Red Rock Readiness

3 Hours in Harsh Conditions

The "Rule of Threes" states that a person can only survive 3 seconds without hope, 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in extreme temperatures, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. The shortest survival time after hope and oxygen is 3 hours in extreme conditions. One of the primary functions of the human body is thermal regulation and homeostasis. In order to assist with that funciton, shelter from the elements is paramount. In extreme or extended cold, a shelter from the wind and rain, preferably close to a heat source can mean the difference between life and death. It extreme or extended heat, shelter from the heat and sun reduces the water the body has to expend in order to maintain homeostasis.

A Simple Heirarchy of Shelters

When considering shelters, one must consider the "equation" of Firepower vs. Mobility. The more a shelter protects you from heat and cold, the harder it will be to move that shelter from one place of saftey to another, should that be necessary. A tent is very portable, but only provides moderate coverage from rain and near zero coverage from predators or extreme wind. A log cabin is essentially a house in its level of protection and portability. One should consider carefully which shelter to acquire or prepare to use in a given situation.

The Basic Levels of Preparedness: Shelters

First, prepare your clothing, shoes, and sleeping bag. Next, a tent is a very simple, lightweight shelter incase your home becomes unsafe and bugging out is required. If you have to carry everything, consider a lightweight tent for your needs. If you have a motorized method of conveyence, consider a heavier canvas tent with a wood-burning stove to offer greater protection from cold and weather. Lastly, consider a yurt, a cabin, or other permanent or semi-permanent shelter in case of a long-term surival situation.