Crystalline Knowledge

The Men :  Sean BeanViggo Mortensen ○  David Wenham  ○  Karl Urban
The Elves :  Orlando BloomHugo Weaving ○ Craig ParkerMatron Csokas 
The hobbits:  Elijah Wood  ○ Sean Astin  ○ Billy Boyd  ○ Dominic Monaghan
Them:  Gallery  ○ Links  ○ Avatars 
Site:  Listed/Joined and Affiliates  ○ Site Info  ○  Web Mistress Info  ○  Awards ○  Link me


Site Info

Site in general: This site was created for others who are fans of the lord of the rings books and movies. This site was also created as a resource for those who have no idea what some of this is. As many see not all of the actors of the lord of the rings are listed in the navigation menu above. I have only place some of my key favorites and favorites of others on this site. Another site in the near future will be added for all the other who have played a role in this movie.  I hope that most of the information on this website is a accurate as it can be.  This site includes the from what I think and know the most important of the men, elves, hobbits.

Future ideas for the site: I have future Ideas for this site which will be added over a long period of time. 

. . . . The men (Highlighted in red) will link to a list of all the men characters in the lord of the rings and the actors who play them. The same for the Elves and Hobbits.

  • A feature to be added around the mid-winter to spring time is to take the actors galleries and enlarge them more. Meaning being able to view only for example the screen captures of them in a specific film.

  • Another idea I have thought of is adding my journal to the site but that many happen till next summer with a completely new and different journal than the one I have now.

  • I have also thought about having the site be a fan listing and awards site. Those of which will be thought about over time and may not be added till next summer of 2005

  • The dwarves will be added as well some time in the making of the new navigation features

  • Creating a Live journal and Yahoo group for the site (Its a big maybe) Considering it to be added before school starts.

  • Forms for easier submission of links and information. Will be considered for addition in summer 2005

Contact information: If you need to contact me in anyway shape I am always online in the summer on my msn and yahoo messengers. When school comes back around it will be limited. You can also find me at my live journal or greatest journal which is friends only. Just leave a comment there with information that I can get back to you with. If you don't have a live journal account or  a greatest journal account I do suggest emailing me for the sake of contacting info. 

Link information: If you would like to add a link in anyway shape or form the list below lets you know what info I need and will let you know where the link will be placed.

  • Regular links: When you send in your link please give the specific information on the link
    Example form:
    Title: (Crystalline Knowledge)
    Url: (Http://
    Character or actors related to: (Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen, David Wenham etc.)
    Side note: Any character sites related to any of the actors on this site are allowed a must be noted
    The link will be added the the links selection on the navigation menu and will be added to the specific actors link page.

  • Affiliate, sister site, and or partner links: If you would like to be part of this site all you have to do is ask :D
    Example form:
    Title: (Crystalline Knowledge) Or a Icon.
    Url: (Http://
    Character or actors related to: (Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen, David Wenham etc.)
    Once you are accepted or added as a Affiliate, sister site or partner you must link back to this site using one of my icons or buttons found here.
    These links will be added to the Listed/Joined and Affiliates on the navigation menu.
    WARNING: If I check back with your site constantly over a long period of time and can not find my icon anywhere you will be deleted from my site.

  • Journals: If you would like your journal to be added to a list of journals to the links menu please contact me at my journal by commenting. Also specify whether or not it is a community or a separate journal.  You can also email me the link to your journal and I can easily get information that way.

  • Msn & Yahoo groups: When you send in your link please give the specific information on the link
    Example form:
    Title of group: (Crystalline Knowledge)
    Url of group: (Http://
    Character or actors the group is related to: (Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen, David Wenham etc.)
    Side note: Any character groups related to any of the actors on this site are allowed a must be noted
    The link will be added the the links selection on the navigation menu under yahoo msn and journal groups and will be added to the specific actors link page.

Actor contact information: If you need information on how to contact an actor I may not be able to give it to you because those who send things to the actors may not get anything back, But if you need help find the information I think I can give it.

Gallery info: Please do not take images that are labeled as someone else's or mine with out give full credit or linking back to them or their site. I like sharing these images with people and I believe others do to but I do not want to take away the privilege of being able to use these images.
Also NOT DIRECT LINKING I know this site is hosted by geocities but I can effect the speed of the webpage so pleas NO DIRECT LINKING PLEASE Or the images will be either taken away all together or disable you from saving them.

Credit Info: If I have taken something that has not been given credit please email me right away and credit will be given. If anything is taken from this site please give full credit to the site or the site that it originally came from. 

Use of images: As said before give credit but also save them to your own hard drive and upload them to your own web host. Thanks





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