FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES FOR NINTENDO GAMECUBE ™ Developed by "The Game Designers Studio" and Square-Enix Published by Nintendo

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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles News Archive

Screens Enemies and Features

2 New Features, they are debates based on arguments for and against some FF:CC related issues (GBA Requirement and Character Creation), they are a teeny bit old so some new stuff hasn't been mentioned. 7 new screens added and they include the crystal, some battles and the world map in action and I have added a link to the Images (20 of them), these screens bring the total to 57 screens. Added 4 new enemies to the enemies page including the "Lizard King" and the "Goblin" (Correct Translations).

The A-Z of FF:CC

New Feature! I've added yet another feature titled 'The A-Z of FF:CC' it is a bunch of small overviews of the things we see in FF:CC in alphabetical order. If you don't know much about FF:CC and don't want to have to look all around the net I suggest you take a look at this feature, you can get to it from the features page.

FF:CC Theme Song

According to the latest Famitsu a Japanese female singer by the name of 'Yae' will sing the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles theme. You can find more information about Yae at her official site:

Special Thanks to ColdMephisto for getting this info.

On the Battlefield

New Feature! This time it's 'On the Battlefield'. It's an overview of the FF:CC Battle system, I know enough and have seen enough to know that it will be VERY close to what the battle system really is. Check it out at the features page.

Big Update

New section "features" is up, from there you can access the judgements and the new trailer overview, an overview with pics of the Jump Festival Trailer. Also Jump Magazine has published to new scans that can bee seen in the media Section, the poster reveals more info on the GBA which can be viewed on the GBA Connection page.


Sorry for the lack of updates but my computer crashed for a week and there hasn't been any news lately besides the IGN videos, anyway just letting you know I'm still here and updates will resume when I can get some info.

More Screens and a trailer

I've added 2 new In game screens to the Media page and you can view the trailer shown at the jump festival here. Special thanks to

Official Teaser Site-12/21/02

Squaresoft has launched the official FF:CC site, now it is only a small flash movie with Japanese Text though. The site also confirms that the logo I am using for the site is the official logo. I've added it to the Links page.

GBA Page updated-12/21/02

I've updated the GBA page, it now has less text but it explains all the features of the GBA, The page also features 2 screens of what is displayed on the GBA when connected to the GBA.

New Screens-12/21/02

I've added two new screens to the media page, they feature a Clavat male talking to NPCs.

US Release Date Planned-12/19/02

Apparently FF:CC is being planned for release at the end of 2003 but I cant say whether or not this is official conformation on a US release date. I'd also like to say that other sites have reported the class names as Krabat, Yuk or Clovert and Yurk but We do know Clavat is the REAL class name (not Krabat or Clovert) but the name Yulk is yet to be clarified.

FF:CC Stage Event-12/18/02

At the Jump-Festival in Tokyo this weekend Nintendo will be holding a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Stage Event. The Developers will be talking about the game and showing of loads of Video footage. I'll keep you updated

New In-Game Screenshots

I have obtained 5 in game screens of FF:CC and the show a lot of the gameplay features but they are scans from the poster so they are a little fuzzy and some have big Japanese letters on them but are still big and visible.

Big Update

Ok, The names I mentioned (Yuk, Selki, Krabat and Lilty) are not character names but class names. At the beginning of the game you pick a class. Also some of the names were wrongly Translated. The real names are Yuke, Selkie, Clavat and Lilty. Check the new Classes page for all the info. I've also updated the storyline page with a much easier to understand version. The videos will also be down for no more than 2 days while I change them to a different account.

New Story Details

It has been revealed that at the beginning of the game you pick one of the main four characters each with their own story. Character names have also been revealed: Yuk, Selki, Krabat and Lilty.

Site Revamping Complete

I've changed the site colour theme to a green colour to suit the official logo better and changed the site logo to the official one.

FFCC Magazine Ad

A Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ad has appeared in a Japanese mag, I've added a pic to the media page but all the writing is in Japanese but the pictures and screens are very informational.

Official Storyline!

I've added the story line that was on a poster to the storyline page, keep in mind it is translated from Japansese so it may not be entirely correct. I cant wait for this game anymore!

Famitsu to Reveal Character Details

Japansese gaming magazine Famitsu has announced they will be revealing some new character details and 3 new characters in their next issue. I don't know when the next issue is but I'll keep you updated.

Something This Month

Nothing has been revealed about FF:CC lately but Square has revealed the there will be some Crystal Chronicles press releases this month.

New Affiliate!

Another FFCC site is on the Web and you have to check it out, go to the Affiliates section.

No More Looping

I've come to realise the music gets annoying when playing for too long so I've stopped the music from looping.

GBA Section Updated

Earlier this week I announced the GBA was not required, even for multiplayer and today I have updated the GBA page with the full details.

New FF:CC Judgement

Kevin Laster has sent me a new Judgement. Head over to the Judgements section to check it out.

FF:CC Delayed

At a recent press conference Yoichi Wada has indicated that the Japanese FF:CC release may be pushed back into the Next Fiscal Year. The Fiscal year ends March 31st so The release could be pushed back as late as May.

Squaresoft Merges with Enix!

The two biggest RPG producers have merged to create Square-Enix. What does this mean for Game Designer's Studio? Only time will tell.

Gameboy Advance Function Revealed!

Squaresoft has revealed that the GBA is NOT a requirement, even for multiplayer, you can play multiplayer with 4 controllers and the GBA feature is optional. Great news for the people who don't own a GBA.

New site section!

The message board was completely dead, not one message! Anyway, I've replaced it with the new section, Judgements, the section provides great and thoughtful, but long, comments on FF:CC. The first Judgement is by Nikky from Gamefaqs and is a must read.

FF:CC Confirmed for Europe

Nintendo has confirmed FF:CC will arrive in Europe Q4 2003. This confirms any doubts on if FF:CC will make it outside Japan. FF:CC will probably make it Q3 or Early Q4 in the US.


The Final Fantasy Cube Club Video has been down because Geocities wont let me upload WMV files so its now in a zip and available for download now.

Download: FF:CC Cube Club Movie (ZIP, 20s)

Affiliates Page Up

The Affiliates page is now up with my first two affiliates, Crystal Chronicle and The GCN Scoop.

New Site Logo

After having a closer look at the old site logo I noticed it was a little shabby so I've made a new one.

Better Look at the Main Guy

The render of the main character on the media page is a little small so I have added another one, its bigger and is a closer view.

New Concept

I have three new concepts, one for Rockman, One for the Huge Crab and a Concept of a Lizard Man.

New Characters

Well not really, but the Characters page has been updated, I've added three new enemies/bosses to the page.

New Battle Pic

Got a new pic, Its a good quality pic from the commercial without the Japanese writing.

New Hi-Res Pic

Got a new pic, this time its a pic of the main guy and the brown haired girl with swords drawn in front of 4 shadows.

Message Board

I've Added a Message Board to the sidebar. Just follow the link. Its not going so well at the moment :( lets just hope it gets more popular.

A Look at Battle

I have a new high quality pic of a battle taking place. You can see the brown-haired girl, the main guy and if you look closely you can see one of the plant people, they are fighting a yellow spotted lion thing and a green monster thing. Head to the media page to see it.

The Crystal Revealed

Well Not really but I have found a concept of what looks like the crystal. Head to the media page to see it.

GBA Features Revealed!:

Square has been promising that the link up would give FF:CC new forms of communication. Today, we learned the nature of this communication. When linked up to the Cube, the Game Boy Advance replaces your controller. All your character information is displayed on the GBA screen, keeping it hidden from other players (up to four can play simultaneously). The communication results from you having to now shout out things like "I'm about to die! Use a healing spell!" and "Leave it to me! I'll use magic!".

New FF:CC Movie:

I've got a new FF:CC movie for you to download, its from the Cube Club DVD. Nothing really new, just the Concept Art and some gameplay formed into a cool video.

Download: FF:CC Cube Club Movie (ZIP, 20s)

New FF:CC Artwork:

I've added some new FF:CC Artwork to the Image gallery.

FF:CC Announced for Gamecube:

Using Fund Q Square has created a new team of developers called the Game Designer's Studio. They are now working on a game called Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for Nintendo Gamecube. Nintendo also released a commercial which has some small footage of FF:CC. Download it below:

Download: Nintendo Commercial Featuring FF:CC Footage (MPG, 29s)

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