Hop" generation, clad in dark baggy clothing . Usually they seem to find nothing to do with their time, which is non-productive. They have taken on a no-countability concept with a slang language the older generation find unsuitable and disgusting.

I believe this is caused by SELF
not taught, and that the history of those who have died for the right for this and other generations to vote has fallen to the wayside, and replaced by the non-sense of killing each other, do-rag wearing gang members, belonging to color identities, and finger signs, taking those, who are of color, beyond the times of slavery and barbaric indignation. This is the ignorance of most inner city youth.

If one is taught where he or she belongs in history and about history, the dignity should surly rise to the top. If they knew the fact that the first president of the United States was John Hanson, a man of color, or that Beethoven, the musical genius, was a Moor, would that change things? NO! It is almost too late to waken a mind that is asleep, a generation that refuses to learn anything other than drive-by shootings and drug selling, these only gives the "Hip-Hop" the illusion of being someone other than who they really are. Wake up, you descendents of Kings and Queens! Wake the f...up! Now!


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