Crystalline Knowledge

The Men :  Sean BeanViggo Mortensen ○  David Wenham  ○  Karl Urban
The Elves :  Orlando BloomHugo Weaving ○ Craig ParkerMatron Csokas 
The hobbits:  Elijah Wood  ○ Sean Astin  ○ Billy Boyd  ○ Dominic Monaghan
Them:  Gallery  ○ Links  ○ Avatars 
Site:  Listed/Joined and Affiliates  ○ Site Info  ○  Web Mistress Info  ○  Awards ○  Link me


Web Mistress Info

I'm and probably the most craziest person some people could meet. I don't know why but i got kind tired of one actor so I thought to challenge my self to all of these actors. I know that not all of the male stars are here but these are my choice actors and I'm not found of the actresses. Sorry to those who are but its just me. I fell in love with all these men over a period of time. First it was Viggo then Orlando and it kept going from one to the other and I decided to to a big site for the ones I like and admire the most.

I had thought about making separate sites for each actor but it would have been a ciaos of sites and different links for me and I decided to make it all in one big bundle to avoid the ciaos. Anyways . . . . . . 

. . . .Hello, My name is Alexandria Amber (which is a nick name for me since I do not give out real personal information about me for security reasons) I'm sorry I do not have a Image for you it is of coarse for security. I am the Web mistress of this web site. This website for me is one of my most successful that I have had. I have had others in the past but none like this. Other web sites I have had have been for other less popular actors and I hosted fan fiction sites witch I didn't get much of a reply from. I used to make anime site with the animes like sailor moon, dragon ball z etc. but now I am more interested in this.

When I first herd about the lord of the rings my mom said that its something that you don't want to get into because a relation of mine loved the books and had read the hobbit. So I'm like alright then one day I was bored out of my mind and decided to rent a movie. Well that movie was The fellowship of the ring and I became hooked. Instantly I fell in love with the story and my family members got me the extended edition of the movie, which I had no idea about. I love it so much I watched over and over. I saw the two towers then I recognized the elf. He caught my eye and I started to research the character. When I found out who played him I was hooked with Orlando and Elves.  I fell in love with the elves the Elrond, Celeborn, and Haldir. I loved the actors and the characters. Strange you see I know so much about all of these characters and the story of all three movies and I have only read the Hobbit. I started on the Fellowhip but I never got around to it. It is going to be a summer goal for me, to read those books because I know there is more to the books than what was in the movies.

Pirates of the Caribbean has to be my favorite movie of all time. I loved it when I first saw it with my mother. I  love Johnny Depp and Geoffrey rush as well. So I was good to have some of my favorite actors in a movie with Orlando. Made me pay a lot more attention to the movie I guess.  I soon create my first Orlando bloom web site which didn't go to great. If the link is still around all you might get is a directory page with POTC images. But I am going to make the biggest effort when I have to go back to school to keep this up and running. I may not be able to post everyday ( as I have been known to do on occasion) but I will be able to update on the weekends If  I'm not busy with something else.

Website are me and what I do. I love making them. I always have new ideas for websites. And as you might notice I may change the layout a few times. I hope you enjoy this Orlando Bloom website. Secrets Unknown.

I also write a lot which is not good I tell you now. If you want to you can visit my journal and find the story in my entries.


Other stuff I do
My journal
My live journal community (under deep thought)
My yahoo group

My other websites
(All are under thought and or construction)
My Sharpe webpage
My Butterfly effect webpage
My Labyrinth webpage

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