Getting To Know You

by Inell


"Hey Buffy. Wait" Graham called out. He was about to begin the second part of their proposed payback scheme. Time to let things simmer, as Willow said. He saw the blonde pause, a grimace crossing her face. Good. This was going to be fun.

He had spent the last week with Willow. He had fallen completely head over heels for the redhead. He had a feeling she felt the same. At least, Spike said she was lusting for him. Spike of course was always trying to push the two of them together. To be an evil vampire, he loved playing matchmaker. Getting a visual of Spike with a bow, arrows, and little cupid wings made him smile.

"Hey Graham" Buffy said weakly. What the hell was she supposed to do?

"I'm so sorry I was so rude the other day. I've been're right."

"What? Me right?" Buffy looked startled.

"About Willow. She's perfect for me. I need to just go up to her and ask her out. She will say yes. She has to. If she turned me down, I don't know what I'd do. Anyway, I've got to get to class. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate everything you've done in pushing me towards her and happiness. You're a great friend. Riley is lucky to have you."

"Thanks" Buffy said, a huge feeling of guilt spreading through her. Poor Graham. Willow was in love with Spike. What had she done?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Tomorrow" Willow said softly.

Riley jumped and looked around, "Willow! Gosh, I didn't see you there. What did you say?"

"Hey Riley. Didn't mean to scare you. I just said that it will be tomorrow."

"What will?" he asked confused.

"I'll ask Graham out. You know, before, I never would have imagined him saying yes. But, with your confidence in me, I know he will. He has to. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for helping push me into action. I'd better go now."

Willow watched his face fall before she turned around. A wicked glint entered her eye. They were both paying right now. Riley and Buffy would regret their damn bet. Playing with their friends' emotions and hearts just to one up each other. She and Graham would make sure they never did it again. She wondered if Graham had succeeded in getting to Buffy. She'd find out tonight.

They were again meeting at Spike's. His place had become their second home lately. The only place they could get together without fear of being seen. Spike kept telling her to just grab the boy and attack. She could never do that, but her resistance was weakening. She honestly thought he cared for her. Besides that, Spike kept pushing them together. Damn matchmaking vampire. Smiling, she headed off to meet up with Graham before she went to her history class. She wanted to know things had gone with Buffy.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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