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Adobe Photoshop:The Tools

The Adobe Photoshop have different tools that can be used for editing and altering images. These tools are divided into 4 types they are:
Selection Tools
Alteration Tools
Vector Tools
Assisting Tools
Selection Tools are designed to select regions from the active layer so you can work on them without affecting the unselected areas.
Each tool has its own individual properties, but the selection tools also share a number of options and features in common.
Below is the list of the Selection Tools in Adobe Photoshop:
Marquee Tools:These Tools select a certain part of the image. Use the tool by dragging across to where you want to select.
Move Tool:This tool moves a layer or a selected part of it. To move, drag across a layer to the specific area you want to place it.
Lasso Tools-These tools select a part of a image in either a free form or with straight sides.
Magic Wand Tool/ Quick Selection Tool-These kinds of tools select the same kind of color or same pattern immediately.
Crop Tool-This tool crops the image.
Eyedropper Tool- This kind of tool identifies the color of the area it was used in.

Alteration Tools are tools that are used to alter the image or in other words, to edit it in different ways. Below is the list of Alteration Tools in the Adobe Photoshop.
Healing Brush Tools-These kind of tools remove unwanted spots or blemishes that is on your image.
Brush Tool-This tool draws or strokes shapes like a real brush.
Clone Stamp Tool-This tool copies/takes another part of an image and then pastes it into another part of a image.
History Brush Tool-This tool paints the past of the image.
Eraser Tool-This tool removes a part of the layer.
Gradient Tool-This tool creates a gradient into your canvas.
Blur Tool-This tool blurs the selected spot of your image.
Dodge Tool-This tool lightens part of your image.

Vector Tools are tools that creates shapes and lines into your canvass. Below is the list of Vector Tools in Adobe Photoshop.
Pen Tool-This tool creates paths with a vector.
Text Tool-This tool creates a text layer.
Shape Tools-These tools produces shapes into your layer

Assisting Tools are tools that assist the editor in editing the image. Below is the list of Assisting Tools in Adobe Photoshop.
Hand Tool-This tool moves the zoomed image of the canvas.
Zoom Tool-This tool zooms in the image.
1.Add Shape (+)
2.Subtract Shape (-)
3.Decrease Brush Size ([)
4.Increase Brush Size (])
5.Decrease Brush Softness by 25% (Shift+[)
6.Increase Brush Hardness by 25% (Shift+])
7.Previous Brush (<)
8.Next Brush (>)
9.First Brush (Shift+<)
10.Last Brush (Shift+>)
11.Paint Brush Tool (b)
12.Crop (c)
13.Default Colors (d)
14.Eraser (e)
15.Gradient (g)
16.Dodge/Burn Sponge (o)
17.Pen (p)
18.Blur/Sharpen/Smudge (r)
19.Clone Stamp (s)
20.Type Tool (t)
21.Select Shape Tool (u)
22.Move Tool (v)
23.Magic Wand (w)
24.History Brush (y)
25.Zoom (z)
26.Lasso (l)
27.Marquee (m)

1.Copy (ctrl+c)
2.Copy Merged (ctrl+shift+c)
3.Cut (ctrl+x)
4.Duplicate Free Transform (Ctrl+Alt+T)
5.Fill w/ Background (Ctrl+Backspace)
6.Fill w/ Foreground (Alt+Backspace)
7.Liquify (Ctrl+Shift+L)
8.Pattern Maker (Ctrl+Alt+Sift+X)
9.Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I)
10.Transition Again (Ctrl+Shift+T)
11.Step Forward (Ctrl+Shift+Z)
12.Step Backward (Ctrl+Alt+Z)
13.Paste (Ctrl+V)
14.Adjustment (Ctrl+Shift+F)

1.Grid (Ctrl+')
2.Guides (Ctrl+;)
3.Menu Bar (Shift+f)
4.Rulers (Ctrl+r)