Getting To Know You

by Inell


Buffy looked at Riley. He looked at her. Finally, they both sighed.

"We have a problem" they said in unison.

Buffy looked at Riley surprised. "Huh?"

"Ladies first" he insisted.

"No, you can go. I'm a woman's libber."

"Well....I'm not sure if we should continue this bet."

"That's what I was going to say." Buffy said.

"Really?" Riley smiled.

"Yeah....but it's better if you said it first. That means you gave in." Buffy grinned.

"Wait a minute....I'm not giving in. You said you wanted to end it too...." Riley said.

"I know. BUT, you did it first."

"I haven't done anything! I said we might want to....didn't say for sure."

"Do you want to end it? Yes or no?"

"I'm not admitting defeat" Riley said stubbornly.

"Well, me either." Buffy said, her face determinded.

"Oh, please, will you twits shut up? I'm trying to read this bloody book!" Spike said, glaring at them.

"Stay out of vampire!" they both screamed at him.

Spike rolled his eyes, "And they say my generation was pathetic.....What seems to be the problem? Tell Uncle Spike all about it....."

"Go to hell." Buffy said.

Spike smirked, "You like sending the men in your life there don't you, slayer? Better watch it farm boy."

"UGH!" Buffy said, clenching her fists. Looking at Riley, she said, "Talk. Now."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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